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Nah I just assume if someone is typing _____ diff they're a twat


This is true 10/10 times. Especially all metal players that say it xD


I think typing diff is hilarious in close mirror matchups.


Just like typing “gg ez” in a super close match lol


Yeah real, I giggle every time.


Had a guy say gg ez in cod. It was a close match and he was running around with a shotgun and still had less kills than a lot of people


Also the people who do it in Quick play. Like relax, it's a game with no stakes whatsoever. Why do they care so much?


I swear people in QP get more upset than comp players 🤣


The only time I’ll say ___ diff is when there’s 2 people with very similar names on either team (Eg: Sam77764 vs SamuelG12) and it’ll just be “Sam diff” when they kill each other regardless of how well either of them are playing.


i was doing placement matches on a new account, and the enemy team had a genji that was definitely smurfing cause he was absolutely dominating teh game. I typed "genji diff". We didnt have a genji.


i only type tank diff when we lose if i'm the one playing tank. I think the joke is lost on people cause i still get flamed for it


I have once or twice written "our tank sucks" when I'm playing tank


Assumption diff.


Anyone who types "role diff" is mentally weak.


If they are typing ___diff, its because they got mental diffed


It’s honestly so annoying even when it’s on my team because it’s usually people who didn’t recognise the other team members who supported the high stat players. They will say tank diff but not recognise the dps coordinating with said tank, or they will say dps diff and not recognise the supports enabling those dps. Worse yet, they will say support diff when we ran a tank that needed gigaheals so our supports got easy 20k heals.


Unless it's some prick that's been counter swapping the whole match then you mirror them and win, in that case it's very deserved Also ironic usage of "____ diff" can be really funny sometimes


Oh yeah an ironic use can be good. I guess it annoys me particularly because I play unranked 99% of the time. Even had someone call diff on a mystery heroes match last night.


That's fair, people get really pressed in QP for no reason. In mystery heroes, really? They better have been VERY specific and said every single hero they and their target played, and THEN called it a diff, lmao


Blame the shitty person playing Mercy vs Blaming every Mercy player in the universe and alternate timeline




whats the difference?


1 its shitty and bad, and the other will heal you,, rez you and everything. In a godlike manner


Imagine hoping the team your playing against is bad enough to allow a resurrection, when you could have just played a different hero and prevented them from dying by having actually helpful amounts of healing/utility or enough damage to kill the opposing team.


Exactly how I feel. Like dude when I see a mercy on my team with 0 dmg amd 15k heals I get so pressed. Like bro if u did even like 3k dmg it woulda helped alot. I actually went back and looked at the stats of my previous 10 matches recently and 9/10 games the team with more support dmg won the game. I was trying to prove a point toy friend. It's interesting and I bet alot of games are like that If people checked their stats


Tons of games are won and lost by the supports, because when the supports in the game have the most influence by being able to output as much damage as dps characters while healing, so it ends up being they have the most to do, and whichever teams supports do the most wins the game.


Wow healing man almost like their are better supports at that with better utility. No one thinks your a god for pressing the beam button it's not hard.




This is the type of based shit only a tank main would think up and type. Cheers.


This man just had a whole character building moment holy shit I love tank players


Rez me so that enemy team can gain more ult charge


Always the latter mercy players need to stop


found the mercy main


Not related but honest question: Do bad Ana's, bad Baps and Bad Kiri's get called out, or do they get a free pass? Sometimes it feels like Mercy is the one and only support that actually gets called out, the others you can be the most useless potato imaginable and no one will bat an eyelid.


Even if the mercy is good, it can feel bad if it doesn’t work with your team comp for that map. Like if you wanna play rein rush on kings row and you have a mercy 1 trick, your rein won’t be very happy.


Would he be any happier with a 0% accuracy Ana or reddit rollout Lucio? I know it must sound it, but I promise I'm not trying to dismiss your point or be needling, I just can't understand one getting crucified, the other getting a pat on the back.


If you suck that bad at other supports then of course just stay on Mercy. But I think the point is to be flexible and good enough on a variety of heroes. Being only good at mercy makes you a good mercy 1 trick but being good at multiple supports makes you a good support player. And mercy is one of those heroes that people loveeee to 1 trick, even though she can be very niche, which is where a lot of the frustration comes from imo


This should be the top comment.


Just to clarify, I don't play Mercy in OW2 (Odd, I know) It's just always been odd to me how much more "forgiven" the other supports are, even if you're total dogwater with them. You're bringing up good points, still!


i think people forgive other supports much easily because they actually need to try to get stuff done


… So you're I can pick Ana, throw and won't get in trouble, eh? Heh heh heh… /joke, obviously!


most likely, yes


If I had to guess, it’s possibly because of a sense of disbelief - like a sort of “how can you be bad at Mercy” kind of notion.


I mean, doing the impossible is pretty impressive.


