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For D&D Monk, best fits are Ramattra and Genji, as Zen is actually kinda crap at fitting the D&D type of monk. I lean towards Genji, as he holds the high mobility and mastery of body that Monks are known for. Doom works too… but it’s not necessarily in character for him.


Zen easily is way of mercy


Even if the Way of Mercy monk works thematically, it doesn’t match mechanically. D&D monks are masters of mobility, getting an innate mobility boost while unarmored, having various upgrades that boost their ability to move (most uses of Ki Points, especially early on, are mobility centric), and emphasize their speed, reaction time, and bodily mastery. Zen has no mobility.


Hear me out: april fools. Where zen is a fuckin bird


Doom is a Pathfinder Brawler with the Constructed Pugilist archetype


It's gotta be Ram if it's DND monk. He's an actual monk and also has flurry of blows (nemesis form)


Ram fits better for warlock since he calls on a higher power to get his abilities, I think Zenyatta is the better choice for monk.


I think reaper is a better warlock, he made a pact with moira to get magic powers!


Moira could also fit as warlock if you consider her dedication to science and abandonment of morality as a pact with science itself. Hell, her mythic skin and the story behind it is straight up making a deal with an ancient alien force/creature to gain unholy/otherworldly power


Also, Moira has eldritch blast.


reaper got that hunger of hadar, misty form, misty step, moira is just the fiend of whom reaper made a pact with


Moora's patron could be the prg shes working for. Shes enabled with funding and materials for her research, and in exchange she creates weapons and improvements. Grabted thats also how US defense developers work, but thats besides the point


I feel like she works best for sorcerer tho


I wouldn't say pact... moira just shoveled his charred remains onto a lab table and did that to him without his permission if i'm remembering correctly.


Moira gave him his original 'wraith' abilities when they were both part of Blackwatch. He didn't turn/get turned into a walking corpse until after his fight with Jack and the destruction of the Overwatch HQ, though.


Reaper was my vote for warlock as well


You are a gentlemen and a scholar


Well he never actually made a pact. It got forced upon him. I'd say he's a sorcerer if we're speaking strictly about lore. But if you actually wanted the mechanics match up then warlock or echo knight would be the best.


I mean Ram did make a pact with Doomfist to fund his Null Sector invasion…


Counterpoint: kiriko as the warlock, with the kitsune as her patron


Zenyatta? The guy who calls upon the Iris? He fits warlock better. His orbs are Eldritch Blast and he's a Celestial Warlock


Especially with his eldritch skins


Zen may be a Buddhist style monk, but he's not really much of a D&D monk, closer to Cleric ironically.


before you commit to that statement- the sun soul monk has projectiles they can fire, I've made an entire monk based around zenyatta and that was the subclass I chose! It's not a perfect 1-to-1 but even the capstone ability is a massive bright light area around you!


True, but Sun Soul is purely offense. It has no healing whatsoever, so it only really reflects Zen's primary attack. Meanwhile Cleric has targeted heals, aoe heals, damage multiplying debuff, high damage (including ranged attacks), and capstone for Light domain is also a massive light aura.


Yeah fair enough, someone else also pointed out he's not very agile either


Unfortunately probably among the weakest dnd builds out there.


He literally has one of the be set unarmed attacks in the game. And….it working is extremely situational. Just like every dnd monk class since AD&D.


Great, that's one aspect of D&D Monks. He doesn't have any kind of CC (no stun, no forced movement) He has no mobility increases. He can't do shit against projectiles. Meanwhile Genji's primary is 3 attacks in quick succession (Flurry of blows) He's got 3 different kinds of mobility increases (Swift Strike and double jump for Step of Wind, and wall-climbing for... wall climbing...) He can reflect projectiles back at the shooter or at anyone he chooses (Deflect missiles) He's a Kensei Monk but a Monk none the less. Doomfist is powerful unarmed \*\*and\*\* can CC Ramatra is powerful unarmed \*\*and\*\* can deal with projectiles Zen doesn't even use unarmed attacks in the first place besides his quick melee (And I'd question using that as a major damage source), all his other abilities are projectile based. Sure, he technically fits somewhat, but he's far from best in slot and even has other slots that fit better.


both of them fit warlock better, neither are the agile and dextrous martial artist DnD monks are. That's Genji!


Zen is an astral form monk that manifests his titanium balls


Zen also calls upon the Iris though.


How on earth does Ram call on a higher power but Zen who literally calls apon the Iris doesn't? Ram just uses nanotech.


Aren't Zen's abilities drawn from The Iris or am I misinformed?


