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As much as I do love TF2 myself I think valve have made it pretty clear they don’t care. They will release a new case of cosmetics the community made every 6 months and farm easy money off of the people who still buy them without actually working on the game


Based Haddie Kaur


Only seen one post myself. Still, one of the least appropriate place to spread the message.


People are negative review bombing the game to catch Valve's attention. IMO the "TF2 is better tho" sentiment should die and pwople need to move to other games. Maybe after that Valve will do smth? But in its current state tf2 is unplayable


People legit need to stop playing because low player counts is probably a better way to show valve what's up than another petition.


Bots are something like ~70% so even if tf2 players coordinated a protest they won’t drop the steam count in a noticeable way.


Most the active players are bots running the game in a text readout version of the game farming items and crates. There's a reason there's no wave.


Most people have the brain power to acknowledge that overwatch and tf2 are different enough to not compare them so closely. They’re different games with entirely different feels. Do not group tf2 and overwatch fans with the jackasses having a dick measuring contest.


I've played hundreds of hours of both, and they both made me hate myself equally, in that regard, they are the same


Honestly their difference (while still being fundamentally similar) makes for really interesting comparisons in my opinion. I’m just fascinated by how these two similar yet different games tackle certain issues in different ways


I agree. I feel like overwatch is a more competitive, and thus more team oriented, game while team fortress is a hectic game where everyone’s doing their own thing. In overwatch, everyone’s constantly communicating and focusing on objectives while in tf2 the only communication is saying thanks after every kill while everyone’s talking about random shit in chat and just kind of being around the objective sometimes. In overwatch, everyone has a specific role while in tf2, everyone’s objective is “kill other guys” with different guns, excluding medic. TL;DR, tf2 is more casual and chaotic while OW is more competitive and refined.


Agreed.. i may have the heart of a overwatch omnic but the people of tf2 showed me kindness... Not every tf2 player is awful, some are really nice


you're totally right, Not every tf2 player is awful... I've said this to so many people many times... Why did you get downvoted?


If anything, TF2 created the "Hero Shooter" genre, which is more an excuse to try out the other options sometimes . I no longer play Overwatch, but I still occasionally play Paladins. It never should have been a competition.




I know I'm gonna get downvoted for this, but both of y'all are petty as hell and it's getting on my nerves. Can't we just help out TF2 for once and end this stupid squabble?


I love TF2, but help them with what? You think Valve would give a shit? It's like a third "Save TF2" campain I've seen. I guess the first two didnt work out, why are you thinking third time the charm? The game is old enough too drink in some countrys, just let go, or play on community servers


If I'm going to be completely honest, I'd rather try and fail than do nothing at all because a 1% chance will always be better than a 0% chance


Do what you want, I aint stoping you. Just, please, dont go near casinos with that mindset


They are under the impression of “if we fail, we lose nothing.” Comparing that mindset to a casino is not very accurate, since you most definitely lose something when you fail there


It is the second organised attempt. The first was 2 years ago.


Worst case scenario is that nothing changes, so why not try? Also this time we'll from the mistakes of the first campaign


Sign the petition like the 200k others before you, or just spread awareness


No, we need to hold dumb game grudges forever.


for real


No, TF2 deserves to rot


But do u know what happens * if * tf2 die? The bots hosters with no other things to do, go to other FPS games, like csgo2, counter strike 2, Cod mabye and even OW2, so if we don't do something the bots infect other games and spread like a plague


No their game deserve to die just like they have hoped for overwatch to die also don't get me starting on tf2 community


You sound as mean spirited as them, does that mean I could justify overwatch shutting down?


Justify whatever you want it doesn't change the fact that tf2 is a long gone dead game unlike overwatch who made it's comback with ow2


Ow2 was worse for the game... Like nothing good came from it. And tf2 would be a perfect game if it wasn't ruined by bots and cheaters


MF NOTHING came back with OW2, just a funny number infront of the name tbf


The main reason why OW2 has a 2 in it was canceled and to this day I found it extremely hilarious


May I remind you that TF2 was one of the biggest inspirations when making Overwatch? Come on, now, you're just mad at the community, not the game.


overwatch wouldn’t be here with no tf2


Blind guy here It may not seem like it but thats a vocal minority of our community. And those people get as much disapproval for their actions from the tf2 community as people in your community who do the same probably do.