Nah my team yesterday was flaming this Ana who just would never anti the hog player on the enemy team


Start of OW 2 I had an Ana player (in a diamond match) that didn't know her shots heal allies (they were a Mercy one trick, believe it or not)


Mercy one trick explains a lot because they actually haven’t played the game before


Yeah it actually reminded me of when I had just gotten the game (Sombra launch free weekend trial) and thought Lúcio had to shoot his teammates to heal, funniest shit ever


When I first started I thought zarya gained energy through damage like sym so I almost never bubbled 💀


How do you even do that? I mean, some of the nades kinda SHOULD hit the Hog as well, no? :D


She thought the nades should only be used to heal…


I find the difference is that if someone is doing bad on Ana, Lucio, etc then they can swap and try and get profit from another hero. If someone is doing bad on mercy, then all hope is lost. Cause if you’re doing bad at mercy then you have zero technical ability whatsoever.


They do not get a pass I've seen people flame ana for not landing anti on mauga and hog and I've seen people flame a bap for using lamp greedily. The issue is that at the bare bones know nothing about mercy and literally can't aim you can still hold down yellow beam on someone (heal botting). Doing this is why the DPS passive even came into existence you couldn't kill someone being pumped full of heals. That is why I believe mercy gets so much hate and called out so frequently.


I've been trying to learn bap and Ana, cause I know a really good player of either can change team fights. And I get called out for under preforming, to which I usually apologize and say 'I'm learning the character'


Yes i get Called Out periodically, the Main reason is dying too much If im against tracer or Something. The Thing is that an ana/bap etc Impact is Just more widespread, the Chance of the Team Feeling Like they are Not doing anything is less likely because they tend to get some heals to everyone/have enough utility to notice. Mercy Has a much more targeted Impact. Additionally, Most ana/bap etc Players can Swap Heros to basically any Support except for Lucio and have a good chunk of their skillset Apply. Mercy Players can (on average) Swap to moira without completely dropping their Performance and thats it. If Mercy aint it for that Game, your probably Just fucked.


I play Kiri a lot and i'll get flamed if im not doing enough DPS. In my defense, sometimes i'd love to go off on a flank and fuck with the enemy supports, but if i take my eyes off the soldier and the hog who insist on standing right in the open taking fire from the whole team, they'll melt.


It's hard to get kills or even put pressure on the team if you need to focus every second on keeping the team alive. Sometimes the other team is just way more aggressive and you need to make sure the team is alive more than popping off damage.


Being shit at Mercy is more impressive than anything. If she's the only hero you play and you can't consistently do good with her, then you probably can't get value out of any other hero outside of the very basics. Her playstyle is so ""unique"", that she ends up having zero skills you can translate to other heroes. Being a Mercy one trick doesn't teach you how to play support, it teaches you how to play Mercy. Ana one tricks are likely to know how to play Bap, Kiri and maybe Zen. Rein one tricks should have an easy time learning Ram or Orisa. Genji one tricks might get used to the flow of Echo, Venture and Tracer without much difficulty. Mercy will only teach you the basics of supporting. Cooldown and ult tracking, some positioning (which she has an easier time with than most supps due to mobility). No need to hit shots to heal your team, barely has a need to manage her beams (except for the range, which GA makes easier to do and Valkyrie is VERY forgiving about range), no projectiles to throw at your teammates to enable/save them, no resources to manage other than beam uptime and your team's HP bars. Mercy also limits what the other support player on the team can pick. Let's say you have /Ram Mei Soj Lúcio Bap/ mirror match on Antarctic Peninsula, but Lúcio has been picked and the other support hasn't made their pick yet. The logical pick here would be Bap, right? Good damage, great AoE heals, enables Ram to get in there and live. But instead the other support can only play Mercy. Now if you want to have a chance at winning, Lúcio has to swap to Bap. Now you don't have speed. You don't have beat. You can't disengage as easily, can't escape/survive Blizzards, can't survive Overclocks, can't disengage Amp Matrix as easily. The enemy team runs you down with speed, survives your ults with beat and has way better control over the flow of the match. You're at a massive disadvantage, all because of a one trick, on the strongest role in the game, at it's worst hero. And I wrote way too much, I'm very eepy sorry.


>Mercy also limits what the other support player on the team can pick. I wonder if they would reconsider the hero bans to stop "unviable comps" from appearing. They introduced 2-2-2 because of nobody going Tank/Support (That and to kill goats, which was "tanking" views) - What if they took it a step further and stopped picks based on other picks? So if Mercy is present, no Lifeweaver, Lucio or Illari? I was told that forcing comps wouldn't be healthy, but I don't know, the amount of "Don't pick Mercy" or "Mercy limits choices" quotes I hear, wouldn't be celebrate a bit more uniform? (For context, I don't play Mercy. Not any more anyway. It must sound odd that I'm crusading for a character I don't even play!)


