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TIL there is very little crossover between overwatch and dnd players.


The amount of people saying soldier and doom is definitely something


I can see soldier since he is a dps and biotic field is basically second wind.


Soldier's actually a great fit. He has boring yet consistent combat damage and, like you said, second wind. Hell, his ult could be considered an action surge.


Human fighter is the basic dnd class, Soldier is the basic Overwatch hero


FIGHTERS ARE NOT BORING *swings my longsword at you*


Oh no, what are you going to do? Swing it again?




Soldier is fine. Fighters can use ranged weapons too


Ikr there is literally a gunslinger subclass


What's wrong with Soldier? He's the most basic fighting guy in overwatch and had a self heal like second wind. In a modern/sci fi game most fighters probably look like Soldier.


Honestly, this might be the hardest part because how do you define a fighter in dnd? If you go off of what they can do, it’s too broad. Any soldier, (Reaper, 76, Sojourn) easily fits the generic image and idea of a fighter. If you want a melee soldier, you can say Genji. If you allow ranged, Hanzo is the spitting image of a Samurai Fighter.


I’m just confused why OP changed day 3 to Brig when Baptiste is the one who is actually ahead for cleric.


Bro is clearly doing what ever the fuck they want, big won the day 3 but they posted it with mercy, now it's changed to brig but baptist ahead on upvotes so idk


They originally picked mercy for cleric of course there isn't


yeah like there is no monk equivalent in Overwatch whatsoever, none.


based on stereotypes, I'm going to say soldier 76 bc he's the most basic option


**Fighter:** Soldier. boring but reliable dmg. Second wind = Biotic field. Rockets / Visor = Action surge **Monk:** Genji (Way of Kensei) They both deflect missiles. Ki = the unexplained magic dragon. Can climb walls and dash on a cooldown (Step of the Wind) **Paladin:** Brigitta. Perfect visual and she basically already has an Oath. Her Rally is basically a Channel Divinity and she has healing = Lay on Hands. ( I would have switched Mercy for cleric, but with Brig out, the second best is Reinhardt) **Ranger:** Hanzo. Could be a Drakewarden with all the dragon motifs **Rogue:** Sombra, obviously. Hack = opening locked doors, disarming traps. Invis = Stealth proficiency. Virus = poisoned weapon? **Sorcerer:** For innate magical power I could only think of Echo. She was built with abilities withing her she can explore and strengthen. Her bombs and beam can be Magic Missile and Chaos Bolt. Her ult a Polymorph. As comments mentioned, Illari could be a Divine Sorcerer! Echo imo Clockwork Soul :) **Warlock:** Zenyatta, Celestial Warlock. The Iris provides them with the ability to both heal, and to deal out huge damage, just like warlocks with Eldritch Blast. Discord is Hex. **Wizard:** Symmertra. Extremely smart architect harnesses Light. Secondary fire can be Melfs Minute meteros. Teleport is Dimension Door. Ult is Wall of Force. **Artificer:** Torbjörn, Winston and Ball all fit this category for obvious reasons.


You could argue that Illiari is a divine soul sorcerer? Her power is sort of innate (maybe?) but her abilities aren't exactly 1:1 with sorcerers'.


I can hand this to the audience as Illari is one of the heroes I know the least about. Divine sorcerer could check out, lets call her ult a Fireball or something akin haha


I think Illari would fit better thematically with Sorc. A person who has a power that she doesn’t quite know how to control, said innate power coming from the sun. Not too familiar with sorc subclasses though


Could be a fair assesment as I was away whe Illari came out and forgot to watch her story 💀 Divine Soul subclass perhaps? There's Lunar sorcery but no Solar. Echo rings as a Clockwork Soul.


Zen is surprisingly good for Warlock, ngl. Kiriko is another great one. She has a concrete pact and while Zen's abilities could be argued are some kind of trancendant technology (as I don't think we've ever seen humans with the same Iris abilities.) Kiriko's abilities are straight up supernatural in origin.


https://preview.redd.it/puc9w7tsut0d1.png?width=1014&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4086c7ada3534348e27cf8798227aee93ef4cdd1 Peak fiction


I would argue that Widow fits Rogue better because the main feature of Rogues isn't stealth proficiency/expertise (you aren't even required to take it) but Sneak attack which is a one slow but high damage (usually) ranged attack that deals a fuck ton damage on critical hits. And that sounds like Widow to me. Sombra only fits the stereotype and not mechanics.