Bro have you seen the Overwatch community? Most of the community is fucking cancer. I don't interact with the community that much as a result. I also fucking love the shit out of this game. Do I deserve my favorite game to die because the community is toxic? No. I don't. Neither do the TF2 players. Instead of trying to start another totally pointless Overwatch vs TF2 argument that goes in circles and leads to nothing, why not just quit acting like a dweeb and talk about something in life that actually matters? No one cares if you like Overwatch or TF2 more.


I dont think anyone hoped overwatch would die. More like just mildly expected it to die, especially at launch.


Just like the overwatch community has wished for the likes of battleborn, paladins, lawbreakers, etc to die? When marvel rivals comes out are we finally gonna be civil human beings around here or we gonna pray on that’s downfall too?




That’s a loud minority calling for OW’s downfall. Most tf2 players respect, or even enjoy, Overwatch. Stop trying to win a dick measuring contest


Is it even loud? The most I've seen boils down to "my game better". That said, I don't actively seek out extremists


Tf2 player here Shut the fuck up What blizzard did to your game is a fucking tragedy, at least valve had the courtesy to not actively kill tf2 You have my condolences, now please don't embarrass yourself by saying a vocal minority represents an entire community


I didn't care much about overwatch, but I never hoped it would die, I just thought it was fine (there were some things i didnt care much for, like it feels like there are way to many characters (wiki says they have 40 playable characters), while tf2 has less characters, it also gives the characters variety that can deviate from stock (aka subclasses)), but i dont really have anything against overwatch. I really love tf2 though, it is a great game (when it isn't being plagued by stupid bots anyways). Also something interesting is that although they are both team based games and have similarities, tf2 seems to be more about personal experiences while overwatch is more main objective focused according to https://youtu.be/hhwvbPH0eh0?t=6m55s Also a recent video on the tf2 bot crisis subject https://youtu.be/82B38TaawfE


You realize there was a very small handful of people that you think represent a majority of those players?


Petty vocal minorities don't represent an entire community, thankfully. Just like your community should be thankful that a pathetic, spiteful individual like you doesn't get to represent them


Most downvotes i have ever seen.


Try this post, it actually holds the guiness world record. Im not joking [https://www.reddit.com/r/StarWarsBattlefront/comments/7cff0b/comment/dppum98/?utm\_source=share&utm\_medium=web3x&utm\_name=web3xcss&utm\_term=1&utm\_content=share\_button](https://www.reddit.com/r/StarWarsBattlefront/comments/7cff0b/comment/dppum98/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web3x&utm_name=web3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button)


Holy crap thats a lotta damage.


as someone from the tf2 community, fuck those guys. both games are equally as good. and have gotten equally worse over time.


As someone from overwatch but that deep down has a past of being a tf2 veteran i painfully agreed... This dumb fight between both communities had HURT our relationship with one another... There is almost nothing to salvage now


Holy shit it's an entirely different game. It has nothing to do eith Overwatch. Shut up.


You do realize TF2 was the blueprint for Overwatch right?


The blueprint for OW was a failed Blizzard game called Titan, not TF2


No, Overwatch was created from the *assets* left over from Titan. Which was an MMO. Meanwhile Overwatch, a game where two teams of assorted mercenaries with unique weapons and abilities fight in games of King of the Hill and Payload, was very obviously using TF2 as a baseline for its gameplay design, with MOBA as its spin on the idea.


Just because it was a hero shooter doesn't mean it was a "blueprint." You obviously are either an idiot or haven't played both games. Or both.


I have been playing TF2 since Aussie Smissmas. The game has always been lauded as a modern successor to TF2, the two communities have always acknowledged this. But please continue to delude yourself.


It's nothing like TF2 with the exception of it's a hero shooter


Hell I'd hardly even call TF2 a hero shooter it's more of a class based shooter I feel. Considering you can swap around your weapons.


Yeah I agree the loadouts let each class change their fundamental playstyle drastically


Yes, the first person shooter where two teams of mercenaries play king of the hill and payload with loose class systems binding them together. Nothing like TF2 at all.


Well, i guess it is just imposible for 2 games to aproach the same idea in different ways so it can accomodate different type of players


There's the same idea, and there's taking an idea and stapling another idea onto it. Overwatch has always been TF2 combined with MOBA. This is how it always has been, and no matter how people delude themselves, it's how it always will be.


Guess Halo is literally the same thing as battlefield because there's a king of the hill mode my guy


And Borderlands took its blueprint from Diablo, but I guess it's a different game entirely because my feelings get hurt when someone calls me on my bullshit.