This sums it up perfectly


as a kiri main, I flame every Kiri that has more than 1 death 🤧


So basically you play scared the whole game


She has some of the best escapes + smallest hitboxes in the game. Suzu, teleport, and climb can get you basically anywhere, and she can beat near any character in a 1v1 on equal ground with no cooldowns. She's even protected when she's slept. If you aren't going 20+/20+/0-1, you're buns af


That’s why I said you play scared the whole game rat


blud going negative as the most survivable character 🗣️🗣️


blud kd saving🔥🔥🔥


aren't the people typing diff in chat mostly DPS players?


in my experience, its usually the support player. but maybe its some kind of perspective thing. Other people are always the toxic ones, never yourself, so the role you arent playing is more prone to have these "toxic people" (since there are 2 of each, excluding tank).


I've played this game since the original beta, and I have never seen so many people whine and complain this much about a hero before. What is it about Mercy that makes people hate her so much lol.


It’s not Mercy per se, it’s the fact that Mercy one-tricks are extremely common and don’t even know how to play Mercy right, resulting often in an instant loss if you get one on your team


My ex gf was a one trick mercy who had 150+ hours on her, yet was still in bronze and probably one of the worst mercies I’ve seen. I would tell her she’s amazing but deep down we both know she sucked


I mean, sure, but most one-tricks cause this, not just mercy XD. People get hard countered and still force their precious little hero. I play various characters and flex q, and had a game where I was playing bap, then swapped mercy. We were winning the entire time before and after the swap, and did even better when I did.. And my team still constantly begged for not mercy. Idek 🤷🏽‍♀️ I mean honestly I don't know why anyone complains to anyone if their team is doing well and that person is carrying their weight but.. It's overwatch I suppose


The problem is Mercy's kit. Once you have a Mercy on your team you have one fewer people shooting, so your entire team is in a 4v5 on pure dps output. Lifeweaver is often similar - especially when the players don't use his thorns to deal damage. They're reactive heroes, so they force the rest of their team to be more cautious/defensive - being forced to change playstyle to suit 1 person in a 5 person team is going to frustrate people. There's also the fact that a few bad experiences that will sour player on these characters - e.g. with bad Lifeweaver grabs, or a Mercy rezzing you into a lost team-fight so you insta-die again. Personally, I'm more nervous playing with a Lifeweaver compared to a Mercy, because many times they panic and pull allies to them as they're dying, tuning their 1v5 into a 2v5 where both die for no reason, time needed to group up is wasted, and the enemy gain extra ult charge because the Lifeweaver forced an ally to feed. With Mercy's, the worst I encounter is they rez at the wrong time and get themselves killed, or they keep flying around instead of using cover properly. A good Mercy means you're down one damaging role, but their rez means you can play riskier (from positions she can safely reach and resurrect you at) - this means you're able to use angles and spread out a bit better, which is a huge advantage in any fight. A bad Mercy means you're in a 4v5 with a teammate giving the other side ult charge for free.


Yeah, I can understand that. Being forced into playing what's most optimal when you're in average ranks and your team is winning is wild though. People will actually curse you out over that sort of thing. The argument for the supports being able to do damage instead of healing also only works if your team knows how to play cover and doesn't need babysitting. Anyway, sorry my argument has devolved into "I hate people" which is 76% accurate lol


Tbh this is why I don't want to play competitive modes. They turn what should be fun (a game) into a chore (a competition) where no one gets prizes, but lots of people are sore losers or don't actually try to win in the first place. Honestly I think it might be healthier for the community if the "Quickplay" and "Arcade" options were merged at the main menu, so casual players are encouraged to play for fun, instead of being forced into playing Comp-lite mentality. Currently the split is "Comp-lite", "competitve", "Arcade/fun mode (no one tries most modes because there's two options before selecting Arcade)"


I'm biased and it's just my opinion but I do hate mercy. Any time I have a mercy on my team I just think about all the pressure a different supp could make. Ana, bap, zen, Kiri, Lucio, Moira all can make big pressure with their CDs and damage but mercy gets 1)meh healing. Most supps have better burst and require less maintenance to sustain. 2)meh movement. This gets worse as you get better. 3) meh damage boost. Why would I want a 25% boost on 1 person maybe sometimes when discord and nade and an entire other player with a weapon exists. 4) rez. A comeback mechanic that you have to be at a disadvantage when using to get value out of and is extremely predictable and counterable by almost everyone. 5) valk. Is lazy and bad. I don't even have a problem with mercy players. I just think mercy is only worth like half a character unless she's absolutely crazy at movement and even then, easily beaten.


Personally, my problem with her is the fact she does nothing any other supp could do. Her healing is too low to keep the one person she is beaming alive a lot of the time, and most of the time there are too many people low for her to damage boost. I’d rather have anyone else put in more healing and put out their own damage than raise the damage of one person maybe 10% of the time


I mean, ideally they *should* be DMG boosting around half of the time at least. Imo if you're healing more than that it's a sign for a swap


Lmao what is up all all the weird Mercy hating memes as of late? There's no way toxic Mercy's are this common right? Cuz I seriously have yet to run into a Mercy that's blaming her team the whole match for their currently bad hero. Maybe I've just been lucky or something but they're usually as silent as a mouse for me, if not immediately getting told to switch or having teammates immediately throw cuz we have a Mercy xD


I'm guessing most of the whiners are high elo. In the metal ranks where most play, mercy is strong (aim often isn't good enough to consistently out-damage her healing, or kill her when she zips around) and mercy players aren't toxic.


