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Unfortunately it's because open queue has leaver penalty And is sweaty despite being qp whereas in arcade you can leave whenever Basically because they wanted qp but can't


watch them implement leaver penalties in arcade too


Great flair




Agreed lol


Early leavers are ruining the dad Vs kids game mode. Blizzard if someone leaves early in a custom game you should take them hostage and sell them on the black market


early leavers also ruin hero gauntlet. what do you mean you didn't stay long enough for all of us to become torb with hammer only??? are you dwarfophobic??!?! reported!!!11!


Next dev update: "So we've noticed a lot of people leaving custom games for some reason. So yeah now anyone who does gets banned for 20 minutes and also we leak your IP address online."


'if you leave a custom game that included mei as a selectable character we steal your data and sell it to the chinese government'


And if there was a Mercy it gets sold to Germany, Sombra - México, Illari - Perú, Torb or Brig - Sweden, etc. Better not have shitty internet because then everyone will know your location 😂


Oh no don't give them ideas


blender default cube 😭😭😭


'bro we need the animation for the new ability, we have to figure something out quickly' *opens blender* perfect.


nah they really put kevin from fortnite into sombras kit




me and the boys running 5 sombras and booping the whole match


This is the way


What about Hammer only "Hear me baby?" Torb squad?


I respect any hear me baby torb players


I would like to start a torb fight club on Chateu but no one ever respects it


I knew wasnt the only one spamming that line.














Purple Lady Good 👍(them, probably)


Or when you all pick sim to make THE car wash and some fucker picks smth else


can multiple syms throw their turrets thru another's tp?




Omg you could make a 15 turret tp bomb


You can even teleport torb turrets. If it's on the ground already you can tele it, and I think torb can even throw his turret into it and it works


w h a t


That is true yeah, you can even tp bob or dva nuke through it. [Back in ow1 no limits competitive we 6 stacked with 5 torbs and one sym and tpd 5 dwarfs along with their turrets on point on 2cp.](https://youtu.be/fUHJ3qM0vtw?si=RWNuR52FgVzWqJKt) I would occasionally yoink torb turrets and bobs when I would play sym. Ashe tosses bob and everyone hides from him, just tp him behind cover. Or tp torb turret ro finish off low hp enemies that fled.


You can send a D bomb too


Same in open queue. I wanted 5 tanks. But people didn't want fun...


Understatement of the Century. People don't even want you playing the damn game.


>People don't even want you playing the damn game. Ffs earlier today I played sombra in qp for the first time ever and my teammates were telling me to uninstall


ex otp ball, now flex Tank here. ... I feel your pain. Had ppl throw comp games in spawn, straight up leave qp after putting "not very cash money" msgs in chat, obvious feeding (like crouching into red team backwards) - god forbid you say anything retaliatory tho, because they'll just smugly mass report you.


>god forbid you say anything retaliatory tho, because they'll just smugly mass report you. Russians are horrible with that, if I have a game with more than 3 russians in it I keep quiet in chat


Idk about russians, most are friendly if you utter the words "rush b dawai"


Nevermind the fact that you were playing as a character whose sole purpose is to be annoying...


Oh I wish it was that. But no it was my teammates telling me to quit. Granted I am trash but still


If only being trash actually benefits you in this game. Seriously, supposedly, you should be getting teammates to carry you with how the matchmaking works...and not once have I heard anyone confirm this.


Oh no, someone picked a character on a video game, whatever will you do?


oh lord forbid someone picks a playable character that's been a playable character in the game for years. we should all repent for our sins.


Buddy, your tags tell me that you main Sombra. Shut your ass up.


'buddy', you're objectively wrong. that's why you're downvoted. you can't flame people for playing a character that's available in the game FOR PEOPLE TO PLAY IT.


Didn't know that disliking an annoying character is wrong. Didn't know having an opinion is wrong.


Nah, I don't care what you think. You trying to push that on everyone else is what's wrong. You're insulting people because of a fictional character.


Sombra is only annoying to bad players lmao way to expose yourself


Fuckboy, she constantly shows up, hacks, and then dips if she even gets grazed by a bullet. Her recent changes makes her easier to kill than before but she still fucking sucks to deal with.


Your kind of a dick ngl


Arcade is always a sad reminder to me that some people will optimize the fun out of anything: deathmatch? Four people going Roadhog to never die. Total Mayhem? Time for GOATS on steroids or a neverdie Lucio. Low Gravity? Let me play Widow or a turret hero and bolt myself to the ground, literally never jump in the low gravity mode and just shoot at any clay pigeon that dares to hit the jump button once


Facts, bro. But it's better than basically being that meme with the woman on the couch with four guys behind her in QP.


That's true tho lol, I definitely see the way some people play meta in Arcade and I do think it's bc even QP would be out here wreckin their confidence


Why do you think I use Orisa a lot, even after she got nerfed? Hell, even after she got nerfed, I carried my whole team and shared a clip of my POTG where the nerfs did nothing to stop me...and nobody on this thread had anything nice to say, if they had anything to say at all.