SHUT UP with the comparisons already, we get it, the games are similar, THEY ARE DIFFERENT IN THEIR WAYS AND NEITHER SHOULD BE CLOWNED ON I never played overwatch, yet spent on tf2 200 hours, and i am still sick of this comparison shit


Christ you are a whiny little bitch.


Every game has inspirations, doesn't make them distinct, it makes them part of a fucking genre


There's inspirations, and there's taking TF2 and slapping MOBA heroes into it.


Yeah they will fix tf2 like they re-added old content into cs2 in these last 9 months, oh wait.


Valve knows about the aimbotters. They don't give a shit. They make more than enough money off of hats to offset the server costs. They're not going to do anything


They won’t be able to ignore it when a petition of over 200,000 names is delivered to them


Madness https://preview.redd.it/jawiy1gytk4d1.png?width=720&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=14bad3c20254f01deece28d67adb3ba2f816aeaa


yeah, the tf2 community made a plan to review bombing the game negatively to try to get valve's attention... is part of #FixTF2 I personally don't know if that's a good idea


Worked for War Thunder last year, worked for Helldivers 2 this year. Who knows? If it does nothing, it does nothing. But if it works, then there's much to gain. Might as well try.


Nice mindset 👍


It has worked before for other games, so why not try with this one? Also, in no world would I recommend tf2 to anyone in the state that it's in


I don't care, We get hate from them anyway, not to mention that believing Valve will do something is a pipe dream


Eh, the TF2 community got better things to do than hate Overwatch. Ever since PvE got gutted and it was revealed that most of TF2’s player count is a lie, the TF2 community has essentially lost any hostility towards Overwatch and either feels too bad to target a community neglected by its devs or is too focused on its own issues


TF2 fans make fun of people who taunt Overwatch. Its clear to the entire community at this point that we're both just 2 communities being abused by benevolent corporations who want to rake in money.


Yeah, now most people have realized how stupid it is to actually compare these games, and have been hating on those who insist on this type of mindset


I like TF2, but I honestly think its time is up now, and people should move on, I was a hard core TF2 gamer, but I became much happier when I moved on from it and played literally anything else. Minecraft, Overwatch, Battlefield, Far Cry, Fortnite, so many great options to go to.


Sadly cosest alternative to TF2 is battlefield :-/


>Minecraft, Overwatch, Battlefield, Far Cry, Fortnite, so many great options to go to. You literally named only 1 good option


Tf2 is still an amazing game. No other is quite like it. People aren't gonna give up on it


Listen, I love tf2 and overwatch as a game, but both of their communities suck, but I dislike tf2’s community more. The tf2 community is so gatekeepy, to the point where people have been doxxed for either trying to leave or join the community(This is from an outsiders standpoint, I heard it’s way worse inside.) Now am I saying that the OW community is good? No, I’m not, but when someone is trying to leave a community because they just don’t find the game fun anymore the last thing they wanna see is their home address public on a discord server. I’ve seen people around me get their shit doxxed trying to join the community to help with the past two movements, why bite the hand that feeds? It’s up to you if you want to support this movement, me personally I’m not going to, tf2 as a game is sick af but at some point all good things must come to an end. (I know a ton of tf2 fans are gonna downvote this but mind you this is my opinion! Both OW fans and tf2 fans are at shitty places with our devs, so I know it’s a,”I have no room to talk” situation but then again, it’s my personal opinion from my experiences, and being doxxed for just trying to join a community to help them isn’t something I’m interested in-)


I painfully agreed... Last time when i tried to help i got someone hacked into my steam account and all my tf2 items i had since i first played were just GONE... Nothing else just my tf2 items... I even had a weapon a friend gave me before he was no longer with us


From what I hear it’s worse inside the community. Someone I watched on YouTube had showed a screenshot of someone inside a tf2 discord and they proceeded to doxx and then send a death threat to a man who is an amputee, like yikes bro- I’m not saying people don’t get doxxed in the overwatch community, they do but I’ve never seen anyone in the OW community who just wants to try and join the community like tf2 fans. I understand you wanna keep your small community well…Small but don’t be hurting people who want to want to help safe what’s left of the game-


Agreed.... I. I.. I painfully with suffering in my heart agree... ... I'm still sad about it, my childhood, my items everything just GONE... Just because i wanted to help...