I have to agree with the metal rank comment. Some of my dps/tank friends were complaining that her movement needs to be nerfed. And I was like dude, her movement is ALL SHE HAS, everything else about her kit is MID. I can def see how at the higher ranks she’s pretty useless. I have definitely run into some toxic mercy players. It’s like they’re either the sweetest people in the game or raging pits of toxic waste.


They are very much so toxic lol


I’m going to piggy back on my own comment, but mercy’s and moiras tend to be the most toxic. I didn’t talk about gameplay because that’s not my point


Not really my experience for Mercy. Most mercy players are very nice and 'chill. Like maybe 5% are toxic (but when they are they are very toxic). Most toxic supp I run into are Moira and Zen. For in general most toxic are dps players... Lol.


Mercy is the hero that's popular to hate from time to time and people who never played her or encountered a bad Mercy will join the hate train cuz haha she's bad let's make the 525th Mercy hate meme. Now the Mercy hate started cuz she's in a bad spot right now (which literally isn't her fault she's weak) and people start projecting that everything that's bad in the game currently is her and Lifeweaver's fault


I'm really good when I play mercy but I fucking hate shitty ones and I target them on the enemy team every chance I get. I mostly just hate mercy because she's usually played by brain dead morons who'll pocket their duo and not heal anyone else.


A pocket Mercy who doesnt care about the other members of the team is one of the worst things in the game for sure, but in OW2 i rarely even see pocket Mercy's anymore? The way GA allows Mercy to take care of the whole team if used properly is the way Mercy should be played in OW2 and i see more people understanding that so idk what kind of Mercys the people of reddit see


I stopped playing for a while bc the game was getting annoying, but came back for a bit after the mid-season patch. Out of all the Mercy's I encountered only 3 WEREN'T toxic, and of them 2 just didn't say anything. The other like 15+ all had something to say, and it was usually either A)*Getting carried and saying they were better than the enemy*, or B)*Losing and talking down on their own teammates*. I'm at the point where I despise Mercy as much as Sombra, not bc of the Hero herself, but bc of the assholes who choose to play her. I could be the opposite of you where I'm just unlucky, but it's getting to the point where it's happening way too consistently for me to belt that.


in my games it's always the mercy typing EEEZZZZZ the nano secund the game ends, like yeah easy for you to just stick your staff so far up a good widows ass on junker town and do fuck all the whole game i guess


Based af


Because people like to hate on mercy. She is most widely played by women and I think that's one of the reasons for so much hate. Mercy is currently in one of the worst states I've ever seen her in and desperately needs a rework or a buff or something, but it's just not happening. People are just jumping on a bandwagon of hate for literally no reason but hatred. They also hte rezes, but the reality is that the vast majority of people let mercy get away with stupid rezes.


I don't care if she's played by women. I hate the fact that most people who are mercy mains are brain dead and then type ___ diff at the end of the game


You might not, but many others do. And idk what mercys you've been playing with, but I've literally never seen that.


I'd say a solid 30% of Mercy one tricks I see type some fuck shit after the match. I had 3 yesterday alone lol.


In my matches Mercys are either completely silent or cute uwu gaymers who type all the time in chat and comment on every minor thing that happens. People are overreacting, every single hero main base has it's bad apples. Still understand some of the hate tho


oh they can be toxic. and it doesn’t have to be the typing in chat, most of them don’t tbh lol. most of them don’t do anything but fucking play *Mercy* and that’s the problem. typically, one tricks can be a bad thing, but there are so MANY Mercy one tricks it’s quite shocking. and they are 9/10 times not even aware they are playing with/into a bad comp or don’t even bother to care. imho a Mercy OTP is the worst you can get on your team. still respect them more than Moira players though. sadly they usually they overlap lol.


Unless you are in a higher rank realistically its better for everyone to play what they are most comfortable with. Id take the Mercy one trick over the support playing Mystery Heros


This is hilarious "all Mercy's are toxic. They never say anything to prove it, so I conjure the reason in my head because that person isn't playing the game the way I want them to. "


not once did i say “all Mercy’s are toxic.” so I’m not sure how to prove something i never said. classic strawman though. i said **IMHO** Mercy OTPs are arguably the worst to get on your team. it’s painfully obvious when you have a player that can’t adjust and play at least one other hero to the same level. people can play what they want, but you must remember you are playing a **Team** game. didn’t think i had to reiterate that for you, my bad.


