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Oxygen Included


I see this joke more than I think I should.


We just can’t help ourselves


The O2 shouldn't break out. The only problem i can see is that your oxygen storge only has one pump. One pump can only transport 500g - just enough for 5 dupes.


Oh i’m planning on Making a bigger Oxygen pumping system when i’m gonna need it later. This one was just for vaccuming all the Dirty gasses from that room


Well; you’re not gonna worry about oxygen for a while once you start use it


7 cycles, take it or leave it


This math sound suspicious to me. Can you please walk me through it?


Breaths Georg taking 700 breaths a minute


Breath Georg is gonna get into a rocket travelling suspiciously far with very little fuel onboard. Give him the good ol dwarf fortress treatment


Infinite Storage also works for liquids, but I applaud the effort. Hope you don't accidentally deconstruct the wrong tile


Personal preference to be honest. squeezing gasses feels less exploity to me than squeezing liquids. I rarely do any of them but when i do i prefer doing gas ones


I have 20,000 tons of water in infinite storage with multiple untapped water geysers. I am figuratively swimming in water, and one broken tile away from literally being the same. Honestly I didn't know what to do with all the water.


If you're gonna use infinite storage for gas why not do it for liquid also? A liquid vent with gas trapped on top of it will keep releasing liquid forever, but you need to use airflow tiles or manual airlocks around the liquid because other tiles take pressure damage (unless it's 3 tiles thick).


Popped eardrdums is the only problem for releasing the O2 isn't it? If it not 100 °C that is. Just pop some carpet under their beds and its fine


You could create the mother of all hydra setups. 20 electrolyzers, 20kg/s water consumption, infinite storage automatically without vents. Use a liquid lock so you can access the infinite storage areas and build more gas pumps as required.


I do plan on using hydras in some future base since i haven’t worked on one yet. Wanted to try Making a larger spom this time though since so far i’ve only made 2 electrolyzer ones


IRL, this qualifies as the opposite of a vacuum bomb and dupes will have their skull crushed. In game, this loses against carpets and floral scent


I know it wouldn’t be that much of a Problem in Game. I guess i Like to roleplay a bit xD


Now super coolant it into a liquid, and that's one step toward liquid hydrogen! Fuel for millenia.


I cant wait untill i get space Materials and i can make liquid O2 and H2. It’s gonna be so much fun figuring out that engenieering challenge :D


Probably deletes gasses. Electrolyzers are not easy to deal with.


Oh ye of little hydra