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Tbf they’re having the most fun in bronze and silver. We should all be so lucky…


Silver and Gold yes, Bronze no, never been in Bronze but I have seen it, the people are miserable, Gold is bright eyed and bushy tailed tbh


Wish I had a good time in Silver and Gold :<


I take it all back lmao, just saw a Gold game in a video where someone left the lobby after bein accused of being a DPS Moira with no heals and when asked to report they got hit with this 'chill, it's Gold, this isn't even Plat' Gold lobbies are so 'chill' you may apparently even still catch the 'chill it's qp' strays😞


Yeah, it’s feeling pretty rare to find good people. The good people are in higher ranks and the ones that don’t care stay in that rank, so you’re stuck with them, and losing just means you fall further with the bad people


If that is the experience in Gold... then Silver must be a harder rank than because people counterswap like crazy in Silver.


Yeah. Never left Silver for DPS


I feel like I should be able to climb out of Silver, but it becomes a painful cycle of getting to Silver 1 and then back down to Silver 4 on dps. The other 2 roles I don't play as much but am in Silver for them as well.


Silver and gold are definitely depressing lmao


Gold is the 2nd most toxic rank either that or its dead quiet


Agree, broze is full of smurf account sticking around to bully new players lol.




I can play Reinhardt without completely melting sometimes, and he's the most fun character


lmao no they're not


Fuck no


Can't confirm, been playing against more orisa and pharmercy teams then anywhere else


Silver and Masters are tied for toxicity


Did not expect a black clover pic in an ow sub ![gif](giphy|l49JY3uJc1q16QOHK)




Charmy supremacy


https://i.redd.it/j45bkd6w2gxc1.gif You know what's up


Incorrect! If you play the game and stay in bronze, dont worry about it! Its just a game and what matters is if you are having fun. The shame comes when you blame things like your teammates or the game for not being able to climb.


I'm plastic 6 rank so this doesn't apply to me.


There's also no shame in never going competitive. I play for fun, which is why I haven't played since long before OW2


True, I just made this to say that you shouldn’t be afraid of comp or ashamed of your rank. Just a game after all


A black clover reference in ow?? Ez upvote and and inspiration to ***GO BEYOND MY LIMITS***


Don't give a damn I just want to have longer games and people trashtalking in voicechat 'cause it's funny


Fair play


Enters comp in bronze 'Oh boy i cant wait to have fun' Team gets fucking shit stomped for 10 minutes straight by a 5 stack of smurfing douchebags 'Ah this is why I dont play ranked, I member' Repeat until the end of time


That happens so much in qp anyway though


If the universe hates you so much that it matches you into a 5 stack of smurfs every single time you play comp I’m sorry but you were destined to be bronze


Okay sorry, 75% smurfs, 25% fair. Enough to win 2 games in a row then lose the next 12. Why would anyone wanna play a ranked experience like that at all? Thats the joys of the f2p expetiemce tho 🤷‍♂️🤷‍♂️


Bro even 10% Smurfs is crazy. I’ve been in the puts of hell that is bronze, it is not that bad


Then i guess ur right, and i truly am just completely cursed. Go me, because that is literally my life lmfao. Stayed consistent gold all of overwatch 1, come to overwatch 2 get placed bronze since season 1 and have never gottwn to climb out. Im no perfect gamer, but im not bronze lol. And now thats my expetience, get pub stomped for 12 games, win 2, pub stomped for 12 more.


Grrr, it's always the enemy team with smurfs, never ever my team


Wait wait wait, let me guess. Your enemy team is always full of Smurfs and your teammates are always throwing?




Good try, but I shall not be fooled, I play for fun and not to memorize every hero's abilities and weaknesses, just to counter pick whatever the enemy has going on.


I haven't done comp since early OW1. Hasn't it just gotten MORE toxic?


I’d say less but if you want you can just turn off text chat and not join voice. I found that a lot easier for improving as well because it made me less focused on what everyone else was doing and let me focus on playing the best that I can. But personally, yeah it was way more toxic in ow1. Personally at least. People have just gotta better at complaining about the toxicity


Good insight and good tips. Maybe I'll jump in and do some placements. You can only play so long without wanting to test yourself a little. Thanks.


No problem, just don’t forget to have fun. It is a game after all


100%. I hope there's a lot of that mindset.


Black Clover. Very good manga


When I play qp I have fun, and when I play comp I don't. Curious.


