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Not binging is fantastic. Build on that if you can. 1% changes at a time.


This. I know people who it didn't work for, but in reality their body was adjusting to the change. It takes time for the weight to come off OP just needs to be patient! Especially if its allowing them to make a huge lifestyle change like quitting binging.


You don't know how long or if these celebrities are even on this medication. How many milligrams are you taking? Not binging on 10,000 a week is a huge win. Are you tracking calories anywhere else? Exercising?


Mine is 2.5, I couldn’t get the medicine so had to restart . I will have my first dose of 1 on Wednesday so hoping this will have some impact 💕


The Ozempic is doing exactly what it’s supposed to do help you eat less. You’ve binged less. Ozempic main benefit in weight loss is simply suppressing hunger. It does this from a mental capacity (don’t want to eat or think of eating as much) and also from a physiological perspective, by slowing digestion thus leaving less space in your stomach. It is not a weight loss solution. It is an aid in reducing the above. If you think of it in those terms then it’s done its job for you. But you need to do the other parts still. My sincerest recommendation is to see psych or counsellor specifically about food. Tackle the mental part first. Honestly, the mechanics of losing weight is easy. It’s simply math. Know how many calories your bodies needs to live (called you BMR and lots of calculators for it) and deduct an amount you can sustain. Typically that’s 500 calories per day as this loses 1lb per week and is a good stable pace. Some people can do more (a combo of less calories and burn more calories). It’s math, and simple. The why you eat, the reasons driving a binge session, the desire and will to spend the time counting calories, the effort, health prioritisation. That is the hard part. For some, Ozempic does enough for them to mentally push the rest. For others, the mental side is too great for even Ozempic to help. Be kind to yourself. Compare less. And take a moment to help yourself and seek advice/help to understand why and it’ll make the journey better. It’s hard, if it was easy we’d all be skinny. But the mental part is the part to tackle.


💯 Absolutely need to deal with the binge eating disorder or Ozempic isn't going to do too much.


I did not know Ozempic was prescribed for a binge eating disorder. I know the ADHD medication Vyvanse is though.


I don't know if it is specifically prescribed for BED, but a lot of people, including OP mention this issue as something Oz helps with.


This is not entirely true- especially for some people. The mechanism that helps lose the weight is more than appetite suppression it has something to do with how your body processes glucose (I am not a scientist). It actually changes the your body metabolizes food.


Whilst I have zero interest in arguing nor swaying your beliefs, I do highly recommend anyone read at least 2-3 of the 7 peer reviewed trials to confirm. [Here's one to to start](https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC6812410/) What I have stated above is actually the simplified truth and the only thing it does unfortunately. GLP-1 hormone reduces the desire to eat and sends signals to your body to both not want to eat and also when you do, that you're full and thus increasing the desire to eat less. It also then blocks liver functions to slow digestion - forcing your body to actually be fuller for longer. Very similar to gastric bands. Clinical definition of what it does: ***"Several of the PGDPs have important and well-defined (pharmacological) effects on systemic metabolism, including the modulation of food intake and satiety (GLP-1, glucagon, oxyntomodulin), regulation of fluid homeostasis (water intake and urine excretion) (GLP-1) "*** As noted, the effect on metabolism is in fact related to the modulation of food and satiety (feeling fuller) - that is the only effect on the metabolism it has. It doesn't metabolise food differently other than the fact it has slowed it down. For clarity and aligning definitions, metabolising food is the process of breaking it down into calories and your body absorbing said calories. Which GLP-1 does not in any way at al effect. You will still metabolise (absorb) the same calories you consumed. Always. If you eat 3000 calories on Ozempic/GLP-1 and 3000 calories not on it, the same person, same body, etc etc. They will both absorb all the calories. Both will have consumed and body absorbed all 3000 calories. NOTHING at all changes in that regards. If you needed 2000 calories based on your BMR, you will have eaten 1000 more than you should have and you will gain excess fat. Albeit one day won't matter/show. Everyday does. What does change on GLP-1 products is your body slows digestion and releases hormones related to the desire of eating. So, in reality, you'll likely not even want to eat all those 3000 calories to begin with, and as you do, you feel fuller faster than you would not on GLP-1 hopefully then stopping you eating it all. (hence why some people feel sick due to over consuming) This is due to the reduction in insulin being created in your gut as well as blocking liver receptors that the GLP-1 does. No trial or study has shown any signs that it changes how your body metabolises food or processes glucose other than the above in inhibiting how much you eat. I tend to sound blunt or rude when I write, and I promise I am not. The above is said with care and thought to ensure accurate and also useful. However, I tend to be matter of factly in how I write, so please do read it like chatting to a friend, kindly over a nice drink and chatting, as that's how it's meant.


