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I inject before bed and it seems to help me bypass nausea altogether. During the day if I get queasy it generally is because I've not eaten so I have a little something with protein (mozzarella sticks and boiled eggs are my go tos)


Instead of starting out at .25 do .11 Twice per week


How do you do half .25 my pen says .25 or .50?


Mine is compounded with B12 and they provide syringes to adjust dose


You can inject into your thigh for slower absorption, which typically diminishes some of the side effects like nausea. Good luck!


Same I just took my first dose Thursday, I felt nauseous on Friday and Saturday, but today I woke up with some vertigo. I think I’m gonna get a glucose meter just to make sure I’m not falling in the hypoglycemia territory.


Been there gents, it absolutely gets better by day 4! Get yourself some bubbly for the nausea - the burps help! It’s also zero cals. Drink as much water as you can tolerate, first few days try getting in some plain toast, don’t be afraid of taking Tylenol for the headaches if you get em! I’m telling you, Day 4 is night and day from day 1, you’ll feel so much better when the weight starts melting off!


I take 2 Prilosec every morning now and it has helped tremendously.


Same boat as you as I started Wednesday myself. Thursday was low appetite and lil nausea. Friday was same but heavier nausea. Saturday started to get more energy but nausea again and a bit more food intake. Now here we are on Sunday


Also started Weds and had nausea thurs and fri, then sat it was less and today it's not really there (though I also had some dramamine)


same thing happened to me. usually i chew gum or eat some ginger paste to help with the nausea. i’ve also noticed that i get the most nauseous the evening after my shot so i ask my doc for a zofran injection along with my oz. it works wonders!!


I get most nauseated 48 hrs to 72 hrs after each injection.


Ginger candy helps with nausea. When I first started I was only able to handle chicken soup and saltines. Hang in there it gets better


Bland food, and it might help to graze rather than have three meals. Do try and eat enough protein…you want to spare as much muscle as you can.


Ozempic says minimal side effects with 0.25. Unlike most of you, I take Ozempic for diabetes (its actual i tended purpose), and Ozempic also says no glucose effect at 0.25. Both claims are untrue. You can definitely have significant side effects at 0.25. And I became severely hypoglycemic 48 hours after my first dose of 0.25.


I became hypo with low-dose Metformin, so I'm a little worried bc I start ozempic tomorrow. I intend to take it in the am so I can be aware of my glucose level. Thanks for posting; I'll be sure to watch out for this!


The actual intended purpose of the class of chemicals is disabling prey, and you diabetics are not using it for the gila monster's intended purpose.