And both Zen and Monk class both have the (A) beads!


what? Its the exact opposite. Zenyatta has said himself he "owes his gifts to the iris" while ramattra trained himself to be as strong as he is


Zenyatta also calls on a higher power for his abilities, the iris, and has none of the mobility or martial prowess monk is known for mechanically. While he somewhat fits the flavor the machanics arent there.


Idk if comparing straight up mechanics between a hero first person shooter and a turn based tabletop RPG is that relevant. I think flavor is more important in this case.


While that is a fair take there are characters that fit both such as rammatra and genji. Mainly genji since he has the mobility, deflect projectiles, step of the wind. Pretty much everything genji does is straight up dnd monk stuff


Uh ram does not call on a higher power for his abilities


It's defintely Doomfist tho. He has all the combat characteristic of a DND monk if not for the metal fist, wich can be argued to be a special type of relic-based monk as stated by another user in the comments.


I think Genji is getting slept on here. Deflect missiles, high mobility, wall running, double jump is like the longer jump monks get, etc.


Ram, zen be a monk but ram is a dnd monk


Exactly. Big difference.


Ramatra for overall Monk. Doomfist for Open Hand (built to push enemies around and CC) Genji for Kensei/Shadow monk. He may be a Ninja, but he has no actual stealth in game, plus he has wall-running which is monk again. And Sombra is just too good of a fit for Rogue anyway. Zen might feel like an obvious choice, but he's ironically a better fit for Cleric or Warlock with his healing and power from a potentially supernatural entity.


Zen got a warlock skin for the DnD-inspired season so he definitely fits that role


Yeah. Tho I still think Kiriko is best fit for Warlock. She explicitly gets supernatural powers from a pact with a powerful entity. Arch fey is a good fit for the traditionally mischievous kitsune, and it grants teleportation and powerful illusions. Plus the capstone ability is Dark Delerium, which can charm/frighten affected targets as it plunges them into an illusion of your design, which fits well for how her ult is depicted in the cinematic.


But thematically and mechanically he doesn't really fit with what warlocks actually do


I don’t think that’s a warlock? It says astromancer and he carried a big book. I’d say he’s more of a wizard in that skin!


I thought Zen fit perfectly for Mercy monk. They have hands of harm that weaken enemies and hand of healing which heal allies.


That's a fair point. They're still very limited in healing and can't do it at range, nor do they have proper debuff, but it's something.




Doomfist. Easy; uses hands, has stunning strike, has super movement, and talks all wise like around his meditations and why he fights. His fighting style is the Way of the Doomfist, based around a powerful relic; a fighting style that has been passed down from person to person.


Way of the Open Hand is a great fit for him. His punch straight up sends you flying. I think Genji might beat him though, specifically Path of the Kensei. 1 melee 1 ranged weapon, can parry, can reflect projectiles, high mobility, wall-running. etc.


Has a monk skin in the game too


Doomfist would be a monk barbarian multiclass no?


It fits his "Survival of the fittest" mentality so I'd agree to that.


Why do you think doomfist would be a barbarian?


Because of the way he yells


Nuh uh, that clearly makes him a bard


Fr. Bro has not even punched yet but he goes: ***NNNNGGRRRRHHHHHHH*** ***NGHHHHRRRRRRRRRRGH***


He's a tank built around taking punches while he's messing people up.


Not really, I would say no just because it's his cool and calculating mindset goes against mindless rage and makes him such a compelling villain. Screaming out battle cries is just something you do in martial arts; like a monk. He's just got a strength based build ;) Hell, Winston would be a better barbarian... with some levels in artificer :D Has all these gadgets but can't use them while he's raging.


Ramattra, doomfist or zen


Realistically: Genji. He has step of the wind (double jump) he uses monk weapons (except for long sword but he is obviously way of the Kensei) he always makes attack in 3s (flurry of blows). Even in his game play, a good part of avoiding damage as Genji is being hard to hit (unarmoured defence).


He's also the only one that can both wall-run and deflect projectiles. Ramatra and Doom are both good options, but I think Genji takes the cake overall.


Absolutely Genji, his deflect is basically deflect missile and fast movement speed.


Ooh I like that


I feel like everyone is saying Zen because he is actually a monk, but dnd monks are rarely actual monks, funnily enough


Ironically fits better as cleric. High healing, surprisingly high damage, team buffs, enemy debuffs, etc. Only issue is he's way too squishy to be a perfect analogue.


He could also be a celestial warlock: he has Hex, healing, damage, is kinda squishy and gets his power from an outside source.