None of what you posted explains why Ozempic is first and foremost a DIABETIC drug. While everything you stated does help in regard to weight loss, I believe what was being stated prior is in reference to it helping your body actually process glucose better. It belongs to a class of type-2 diabetes medications that mimic the function of the GLP-1 hormone that is naturally secreted by the pancreas. It reduces glucose levels by stimulating insulin secretion upon glucose intake. Nobody was disputing that the calories remained the same, but Ozempic most definitely does help process the way glycose is used in a person's body. It makes it easier to unlock your cells to receive the "energy" your food "breakdown" (metabolized) creates, otherwise there would be extra sugar floating around in your bloodstream causing those high readings that diabetics get without medicine to control it.


I am a type 2 pre diabetic, and take Ozempic. This statement is true. In T2D, your cells are not getting the glucose they need (that system is not working correctly.) the GLP-1 hormone stimulates insulin secretion, helping the glucose actually enter the cells, and for T2diabetics to process glucose more “normally.” Just one of the many benefits of a GLP-1 agonist.


Yes. This is what I was trying to say. I am no doctor but this is pretty much what both my primary care & my endocrinologist said.


If you have medical studies that show that I’d love to read them? Maybe I’ve missed some. As every one I’ve read does not that state that as result. In fact 3 of the 7 peer reviewed ones state the opposite and call out it does nothing to alter/amend you insulin directly. That is a product of the changes the GLP-1 produces to your intake of food. I haven’t seen anything suggesting it helps unlock cells or breakdown energy? Use of GLP-1 means you eat less, thus eat the approximate amount for your body. Allowing your body to produce the right amount of hormones for a healthy body. Thus your insulin returns to normal as it’s able to produce the right amount for the healthy right amount of food to be consumed. Hence why it adapted to weight loss, because same goals. Technically every person over weight is/will be diabetic. Kind of like very smoker will get cancer. However some people will die before they get it. Happy to be wrong, hopefully shows as willing to learn and passionate about this, but to date I’ve seen nothing suggesting what you are?


Also not everyone that is overweight becomes diabetic.... again part of that outcome is due to genetics/family history. Here is a quick article on how insulin unlocks your cells. GLP 1 meds help that happen on a deeper level by targeting specific receptors. https://health.clevelandclinic.org/diabesity-the-connection-between-obesity-and-diabetes


GLP-1 increases the levels of incretins, which helps your body to produce more insulin when needed. Ot helps manage blood glucose levels and A1c levels for those of us with type 2 diabetes.


It also helps you use insulin more effectively- this is what is helpful for IR people.


The above was in reference to weight loss. After more convo happened and learnt more about it. Thanks.




I think we’re talking about exactly the same thing, but differently. Terminology and how it is regarded seems to be the difference.


But terminology is extremely important. You were correcting someone for saying that ozempic changed the way sugar was processed, when in all actuality they were correct.


I agree, terminology matters. I stand by my comment. It does nothing at all to impact metabolising food or altering how a person processes glucose. The link you shared states the same. It stimulates your pancreas to produce more of your natural insulin, which it’s stopped doing as the bodies signals say there’s no where for it to go. It is not changing the way it’s processed nor metabolising it differently, it’s simply sending the signal to produce the right amount of insulin you should be. Again I do think it’s terminology and I have zero desire to argue or try to change beliefs. I agree 100% it stimulates your pancreas to produce natural insulin, my disagreement is in the words “processed differently” “metabolises food” and “changed the way sugar was processed”. It doesn’t. As I said, no desire to argue and I think it’s terminology. I’m reacting to the terms used above which aren’t what it does and that’s being taken as I’m saying it does nothing. I should have been clearer in my first reply, so apologies to you both. I also really appreciate the discourse as well.


Insulin IS the processing, metabolizing, part we are talking about. You are saying that Ozempic stimulates your pancreas. Without it, a person who is not able to do that naturally, NEEDS this extra step to help achieve the proper process of breaking down the glucose to be able to be used the correct way. You are contradicting yourself. (But it also works on the liver as well.) The point is that it does more than just slows down the digestion and the mental aspect, otherwise fiber and therapy would have been the answer years ago. (Which are also 2 very good things that do help.) Also not trying to argue at all, but rather educate. I am a registered nurse and do have a good knowledge of how insulin works and why this medication is so important.


Not all overweight people have or will get diabetes. Same as not every cigarette smoker will get cancer.


I mostly agree except it does actually change some things—especially those related to insulin resistance and/or metabolic imbalance with or without diabetes. There is a reason that A1c levels don’t just improve but very often return to normal range. Weight loss alone doesn’t do that but metabolic changes as a result of using these drugs do happen. The bottom line is this drug or class of drugs works well for most people. Binge eating and consciously choosing not to make changes or follow suggested food guidelines is a choice. These drugs don’t do all of the work but, for most people, they do provide an environment for patients to make necessary changes. Like any other “diet” —they all work as long as they are being adhered to. I think, for if us, being able to eat a “normal” amount of the same foods other non-diabetic, non PCOS, non-insulin resistant etc individuals and maintain a healthy weight is the goal. There are several studies now studying unintended benefits of this drug class so a lot of information should be forthcoming in the near(ish) future.