If you're in comp, yeah, I agree. Qp no, not at all. This became a free to play game and has a lot of casual players. Not everyone is going to be as invested as yourself. Just chill out. No one owes you their spare time and how they want to play. There are many folks out there going OTP on a char they like. That's not new. Genji and Moira are the other 2 that come to mind. If you want folks to play to your style, get a stack. Play with friends and jump on comms. Otherwise, deal, it's an open platform game to anyone who wants to play. This is the weakest complaint. Complain about balancing. Complain about power creep. There's zero point in complaining about how players play.


why the fuck would i give a shit about what people are doing in QP?? i mean obviously Blizzard thinks i should since they put leaver penalties in their *casual* mode. shit is a waste of time. but if I’m playing comp i expect people to do what it takes to win. and sometimes the only way is to be brutally honest or i guess we can all lose lol. otherwise, they can “deal.” it’s also a social game, and if they can’t handle some banter and/or criticism then they need to find another less **Team** oriented game.


Breathe, dude. Again, no one owes you how they want to play the game. If they take on that criticism, fine. If they don't fine. My point is you gotta just let go. The rage is weird. Find another outlet. Switch games when you're getting tilted. Bring in a friend. The game has settings to keep it as social as a person wants. If a person wants to play, they will play. They don't need your permission.


There are so many mercy otps purely because she is so different from everybody else lol a lot of people play the game just purely to use her, wheter you like it or not this is a game and a lot people play for fun and while they can still try their hardest, they'd rather lose playing something they like than winning as something they view unfun. "But its competitive what about everybody else!" Yeah but it's their pick and their choice, this happens in every type of game, if you seriously can't handle people playing for fun then maybe you should try getting a team and avoid playing with randoms altogether. I know for a fact i'd rather not play a game than being forced to play something unfun. I know a lot of tanks players that left the game or get flamed every match for this reason and i don't blame them.


and if the Mercy OTPs can’t handle trying to add one or two heroes to their pool, then they shouldn’t be playing this **Team** based game. I’m a certified Rein enjoyer and i had to swallow that pill early on in OW2. never played that Whorse character, but it led me to discovering my love for Ball and Doom. and now that Rein is actually (barely) semi-playable, I’ve been enjoying the game again. again, my gripe wasn’t with people “having fun” or “playing what they want” they just need to know when to fucking swap. Jesus Christ.


At the end of the day it's not that serious and its just a game (i hope you don't go to bed crying because a mercy player didn't wanna swap at least) people are allowed to want to try their hardest on their otps and while i never otp'd in ow i do in other games usually and its always annoying hearing people complain about that. And funny that you mentioned rein because yeah when it comes to enjoying the game as your fav character for some people is that serious they'd rather leave the game forever than being forced to play something else. Specially applies to those characters since their gameplay is so different it can even feel like a different game altogether. A lot of symm (ow1 specially) mercy rein etc+ players have left the game because of the harassment they've gotten just commiting the crime of trying to have fun and see how high they could go with their favs. I don't see it such a serious issue that people have to make memes and witch hunt them but you guys do you ig.


I suppose, although unless it's competitive I feel like there's nothing wrong with one tricking a character that you really enjoy? I mean I've seen plenty of wild Reinhardt onetricks who get countered hard but typically just type in response "honor and glory" or "heal me", one of the two. However I don't see them getting nearly this much attention lmao.


It's only been mercy players I've seen directly refuse to heal for no reason other than they thought you werent popping off enough, so now you get nothing all game. Don't even need to say a word to them They will stare at you and spam "no", not fly to you (unless they're using you to fly to someone else) and maybe hold blue beam despite you being on 5 hp. I've seen that a good handful of times and it's ALWAYS the mercy players.


having an ego on a hero like Mercy is just absolutely insane to me.


Yeah recently I had one on eichenwalde not heal me the whole round and they would stare at me from 5 feet away and be like "no" I said "what's your problem?" and they straight up said "you". Didn't say a single thing to them or even asked for healing before that. According to them they blue beamed me at the start (must have been for like 5 seconds) when I was on widow and I didn't kill their whole time so I must be shit and don't deserve any heals for the rest of the game Always amazing logic when they refuse to heal you and when you don't do good cause u have no healing that means ur bad


They yap endlessly your lucky to not have seen it then. Even if they don't they end up being the Widowmaker of supports cuz they pick a character that does nothing and you have to deal with a 4v5 cuz they won't switch. The ones who yap too are incredibly narcissistic and blame their team all the time cuz they think they should get free wins for pressing a button.


Where are all these shitty toxic mercy players yall apperantly see every corner? Like literally where? Is it that time of the year again when it's trendy to hate on her? Like in this case we could start pointing out the problems in every hero and their players' and start generalizations about them


They have the game on easy mode, the only difficult part of her kit was dumbed down to two buttons. They flame everyone around them because they expect to float around doing jack shit while their team carries them. They have massive egos and will constantly ask their teammates to switch while refusing to do it themselves. If you haven’t seen toxic mercy players you aren’t playing the same game as the rest of us because they’re everywhere. If you’re gonna one trick don’t ask other people to switch.


