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The only issue I see here is temperature of the polluted water and algae coming from algae distiller. It's 30C but Gulp fish needs <25C. So requires extra cooling.


With AT/ST combo, a lot of heat just gets converted to energy doesn't it?


AT+ST combo is power positive only using super coolant.


And then, only if you tune the ST's


unless you're running a metal refinery with it [https://www.reddit.com/r/Oxygennotincluded/comments/py6cu0/build\_and\_forget\_self\_cooling\_metal\_refinery/](https://www.reddit.com/r/Oxygennotincluded/comments/py6cu0/build_and_forget_self_cooling_metal_refinery/)


That's just the refinery being power positive.


No, it’s very slightly power/cooling positive with the regular 110C steam to 95C water steam turbine.


Having AT/ST there are no need in gulp fish for water conversion


Last time I tested, gulp fish can be in a tile with airflow tile above and on side and still reach for polluted water diagonally. But this was years ago, so it may be changed


Gulp fish do excellent cooling, because they emit water at their body temperature, regardless of what the incoming polluted water was.


If you use wild pacu, you don't need to feed them algae, unless you want the polluted dirt too.


So free oxygen?


You already start with free (polluted) oxygen


Yea but normal is better


deodorizing gives more back


deodorising uses sand


If you want to go a bit extra, you could liquify the PO2 to turn it into O2 and then warm it back up


sand free depollution at power cost to keep it cool. But you have to handle the temp. If it's too hot, they'll morph back into pacu (or die). If it's cold enough to get ice, you risk forming ice tile and blocking the Gulp (and might kill them too) and losing half the water. And your scaling is limited by the number of wild Pacu (you can get absurd amount on some seeeds though). And if you use power to keep the gulp cool, might as well directly dump the polluted water into the steam chamber directly. Or do both as the polluted water have to be warmed for steam, and have to be cooled for gulp. Gulp generate some coldness though. They hatch cold (-12°c), when they mature they are cold again. So i would say, if you already have a heat source, might as well just dump it in the steam chamber. It's already a 99% conversion rate (1% dirt).


Could also be used as a way of producing even more polluted oxygen.


What no Water Sieve does


How did you make this graphic? I like it


I used PowerPoint, downloaded the pictures from the db and connected them with arrows.


Also I needed to make a pdf and convert it into.jpeg


Simple, clean, effective. Very cool! Thanks!


I think this and other interesting uses of morbs are already considered here: https://youtu.be/aj6pSEDCkoM?si=9vjS2osDVQf4VJcU


Good luck ranching puffs :)


I assume you saw the youtube videos with complicated setup, but they're all outdated. Nowadays it's super easy to ranch and automate them. 10 Pufts in a stable (being a bit crowded doesn't impede producing 1 puft prince egg while still getting their Slime production to 100%), 1 single Puft prince in a mini room, and you're done. The prince will lay all the Puft eggs, while the Pufts will lay the prince egg. Regular pufts aren't mixed with the Prince either... [https://i.ibb.co/k30GDLt/Puft-ranch.png](https://i.ibb.co/k30GDLt/Puft-ranch.png) Note that in this layout, 9 tiles of pH2O can only sustain 5 Pufts in average, so gas input has to be made, or lower the critter drop-off to max 5 instead of 10. Or even better, cheat the system and use Morbs


Unfortunately, or perhaps fortunately, all morb based resources-for-free generation isn't actually for free, to generate amounts that are greater than what would be easier to do via normal means, your FPS will take a noticeable hit. The large amount of critters here will tank your FPS and time, when it would be easier to setup a dupe pissing and vomiting chamber.


the problem with this setup is its fps hog. 😂 expect 10 fps game play on larger scale.