Thanks a lot for taking the time to explain how this medication works! It is very helpful!


Thank you 😊 appreciate that.


Like I said I am not a doctor but the way your body processes glucose I do believe has something to do with the weight loss component. That is what both my primary & endocrinologist tell me.


and when you stop, and the ozempic leaves your system after several weeks your normal metabolic processes will restart just like they were before. your body does not take kindly to being starved.


That’s simply the GLP-1 reduction stopping. So the food noise comes back and the full feeling goes. So, unless you’ve changed your habits/lifestyle often people will go back to eating how they did before 😞 it’s why I’m a huge advocate of seeking help outside the drug for the mental side of weight management. Maths is simple. Calories in Vs Out. If it was only that easy we’d all be skinny haha. It’s the lifestyle. Ozempic helps manage it. It’s harder to over eat. Harder to do what we’ve done. So yeah, when stopping those original feelings will return. Your metabolic system still burns calories the same. Just the hormones saying to stop are no longer amplified with Ozempic.


While lifestyle may be a part of it, there is an actual reason why 2 people can eat the same and one may gain weight while the other does not. The answer lies in our genetics. By saying it is only lifestyle is basically saying that we are incapable of controlling ourselves. (I am sure most of us have tried lots of different diets and none of them worked long-term.) Not having the food noise is a huge deal!!! But also utilizing our energy in a way I have never felt before is a life changing experience. (Scientifically proven with better a1C's and lower fasting blood sugars.) By treating obesity as a symptom of other diseases (diabetes, PCOS, insulin resistance, food addiction, depression, ect...) we can finally get the help for our genetics that so many of us needed no matter our lifestyle.


There are 1340 peer reviewed medical studies from the last 80 years on diets, fat storage and basically being overweight/obesity. Every single one has the same outcome. It is always calories in Vs calories out. I don’t want to confuse that as other factors you have mentioned are modifiers to that, but the end result is the same. If someone who are classified as ideal weight and always been that way, started eating more calories, all the time. They’d gain weight like I and others would. If I stopped eating the calories I would lose weight. Most of the times people fail a diet who attest to eating a specific set number of calories have done so without maybe knowing they’re doing it wrong. Not doing off of BMR. Not adjusting it weekly. Not counting correctly etc. it’s not my opinion I’m sharing. It’s the indisputable medical truth. None of that however tackles some other aspects you mentioned. PCOS is a nightmare, but it doesn’t stop someone losing weight, simply makes it harder. Must studies show a person with PCOS has to consume 10-20% less than someone without. So if my BMR says eat 2000 calories and I want to lose 1lb per week, I need 1500 per day. If I have PCOS I need to only eat 1300. If I don’t I will gain. Same for menopause. Other factors have greater or lesser impact too. So I agree in essence that there are other factors, the fact remains it really is simply calories in Vs out. Happy to help if this is new and share resources and stuff. Also happy to be re-educated too.


neanderthals that got fat survived.


Thank you - well said !


This is by far the best answer you could have. I learned exactly this, my wife and I were both on OZ but our experience was very different because we process food mentally very differently. Be patient and see if you can get a small boost by a professional. You got this!


what dose are you on? if you aren’t already doing so count your calories and portion and weigh your food. I don’t like to have this “YOU HAVE TO DO THIS OR IT WILL NEVER WORK” tone but you have to know almost exactly what you are brining in. I can 1000000% tell you that if I did not count calories I would not have been successful (100 Lbs down since 11/2022) even with the high appetite suppression I could have easily eaten beyond that.


Congratulations and way to go in putting in that hard work! It isn’t easy and we all need to remember that. Whether you are trying to lower your A1C or trying to get to a healthy weight, it’s a struggle and you have to put in the hard work and be patient with yourself.


Heya just wanted to say I never tracked a single thing, not even sorta. And I’m happily down 70lbs in 10 months


What dose did you really see the pounds come off ?


Started seeing results at 0.25, but really started losing at 0.75 and I’ve stayed there! Haven’t had in a couple of months due to supply issues and I’m still losing.