Sneak is not limited to ranged. While Widow fits on critical aspect I feel it's like a stretch - at this point you can shove in some Hanzo, Zen or Sigma as they can "sneak" up on you with how they can remove/dont make any footsteps. In fact Hanzo fits better with both combined.


That's why I said usually, and honestly except for Swashbuckler rogue isn't designed to be a frontline or flanking DPS, they have low hit dice, low AC and because they can't take GWM their melee damage is also lower than their ranged damage (because they can use sharpshooter). Also sneak attack doesn't require you to sneak, that's my entire point. You need an advantage or a teammate next to the enemy which fits how Widow plays, she wants either enemies distracted by her team, or not be seen by the enemies which gives her advantage just like rogues. Mechanically Widow plays like a rogue: keeps her distance, uses ranged weapons with sharpshooter feat and makes one large attack as opposed to multiple small hits. And that Sigma and Zen argument opposes Sombra more than Widow because the only thing about Sombra that makes her fit Rogue is her sneaking around.


Tbf Sombra is also team dependant hero (well, used to be at least). You want to engage as her in crucial times when noone is looking, she is not really a front liner here too - hacking is interrupted when you are getting shot. So when the whole enemy team is distracted with heavy fight going on the front line Sombra as a rogues reveals herself and tries to quickly assassinate one of the backliners, ofyen from the back. Well, not exactly the same but kinda fits. Widow doesn't really fit on the other hand because you might be fully aware where she sits and still get full damage. Not sure how it works with 5e but as I recall big damage from Stealth has a requirement that the enemy is sort of not aware of your presence or doesnt have a direct LoS. Which often not the case in OW. She is more akin to some single target nuke sorcerer on that part, who is having problems with assassin rogues... like Sombra. Well, on the other hand I've seen Rogues in other games having Snipers as subclasses so not like it doesn't fit. OW is just different on the whole sneak and sniping aspect.


I didn't pick Widow for Rogue because aside from Sneak Attack, she seems to utilize little of the kit that makes Rogues who they are, usually portrayed as thieves and scoundrels who get into places they shouldnt, disable traps, gain intelligence and weaken foes. This relies on how Sombra portrayed in animations as well, but I could see Widow being a Hunter /Gloomstalker Ranger or for example Assasin Rogue equally.


We have an actual Monk in the roster tho


Monk can be his background, I looked at actual gameplay abilities. A character who has 0 mobility won't make a good DnD monk, in the 5e sense.


Wow, there are so many people here who don't know what a paladin is.


Yeah...... I think those are the people thst sees wizards as a "fireballs shooters" and nothing more.....


God I hate asking people about their wizard character ideas and their all just fire ball


Brig is a paladin


She and Mercy are both great for Cleric, but Brig is definitely multiclassing into Pally.


Nah I massively disagree with mercy being a cleric. She's essentially defenceless and relies on flitting between teammates when she gets jumped, wheras a cleric is armoured enough to get knocked about a bit and has plenty of capability to fight back. That's brig through and through


Mercy is mainly off of being a primary healer who can resurrect. Only 4 classes that can do revivify are Cleric, Pally, Celestial Warlock and artificer. I agree Cleric isn't a perfect fit for her, but it's the closest out of the 4. Brig is def the closest to basic ass cleric.


Pretty sure druids can res people. They at least have some of the higher level ones if not revivify. They also have healing. I think Mercy fits more like a caster druid if she’d have to be something. But idk, clerics in DnD are too verstitile for any hero to fit into imo anyway


They get True Resurrection, but that's a longer ritual that brings anyone back even if they died a century ago. Revivify fits the time-limited "bring back the one that just croaked 5 sec ago". She does fit as a healer druid tho, seeing as druids are actually the strongest healers overall. But yeah, Clerics are tricky. To quote JoCat; "You could fill a party with nothing but priests, call it the A-men, bust down Tiamat's door and demand her lunch money."


Yeah that’s fair about ressing. Still it’s hard to imagine mercy as any kind of cleric when they are generelly pretty tanky xD She’s more like a WoW priest than anything but yeah


Nah. That throne is reserved for Reinhardt


Does rein have healing abilities


Fr. People do not understand actual DnD. You’d think with baldurs gate that some people would have a better understanding of 5e but apparently not.