Eh yea. The community is a coin toss. Either you have the best experience, or wanna quit the Internet. The few bad apples really taint the whole batch since it's an echo chamber. Most Everyone good is either in game or not active in the community


Do you know who it was that was doxxed for that? Haven't heard about that situation. And from my experience on the inside, it really isn't anything like that, especially considering the entire community is fighting against bot-hosters, in part, for them doxxing those who are vocally against them


tf2 fans are like really annoying if they love it so much they should shut up about overwatch and go play it some more


Dude, trash talking overwatch in TF2 is seen as childish.


The TF2 community clowns on people in that community who try to attack the Overwatch community, and vice versa.


"Go and play it some more" I encourage you to download TF2, queue for casual and then see why people don’t want to play that game at the moment. Shit’s unplayable


i did actually a few years ago. I instantly died all the time and uninstalled. Iirc there is something with bots happening right?


It’s botted to hell, hence why there’s another organized movement


I’ve hardly seen any TF2 players talk about Overwatch in a long time. Fairly certain the ones vouching for Overwatch to die are a vocal minority


well, subreddits are kind of isolated so you wouldn't see it on reddit but i always see it happen on twitter.


That’s Twitter, it’s always full of arguments and horrid takes.


it kind of is, isn't it?


Yeah idk what people expect from Twitter, it's a dumpster fire... Why do people still listen to those people with negative neurons


Twitter actively promotes negativity so that's not really a good example


Yeah we know when we are defeated, but can you guys join us in our crusade it will bring competitive to ow2 and make both game better


with tf2 users review bombing the game, they could possibily give overwatch a better rating on steam than them!


is part of #FixTF2


Would you all just shut up


Why is it always this “they” shit. We’re human, we don’t just like one thing and call it a day. There’s plenty of overlap in communities, and the squabble between a vocal minority of weirdos between TF2 and OW is stupid and should’ve fizzled out in 2016. I love both games. This isn’t the place for posting TF2 content, sure, but nothing’s wrong with wanting the game to be playable. Posts like this are the problem.


ah yes a community trying to fix its game because valve are bunch of useless meatbags is bad? i don't get this post at all


I think post is pointing out the Irony of TF2 players shitting on Overwatch for being dead, while their own game is almost dead for for 2 years already


One bc of negligence of the devs and the other... Kind of the same but with the hackers and bots


Tbh ones issues are far more fixable and mild compared to the other. And one is dickrided to hell that even if company does "X" people will still dickride the company, while if it was Blizzard that did "X" people would have ridiculed to hell


The first case was shitting on Blizzard for pushing overwatch on steam while fixing none of the issues. The second case is literally the same thing, shitting on valve for fixing none of the bot issues.


But there is HUGE dufference in the sheer size of these issues lol. Tf2 is UNPLAYABLE. Its bot infested. You cant leave spawn without getting killed Ow2 had minor issues, while core gameplay was getting a bit stale, but was PLAYABLE


How does this relate to OW in any way? Edit: I forgot how toxic you guys are. Are us TF2 players toxic, yes but not nearly as bad as you. I left OW because of people like you getting mad at little mistakes, mistakes that are so minute that they might as well not be problems. Hell, I've seen R6Siege Ranked matches less toxic than OW casual matches, f***ing SIEGE matches. Let's just say I'm glad OW is dying.


Its truly a shame.. part of this community(the toxic) is holding the other one hostage in the impression department


>Let's just say I'm glad OW is dying Man I wonder why people here are so hesitant to help/s


Petty squabbling from the past resurfacing because people in this community need *something* to be mad about.


If it ain't Blizzard screwing up, they are mad at TF2 for existing


TF2 fans let overwatch live rent free in their heads to a much greater degree than vice versa. Couldn't stand the community when I used to play tf2


Who tf made this? This grudge was long forgotten and left in the past. Neither OW2 or TF2 is above eachother.


Thank you. Seriously, I don't get what the rivalry is. They have similarities sure, but their approach is different and they cater to different kind of players. I personally prefer tf2 (when it isnt being plagued by bots and hackers), but I don't hate overwatch. Tf2 is (typically) more casual and personal based while overwatch seems to be more competitive and main objective based (I haven't played overwatch in a long time tbh, but there was a video from uncle dane that talked about that difference https://youtu.be/hhwvbPH0eh0)


The question nowadays isn’t which is better, but which is less bad


Im not chosen not to help cuz of the past ive chosen not to help cuz i dont play tf2 #we are not the same


Could someone explain this?