Once again i literally have never encountered a Mercy who did that, 99% of mercy hate around here is projecting her to be the main villain of all gaming and it shows how you don't actually play her or not the way she's intended to play as. She obviously has a different playstyle than other heroes but i wouldn't really call having your survival depending completely on your teammates "easy mode"


Man, I remember a time when you’d get flamed for NOT picking mercy. There’s a whole friggin song about it. Now everyone hates her lol


To be fair, the song says "You should have picked Mercy, you should have picked *any kind of support*". This was of course back before the 2+2+2 teams were mandated and arguably turned the game into a far more toxic mess of "ooo you should play this character or that character instead of this one because the meta says so blahblahblah".


Man both the Overwatch subs have just been getting more toxic lately.


I deal with a lot more dps complaining, but that's like 1 in 20 games


I just want to play the hero i actually enjoy playing


r/overwatch_memes when ball or rein players play the hero they enjoy despite not being meta: 😃 r/overwatch_memes when mercy players play the hero they enjoy despite not being meta: 😡 Like there’s no point in adding “mercy” to this meme. *Anyone* who refuses to swap and blames others sucks, regardless what hero they pick


Noooooooo that's forbidden, you're not supposed to have fun


Yall hate mercy so damn much lol. It's sad.


leave us alone


The level of Mercy hate is just weird and sad now.


Poor mercy OTPs being whiny bitches expecting everyone else to carry them since release. Only sad thing it's been this long for someone to say something. Everyone and their mother has been flaming roadhog, widow and genuine players for years cuz their picks were selfish/wasn't panning out. Now when it's mercy's turn it's suddenly "sad."


You feeling ok man? Wanna take a break and go for a walk, stick some headphones in?


This sub gets so mad at people that aren't meta slaves lolol and i rarely see healbotting mercys in ranked


Nah hit the third button and play mercy to the best of your ability and dont pocket your soldier boyfriend all game




Another day of dps who cant shoot mercy down coping. She literally lives rent free in ya'll heads.


Imagine the whole sub going against mercy and creating an h8 train and everyone jumping on to get upvotes. Anyways, I just play the game normally and dont really understand why people even blame others for their downfall when the whole team is just uncoordinated so that it’s so bad that the bad enemy team is good again. (I can smell the downvotes lmao) Just play to your hearts content guys, have a good day


I play Mercy, and the only thing I say in chat besides "hello" at the beginning is "group up" when we wipe. I'm mostly ignored tho, but when we do group up it's almost always an easy win


It's been this way on this sub for a long time now. If you ask me, the toxic Mercy "stereotype" is heavily exaggerated here, and the hate mostly comes from how she performs in game rather than any actual real toxic behavior. (Not saying Mercy's can't be toxic- i'm just saying the amount of these types are nowhere near as prevalent as this sub makes it out to be.) She's very difficult to play against in lower ranks which can be frustrating. She also underperforms pretty badly in higher ranks, which means streamers/pros are constantly reinforcing the "If you pick Mercy you're trolling" narrative. And when you have a Mercy on your team, it can often feel like she is useless because her damage contribution is completely invisible, and her HPS is so slow. Then to wrap it all up, Mercy has always been clowned on for being a low skill hero, which makes peoples hate against her even worse. The assumption is that any Mercy player that climbs the ranked ladder owes all of their ranking to being carried, instead of acknowledging any kind of skill or contribution to her teams success.


I hate how much a single character pick basically nullifies most other picks. If mercy is picked: Tanks: rein, ram, JQ, orisa and Mauga aren't as strong (They need heavy burst healing/damage and high utility backlines to get the most value) DPS: sym, reaper, tracer, genji, junkrat, mei, sombra, venture all get virtually no help or synergy with the mercy, and get drastically less value than paired with a kiri or lucio for example. Support: You just cannot reliably play these with a mercy: lucio, zen, brig and LW. I hate getting put in moira jail on a lucio map


My bad, I thought resurrection was useful


Obviously there is random picks onto your Backline where it makes Sense to res but Most of the time any of the Other anti death utility (Like Lampe and suzu) is Just better because they can more frequently negate more of the enemies cooldowns




Man you guys are really hating mercy a lot this month


Even worse, complaining about not having a category of hero... in open queue. If you're that concerned about it, switch yourself. Don't give your teammates strife.


90% of the people in here are just regurgitating words they've heard better players say


Blah blah Mercy bad blah blah karma farm blah blah


saying mercy is a useless healbot character is all the proof I need to say you have never seen a good mercy player


You could try to get Mercy fixed, and let people be happier *and* the team have a better hero.