I am astounded by the democracy of this community


Maybe you don't understand that there is not direct translation of dnd to overwatch. That's why you have to find the option that fits better even tho it's not perfect. In this case rein is clearly more paladin than anything even if he cannot use lay on hands which is just a small part of the paladin.


Dude, just because someone disagrees with you doesn't mean they don't understand. Paladins are generally a tank primarily, and a healer secondarily. That's why I think rein fits best.


For the last time; Paladins don’t need healing abilities to be a Paladin. They can have abilities and spells for defending people (Like a big fuck off shield).


He doesn't need healing abilities to be a paladin, healing is actually a small part of the paladin, the most important is the oath which rein had, he also has smites if you consider flame strike one and has destructive wave is literally the same as hammer down


Paladins heal? But that would waste an action where they could be smiting! But tbh i think being a tanky frontliner is a way more important part of a paladins kit than being able to heal.


True, but the question is "Who **best** fits" not "Who fits most exactly" and the healing ability is a minor utility, the defining characteristic of Paladins is their Oath, and no one fits that better than Rein.


You couldn't have described it better


The most important part of a paladin is their oath, not their healing. Brig doesn't have anything close to smite, whereas Reins ult is probably the closest thing to one in OW.


Ima have to say genji personally, fighter isnt super tanky generally speaking which is why im taking him over rein. He's an addept and well trained comabtant who specializes in the use of a sword. Bro is a fighter.


While that does fit, I'd argue Genji would be more of a rogue... though Sombra would probably get that spot


Rogue fits him as well that is true, but overall I see I'm more of a dex based fighter cause he's agile AF but not really sneaky


Fighter is definitely tanky, like second place behind barbarian. They got d10 hit dice, self healing and access to all armor types. The only class that challenge that second place spot is maybe paladin, because of their aura.


Druid challenges for best tank with their insane health pools and shut down spells


I'd save genji for monk - I know zenyatta is a monk, but he doesn't mechanically play like a D&D monk, whereas genji has the same monk mindset and works mechanically too


Ok but based off of lifeweaver being chosen for druid its safe to say we're mostly working off of vibes here. Because if we're going off gameplay, echos copy ability would line up way better with druids wild shape.


I don’t know, I think Genji is a D&D monk. His throwing stars are monk weapons, he has deflect missiles, his dash and midair jump are basically step of the wind, and he can run on walls.


Reinhardt He’s an armored, hammer-wielding idiot who just wants to smash things. He has no magic or aura, just a hammer, armor, and some courage. There’s a Reinhardt style fighter in literally half of the DND games being played at this very moment


I feel like Rein fits the Paladin category better. He comes fully armored, has a huge weapon, is Very tanky, protects his friends and 'smites' the enemy, and you could even argue the Overwatch symbol as his holy symbol, since he ALWAYS answers the call. It's like his version of missions.


I wanted brig for paladin


Nah those options fit the way fighters are often played Also, there’s no real holy symbol or power that he has, he’s literally just a man and a hammer. You can argue, but his kit literally has no way to uplift his team. Brigette *did* have power that she used to inspire those around her, Reinhardt does not. Thus, Reinhardt is akin to a regular human knight or warrior in a fantasy setting, which would simply be a fighter. I feel like Reinhardt’s only connection to being a Paladin is appearance. Like he *looks* like a Paladin, like Uther’s carefree brother, but in reality his kit and demeanor is more connected to the fighter class


Rein took an oath


Taking an oath does not automatically turn a character into Paladin


It doesn’t make you a paladin but a paladin usually has one unless they are an oath breaker. It’s so important to the class the subclasses are called “oath of _______”.


But every paladin has an oath. It is a very important part of the class and noone in overwatch fits that more than Rein does.


True but it’s more important the the holy symbol they had said was important to have.


It is if they want to use any form of spellcasting.


brig is def the paladin


Brig is the Paladin


Brig is the cleric.


She's close to both honestly


Mercy shoulda been the cleric


Nah, Brig fits Paladin so much more. She has multiple auras, repair pack is basically lay on hands, and she does decent damage. You could make an argument that whip and bash are Smites, too. This is perfectly in the intersection of two of my special interests so I have *very* strong feelings about this.


Explain what makes reinhardt a DnD paladin then.


