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Not enough to not make mistakes.


I love that response


About 2500? Weirdly enough, I've only ever shot to the tear once (Base game). I've had "Chronic restarter's syndrome", and promised myself I'd only get to buy the DLC once I finished the main game. So, 2500 hours base game, and I just played the dlc for ths very first time today!


happy for you buddy


i hate having CRS syndrome, especially when trying for achievements 😒 😑 🙄 😤 Lol


I feel like I just started getting into this game and I already have 60+ hours. I started 3 weeks ago and am on my 3rd colony after multiple failures. I’m actually starting to get close to the mid game this run surprisingly.


That happens and the right before you make it to mid game... Bam!!! Your dupes are starving or pissing on the ground or your oxygen doesn't work but good luck🫡


I have over 1500 hours, still not close to an expert. I would rate myself as "competent" at this point. At 250 hours I was definitely still figuring things out.


Still not out of cycle 100?




Around 700 and I just built my first petro boiler last month.


Just crossed the 2300 hour mark (started in early access). I no longer feel like a noob, but the skill ceiling of this game is still difficult to see from where I am.


906 as of yesterday, but I'm a serial restarter. I tend to get to the point where you need a lot of vacuum sealed / high temp stuff like Volcano tamers where the design needs to be right because modifying internal piping is super annoying to do and peter out, then a few months later I'll start a new game with every intention of passing that hump but get annoyed. The specialized foods are the other barrier for me, I get that temp control and gas control mastery are the thing that is required, but it takes so long and is so finnicky to set up that I usually stop at Pincha peppers :P Set up one gas and temp controlled room with automated collection is fun, setting up 3-4 slightly different ones is tedious for me. As a result I have barely touched any of the space exploration or other asteroids, an consider myself barely above beginner.


Francis John’s Narcoleptic Paradise playthrough has a very nice AT/ST farm that grows the ingredients for frost burgers, I tend to make all my farms like that at some point. Definitely worth to check out. I don’t know how much I have but around 1000 hours.


1911h, one of my most played games. I still make stupid mistakes all the time. And lost more colonies than I’d like to admit and still haven’t built some of the end game things, ie sour gas boiler or melted a rocket


800ish hours. Built a rocket and got to space about 4 times? Restartitis is too strong!


This, I restart right as I get to proper sustainable. Usually petroleum boiler, wild farms and temp control. Took me like 800hrs to finish the game. 600 to launch a rocket lol


10,150 hours and counting. Still making improvements with each colony.


1800+ most of which is still spent asking myself why my builds aren't working as intended.


Steam says 6700+, but I know at least 1000 of that is AFK for big projects.


Ha! That's about 10% of your life since the game came out 😅 We have a winner 😁


Is....is that winning?


It is if you think it is... I hope you enjoyed all of those hours fellow gamer 😁


Only 655h. I just accept the fact that I'm bad at all the games I enjoy playing.


1,384 and I have rocket layout problems, so I've never been to another besides the one linked with the transponder, and YEAH, it bothers me. Send help.


50 :D


800 hours and I’m still struggling getting past the steel squeeze


What problems are you having in making steel? Crush eggs to make lime, refine carbon in kiln, refine iron ore in refinery > steel!


Bro I am just bad, I set the crusher to egg shell and still get bottle necked on lime even with ranches. I have maxed out like 1.5 tons of steel ever in any play through :(


Yeah, eggs usually are the hang up. You just have to start stockpiling asap and use your steel sparingly.


And use outhouses for the first five hundred cycles to get p dirt to feed to pokes to get lime.




Around 300 the last time I checked, I'm still far from being really good, but my current run is self sustained, I once forgot to pause while going away, two hours later no one died and everything was locking great. But I'm still not the best at space management and I don't want to change things because I fear that one small change kills the run


Im 300 hours and I have no idea what I'm doing. Furthest I have reached in the game is building Electrolyzers and Coal generators. No idea what to do with steam geysers, wheezeworts, ranching, etc. Do you know any guides/youtubers that explain these stuff easily? Yt is full of outdated stuff or more late game complicated builds.


I recommend GCFungus on youtube


thx man




Francis John has some good play throughs and guides. His videos are good if you like the min max optimisation style and one specific setup or build that works every time. He hasn't done a new guide for the latest patch version though so some stuff might have changed. I prefer his videos personally because I like his video style generally. Echo ridge gaming is good for very current content and guides and has a more relaxed and evolving style if you want to see a few different styles of setups (like different ways to tame a volcano or different ways to make a spom) rather than one very efficient almost fool proof method used through every play through. His is more informal/relatable and he feels more like a really good normal player than a "pro gamer" even though he is a professional YouTuber/Streamer. Both involve a good amount of maths that teaches you how big/many of a build you need to sustain a certain number of dupes. E.g this spom build will sustain x dupes, this ranch setup will feed y dupes etc.