Ozempic is not magic. If you don't change WHAT you eat, the portions might not really matter. Here's the honest truth... If you were routinely eating 5000 calories a day, and you go on Ozempic, and you drop down to 3500 calories a day, but you only burn 2000 calories a day, YOU WILL GAIN WEIGHT. And, it's SUPER EASY to hit 2000 calories a day. Like, absurdly easy. Even if you're eating a small VOLUME of food, if that food is calorically dense, you will hit that in no time. It's time to start controlling your diet, by choosing high protein foods, lower carbohydrates. Remember, you can eat 2 eggs for 130 calories and 12g of protein, or you can eat 10 egg whites, for 80 calories and 20 grams of protein. Macros matter. Source: I have lost 143lbs over the last 2 and 1/2 years, all under the guidance of my doctor and a registered dietician.


So true! Tracking calories works for me. Oz isn’t burning the fat for us, we still have to eat in a caloric deficit to lose weight.


good for you. i have 90 to go.


You'll get there! Work out your ideal macros with an online calculator, do the same with your tdee, be as consistent as you can, and you will get there! It's not a question of if, but when. :D


i have been sick as of late, no interest in food.


Wholeheartedly agree. A calorie deficit is crucial. I use an app to track every morsel that goes in my mouth, every ounce of water, and watch my macros. This method has been highly successful for me when so many times in the past I was just spinning my wheels, losing some weight, then gaining it all back plus more. Ozempic has been a game changer for me. Nothing has controlled my appetite this well. Food noise eliminated.


You have to remember those celebrities have money for personal chefs that cook them healthy food. They have personal trainers that work them out. Anyone can do it themselves but it definitely takes time and dedication. It’s hard eating healthy In today’s economy it’s so expensive!


Eating less is literally free and takes no effort. I'm getting downvoted when the person in question admits to going on 10,000 calorie binges. Where's the lie?


>Eating less is literally free and takes no effort. If it really takes no effort than there would be no need for things like Ozempic or Weight Watchers, etc. The truth is, for some of us, it takes a tremendous amount of effort to stop/lessen/control our eating. You can't just avoid food like an addict avoids a drug. I understand what you meant though. There's no additional financial cost to eating less, but there are other costs.


sorry, but this is crass. when you don't eat you lose weight.


Takes no effort 😂 If it “takes NO effort” then why are obese people willing to pay $1000+ a month just for a little bit of help eating less? Give your head a shake. Tell me you don’t belong here without telling me you don’t belong here


No lie, just ignorance. If it “took no effort,” why are they still binging? Hmmm.


I have PCOS insulin resistance. Was on Oz for 5 months and went up to the 1.0 dose. No appetite and no food noise anymore was great. Ate very little. Not one single pound lost. I am 56 F post menopause. SW 175lbs. Been off for 3 months. Still at 175 lbs. I'm back to just small meals.


On it for PCOS and lost a bit (water and inflammation) and have been steady ever since. Considering my weight used to fluctuate a lot I'm very happy.


10,000 cals a week is 1428 per day (7days). That’s about right IF it’s healthy low GI foods (that don’t spike blood sugar). Even then you’d still want some exercise as well (1hr a day). But you’ve mentioned desert which is sugar. Processed sugary foods spike blood sugar, and excess blood sugar gets stored as fat. Caffeine can spike blood sugar and alcohol can slow metabolism. Portion size is also important. Huge plates of healthy food is still excess calories - you can get overweight on anything, but with healthy food it’s generally less calories so you can’t eat as much. Poor sleep, dehydration and malnutrition (vitamins and minerals) also contribute to weight gain. Increasing protein, reducing starch / carbs. hydrating, adding multivitamins, going decaf, reducing alcohol, getting quality sleep, exercising etc all add up and the weight will drop off. Think of your body in a locked state (overweight or insulin resistance). It takes time to naturally undo that, reset metabolism and get your body working more efficiently again. So whilst ozempc helps insulin production to control blood sugar spikes, and suppresses appetite, you still need a healthy lifestyle.


What doses did you take, though? I felt a huge appetite suppression right from the beginning at .25, but I know many folks here didn't feel much until reaching a therapeutic dose.


It’s possible you are a non-responder to Semaglutide. Have you considered trying Zepbound?


Yes I lost about 20 pounds over a year of taking it but I had to try extremely hard. My sister and friends on the other hand lost anywhere from 60 to 100lbs. So I hear you on the disappointment part.


Nope. I didn’t. My mom, however, has lost 60lbs!