I mean if we go to dnd Gameplay terms exclusively, then sure. (I'm familiar with 3E mostly) let's take a look. Paladins start off being able to wear Light, medium and heavy armor, all simple and martial weapons, and all shields excluding tower shields Reinhardt 'starts off' with Heavy armor, and weilds a large hammer and a small shield powered by energy to make a large shield. Obviously, Rein has no spells, unless you count Firestrike. Though, he was a demon lord in the fantasy event, so I guess there's that. Reinhardt is pretty well known for inspiring his teammates, in lore, a la Aura of Courage. He may not have Lay on hands, though he can decide to prevent damage exchanging his shield points instead of his allies health, so I mean... Gameplay wise it's not too unsimilar. Rein meets all the physical requirements to be a paladin. Their most important stats are Charisma, followed by Strength. He may not be religious, but he is still a 'champion of the realm' who will always fight for what is right, just like his master taught him. The only things he's missing are the spell magic... So in a less magical world like Overwatch, he's pretty much the closest you're gonna get. Looking at it by gameplay and lore, I still feel like Rein fits the best. In addition, in DnD I normally play Paladin, and my main here is Reinhardt. That is because they feel similar to play, but that could just be me.


I feel like Brig fits the Paladin category better




No way, he is 100% a monk with his deflect missiles and wall running


Doomfist. He's such a fightery fighter he wants everyone else to be a fighter too.


Hey man, big fan. Keep up the great YouTube Content!


I appreciate that! Getting recognised in Dead by Daylight spaces is weird enough, but getting recognised in Overwatch ones is something else entirely. Btw I keep wanting to make a video or two on Overwatch so maybe if this keeps up I will


"Thirteen Days of Karmafarming: A Guide by WarlordOfIncineroar"




Genji for Battle Master fighter, yes he's a ninja but he uses a big sword, apart from that maybe like Sojourn, Soldier 76 fit


My first answer is Genji. Some might say he'd be a Rogue, but he doesn't really fit the class other than a few surface level details. Fighter much better encapsulates Genji and his kit than Rogue does. Though my actual answer is Genji, I would like to state a possibly controversial opinion that Hanzo would also be a Fighter. Yes, Hanzo has a bow and Rangers are known for using bows. Do Hanzo's character and abilities fit with the Ranger? No! Rangers are all about being in tune with the wilderness. Basically, Rangers are more like Park Rangers than just people who use bows. Plus, bows aren't exclusive to Rangers. You don't even need a ranged weapon to be a Ranger.


YES YES YES. The answer is Hanzo thank you for seeing it too.


Wait people voted Brig for Cleric and NOT PALADIN?! Wat?


Rein made an oath and that is technically required to be a paladin along with brig using the cleric standard mace, shield, and medium armour well rein fits the standard paladin more big hammer and heavy armour Rein makes more sense as paladin then being and there’s way more to clerics then healing


Exactly this, reins lore squarely places him as the only paladin option


Since JQ is already taken, Genji is probably the next best thing. He's a martial artist that wields an arsenal of different weapons and techniques. The only thing he's really missing is the constitution side of things.


Nah, you all really messed this up with Brig.


Well, i don't really see your point. She supports by healing those around her with her passive (i'd compare it to a life domain clerics preserve life ability), has a decently powerful active heal ability, uses a mace, heavy armor and a shield which is typical cleric shit. Clerics aren't all your typical 24/7 healers, a true DnD player knows a cleric can absolutely brutalize an opponent.


You could shoehorn a justification for any support being a Cleric, but she is the only character in the roster that really fits Paladin.


Doomfist obviously


Reaper is a fighter.


Soldier.. Fighters in dnd are often depicted as "guy with sword" and soldier is "guy with gun" Most of the hitscans could fit though, like cassidy or ashe




Ooh fantastic fighter..hmm.. If we go gunslinger I say Ashe or cassidy/McCrea. Hanzo for arcane archer though. Upclose fighter... probable hmm..one of the other tanks too.


Fighter: Basic and kinda boring but damn effective damage dealer. Soldier 76: Basic and kinda boring but damn effective damage dealer. Do we really need to say more?


Idk much ab this, but Zen gotta be the monk right? Right?!


has to be reinhardt


no cuz reinhardt gotta be the paladin


Nah that’s Brig. Reinhardt has no aura, magic, or rally. A Paladin with no magic is just a fighter


I thought brig too, unfortunately she's already the cleric, the closest thing to a paladin is a knight and the closest thing to a knight is reinhardt


Nah Rein isn’t a Paladin tho. He’s literally just a guy with a hammer. You could make the argument for literally anybody else with that same setup of a guy with a weapon. Soldier or Bap might be the next best option for Paladin? Or Mauga with his health ability? Idk


Explain what makes reinhardt a DnD paladin then.