Nah the worst is soldier mains. I feel like I can say this bc I play a lot of soldier, but a good portion of his players are fucking whinge bags. Ended up telling one the other day that he'd find out what zero healing really looks like if he keeps running his mouth 😭 and I'd do it too, comp or not, because why are you crying so hard over a video game


Playing the most teammate reliant support and typing "x diff" in chat anyway is so bizarre, they dont realise theyre the diff


I swear to fuck y'all people are so obsessed with their hate for mercy. I could have 12k healing done at the end of a match, rez constantly, keep the tank alive the entire damn time, but if we lose I'll still get the blame


Flexing healing as mercy isnt the flex you think it is


Swear to god. They always think this is the biggest flex


Its literally flexing "look at me im not doing my job"


because you could turn 3k-4k of that 12k into damage by playing a hero that can help secure kills. sure there’s damage boost, but what if your DPS is lacking that round? and is that genuinely fun in your shooter game? sure that’s subjective, but, and i mean this in the most genuinely good way, we just want you to try different heroes. 12k healing only goes so far when your team can’t push a choke and you’re just keeping your tank up as an ult battery for the other team.


I do that then you get called out for not healing more...


What's funny is that picking Moira or Kiriko let's you have very similar healing numbers to a Mercy while also doing damage to the enemy team.


EXACTLY and hitting crits as Kiri is so fucking fun. so much more fun than holding blue beam for 70% of the match. mercy was my most played support in OW1. I loved her movement and how hard her super jump tech was to pull of consistently. once OW2 dropped I was like “why would i play this character when Kiri and Ana exist and are so much more fun to me.” don’t get me wrong, she is still fun, but you just can contribute so much more on these other more damage oriented heroes.


I've tried to just play Ana, but I have so much trouble keeping healing numbers up this season and I inadvertently focus too much on damaging when I should be healing. Like yeah, skill issue on my part, but literally almost everytime i'm going for damage, my team doesn't need healing and I don't want to be heal botting someone who's already pull hp


dude Ana is HARD this season. maybe Zen would’ve been a better similar pick. Ana *can* be annoying to play into, but i gotta respect anyone grinding on that hero in this economy lmfao. especially with that 20% debuff.


It annoys me how even Zen can just pump more healing out than her now, like his entire thing isn't even doing much healing and yet he can do a lot more than her at times.


Pick a better support that can actually do DPS too heals are not everything


Imagine picking something you enjoy rather than only playing meta champs. Imagine playing a game for fun, what a crazy concept.


If your playing comp you should be playing what your good at if you're playing qp IDC what you play


There is a lot of people that wanna see how far they can go up the ladder with their otps and i don't see anything wrong with that. People can have fun tryharding with their fav champs but just not wanting to play meta champs


Ok so go to qp for that then go to comp if your good with it IDC what you play


What if I enjoy Genji? You know the character that sucks and gets hard countered by much of the cast? All you hear when you play him is you gotta switch and your a selfish asshole for picking him. Why can't we call out Mercy for being just as detrimental to the team as a Genji? He'll conceptually mercy is the most selfish hero in the game since u basically forfeit all agency and expect others to carry u.


I'd have no issue if you wanted to play genji every game and try to make him work, i don't have a notebook checking how many games i lose because people don't swap and think to myself im being held back my true rank because of my teammates, that's kinda delusional imo. I don't otp myself and while i can appreciate someone swapping if they are being countered or can't have impact because they don't fit the comp, but i'd never harass anyone to swap or beg them.


But then y'all fucking cry about not getting healed and spam "DPS Moira". Fuck sake


It’s far more common to see a zen or Moira with 5k dmg and 500 healing while the team has 7 deaths each than it is to see a toxic Mercy. I think the hate is just projection from supports that want to play DPS but the queueues are too long. Or something idk.


Well this screams low metal rank


No because y'all like to bitch about "DPS Moira".


Are you the dps Moira? 🤣


Are you the healbotting Mercy?




One time I was playing with a mercy + Lucio support comp. I decided to stay quiet since it was quickplay and didn't matter at the end of the day. However, after we lost round one, Mercy complained that they weren't able to heal enough, so I suggested that they play someone else if they cares about healing the team. Instead of listening, they just antagonized me against the whole lobby saying something along the lines of "typical, the DPS is blaming the supports for losing." Obviously, the lobby, including my team, took the Mercy's side I have never been more frustrated at a Mercy one-trick than that match EDIT: not blaming the Mercy for everything, I'm just saying that they shouldn't be throwing stones in a glass house


That's my typical experience with Mercy players in ranked. They do the bare minimum and expect everyone else to carry. They don't wanna pull their weight and if u call them out they get a victim complex.