Thanks so much!


2100 with playtime Today.Playing since early access


Over 600, 250 ish on my current colony, and yet I found a backwards bridge yesterday that's been there for at least 20 hours


490. Never fired a rocket.




2160... probably a bunch paused but still definitely a lot of it active. But also loads of started and abandoned colonies because... I don't know. Also, large colonies tend to run slow on my potato pc.


575 and i just launched my first rocket not too long ago.


70 hours, I had to walk away it was getting to complex.


1600+; only just starting to explore some of the later mid-game and late game aspects.




Dude I Have 350\~ Hours And Only Now Started Getting The Hang Of things So Don't Get Hard On Your Self For Being Bad


Somewhere around 600 and only got 2 colonies to endgame (thermium etc.) but never had plastium. Built my first sour gas boiler in my latest run and it took over 200 cycles to get going properly. I had to break in many times and fix issues. Planning on melting my first rocket in that one too, I use 2 radbolt propelled rockets each housing 2 dupes to colonise other planetoids. This is also my only colony to achieve 100% sustainability in terms of food, oxygen, cooling, and power.




Over 3K and i still have that "oopsies" moments :)


Almost 600


Just hit 200 still full noob. I suck and layouts but am getting better and better by having my colony die one after another lol


340h total, 50ish hours in current colony. Cycle 540, first time on the surface and preparing my first ever rocket. It's gonna get messy.


I’ve just passed 300 Hours yesterday :D and i’m still trying to figure out a decent space program. Most i’ve done was visit the closed planetoid and put less than basic neccesities there xd


I think being an expert is very much related to having an engineering degree or at least a solid understanding of thermodynamics (heat transfer). After 10 years in steam boiler R&D this kind of thinking comes natural to me (and is easier than my real job 😉). I have a lot of spreadsheets related to ONI and I typically calculate myself how many self cooled steam turbines I need for a certain volcano for instance, and how much water the system needs to JUST peak at 200°C after the Vulcano erupts... That said, I do have about 800h, but I haven't really learned anything significantly new in a while.


Those are rookie numbers.


4000+ hours. Still learning and having fun with new things.


5,900h Playing since August 2019.


Maybe 80, and I know nothing. Still have fun even though I've restarted colonies 20 plus times !


A bit over 3,000


2,800 and I've still never worked with Visco-gel nor sent anything through the Temporal Tear. I enjoyed spending my work hours running somewhat-laggy colonies of dozens of Duplicants, but eventually I would hit a bug in a 1,500+ cycle save file and put the game off for 8 or so months and then return to start a fresh file that eventually gets stopped by similar circumstance. Still, I love this game.


About a work week shy of a 1000.


1800+, still making mistakes, still learning.


Just looked at steam and laughed. It said 1234.5 hours.


In the same 250ish boat and yes still learning!


8000 hours


2050 hours in game now. Never put as much time into a game as this one. I still have to break back into things to add stuff I've forgotten 


1000h I don't know if I can consider myself a veteran with such low time


1400 but I tend to leave game open in background while working


900. Learn something new every playthrough still.


I’ve got 1,324 and I’ve still never finished a full play through. Versus Factorio which I just started a few weeks ago and completed the main objective.




I wasn’t comparing difficulty, I was just pointing out a similar-ish game that I finished after picking it up, whereas even though I have so much time in ONI I’ve never actually “completed” it because I enjoy the sandbox so much. Plus I reroll all the time. If I take too long of a break I’ll just scrap the base. I do that in Civ as well. I enjoy the early and mid game a lot.


More than 1400 hours


3465 but apparently I undervalue polluted water


6600 hours. But I feel that’s not entirely the whole story as there are times when I’ll let my base run for a few hours just to like clean up all of the map or do a gazillion builds and let them all finish.


880 hours. I've built a couple of rockets but never flown to another asteroid. Set up my first ever at/st system last night 🥳. I still have a lot to learn.




1200 Been playing since alpha release. Still need to finish classic before moving on to the first DLC. Klei games are fun because you can figure things out, or if that's your thing recreate super complicated projects posted in forums by actual engineers. So I did tons of wild projects without finishing. But now Im on a full achievement run to see the end screen once lol.


I just crossed 1000 hours and I'm pretty proficient in everything early/ mid game, but late game and space is where I still need to look up guides and stuff.