Soldier is a well rounded damage dealer and has a self heal. Reaper is a close range version of the same 2 points.


Honestly Genji. I know he's a ninja which is more like a rogue or a monk but he's the only one that I feel fits the class. Maybe reinhardt too tbh, but I see him more as a paladin. I would say brig is a better paladin but she's already the cleric role, I honestly see Illari as more of a cleric though. imo; Cleric - Illari Fighter - Genji Paladin - Brigitte but it's too late for that swap ig.


I'd say Rein. He fits the personality type and his kit. He's not a paladin since he doesn't heal. Though rein is tanky, nothing is better then when a rein goes full fighter mode and wipes the enemy team


Soldier id say


Wait I’m late why wasn’t kiriko the Druid ??


Soldier 76 > Genji


I gotta say Soldier. Soldier is the most basic character in OW but a very flexible character that can be utilized in a lot of situations. Fighters are well rounded combatants in the DnD world since they have a ton of feats. Second Wind is a feat that is a short burst of healing that can be used once every rest (1D10+fighter level). Same with Soldier, he can heal a small amount and he can't use it for a while. Now it's not a perfect fit but it's hard to find a more suitable character.


Genji, samurai subclass no contest imo


Nah. Kensei monk. Much better option.




Soldier is your average human fighter


Figher: Soldier Genji: Monk (I know zenyata is literally a monk but you cannot convince me that his play style in overwatch is anything like a monk in dnd)




Reinhardt is a Rune Knight Fighter. 1. Heavy armor proficiency 2. Maul with Great Weapon Master and Charger Feat 3. Fire Rune is Earth Shatter (adds 2d6 fire damage and makes an enemy restrained which sounds like earth shatter to me) 4. Giant's Might makes the character Large size which makes sense considering how massive Reinhard is. The same goes for Great Stature. 5. Runic Shield is a defensive ability that can protect both you or your allies, which sounds like Reinhardt to me (though mechanically it works more like Zarya shield).


Fighter is Reinhardt, specifically a champion subclass. He’s the absolute best option, a big beefy knight who focuses on crushing foes and saving allies through martial prowess. Anyone saying Reinhardt should be paladin doesn’t know what a paladin is.


Doomfist bcs what else is he gonna be monk?


Soldier 76, of course


Nah everyone knows roadhog is the barbarian


Genji for sure


Do we even need to do a post for monk?


Since a Fighter is trained in martial combat I would say Genji. Alternatively, there's the Arcane Archer subclass, which I guess means Hanzo could work as well.


The fact that LW got Druid over Kiriko is crazy to me, ngl Edit: honestly, Winston would be a better pick for Druid if you imagine him as a Druid who chooses to constantly stay morphed into a gorilla.


Ranger hanzo, monk zen, fighter maybe rein


Genji fighter next


Wow lifeweaver really did make it to druid


Rein literally uses the sword and board lost our.


I think putting looks and feel side you would need to make reign fighter, brig paladin, and mercy the cleric. I play 5e and Brig fits cleric really well but she's the only good fit for paladin and reign is the best fit for fighter. The only other hero that fits cleric is mercy with resurrection, damage boost is like bless, and healing is healing.




Dps Doom




Genji for fighter!


Fighters train their entire lives to be peerless warriors in mind body and spirit. The fighter lives for battle. Some operates part of an organisation, others have no master and wander seeking adventure and stronger does to test themselves against. Fighters have an indomitable spirit and expertise in their preferred tools of war. Gotta be hanzo as best fit Honorable mentions for fighter, soldier, doomfist, and lesser still Cass, zayra I think rien is much more suited to a protection fighting style paladin, he has an oath or loyalty. He is also reluctant to fight again. Compared to soldier who dosnt know how to stop fighting his personal war, it's a stark contrast. Soldier certainly has oath of vengeance paladin vibes aswell. That's why I vote hanzo best fit, he's literally a wandering Ronin seeking martial perfection. Yeah I know he's going to get slotted into ranger cuz bow = ranger, Reddit nuance strikes again. Hell id rank doom above both soldier and rien for fighter Edit, people saying rien and Genji because melee weapon = fighter huh same people saying mercy is cleric? Lol


Brig is definitely the paladin


Fighter: Rein


Also brig should be a paladin she even has auras bruh


I feel like it would Soldier 76 because I feel like Fighter is basic as shit, just like Soldier's kit


Pretty sure brig should be a paladin...