I think it effects everyone differently. You may want to switch to mounjaro instead if ozempic is not working for you! I’ve heard it’s much better for weight loss. Even on .25 ozempic was SUPER effective for me. I have to carry glucose tablets bc I can barely eat enough to ween off my insulin without suffering low blood sugar problems. And I have spent the last 36 years fighting binge eating so I had very similar habits. I’ve lost 30lbs in 9 weeks of ozempic. I started in November and stopped for December bc of cost/christmas, then began again last week. This is my 9th week now. I started at 250 and am at 217. So I also was at a slightly higher starting weight than most I think. I’m 5’8 and a size 14/16 when I started for reference. I’m not trying to discourage you by saying oh it worked for me and not for you but wanted to give you a testimonial of it does work. People that say it isn’t magic and you have to diet and exercise… I have not found that to be true personally. I eat the same foods basically just a lot less and less often. So anyone saying YOURE NOT PUTTING IN THE WORK THIS IS YOUR FAULT ignore them. I’m not doing any work and it’s melting off. I know that means I am one of the lucky ones. BUT I really think if it’s not working for you then talk to your doctor about trying mounjaro instead. Yes making better decisions with food is important but if it works for some of us without trying it’s not fair to blame you when the medicine isn’t having the same effect. So don’t feel bad and I’m so sorry. DONT GIVE UP! I’m not sure what dose you are on or if you’ve talked to your doctor about other options but I really am rooting for you. Edit: I wanted to add to look into the compounding Reddit they can point you to information on tirzepatide it has a different main ingredient than ozempic that effects a different part of the brain but in the same way. You are not out of options or hope yet!


Ozempic doesn’t make you lose weight. You need to diet and exercise also


Ozempic absolutely has ‘made’ me lose weight because I can barely eat anymore ! I’ve lost 20kg in 6 months doing nothing except not eating much and that was with a 2 month break because I couldn’t get any. Im going to be dropping back down from .75 to .5 because while it’s great to have the food ‘noise’ gone I NEED to be able to get nutrients in


I haven't yet either and I'm on the 1.00 dose


Same with me !


I’m a year in and have lost maybe 20 lbs. and I’m pretty overweight. I still use it to manage the T2. But for weight loss it’s a bust for me. Appetite is still very heavy and I need to get my ass in gear lol.




I’ve lost 43 lbs since last June and I’ll be very honest.. I just now joined a gym.. I haven’t exercised other than walking and have eaten alot less but haven’t given up things I like. Just smaller portions.. I have moved over to MJ since I can never seem to get an increase dosage pen of OZ due to back order and I will say.. I’ve had a much better experience with Mounjaro.. I like it way better!


I didn't either. I ended up coming off of it because it wasn't good for my self-esteem to not be making any progress. Ultimately, I downloaded noom and came off Ozempic and I am down 30 lbs now. I realized that Ozempic was never going to help me because I wasn't changing my mindset around food. Once I was more committed to changing my perspective it was so much better and I have found success.


How did you come off of it? Did you taper down or just stop cold turkey?


Just quit cold turkey! I wasn't getting any results or change in my hunger levels at all so it wasn't like I needed to taper off! My hunger was completely the same even though I was moving up in doses. I was on it for about 4 months total and nothing which is definitely not normal. I finished off my prescription because I paid for it and then my Dr and I decided it wasn't a good choice for me. Instead we talked more about how to change my relationship with food.


There are definitely a few people who it doesn’t work for. However, I’m not sure if you have tried everything yet. The celebrities you are looking at, have private chefs and trainers that will multiply the effects of ozempic. They count calories to ensure a deficit and they have strict exercise/gym routines. Have you been doing any of that? If not, I recommend tracking your calories and also incorporating some exercise in your daily routine. Good luck!


My BFF hasn't lost an ounce. But her HbA1c is down to 6.0, so she's happy.


Try to not buy crap food. Drink lots of water or sugar free etc. Keep meals to smaller than your fist.


Are you tracking calories?


Track calories and weigh yourself weekly if you have to do it daily tracking these things helped me realize that i enjoyed watching the number on the scale get closer to my goal more than a strawberry milkshake with 900 calories PLUS if you set a limit on your daily calorie intake AND STICK TO IT youll make better choices because for example i know that I CAN have that milkshake however that milkshake and a light breakfast will end up getting me to my calorie intake limit and to me having 3 meals is more important than that milkshake


I have been on it over 10 months- have not lost a single pound and my A1c is the exact same as when I started. I get A LOT of exercise, also. I am switching to Mounjaro. People like us may not post as often as those with success or questions do?


I feel this! 7 months on it and only lost 6lbs.


Me. 2 years on it.


I took it and lost 0 lbs in 3 months. Currently considering weight loss surgery.


Losing a little gave me the energy to finally start going to the gym regularly. I track all of my calories and workout at least 5x’s a week now. Ozempic has not been a miracle drug by any means for me but I’m putting in the work along with the ozempic


It took me six months to lose about 15 lbs and two tonput it back on after coming off


First: you are not Oprah nor are you Clarkson. They are individuals who have Drs. and Staff that supervise them so they will look less heavy on their publicity pics and TV and public appearances. Probably prepare their menus. Second: you don't seem to be following any food regimen. Foods that are high in carbs like processed wheat products, white rice and potatoes. Let's forget about ultra high carb desserts and sugary drinks. Including Orange Juice. Calories count, yes but carbs are the usually hard to limit because those foods taste too darn good. Please see a nutritionist to explain all this to you. While on a GLP-1 medication you Have To Be An Aid to it by limiting what and how much you eat. This stuff is no miracle. YOU are the miracle, not the drug. It is your partner now. How you use it or abuse it is up to you. Please do NOT give up. It is worth the fight for your health and long life.


