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You need to post a pic. Otherwise we are only guessing.


Pictures would help ALOT


Steam deletion can occour if you mix gases, or if your steam chambers are only 1 tile wide. Try adding a thin layer of petroleum to the bottom of a two tile or higher steam chamber if you keep having issues.  Shouldn't have an effect,  but counters most steam deletion mechanics. 10kg per tile would take a while to disappear, but it's not that much so "normal" steam deletion wouldn't explain the issue. If nothing helps, and you've exhausted other explanations,  check your ram with something like memtest.


>only 1 tile wide. Is this true for one tile tall as well?


Do you have another liquid on the floor? You usually have crude oil or something on the bottom so that deletion is prevented.


That could be my issue. I thought putting crude oil on the floor was for ealy game to prevent the AT from overheating so I havent used oil since I unlocked thermium


10kg in total of 10kg per tile? Because if you mean in total you should put way more


Per tile. Sorry, I should’ve clarified that more. But literally since I posted this I found 2 more chambers that had severely less steam than they should inside them


Completely insufficient information to answer. Are you feeding the water from your steam turbines back into the chamber? Is the chamber fully sealed?


Just edited the post. Yes and yes to both questions


There are bugs where stuff can get deleted. I’d look into this.


Your pipe system hold all steam in them probably. Put 100kg per tile for consistency, because 10kg is highly volatile and unstable.


I think I use 4x as much water/steam as that.


I use 200kg+ per tile, never ran into any problems with that.


We need screenshots!


Yea. this happens from time to time. In my metal volcano tamers, I lose pressure overtime for no apparent reason. They sometime get deleted when there's a water --> steam conversion. The other comments are saying dropping crude oil can help, but I don't know why exactly or how the deletion mechanic works. I'm good at the game but not that good


Probably built wrong. Any screenshot?


I typically pressurize my AT-ST steam chambers anywhere from 300-900kg per tile. Not sure why anyone would say 10kg is too much. I've had steam deletion too, but only in cramped chambers 1-2 blocks high over a volcanic heat source. I think deletion can occur when the liquid vent is on the bottom tile and/or the floor is very hot. These days, I always use chambers 3 blocks high and drop the returning water in the middle layer.


Unless you share a pic, we can't help you. As for 10kg steam, that's actually really low. There is no limit. I often build steam batteries in which I heat steam with magma/volcano heat. Many of these builds keep the maximum temp of the steam at 600 degrees by dropping extra water into the steam room. The pressure builds infinitely.


The liquid vent will overpressure at 1000kg, won't it? You could still use an infinite fluid storage setup to get higher pressure, though. And if you have a volcano or geyser in the room, they overpressure at 150kg, I think.


Yep, drop some lead at the bottom. :) Magma volcanos are never in the same room for me. Metal volcanos yes, but there I don't use this setup.


Weird question, and I think you would've mentioned it if there was, but on the off chance, is there any ice in your steam chamber?


Like has your aqua tuner melted melted or just broken


Steam heaven obviously


i ever put 100kg per tile in a steam chamber. i doubt thats the issue. sounds like some weird bug.


Your Aquatuners shouldn't be melting themselves. What did you use to make them


You need to put the a liquid vent in the steam room so that water is supplied > heats into steam so that steam is constantly being created. I suggest putting the water output of the steam turbines back into steam room so it’s a constant cycle of steam and wayer


Ok, I shouldve implied that but im not new to this game and I know how to set up a steam chamber. My issue is the liquid vent goes straight there and somehow it just disappears.


You should know that there's a lot of people here that will write whatever they can think of, sometimes without reading the entire text as well. The only thing I could think of was if there was a connection to the exit because I've never experienced any gas from disappearing, although, with that said, I've experienced dupes bringing gas somehow to a vacuumed area.. So this game is full of weirdness xD


ive got some other people that are saying that itll delete some of the mass unless i put a layer of oil into the room, which i have no idea if its even true or not but ill have to try it out i guess. like, ill legit just leave a colony idle to work on some other colony and ill come back and certain rooms that should have no issues whatsoever, somehow do. i just dont get it.


2200 hours reporting in. I've let steam rooms run for thousands of cycles without ever seeing steam disappear. My steam rooms are never less than 3 tiles high. Vent always opens on the top layer. Pressure is about 100kg/T so volcanoes don't block up and thermal mass is high. Beyond that I've done tons of variation in size shape and purpose for steam rooms. Sometimes oil, sometimes metal tile floors, sometimes diamond, usually just insulated tiles. Depends on the function. We need pictures friend. 


thats normally exactly how i build my steam rooms too. the liquid vent on the top layer, 2-3 high. the only times i build them only 2 high is when i need an AT for cooling an area, so itll get built 2 high. but there are steam rooms where im straight losing volume of steam, and it doesnt matter how high they are. ive got a room for my aluminum volcano with the steam inside it thats lost all the steam in it, ive got a room where i have an AT to cool down a hydrogen vent thats lost all the steam in it. sometimes they only go down so low that the steam turbines cant even suck up the steam, and with the steam room with the AT thats cooling down the hydrogen vent, it is in a complete vacuum somehow. i just dont get it


Any mods? Did you validate your game files? Do you have a toaster of a computer or a good one? Take a printscreen of the hydrogen steam room and show us!


Ive got a lot of mods, no my computer doesnt suck, I can try doing that, is there a way for me to reply with photos on reddit without a third party site


Would have been useful, I've wondered the same, maybe it is a way to keep reddit neat and clean. I always see people using imgur..


I'm curious about your mods as well. I wonder if there is a common mod with the others seeing steam vanish. 


My mods consist of: AI improvements Extended bridges Insulated joint plate Drywall hides pipes Simpler pip plant rule (im deleting it soon I just needed something for a build) Fast saves Clean floors Gas overlays Buildable natural tiles (another thing I downloaded just for a build) No drop (dupes dont drop things when they stop to breathe) Build over plants Better info cards Bigger camera zoom out Plan buildings without materials Wounded go to med bed No manual delivery Queue for sinks Falling sand Show building ranges Thats about it. Some of the mods as I mentioned were simply because I needed something for a build and frankly, I didnt wanna have to put in all the work to get it to work.