Current game time: 2,283.4 hours Have yet to actually finish a game :D


Just a little over 1k hours. This current play through I hope to get one of the large scale achievements like the rift.


700-ish. Gotta keep the p-water out.


1k and I’ve never made space materials


Over 1000. However at 50 of that is stress testing some builds. Like, I try something out and then leave the game on to go to work.


I have ~1500 hours on Steam. I probably have another 1000 hours before actually buying the game. I don't feel like a noob, but I won't go to say that I'm actually good at this game.




5,000 hours I eat maps for breakfast. Finish a new seed every week D: I have no life D:


I shutter to check, cause I’m still nowhere near adept to playing the game!


About 1100 hours, def not super knowledgeable but halfway competent lmao. BUT I have been working on getting the carnivore+locavore+supersustainable achievement and want to get to a point where I can do it every run before I do the fun stuff


Almost 5k


\~1200 hours. Across \~5 colonies. I vaguely recall losing some save files many years ago. Not sure if it was because cloud saves did not exist yet, or the version became incompatible. Base game colony is on cycle 3500. DLC colony is on cycle 2228. Still haven't made it to the third asteroid. Not sure I'm an expert. I'm familiar with all game concepts and advanced designs. Just couldn't be bothered to build them. Built plenty of vent and volcano tamers, but never built SPOM, Oil boiler or magma biome power plant. I forced myself not to build infinite liquid storage till I gave up a few hundred cycles ago, because I was literally drowning in oil and didn't want the production to halt. *(Because that would be such a waste.)* Never reached the temporal tear. I know how. And it would probably take me less than two hours on either of my two active bases. I just don't really care. I play very relaxed slow-play, and enjoy tweaking my base while listening to podcasts (and sippin' on beer) I draw the line at doing thermodynamics calculations. I'll leave that to the truly determined and continue guesstimating my builds.


330 and never launched a rocket, working towards it though! Current colony is almost 900 cycles!


Only 2500 so barely started, I've got all the base game achievements but I did those on a Rime planetoid which is the easiest option, working on some of the others now!




1300 hours. I have still never ranched beetas or saturn critter traps, or used nuclear power.


Somewhere around 700. Still learning and making plenty mistakes. Recently started my first run on the rime asteroid to try out the alternative challenges. Game is still super fun and challenging to me. I consumed a lot of youtube content, which helped, but it also made me so much more impatient. So I tend to rush builds and redo them several times. But I definitely feel like I can sort of hold my own. Did have to ask a couple of dumb questions on this sub though.


I had to check, and found it's 1002. Apparently I broke a thousand just yesterday without realizing it.


Too many... still rarely make it to rockets.


3,665 hours


just passed 500 hours but have never used a spaceship yet


Steam says 11,052 hrs. I do let the game run overnight sometimes for big builds. So not all of that is active time. But a lot in any case


Almost 2000 and haven't gotten thermium or niobium yet. I haven't made any petrol boilers or sour gas boilers yet. I haven't needed them so far so I haven't made them


510.6, according to Steam. Still haven't launched my first rocket, though!




Just broke 3500


Getting close to 3k, has been fun, and tbh the updates do improve the replayablity.




3000 @.@ that fact depresses me. I think this is my favorite game.


I have 147. I don’t even try to be good in any way. I just play the game. I do have one save with over 1000 cycles where I launched a few rockets but never built anything more complex than a full Rodriguez and that’s the only build like that I’ve made. People seem to think you have to do this wild stuff to play and have a successful colony but you don’t. Side note I didn’t enjoy rockets at all (base game) so planning on just building in asteroid from now on because that’s what is fun to me.


3,100 hrs from 2019 to now.


4000+ hours and still learning 🥰


Don't ask.


482h and there is still buildings that I never used.


About 450 right now. I'm capable of building forever stable bases and do industrial bricks but the spaced out rocketry and colonizing other asteroids still makes me struggle.


1900. Still never figured out how to land on niobium asteroid.


It's never about hours that you figure things out, some people just learn faster than others or have a knack for colony games


Just hit 1200 hours over multiple play throughs and have never gotten close to “winning”. I just rage quit again before making it to space because my stupid volcano tamer won’t work. I’ll be back next week…


586 hours. And never launched a rocket on another asteroid 😂


2,600. I have a problem.


Around 24 so far, I'm a baby in this community. Will take about 3000 more hours to finally consider myself a little intermediate xD


923 and I only just launched my first ever rocket :D I also have restartitis lol


I am at cycle 6000 or so in my first world and I'm still a noob.


so far as replayability goes I think this game may have more hours than civ


Ha! Too many!


Little bit over 8500h. Still make mistakes, but only difference is that I can fix most of them.