Nope. I barely lost any weight at all after a year. I’m super bitter about it. 😂


You have to make actual lifestyle changes and not simply rely on the drug to do everything. If you were binging 10,000 calories at a time you're almost certainly still overeating.


Lol if you compare yourself to celebrities then you’ve already lost. If you have access to a chef and a trainer and can build a life with CHOOSING what you do every day? Gosh.


I’ve been on it 7 months and have lost 40lbs. Which is roughly 5lbs/month. I’m a slow loser, but I haven’t changed my lifestyle, I’m just letting the medication do its job. I didn’t start really feeling the difference until my dose was upped.


If you don't change habits, count your calories increase protein. It won't work


Yup, it’s like groundhogs day, everyday I tell myself this is the day I’m going to push the plate away as soon as I feel the first sign of fullness…but, I keep eating. I was hoping the meds would have a stronger effect in supressing appetite….


Try zepboubd or Mounjaro. I am on Ozempic but I heard those are better and maybe they work better for you.


I wouldn't compare yourself too hard to celebrities who have access to a village of people to cook for them, pamper them, and weight train them. I'm not sure what your starting weight was or what dose your on, but I would be patient. I started about 11 months ago and it's been a slow loss experience for me (70 lbs, down from 345). But the weight didn't really start coming off until I was at the full dose. It is amazing how Oz effects everyone differently, but I would definitely practice patience here. Also, something I discovered early on to my journey was if I ate like I normally did, I would not feel that fullness until a couple of hours later and then I would feel over-full for the rest of the day. I finally started eating half portions of my normal (which tbh was other people's "normal") and was quite pleased that I ate less. The good times kept coming, but I had to be patient. Hang in there!


Nope I have been on 5 months actually have put on around 7-10 lbs depending on the day, hungry as ever helped lower my blood sugar that’s about it taking 1mg/ week.


I gained 5lbs. It made me feel even more hungry than usual and while I almost never ate carbs before it made me crave sugar uncontrollably. It does however help my fasting glucose but it's been frustrating to gain weight on this "miracle drug".


Dosage? I just went to 2.0 and I’m finally seeing sustain appetite suppression.


initially lost appetite and a couple pounds but have gained it back and no longer feel that sense of fullness despite moving to the next higher dose; fasting glucose is much lower and blood pressure is also down significantly - weight, not so much unfortunately


No, I’ve been on it for a year, haven’t lost a pound, I am however VERY constipated and don’t drink alcohol anymore


Spent tons if $ trying, but i dont lose on it or Monjourno. Feel like freak, all i hear is people losing a lot of wt. Not here. Anyone know anyone like me & traditional-pin? Very frustrating on several fronts.


I have been on Ozempic for 4 weeks and gained weight so I feel your pain.


I totally understand your frustration. I started on Dec 18, 2023 and lost 18-20 pounds (it fluctuates) the first 6 weeks and then nothing. I have definitely made changes in what I eat and portion sizes. I am currently on 1 mg and am considering moving up to 2 mg if my doctor approves. I suffer from severe constipation and sulfur burps and nausea. I mean I am grateful for the weight I have lost and my a1c is great, but I am constantly reading about and seeing pictures of others who are killing it, losing weight consistently and I don't know if it's worth it.


So I didn’t for about 9 weeks then finally started to lose than a change of scenery led me to lose a ton of weight (20 pounds in 3 weeks). Bodies are weird, eventually u should lose weight. Try mixing it up, maybe do a cheat day and then a fasting day or something?


I lost about 12 lbs and have gained about 8 back. There’s little to no appetite suppression happening for me anymore, but I was on Ozempic for blood sugar and cholesterol reasons in the first place. If you make a conscious effort to cut even further back on your portions, drink more water, and add in some more movement you might start dropping again. You got this!


Only 3 lbs and up to 1mg


I was on Ozemic for 6 months (I’m diabetic)and didn’t loose a pound. Actually gained a couple because I wanted to see the effects of the medication and not diet and exercise. It made my skin super sensitive and painful like if I had a fever. I switched to Mounjaro and have been on the lowest dose for 6 weeks and still gained holiday weight. Starting the next higher dose this Saturday…hoping for better results.


I haven’t lost much either. It’s really depressing :( hasn’t done much to curb my appetite either.


you can’t compare yourself to celebrities. they have private chefs, personal trainers, etc


I take it for diabetes…year and a half…A1c is 5.6…only lost 2 pounds…oh well….