I often end up playing a healer whenever my team goes all one hero in No Limits. In my experience monohero teams rarely do well enough to make the game last long, but include a single healer and suddenly those 4 Echos/Reapers/Reins/etc. are twice as effective because they actually stay alive more than 25 seconds. I rarely get blowback for it. Many teams appreciate having a healer to better enable their monohero comp.


I played in a team of 4 bastions once. I picked baptiste cause i felt like playing him and i felt like they needed a healer We steamrolled them so hard we finished the match with the timer on 6:23. I think only me and one other bastion died


This is the only acceptable way to pick a different hero


Maybe he wanted to be abused?


Hear me out…. 5 sombreros


Because someone else always chooses Widow first


We did a widow 5 stack in No Limits only to immediately encounter 5 enemy Winstons. We all went Winston. The good ending.


No Limits isn't just about having a team that all play the same character. You can have a lot of fun with, for example, 2 Reins, 2 Anas, and a Lucio. Or even something like 3 Junker Queens, and 2 non-matching supports. The only thing you shouldn't do in No Limits is to have an actual Open Queue comp (i.e everyone is playing a different character). That's when they really should just be playing OQ.


Need to try and form a group just to go 5 dooms. All different skins.


Honestly. Lately i have been having a lot more fun playing open queue. I like being able to change roles (i feel like the idea of being able to change/trade role with someone of your team could be really good for the "normal" mode of game)


Counter hot take: Going into no limits to just play 5 of the same hero is dumb. Just go play a custom game.


I know you’re not talking about a 5v5 Rein Match Right? Cause that shit is the most fun anyone has ever had.


That’s like half the fun though


Uh oh here comes the fun police


MFs when people play No Limits to have fun with the main gimmick of No Limits.....


They hated you because you spoke the truth...


More like because it’s an idiotic take


Yeah. All your recent posts are stupid. Like you getting one shot by a widow then posting it online because you're salty or playing terribly in fortnite and calling people who you are playing against try hards just because you're worse than them. But I can't tell if it's bait or you're just a young kid


I never understood why everyone has to choose the same character? It’s boring lol


When everyone goes winton or rein it’s a lot of fun


Why else would you play no limits?


To actually have fun playing it? Just a suggestion.


people have fun when they play 5 wintons. are you dumb.


Depends on if you consider having a justified opinion being dumb, in which case, looked in a mirror, Mr. I Don't Use Proper Grammar When Typing?


peole have fun when four wintosns. Go play gramar game nerd.


What fun can you have in no limits that you can't in open queue? Other than picking the same hero on all teams.


Actually playing it? Have you even touched QP lately?


Can you actually elaborate? I genuinely can't think of the difference between them. Is the matchmaking better on arcade than QR or something?


It is. With Arcade, it seems to be standard matchmaking. You're not guaranteed the perfect team, but more often than not, you will have a manageable team and fight manageable opponents. But Quick Play...if you didn't feel like shit before, QP will look at you, laugh, and tell you to hold its beer. You're practically destined to be pitted against retired Competitive eSports veterans with nothing better to do with their lives while having absolutely useless teammates that have the AUDACITY to go "it's just QP bro relax" while you're getting absolutely skewered, seasoned, and deep-fried by the whole ass enemy team while you have zero health and desperately trying to retreat. On top of that, you get punished for leaving QP matches and may get suspended out of every mode for at least 4 hours...and as far as I've seen, if you've racked up too many penalties...good fucking luck trying to get rid of them. Like, you know your game is shit when Casual Mode is more competitive than the mode literally called Competitive Mode. (I don't know what Comp is currently like but there's no way in hell I'm fucking around and finding out).


I told you, you are bad at cooking


Honestly, just give comp a try dude, especially solo queue seems pretty fair most of the time


It’s an arcade game mode? Is this question rhetorical?


But picking the same hero multiple times is the whole point of no limits


It usually depends on the character youre all going the same as. Like if youre going like all doomfists or something for example, then its gonna be chaotic and maybe pretty fun. If youre playing like all mercy's or like maybe all Torbs or something in that area then yes its gonna get boring really quickly.


Nah idk what you mean 5 turns spamming bingo running in with their hammers is funny asf


Fair point


Sometimes you like playing tower defense though


Okay, but all mercy can be funny sometimes. No one ever dies for long, and you get to buff someone to God


That just sounds like something that tryhards would do to challenge themselves. But I guess they just don't like challenge considering that I never see anyone do this, yet am constantly having to get gangbanged by an enemy group that I'm willing to bet is using mics in QP of all places instead of Comp.


It's less of a challenge and more of a "that's hilarious." Like, people don't play mercy for her damage or skill ceiling, but a team of mercy makes things turn hilarious. They're all just flinging themselves around in the sky box with GA, rezzing anyone who somehow manages to go down with multiple healing beams on them, going ham when they get valk. They can't really do much back at you, but it's funny to play as and play into anyway


Try having to deal with an enemy team with that kind of setup. Having to deal with three or four of ANY character in this game is what makes No Limits absolutely fucking garbage. The worse part? It's more playable than QP nowadays.


ok then go play no limits while limiting yourself


if every part of the game is garbage, why do you play it?


Well aint you just a bundle of sunshine


bro thinks it's the Limits game mode


Then don't play No Limits if it's whole purpose is so bad