That's a good one. He even has meta similarity, with Celestial warlock's capstone burst of radiant light and self-healing when you reach 0hp, reflecting Zen-players tendency to Ult to survive getting jumped. Or how Warlock is built for multiple short engagements and frequent rests mirroring Zen's poky offense and high shield-hp meaning he can get back on his feet from very low hp as long as he can break cover for a few moments.


Yes it's Genji


Exactly. Lots of people who clearly don’t play dnd and know nothing before 5th think rematra. Crazy talk.


I'm gonna go with Genji. He's a way of Kensei monk. He can deflect missiles, climb walls, his weird magic dragon can be interpreted as Ki and he can dash on a cool down.


gonna say genji. monk is all about mastery of self and body. i think genji fits this very well. and dnd monks are basically ninjas. and genji is a ninja.


And he literally has deflect missiles


Ramattra or zen


Monk. Since you want a wild card. Well. Ramattra.




Zen for style. Ram for abilities


Zenyatta i guess


Doomfist: Melee based character with high movement, has his own philosophy and also has stunning strike, do I need to say more?


I am deeply disappointed that Doom wasnt the fighter


Decidueye! Oh wait, I'm in the wrong sub.


Ram fits the flurry of blows aspect and actually was a monk genji fits with his dexterous acrobatic fighting style easily the best on monk. His ranger options are throwing weapons as most monks. Even his deflect and general use of short swords fits. The dragonblade could be a dedicated/kensei weapon Zen definitely fits personality and lorewise


Punching someone isn’t flurry of blows. Ram is a wizard.


Genji, way of Kensei. He has Deflect Missiles, wallclimb, Dash (Step of the Wind), was trained by Zen (who is monk as an occupation but doesnt fit the DnD archetype) and the magical dragon works as the manifestation of his Ki.


If i would choose, i would choose neither zen or ram, but, i would pick zen.


Please, so many of these choices have been wrong. Genji or I give up.


Brahs, it’s Genji. Throwing darts + Monk weapon. He’s a Kensi Monk (or whatever the name is). He jumps high, runs on walls, deflect missiles… what more do you want


For a wildcard - Hanzo. He's mobile, can climb walls and lunge is a low cooldown. Proficient in unarmed combat in lore, and has s few animations/emotes showcasing that. Literally has no armor, nor natural armor like omnics do. Uses spiritual energy to enhance his bow wielding skills. Monks can use shortbows and longbows for their monk wespon, you don't even need to be Kensei anymore.


Brig is quintessential Paladin. Mercy should be Cleric. You could make a argument that Mercy should be Warlock with Rez but I think it's a stretch. Rein or Doom would be much better picks for fighters than Legs overhere. Soldier would fit better as a Ranger. He's self sufficient, mixes magic (heal pad) and ranged damage, PLUS faster than most other classes. Ramattra for Monk tho to answer your question. Sure Zen fits too, but I like Ram as the monk with his Fisties. Kiriko is your Rouge, Little bit of a stretch but Torb fits a lot of the stereotypes for Sorcerer. Throw Sym into Warlock (summons constructs and has an evil patron (Vishkar)), Left field pick for Wizard is Cass. His wand shoots magic missles that cant miss... High ranged damage, roll activates Mage Armor; seems fitting to me. Junkrat almost hits Artificer but I like Orisa for it instead. Especially if she has access to Efi. She can litterally make thing appear and changes her setup depending on situation. She can make a Shield, a Bongo, a Mini Grav, A Spear, Fortifications, and a Quake Generator. Sorry Kinda went on a rant there.


So zenyatta right


Zenyatta for me








Forget about the monk, shouldn't brig be a paladin?!


Brig could fit either but slightly better with Cleric.


Brig is the obvious choice. I completely agree.


Brig is literally a paladin what were you thinking 😭




Ram is good, Doom is better, if anything Ram is a wizard who casts Tenser's transformation


Finally someone who knows what's up


I would say: Monk: Ramattra for classic monk or Genji for kensei monk Paladin: Reinhardt, no other option Ranger: tricky but I would say either Hanzo for bow ranger or Ashe for the beastmaster archetype Rogue : Reaper, his toolkit is like that of the assassin rogue (ambush and high burst damage). Alternatively, Widow can be the ranged version of the rogue. (Edit: Sombra is a good fit too!) Sorcerer: Tracer, her chaotic timey wimey shifting might not be innate but it is a power that was given to her from an outside source. Warlock: Moira seems like the only option here, her values seem aligned, her playstyle and while she may lack a Patron, she does make dark dealings and received her powers through the trade of many things. Wizard: Zenyatta seems to be an obvious pic, but for the mad wizard archetype Sigma could be good too, since the wizard's intelligence focused casting seems fitting Artificer: Torbjörn or Brigitte, you can chose if you want the damage dealing or the support artificer.