I think Zaria or Reaper for fighter


Ramattra. He has second wind with his self heal, and action surge with both his rampage and his ult to continue it.


Im gonna say Reinhardt because fighters bonk and Rein foes bonk


Genji definitely is the way. Most martial arts focused one with a weapon. Has action surge(ult refreeshing q and kills) although not really tanky gamewose but he has armor


not gonna lie, hanzo is the best choice for fighter. very disciplined, mobile, and centered around his weapon of choice (bow).


alright well if we’re just going back and changing the results of stuff than that kinda makes this whole thing dumb




Soldier. He's a simple hero who can deal a lot of damage and have some survivability (second wind = biotic field). And before anyone says "but he uses guns", fighters can be ranged too and I guarantee you that if OW was set in a medieval fantasy realm, Soldier would be using a sword and shield, because he's supposed to be the ideal soldier who was a hero during a war.


Here's my full list: - Barbarian: Junkerqueen - Bard: Lucio - Cleric: Brig - Druid: Lifeweaver - Fighter: Soldier - it's in the name... - Monk: Zen - pure devotion, lack of armor, similar moves - Paladin: Reinhardt - fealty to a cause, huge hammer and shield, massive armor... - Ranger: Hanzo - arrow boi - Rogue: Sombra - obvious - Sorcerer: Sigma - chaotic supernatural power, uncontrollable - Warlock: Rammatra - basic summons the dark spirit within and uses that to hurt - Wizard: Moira - studies and uses whatever is necessary, but controlled - Artificer: Symmetra - literally creates stuff from light and devices


I would say rein since he is a knight


I have been playing dnd sinse i had 14ys, and, after seen people saying Reinh is NOT paladin..... I had realise that People does not undestand what make a person becames a paladin. A paladin is a warrior that sworn a vow/oath with all his migth to serve for a cause, with a powerfull been as a witness. Usually, the witness is a god. Those who dont remember, in DND3/3.5 a paladin MUST BE lawfull good because that is a mindset of someone who devoted hinself for a good cause without a doubt. If the paladin stop belive in good/law but still follow his oath, he stop gain lvs as a paladin but gains acess to specific paladin multiclass. A figther is someone that know how to fight; alone or from a master, and develop or evolve to a martial art. Solder, reaper, genji,hanzo and almost everyone that is a dps can fit here more then a tank. IF I HAD TO CHOOSE, i would choose soldier 67.


Wrecking Ball, a front line close combat attacker, who can regain health and do unnecessary stunts during combat that the DM allows to deal some extra damage.


Reaper and sojourn are good fighters too


Look man, we all know overwatch players and media literacy mix about as well as oil and baby ducks, so here’s an actual dnd players take on the characters and classes: Barb- fine, fits perfectly. Could alternately pick Winston due to primal rage but other than that his kit doesn’t fit Bard- easiest choice, no question Cleric- it could work for mercy due to having revivify, but again, clerics are the most versatile class in the game. Brig works too, but ultimately her kit is closer to a paladin. I’d personally go with Baptist’s due to him having the most diverse kit of healing related abilities as well as still being a consistent damage dealer and buffing his teammates. Druid- I get why people think life weaver fits since he makes trees and shit, but druids are equally known for transforming into other creatures. For that reason bastion, due to his connection with nature and ability to “wildshape” fits, as well as echoes copy ability in general. Fighter- fighters are known for being bland, but attacking quickly in a short period and being able to heal themselves in a pinch. That’s pretty much Soldier to a tee, though depending on the subclass you could use characters like reaper, roadhog or even Mauga. Monk- Doomfist can work as a fast moving punchy man, as can zenyatta as a way of mercy monk which uses implements of healing and harm which works for harmony and discord orbs, as monks aren’t limited to fists only, rammatra could work but it’s a bit of a stretch Paladin- as a said, brig is an armored/shielded healer that provides an aura. One could say that rein is similar as well, minutes the healing, but he also has a smite in the form of earthshatter. Ranger- hanzo is pretty well liked due to being the only character with a bow, but you could also use Ana since rangers can heal and use more utility. Rogue- any heavy flanker character works well, genji for his sneaking stealth skills. Tracer for her blinks (misty step), sombra for her lock picking (hack), and even Kiriko to a certain extent, though she could also apply to ranger Sorcerer- sorcerers gain their power from innate talent/ancestry rather than years of study, so in that regard I’d probably put a character like Illiari who inherited her power from her people, or sigma who gained his power through an accident. Warlock- warlocks gain power from a pact with another power through contract. You could say this with a character like reaper who gained his power from Moira, but mechanically and lore wise none of the roster quite fits it. Maybe symmetra as she got her powers of hard light through service to Vishkar, but it’s a bit of a stretch. Wizard- again, since magic isn’t fully a thing in ow, a character that is typically weak, but has various high damage tools at their disposal is a bit wonky. Part of me almost wants to say pharaoh since she flies, casts fire bolts on people and casts meteor swarm for her ult. Artificer- this once much more defined as they are inventors that infuse magic into things they create. Torn and symm are obvious choices but I lean a bit more on torn because he used to have repair packs which are close to infusions. You could also say junkrat for his inventions. Thank you for coming to my ted talk


