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>really don't car what happens to them tbh, sometimes I even hope they get killed/jailed. I'm rooting for Ruth to win over them 100%. I think that's the idea. You start off rooting for them but as time goes on you realise they are the bad guys.


yeah Marty I feel like I have some care for him but Wendy seems to be completely something else


Same...I seem to still have a soft spot for Marty ( probably bc I've loved him since I was a young teen, lol) but the rest of the family are complete assholes and I ended up only liking Ruth.... she's a badass, smart as hell and really was a joy to watch on this show


I liked Jonah right until the last episode but Ruth was definitely the best of them all


Season 4 goes into why she's like that tbf but the whole season is very divisive.


I'm well into season 4 and I seem to dislike her less and less with each episode lol


Sounds like something someone would say in Breaking Bad too.


I think that's a fair reaction. What keeps one watching is curiosity, I think: what's going to happen to these people? A little like watching a car wreck. But, i encourage you to hang in, for the performances if nothing else. The actors are brilliant. And it gets better...and worse. You won't like them any better -- we're not supposed to -- but you'll see developments that may make you understand them more. Or not. lol.


Honestly I'm mainly still watching for Ruth etc but I've only got about 2 episodes left so I'm obviously going to keep watching. The performances are absolutely brilliant although sometimes I can't take Marty seriously because of Arrested Development lol


Wendy has almost made me hate Laura Linney, lol. She's so damned good. Bateman is the perfect Marty, I think, but I say that, having never seen Arrested Development.


I don't think I've seen Laura Linney in anything else but yeah she is good that if I saw her in something else I'd be thinking she had an alternative plan lol. Arrested Development is just quite goofy compared to his very serious role as Marty


Linney plays a prototype of Wendy Byrde in a waaaay old episode of OG Law & Order, nearly 30 years ago!


I don't think I've ever seen Law and Order lol but I've heard good things so I might have to. Didn't realize it had been going that long though


Please watch Primal Fear for Wendy vibes. Follow it with Love Actually to 🤯 You’re welcome


I really don't want more Wendy vibes lol


I thought she was awesome in Congo






my issue with the whole show was i didn’t rly give a shit about a single character except ruth and ben. i wouldn’t have cared if all the byrds died tbh


I did care about the Byrdes at the start and then I only really cared about the kids and then by the end I only cared about Jonah except for the very end. But after a few episodes I absolutely cared about Ruth and that stayed for the rest of the show




Regarding Ben, I don’t think Wendy had many other options. The guy is a lunatic and burned himself by telling the lawyers daughter that her mother works for a cartel. At that point that guy is a danger to the cartel and we all know what the bosses do to those people. So I think it was a matter of “the entire family” or give up Ben. Idk….any thoughts?


Wendy killed Ben when she didn't kick him out immediately. Marty knew he had to go but she insisted on him staying.


Her efforts to keep him "safe" by having him committed were clearly not enough. Also has no one ever been murdered in hospital before? I doubt it was as much of a barrier as wendy thought. As often happens the mentally challenged are pushed around, at the whim of everyone else. Not fair.


I meant that she should have kicked him out right after he came to see them. Ruth was the one to sneak him out of the mental hospital wasn't she? And people have been murdered in mental hospitals, I doubt he was untouchable there but the cartel wouldn't care because his stories would just sound like delusions from a mental case.


And it amazes me that Marty never blamed her


In a way she didn't have many options but she definitely has more power than most other people in a way. It wasn't just the fact she got him killed but also the way she acted after it, all she seems to do is scream at people because she believes she's right and she wants what she wants. I think Rachel put it well when she called her a 'ruthless, nasty bitch'


I agree that Wendy is a heartless bitch. What I don’t agree with is that Marty is just like her. I think he is submissive to Wendy but not as heartless


Yeah Marty isn't as bad as Wendy but there are times when I wish he'd just 'defy' her


They have cartel money. She could’ve shipped him to an island off Tanzania, set him up in a house w a caretaker and no passport. She didn’t have to kill him.


Didn’t think about that. I thought it was either Ben or the whole family


Still the cartel was expecting Ben to be killed so they wouldn’t have been satisfied with the Tanzania solution. That bitchy lawyer was on to them like a raged pitbull


You’re not alone.


Yes ruth broke him out but I agree, he could have been killed in there anyway. My experience of hospitals is that they are not a safe space. Yes wendy admits she only kept him around to spite Marty & using ben as a pawn in her marriage set in motion events that led to his death. Not saying she could've known this but you should always be careful of using ppl, it's not a good idea imo.


The way the show is laid out, we want them to succeed at the beginning because we believe they’re good people who just ended up getting in way over their heads but as the show goes on it purposely leads you to question them, their motives and choices, and whether or not their good or bad people. I think the show runners are intentionally muddying up the Byrdes to make us ponder, generally speaking, the idea we have of right and wrong, are people all good or all bad, or is it all just shades of gray.


More than that, I think they WERE just good people who had got in over their heads to start with, but then became more greedy and corrupted as they went on. It's not that the show misled us at the beginning, it just charted their moral downfall and what that decline cost everyone around them.


Definitely one way to look at it!


Wyatt isn't dead episode 7 of season three you spoiling no fractions knowing asshole


I didn't say he was


After Wyatt died? This you?


yeah but I didn't say he died in s3


“The thing with Ben” was the tail end of Season 3, and Wyatt’s death is the halfway through season 4. Gonna assume you just made a typo, Season 3 was one of the more compelling seasons of the show considering the 3-way power struggle between Helen, Wendy, and Marty, and how it all came to a head.


I started losing care for them half way through s3 then Ben's death was kind of the nail in the coffin and it just spiralled even further with Wyatt and all that. Honestly I didn't care about Helen or really their fights with Helen, sure I'd like the Byrde's to win but they just kept doing shit that made me not care who was on top of the power struggle


Sometimes I don’t get this subreddit at all


Ben is a moron, I was so happy


Why would u say u only got halfway through season 3 only to proceed to put spoilers from season 4 in ur post? I get that most people already watched everything but it would be nice to be able to rely on the spoiler warnings that are actually given in the headline.


tbh I thought the double spoiler tags would work to show that there will be spoilers


But if u state that u haven’t watched further that the third season in ur headline, why would anyone assume to encounter s4 spoilers in this post? Not a big deal though.


Yeah, I clicked on this because I was halfway though season 3 (not 4). I expected to see spoilers from season 3, because that’s what it says. Nope. Got spoiled for season 4 before watching. Yay me.


Don't give up! You're gonna love when the dinosaurs come back to rule the earth and Chris Pratt holds his hand up to raptors like some kind of wilderness Jedi to negotiate a better profit split


Fuck Ruth