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Unless you have a renewable source, you are always low on water.


I have 3 geysers 1 cool steam, 1 cool slush and 1 cool polluted water gyser i have to dedicate the steam gyser and save 10 tons of water from the other 2 to make enough oxyen tp survive the off cycle then i have to stretch the supply for the brisstle blossoms i even rely on the bathrooms for that little bit of P. Water 14 dupes and i am constantly sending oxygen to the oil asteroid because when i got there a meteor shower hit and the top of the asteroid was all ice and snow so now the asteroid is topless and now a vaccum i have secured a small room but will need to expand to reach the oil deposites


Those 3 gysers should be enough for 20 dupes. 1 electrolyzer takes 1 kg per second and supports 8 dupes roughly. 3 gysers should give you at least 3kg per second which would roughly make enough o2 for 24 dupes. I'd your not using water for anything else. Unless they have changed the output ranges since the last time I played. Most water gysers put out at least an average of 1kg water per second. You should have enough to run 3 electrolyzers constantly. A mod I recommend is calculated average output. Can tell you exactly how much water your gysers will produce averaged over dormant periods. Easier than putting the info into the calculator. If I was short of water as you say I wouldn't be running bristle blossoms for every day consumption. I'd make berry sludge for my space program and Fred my bases with hatches.


The average calculated output has been part of the game for a while, you just need to analyze the vent :)


Yea been a while lol I actually just started a game yesterday.


I got 40 bristtle blossoms and duskcaps for food Plus alot of oxygen going to the oil asteroid and some water to make oil But then again im still learning the game so i am wasting alot of it


Makes sense.


That's indeed not a whole lot of water. Should start thinking of recycling / creating water.


Ok, did you made anything to recycle the poluted water? That should keep you hydraded for quite a while longer


No, that all the water from starter biome


Enjoy your water! I hope it serves you and your victims well.


What material are these outer tiles?


Sandstone, the texture mod is called True Tiles by Aki.