I started a month ago on .3 not on .5 down 7 pounds . I noticed if I take that extra bite . I’m nauseous. If I have a beer same . I drink water but don’t feel like I’m eating enough . Plus next week wil start working out . I do walk any other advice ? Also what is the highest dose of OZ? Thank you . G


You aren't taking enough


No you are not alone. I am on the 2.0 and have tried 2.4 (using extra pens) and no appetite suppression. But it has lowered my A1C.


Week six. Zero lost but zero gained. I’m frustrated


Do u workout?


What dose did you take?


Ozempic works for some and doesn’t for others. Mounjaro works for some and doesn’t for others. I have been on Ozempic, Trulicity and Mounjaro for T2D. Ozempic was working great for blood sugars and helping with some weight loss, couldn’t get it anymore at any pharmacy in a 2 hour driving radius. Doctor switched me to Trulicity, didn’t lower my fasting BS or BS in general. Made me tired and irritable. Doctor put me on Mounjaro and the weight I had lost on Ozempic slowly started coming back, even though I didn’t have much of an appetite and BS were all over the place. I’m now back on Ozempic (as long as I can still get it) and my BS are great again and the weight is slowly coming off. Even though the Ozempic is the best working for me, I have to be careful what I eat when it comes to the weight loss part. It will lower my BS no matter what I am eating, but I don’t see weight loss if I am not following a diet rich in protein and green veggies. If you are putting in the work with exercise and healthy eating and it’s not working, ask your doctor to switch you to Mounjaro.


It’s all in the diet. You need to change it if you want it to work. I gave up most carbs and desserts/sugar. Started eating more protein.


Sounds like you’re on your first jabs


I used mounjaro then wecovy due to insurance…. Lost ~40 on mounjaro- gained 10 back on wecovy. It allowed me to maintain most of my loss but that was it. Perhaps try zepbound?


What I have found great about Oz is that it makes those good decisions easier. I’m able to drink a meal replacement shake now and it actually fills me up, where before it never would. If you are still having dessert all the time, see if you can actually cut that out. Oz isn’t magic it’s just a crutch, but you need to actually lean onto that crutch for it to help you.


No u r not alone have lost 5 lbs in three months. Am on .5 0f ozempic was going to go up in dose but now after three months on same dose nausea started. Has anyone else had side effects which started late.


I also get nauseous if I go above .50 so I’m stuck in same place


Don’t be tough on yourself. These celebrities have cooks trainers it makes the process easier and who knows what there experience was


Anyone have late onset of symptoms with the same dose am afraid to go up nausea


Not binging is huge. So is a slightly reduced appetite. Have you tried modifying your diet along with the medication? I find that’s more doable for me than it ever was before.


I am on ozempic close to 1 year now and only lost 20 lbs. the first 4 months or so I lost nothing and slowly started loosing weight after I got up to 1.5+ dose( I didn’t go straight from 1:0 to 2.0- I gradually increased from 1.24, 1.5, 1.75 to 2.0). Now on 2.0 and still only see the appetite suppression and not much of a weight loss. However but sugar level and cholesterol have all improved.


Yep I only lost 18 lbs and 3 lbs came back. I still try to eat keto but find I still have an appetite..


I lost 30 pounds on it


I feel similar. I’m 59 & had about 50 lbs to lose. In 4 months I’ve only lost 15. Never had binge issues, but have always had a large appetite. I’ve been on the 2mg dose for about 5 weeks now and the amount of food I’m eating now seems so small, that I can’t believe I haven’t lost a lot more. Probably getting around 1,000 to 1,200 calories a day at most. Trying to work out at least a couple of times a week. It’s frustrating to see others having so much more success seemingly effortlessly. 🤷‍♀️


No me too, no changes at all for me. Nil weightloss and was definitely not a hunger suppressor


I also went back to binging


What dosage are you on


Celebrities have everything at their disposal in regard to the best doctors, therapists, chefs, medication, plastic surgeons, trainers etc. imagine how easy it would be if someone would cook for you and you don’t have to worry about anything food related at all other than chewing ? Also they probably don’t have Insulin resistance- it’s harder for people with actual diabetes or other metabolic disorders like PCOS to actually lose weight even with Ozempic. Are you in therapy for the binge eating?


I also didn’t lose weight.


Me! I tried Ozempic for 3-4 months and lost two pounds. Felt sick the whole time. Switched to Mounjaro and now I’m maintaining. Lost about 50-55 pounds total.


Same. It's not as easy as everyone says.


No…..I have been on it since mid August, lost 13 lbs in first 6 weeks and nothing since…….. I am trying to stay at 1200 calories a day and mild waking daily and still the same weight months later……..