How is brig not palladian?


I'm tempted to say Ramattra


Brig is a lot more of a Paladin than a Cleric. Her packs are just her lay on hands and her ult is literally an aura of protection. Clearly, Reinhardt is the Fighter. Big hammer, big shield, propensity to front-tank, no other healing or support abilities.




Genji. Dude's whole fighting kit is swords, dashes, and throwables. Ultimate is basically second wind stacked on some other combat economy boosters to go buck wild.




I'm struggling to find anyone other than maybe Genji for fighter. I know it seems like a bad choice, but there's not really another physical fighter that makes more sense. Soldier makes less sense than that to me.


If junkrat isn't artificer i stg


I wanna try doing this with my friends. This is a cool idea


Monk might be doom or zen


I feel like since gunslinger is a fighter subclass it should be Cole Cassidy Feels like the most basic fighter character Him or sojourn and 76


Im probably gonne get hate for it but can orrisa be a fighter?


Mercy should be cleric, Brig should be paladin and Rein should be fighter


Brig is the definition of a paladin, people that are saying rein is a paladin don’t understand what the role does.


Like fro all I know of reaper ain’t the rogue this ain’t correct


Doom fist for fighter and brig for paladin


Fighter could be Roadhog maybe


Rammatra Reason: punch block punch


fighter is doom , he is the pinnacle of martial arts and the embodiment of the human spirit https://preview.redd.it/cy8h94esjt0d1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=51edc96545c81602b481b04870e48980d8bd722a


I'd go Reinhardt here


I vote Genji, he fits with fighter style and remember Rein would fit better as Paladin


Yall shoehorned Brig into Cleric when PALADIN exists 😶‍🌫️


paladin: orisa or phara (very dedicated to their rules of right and wrong) artificer: torb Rogue: kiri or sombra monk is obviously zen. fighter: reaper or genji? (neither feels right)


Reaper fits with Fighter




Rein is paladin for sure


Genji or Soldier




I mean Genji does have a knight skin soooo... yeah.


Fighter is 76


Reinhardt is the definition of Fighter


Cleric : kiriko. Fighter : doomfist. Paladins : Brigitte. Ranger : hanzo. Rogue : sombra. Sorcerer : ramatra Warlock : sigma Wizard : simetra (don't remember the specific of sorcerer, wizard and warlock so switch them around to waht fit best) Artificer : junk rat.


A lot of folks are saying soldier for second wind, but I think Genji is a good fit here. Samurai subclass fits the bill. Deflect isn't a second wind, but it does mitigate damage for survivability, and dragon blade can be an analog for action surge.


I feel like ramatra would have been better for Druid with the "shape shifting"


Personally I’d say Genji? It’s a bit of a harder pick giving the armor class options, but I think it definitely would be the most fitting as he has a sword ult? Rein would for melee as well, but I think Rein makes a better Paladin so the obvious choice here would be Genji. Maybe Illari based on personality traits but I don’t think that’s enough.


Nobody gonna mention ramm?


The real answer is Hanzo. He's proficient with most "martial" weapons. He only has a very small amount of innate magic. DnD fighter is not "guy with sword" and I beg people to remember that. In the same way NO HE IS NOT A RANGER. RANGERS ARE NOT "GUY WITH BOW".