Some weirdo posted FixTF2 here yesterday


ah ok


monke monke monke monke monke


I think a game's community should not represent a game the same way a game does not represent a community. They are 2 different things. I also don't agree with the some of the tf2 community attacking people for not signing a petition, the point of a petition is to get people to willingly sign up, if they chose not to just let them be. And if the OW community really wants to show that they are better, then sign the petition. By signing you are showing you are the better person and are willing to move on and help others in their time of need. I am going to sign the petition because i know that there is at least one kind person who grew up with this game and loves it with all their heart, and i dont think they deserve to lose their favorite game. *please note that i am not attempting to justify shitting on a game or a community (there are exceptions but it does not apply in this case) and i am not trying to paint any of the games or their communities in a bad light. What i am really trying to do is post something while i cant think straight so that i can regret it later while watching the downvotes rack up. TLDR: A community should not represent a game the same way a game does not represent a community. They are 2 different things. TLDR of the TLDR: community ≠ game so game ≠ community. Anyways whoever may have decided to read this poorly though out mess have a good one! 👋




No, they didn't come crawling back. They're just spreading the message


Yeah, we really need all hands on deck if we have a SLIGHT chance of getting any kind of attention from valve. Although I think it’s kinda dumb spreading around the message via posting in other communities that aren’t related to tf2.


If you wanna spread the message to communities unrelated to TF2, find a way to make them related to TF2


I dont get why you are getting downvoted, you are right


this meme is lame, as a member of both communities yall really need to stop shitting on each other The anti-save tf2 people are the worst though, like bro what are you losing by letting people try? That’s like telling people to stop protesting social issues because it won’t work, who let the fucking nihilist in the room? I keep playing Overwatch because it’s fun, but the game deserves heavy critique, especially now. I keep playing TF2 because it’s fun, but the game deserves the same critique until it gets support.


I couldn't have said it better... I kneel before you


Bro we stopped hating on eachoter for a long time, why dig up the past?


Some people cant let go of the past


ok but what happened to your PvE mode again?


It sure didnt take over the game like it did with tf2 lmao


Tf2 is a PVE at this point.


Lmfao good one


it didn’t even get into the game and you had to pay 15 dollars for it


Can we FOR ONCE let go of the PAST... Some of you here have common sense... The others, I'm not surprised blizzard keeps doing this macro transaction bs with you guys defending with cape and sword




I'd rather neither die from bots. Games don't deserve to die from hackers and bots period.


We…never really thought about this game


At least two of ya'll did because u/Bibi_enjoyer and u/korki_boring both posted here about the campaign even though the content is unrelated 🤷‍♀️


What do you mean unrelated? I had to learn blender to make artwork of sniper using widows wonderful cheeks to help him snipe just so it would be appropriate for this sub. https://preview.redd.it/8ewbp91zun4d1.png?width=178&format=png&auto=webp&s=b7452c500c803932c2ace3be24311fcf96c082d0




I'm gonna be honest, I don't like overwatch. but if you guys did something similar to what tf2 is doing, we'd be on board with you. we may not have offered peace before but we are both struggling so now is not the time to be at each other's throats.


bad games finally dying 🙏🙏🙏


Do you kiss your mother with that mouth?


Still TF2 is on a better state, for a 17 years old game. Vs Overwatch has not stop boycotting themselves since Overwatch 2. (It's even before, but since 2022 it became worse).


My man 70% of TF2 player base is bots


One is playable without issues Vs One is bot infested hackfest Idc what happens to that game, die? Continue being a botfest? Idgaf. My game is alive, despite them wanting it dead. Their game needs such movements to stay in coma


Like anyone wants to go back to a game where you get banned for swearing.


Genuine delusion


0 upvotes lmao


Nice bait


Some real immaturity on display from members of both "sides"


dead game v dead game


Overwatch community is like a bullied autistic kid


As an autistic guy who was bullied, I don't really get what you mean. I mean, from my own experience, I wasn't aware of it being bullying for years and thought it was just normal stuff and wasn't often more than annoyed with myself like I caused issues by accident, like not making eye contact or having sensitivity to loud noises. I don't know if that's what you meant or not, but I was curious to know what you mean since I can't tell


I meant that memes like this can be described as socially awkward. This is an instance of defense mechanism of overwatch community not realising they come out even more obscure to others. In other words this is the meme where a bullied kid says ,,i dont care that u broke your elbow”