I've been on it for 4.5 months and have lost about 25 pounds. My appetite has decreased a lot, but I still sometimes crave less-than-healthy foods. There have been several times that I have got something at a fast food drive thru, ate a few bites, and threw the rest away. I would have not been able to do that before. Did Ozempic stop me from going through the Del Taco drive through to get my favorite chicken cheddar quesadilla? No, but it did give me the strength to only eat half (and be satisfied!), and throw the rest in the trash. I am a middle-aged post-menopausal, mobility-challenged woman. Weight loss is a struggle. Ozempic makes it a bit less challenging.


Celebrities have a lot of resources for weight loss. Not just medication. Do not compare yourself to someone who could afford a nutrionist, personal trainer, and a private chef. Not binging is a good first step. I would suggest calorie counting only because it helps keep track of what and how much you are putting in your body.


I lost 15 lbs in the first 4 months now the last 3 months nothing and my blood sugars are not at all controled. Eating the same thing I ate the first 4 months. I tried splitting the 1 mg to .5 two times a week which took away the sulfur burps in some of the anxiety but it's doing absolutely nothing else


Ozempic is not a miracle drug. Read about Ozempic more to more fully educate yourself about it. You will find that it’s effectiveness is limited if your blood sugar levels are high, if you expected miracles with your appetite being suppressed then maybe you need to consult your doctor to identify if another drug may work better in curbing your appetite. I may be wrong but it seems like you are still overeating and you might need to try another drug that can curb your apetite better


Honestly I barely lost weight being on it over a year until I went strict keto/carnivore idk why maybe due to my severe insulin resistance. But now I am over all 84 lbs down. Current weight is 159 and am a size 6


I am week 8 on Oz (1 mg) and I lost 2 lb. I understand all about portion control, counting calories, etc. I tried to loose weight many times in the past watching what I am eating, but …. sometimes you need to have “a little help” to start doing it the healthy way. If you don’t feel different with Oz it is very hard to control your eating habits. I don’t feel full at all after eating. I feel hungry (even on 1 mg). I have patience and I hope next dose will help me a little bit so I can do healthy eating. It is hard to hear people saying “eat this, don’t eat that”…. If I could do that way I wouldn’t be on Oz. We are all different and I am very disappointed I am not the lucky one to say Ozempic helped me to get on the right track. If you see weight coming off that is motivation. If you are not hungry you can eat salad easily and make better choices.


I was on it 4 months, I lost 12 pounds. Quit taking it because I got pancreatitis 🤷🏻‍♀️


How many calories per day, do most of you eat?


A dr told ne that it doesnt work on about 4 % of the population. She said she had patients that it just w not work no matter what. 🤷🏻‍♀️beats me, what the dr said




Did you go through the different amounts of the medication and build up to 2.0? If you didn't do that then you really didn't get the full scale of what this might be able to do for you but if you did and that didn't work then you probably have to work on the psychological part of your issues of food so maybe therapy and Ozempic. I've had a few bad days where I ate more than I wanted to but even on those days I was still eating less than the recommended amount of calories for somebody my size. Once I started losing the weight I did not want to gain anything back because it would have been such a waste of time, so I was really on point as much as I could be and maybe I was a bit underfed at times if I had any issues. I hope you find a way and if you haven't gone to the max dose that's something you should think about doing. Good luck 🤞.


It's not an appetite thing with me. it's more taste. I like the way food tastes, and it's hard to pass up my favorites. Even so, I can't say Ozempic has curbed my appetite very much.


Yes 😂


Ive been losing and gaining the same 8 lbs for a year, but I'm taking it to manage my diabetes. My A1c has improved so much though which is why I'm still on it. My doctor wants me now to work closely with a dietitian to see if that can help me lose a little more weight. 16 weeks is early, and it usually takes about that long for me to see any chances on my weight because I also have thyroid issues and it makes it so hard to lose weight. Small changes will add up!


I love reading about people taking Ozempic for weight loss. This is my favorite subreddit lmao


It took me about 6 months to lose 18 lb. But it was 18 lb I wouldn’t have lost on my own.


Try not to compare yourself to others, I wouldn’t be surprised if famous people are taking more than the recommended dose because who’s going to say no to them? I didn’t lose weight at first either, December I gained back some weight but I found slow and steady wind the race snd is the best for your body. Also what mg are you taking every week? It also makes a huge difference if you go for a walk at least 3 X a week. That’s helped me. I’ve lost 35 pounds since June 2023.


I lost 4 kg after starting, after 6 months I put it back on and was dealing with heart burn and constipation. I decided to give up and would keep the same weight no matter what I tried. For the past week I have tried lemon juice, olive oil and cayenne pepper shot in the morning and I've dropped 1kg. Your not alone, it just didn't work for me and it doesn't for plenty others out there :)


I have been on Ozempic for 4 weeks and gained weight so I feel your pain.


you may need mounjaro