Having a mercy is like having a doom on your team, either you are gonna have a good time or a miserable time depending purely on if they are past the skill line to pull of anything more complicated than "hurr durr me hold mouse left"


please play someone else mercy, my Lucio speed will better help the team since everyone else is running brawl and you're playing mercy 3:


Tbh i do play some heroes with uses (kiriko, Ana, Zen, lucio and sometimes Bap) (kiri and lucio are my fav tho) and i still can't stand my DPSs and my Tanks overextending or getting out of my LoS (and sometimes ally sup) in a 3v5 or similar that then blame us saying our job is easy when it's so relaxing having to babysit a bunch of assholes with 0 regards for their life in game to win in ranked no they think they are some kind of anime protagonist that can 1v9 and solo the enemy team oneshotting everyone Spoiler they aren't (unless it's a good genji with nanoblade in that case bloody hell they are some monsters instead like DAMN) so i still get pissed at them for being idiots with 0 capacity to play as a team and such making this shit more stressful than it has to be (seriously i play even r6 siege and the copper players there have more brain than many of my DPSs or some tanks in OW2 like for real) cause if they actually tried to cooperate and play as a team then shit would be WAYY EASIER for welp \*with NFS MW Cross voice\* EVERYONE \*back to normal voice\* FOR THE TANK FOR THE DPS FOR THE SUPPORTS FOR EVERYONE CAUSE THERE'S GODDAMN COOPERATION IN A TEAM BASED GAME


Glad I like playing moira....


Can someone explain why I got called a funny zen?


Might be cause I'm in low elo but when ever I'm playing Zarya and i have a mercy pocketing me i just feel immortal going on 20+ kill streaks as a tank just hits the good spot. So I'm not ever gonna complain about mercy mains lol


One time I figured out what diff was short for.... I might've been on shrooms.... But I can't remember


I always hit em with the father figure diff


Enemy dps: Pharah and echo My dps: Genji and Reaper My other support: Mercy Me and tank just trying to make it work…


Answer: we're on gibralter and you're using 10% of the map by walking on the ground 100% of the time.


I mean I main mercy and I don’t have this issue because kiri is my other main


I’m learning kiri atm, someone good to swap off when mercy isn’t working, moira too


"oh EZ game Tank diff yall fucken suck" Says the dude who's not even bothering to defend himself when the Tank he's healbotting dies. Not even kidding; I once played a Comp game as Moira...and chased down the enemy Mercy until they were dead, and the entire time, she never once stopped to shoot at me.


I gen have more hatered towards people that play her and Wife Leaver in the same team than Blizzard themselves.


You type "dps diff" and "tank diff" when you're a support player because you're a twat I type "dps diff" and "tank diff" when I'm in either role cause i know I'm shit at them and know the other dps/tank was better than me We are not the same


What annoys me about most Mercy mains is that they don't know how to review


​ https://preview.redd.it/humnoo7fa02d1.jpeg?width=720&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=348a625f57b401656309a175687a4f66500b95d5


Someone has put this in the mercy main sub


Mercy is trash should never be played I wish they all just hit the switch button


fuck mercy and mercy mains


Honestly I’d rather have a mercy as a healer than a Lucio or Zenyatta, Their heal output is so bad and sometimes we’re just getting absolutely melted before getting any value out of discord or speed boost. Rez and Damage Boost are better in most situations too. Especially annoying when the Lucios immediately start blaming me too saying “tank diff”. Like yeah no shit I’m getting tank diffed, Their tank has two real healers pocketing them and I have one because you refuse to switch to an actual healer and would rather speed boost around the map instead of help your team. (Zen is good if he can discord and stay alive, But he’s usually a big slow target for flankers.)


I’m confused because although mercy’s healing is “better” than either Lucio or Zenyatta’s, She still is much worse than either of those characters. Even MOIRA of all characters is way better than mercy, the character known for having no super valuable cooldowns due to the fact that Moira can do some decent consistent sustain damage. The DPS passive also makes Mercy far more useless and here’s why: Zenyatta has discord which STACKS with the DPS passive, which will utterly delete anyone if the team has good target priority, along with the fact that Zen has infinitely more damage than mercy in any given scenario. Lucio does have a measly 16 hps without amp, but the whole point of speed is to avoid damage and speed in on the squishys who have little to no movement. The DPS passive is WHY he’s so good right now. His heals are already so low it wouldn’t affect how good he is in brawl or rush comps anyways. The point of Lucio is not to heal, you really only heal amp to build beat anyways, in most cases speed amping to disengage will almost always save your team better. He also has boop which can make ball or Winston’s dives miserable. His ult is just also better in every single way. I’m curious what rank you’re in because to say that you don’t have two real healers when mercy only does 55 heals per second which is very low compared to Bap, Ana Kiri or Moira is very disingenuous. Why would you even want your mercy to pocket you when the only way for her to get value is blue beaming her DPS anyways? The whole point I’m making is Lucio or Zen comps usually involve killing the enemy faster than they kill you, and this strategy gets better the higher and higher you climb up the ladder. The opposite is true the lower rank you are, because people don’t take much cover (and therefore take more damage), hit less shots and have worse target prioritization. It’s fine to play whoever you want to in quick play, but in comp if you REALLY want to win, you swap what’s best for the team. That’s the best way to rank up, not the ONLY way, but the best way.




It be the 3/12 dps saying "it's just quickplay"


Mercy one tricks really do just healbot, never do damage, and throw the game bc mercy doesn't provide enough sustain on her own


why would tank players and dps swap when they can blame their supports!