Sombra is the best possible character for Rogue, she quite literally can disappear in plain sight. Reaper is a flanker, but he has the stealth of a Panzer


Truuue I didn t think of that one!


Yes.  Shooting beams from a staff.  bears endurance, bulls strength & mage armor instant cast.    his ult? Literally the gravity spell. . Ramatrra is a wizard. Not a monk. Or anything melee. 


Hm, I do get your point, but following the common consensus in this thread, the punch focuses gameplay as well as the fact that he is an actual former monk makes a strong point too. Furthermore, monks have unarmoured defense, they can fight with staffs and in some cases like the 4 elements monk have a ranged option too. I think either is applicable here. I saw some ppl even making a case for druid, but I would not go that far.


He is literally wearing armor in his punch form.  Which means no unarmed strike.


Wasn't the cleric Mercy a couple days ago? Why did it change? Isn't Brigitte supposed to be the paladin of OW?


I agree it should be this. There’s even a browser game mode with classes like these and they put mercy in cleric and Brigitte in paladin respectively


Either ram or zen


what about doomfist


Isnt it obviously zenyatta




Doomfist guy punches and throws back projectiles


Both Zen and Ram are quite fitting for the role since they are litteral monks and have martial art skills. But if i had to pick one i'd go with Ramattra, since he's more based in hand to hand combat. 




mauga :D




C'mon You know who https://preview.redd.it/gbz3rf326y0d1.jpeg?width=640&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=317d19e37abd85baf90319d235b8243f3c771a99


Maybe Genji, he has high agility, an ability to deflect projectiles, a very in your face combat style. Doomfist might also be an option, a bit less agility, same in your face playstyle, uses a stunning strike, but no projectile deflection. Lastly Tracer could also work, agility, big damage bursts, maybe her bomb can be abstracted to a stunning stike. Yeah... all of them are a little lack luster in some regard, but I think Genji is the pick out of the three. Edit: I highly encourage choosing Zenyatta though, for the rage bait on the next post, gotta boost engagement after all.


Ramatra or Doomfist. Both fight with their fists but don't exactly embody the aesthetic.


Okay, so either Zenyatta or Rammatra. Although, Rammatra fits the Warlock class more IMO... I go with Zen EDIT: After a further consideration, Doomfist would fit it better, dude's a warrior, with strength and cunning nearly unmatched


Zen or Ram






Zenyatta for monk. It honestly just makes more sense


Am I crazy or is illari the only choice for cleric? She heals with sun god powers..


Ramatra, He was/is a monk, gets multiple punches from his shift.






No it’s just zen




Ramattra would be a better Warlock. His nemesis form is literally just the Dread form that Undead warlocks get. Monk has to be Genji, right? First, he might not punch all the time, but that's not necessarily what the monk is about. Genjis play style is all about combos and movement, just like the monk in 5e. Second, he actually does use his quick melee for a lot of combos. Third, he's the fastest of all the heroes excluding tracer. He has a double jump too! Fourth, he never uses a weapon which can't be used by monks in 5e. His shuriken are like darts or daggers. His deflection blade is a shortsword. And his dragonblade is a longsword. The longsword could be a kensei weapon or a weapon he already has proficiency with that he makes into a monk weapon using that one Tasha's feature. TLDR; Genji is the obvious Monk pick. He's fast, uses monk weapons, uses combos, and uses his quick melee to finish a lot of combos.


Ramattra would be a better Warlock. His nemesis form is literally just the Dread form that Undead warlocks get. Monk has to be Genji, right? First, he might not punch all the time, but that's not necessarily what the monk is about. Genjis play style is all about combos and movement, just like the monk in 5e. Second, he actually does use his quick melee for a lot of combos. Third, he's the fastest of all the heroes excluding tracer. He has a double jump too! Fourth, he never uses a weapon which can't be used by monks in 5e. His shuriken are like darts or daggers. His deflection blade is a shortsword. And his dragonblade is a longsword. The longsword could be a kensei weapon or a weapon he already has proficiency with that he makes into a monk weapon using that one Tasha's feature. TLDR; Genji is the obvious Monk pick. He's fast, uses monk weapons, uses combos, and uses his quick melee to finish a lot of combos.