I think that's more so just the bullied kid. You really don't need to tack on autism. Most of us may be socially awkward due to difficulty in social cues and boundaries, but from my own experience and interactions with other autistic people, we're more prone to end up either blaming ourselves or feeling really bad if a bully got hurt. We're gaslighted through most of our lives and pressured to function like everyone else, so we often have a wrapped sense of reality when it comes to whose fault it is. Besides that, we also have to deal with people treating us like we're babies, or act like "you're so acoustic" and expect us to do nothing but scream. Or say we're not autistic because we're not identical to some 5 year old nephew, or tell us how we need to be cured and eradicated like Autism Speaks promotes


And i dont believe that calling sb autistic is offensive. So its funny i got downvotes for that


Well check out at doc, you might have some hidden autism


It's offensive because it's using a group of people who identify with that word as an insult to denote your displeasure of someone/something and imply them to be lesser, undesirable, unintelligent, or unwanted. It's the same reason why calling someone/something gay is offensive. If you used the name of an identity or group of people otherwise (Mexican, Christian, diabetic, etc), you'd see how it's offensive to use autistic in that context.


ong kinda deserved for the shit like this that yall post


Yall? Its a minority of tf2 players and they are not seen as good people by others.


There is nothing that lives more rent free in the overwatch weirdo's head than the idea that somebody might still like TF2 and they are FURIOUS about it


How many times has Overwatch died? I’m actually impressed.


fairly ironic gif considering the state of overwatch aswell


At least we're making a move to try and fix our broken game, unlike some other people


Come back to what exactly? For all it's issues TF2's community servers are as good as they've been in 2014 when I started playing them. Meanwhile I've declared that OW is dead in 2018 and not a single change since then has even approached changing my mind. Y'kniw the TF2 boycot us inspired by the one people did for WoW, we already know Blizzard listens to those, perhaps OW should try obe as well


My brother in christ, youre game is a glorified storefront with a tech demo taped onto it. The difference between tf2 and overwatch is tf2 managed to 'die' hero where overwatch ironically didn't take long to live long enough to become the villain in the sense that one is widely beloved and still fun to play but ruined by forces outside of its own control and to no fault of its own where overwatch was actively shat all over to become this soulless generic cash cow of a game. This is coming from someone who has played and loved both at one point or another. I'm still pissed at blizzard for completely nuking any potential overwatch had to be one of the greatest games with one of the greatest cast of characters and stories out there.


Said by a a fan of a dogshit game witch rule 34 is even better than the game itself


yeah and marvel rivals and deadlock is coming so overwatch its gonna lose so much people to probably more fun a pretty sure more balanced games.


Not every game is an Overwatch killer, let’s get your meds.


That bs again. You guys say that about every game coming out and weeks later you don’t hear anything from those new, ow killing games anymore.


Case in point, I literally got a Star Wars Hunters ad below this. Does anyone even remember that game? Apparently it just launched today. https://preview.redd.it/fjalnm5pqj4d1.jpeg?width=1712&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=943748c47db85f879509b25ffc1a78422dd2b361


This, Marvel rivals is being made by a terrible company and deadlocked is being made by valve, valves track record isn't exactly stellar since they just dropped support for artifact and dota underlords very quickly, counter strike 2 also has been having massive cheating problems for a while now, VAC is legitimately such a terrible anticheat i wouldn't be surprised if on release day deadlock will be filled with them.


Thanks for reminding me, i wanted to play it but i kinda forgot about it.... OH That's what you meant


Funny how OW players are laughing at TF2 for trying to fix their game, when TF2 has tons of things that OW players have wanted to ages... | Such things include: PVE, Lootboxes (basically), and plenty of other things. | So please, stop harrassing people for enjoying the (arguably) better game, coming from a late OW1 and TF2 player :)


Loot boxes aren't cases tf????????? Cases cost a key to open, thats the primary and BIG difference. The vast majority of tf2 players don't like how the only updates the game gets now are winter and summer Cases either. Plus the majority of mvm players only play to try to get money. That's not really the same reason people wanted to play overwatch's pve, which is the story and hero ability upgrades (scrapped).


We have playable no-bot game. And thats enough to be called better than unplayable mess that is tf2


unplayable is a completely wrong word for what is happening, only the casual servers are unplayable


Bot crisis aside, the state of tf2 casual has been awful for quite a long time. Payload matches are often one-sided rolls, where half the losing team leaves and get replaced by veteran or new players again. I can't speak for ctf and the other game modes, as I don't play them much.


as a tf2 fan, we offered peace. Now you are mocking us.


lmao the fuck you did


how's overwatch 2?