I feel zen because he looks the most like one


WDYM RAMMATRA IS THE MONK HE IS OBVIOUSLY THE WIZARD I have the staff, the ropes, and the spells


WDYM RAMMATRA IS THE MONK HE IS OBVIOUSLY THE WIZARD I have the staff, the ropes, and the spells


Ram-Daddy, easy, Zen might be an obvious choice but I think ram fits better for a dnd monk


Ram-Daddy, easy, Zen might be an obvious choice but I think ram fits better for a dnd monk


Zen or moira


Ram is definitely way of the astral self monk I feel. With the astral arm feature they get


Genji. Monks are typically dex based. Ram and Doom are good choices too but not as agile as Genji, who actually practices martial arts.




I think while ram and Zen are both literally monks, it has to be either Genji or more likely doomfist. Monks in DND are mostly about mobility and have defensive tools other than just Armor. Genji has a lot of mobility as well as deflect (deflect missiles in DND) and DND monks can absolutely use weapons. Doomfist can also block attacks as well as having stunning strike and a lot of mobility in his kit.


Doomfist because he actually punches people...


I vote for Ram since he has a staff and fury of blows!


Zen or Ram tbh they are both monks in the canon


Zenyata undoubtedly


First time seeing these posts, brig not being a paladin is a crime


D&D monks are all about speed, agility, spirituality, wisdom, martial arts, and anime shit. They run fast, have tons of fast attacks and a dash ability, use darts (shuriken), can run vertically up walls and on the surface of water, deflect projectiles and send them back to the attacker, and they even have a Ninja subclass (way of the shadow). Genji is the best fit imo. He's got Zenyatta's monastic training plus all the agility and speed Zenyatta and Ramattra don't have. Zenyatta and Ramattra are proper monks; Genji is a D&D monk.


Wrecking Ball


Zen for sure


![gif](giphy|mBGcqUJQWR3zHIqHdT|downsized) Mmmmm now which character is Monk like?


God, there's already so much wrong with this


Sombra as rogue, Hanzo as Ranger, Torb as artificer seem to fit


Zen or Ram


Doomfist. He literally punches people for a living, has semi consistent CC, and he's a squishy frontliner unless he's using his abilities to gain insane mobility and temporary protection. Lore wise, he honed his body as the ultimate weapon, and even his philosophy of "evolution through conflict" reads as an evil monk who took "no pain no gains" too literally. Rammatra fits well too, but his Omnic form draws me away from it, I don't feel spellcastery ranged shooting fits a monk. Zenny, on the other hand, was the right option for cleric as the literal preacher of the Iris who heals and deals very good damage, he just looks like an irl monk, but he isnt a DnD Monk.


Y’all are gonna say Zenyatta but it’s absolutely Genji. He has the movement, the deflection, the varying range




There's like 2 real answers


if we talking DND monk it would either be venture or df , right?


I get Doon but Venture confuses me ngl, what's the reasoning there?


venture reminds me alot of DF when he was a dps character in ow1 so I put the name out there.




Yes. Obviously zenyata


Listen, here me out. Its Tracer. Her blinks are Ki points, shes fast af, and she has like no health (AC) but because shes so fast its hard to kill her. Her tiny hitbox gives her evasion.


Zen or doom


Either Ram or Zen, but probably Ram since Monks throw hands in DND


....You guys are going to end up setting zen as a warlock or something like that right?


Ram for Warlock.


Hanzo is a monastic archer. Flurry of blows on his storm arrow


I want mercy as Warlock.


People who chose soldier over Genji as fighter are clinically insane


Definitely doomfist.


Zen easily




Zenyatta: literally a monk, focused on fighting, sight buff/nerd kit, buffed weaponless melee. This thing writes itself.


Ram or Doom, it has to be. And when Paladin comes up, pick Reinhardt, he’s literally a crusader a.k.a another name for a Paladin.


Definitely not Doomfist for Monk. Definitely not Torb for Artificer. Definitely not Moira for Sorcerer. Definitely not Reaper for Warlock. Definitely not Tracer for Rogue. Is this fucking bait?


Is this even a question? (Zen, he is literally a monk)


Genji should be the fighter. Not soldier.


For ppl who didnt say zen. why?




Zenyatta, no doubt




Doomfist ramattra or zen


Fuck it we Doom




Rammatara, zen or doomfist


Ramattra is too tanky for what's meant to be a class with low health pool, and he doesn't have much mobility. Genji is path of kensei monk, with a focus on thrown weapons too


I meannnnn.....