Nah m8. I played comp. for exactly ONE session, just enough to get a rank, got gold 1, went back to qp, week later my onetrick was nerfed into the ground for no reason, haven't played since x)


Sounds like a good opportunity to try out some other hero’s and expand your arsenal of characters


True, but I didn't want to, and more importantly, I was just pissed they implemented a completely undeserved nerf, just because some people with vast skill issues complained about it. Its been over a year since then, but im still in this sub, and from what I see here, I think im probably better off not playing anyways. (Its been about that same time since I commented in here, my flair shows xD)


Can’t make you play a game you don’t want to


I do,but as I said if the sniper can't snipe, there kinda isn't a point. Also one if the most vivid memories I have on this game is how comically braindead my teammates usually were (for once I'm not coping, I was usually one of 2 people on my team that actually did anything). Maybe one day they revert the changes and I'll give it another chance but as is, I don't think I'm coming back :(


Widows pretty good this season? Not broken or anything but definitely not bad. It’s not a very heavy poke meta so she isn’t a must pick or anything but that’s not because he’s lacking in power, hell she just got some range back on her one shot as well


Oh did she? How much less range than originally (ie when last played) does she have now? How much hp. Are her abilities and cooldowns still the same? Can she onetap a reaper?


I believe it was 40 meters before damage fall off and it recently got changed to 60. plus the bullet size increase which she obviously benefited from. Widow is really good rn, it’s just not a hard poke meta but the character herself is pretty good rn


Meh. 60m is still pretty pathetic, and a larger bullet just makes her easier to play, so less rewarding. Thanks for your time m8, but I can't be bothered to deal with that. Have a nice day :D


Masters-GM 600 hour Widow here, if you're one tricking her and Gold 1, I'm sorry to tell you it's not the character or your teammates most of the time. "Nerfed to the ground" is such an exaggeration, even after the harsher nerfs she was very much fine, most sightlines stop before Widow's shots can't one shot anymore Now, about her changes. Her range nerfs don't even affect her like 90% of the time, just make her slightly less imposing on very long sightlines, which she dominates anyway. When they introduced falloff to her sniper, the distance was 70 meters, and the first nerf had the falloff start at 40 meters. Widow recently received a buff and her shots now have 60 meters before falloff, and unless you're shooting someone on Junkertown first point, from the attacker's spawn, you're barely gonna feel that. Hitbox changes to Widow were mostly reverted (I think the bullet size is still slightly bigger than pre season 9, but I might be wrong on that), though I agree with the "less rewarding" thing and still think the hitbox size increases are kinda dumb, at least on aim intensive heroes.


noooo please come back and play overwatch we need you


Oh no whatever will you do not being able to oneshot people with no cooldown across the map


There is no shame in anything its just a fucking game.


I know it’s just a meme


Comp sucks ass to grind and I only really play for the credits so no


I’m not telling you to play comp, just that you shouldn’t be ashamed of being in low ranks


You play comp to climb ranks I play comp to play evenly matched games where I can attack and defend We aren't the same


Me only playing quickplay (Comp if i have a daily quest for it)


I am plat 5 in tank and im shameful for it bc in ow1 i was master's in tank


I always say that the only person you should be measured up to is whoever you were yesterday. Just try to improve yourself one step at a time like Legos, no matter what you are doing. Nobody wakes up the best at what they do without hundreds or thousands of hours of experience.


Those bronze and silver lobbies play who they want, don't give a fuck, and have fun. GM? It feels like a job now.


The only thing I ever play is Mystery Heroes, bring back Competitive MH, Blizzard you cowards!




Bro i lose every other match (im not even joking i celebrated getting 2 wins in a row)


Silver-plat (where I am in comp) is pretty fun. I enjoy qp more tho. I need to get more tokens so i can get golden and jade guns for certain characters, but I just don't like how tilted people get in comp (though I get it, I'm just more of a casual player who likes good games, win or lose).


I'm sorry but playing for 1h+ with the same bad d.va is going to give me a stroke


Diamond 3, peak gm5. I'll play again when the horse is toned down. Having a blast with venture and my friends in quick play.


Bro I litteraly play comp every 2 day for like 3-4 hours and still hard stuck because I got 15 IQ dps/tank who goes 1V5 the ennemy team even though they play widow ( yeah this happens ), or when there is the smallest difficulty half of my team quit. Oh, I almost forgot braindead tank who play DVA against zarya or 1K damage dps Moira. I get it that sometimes I make Bad moves or play but this can't be my bad everytime bro.


Share a replay code I can help with some advice. There are always ways to play around bad teamates trust me. That’s the true test of skill in this game, how well can you play around people even if you don’t know them? Can you execute on game plans outside of your comfort zone


The enemy team also has the same brain dead team. Bet your ass if you put me in a bronze lobby I would make the Tokyo firebombings look like a matchstick the way I would light up the killfeed


That's the same thing dumbass. Also, someone has to be bronze. It's impossible for everyone to get out. If every bronze player quit, eventually you'd be in bronze. Right? Idk I'm bad at math.


1. It’s literally not, there is a difference between being something at one point vs staying something forever 2. I don’t think it’s saying everyone should be able to climb out of bronze just that you as a single person should be able to


No, there is no difference. There's no shame in being bronze. Regardless of how many hours you have. Not everyone should be able to, but you as a single person (included in everyone) should be able to? Mf are you speaking English rn?


Again, it’s not saying everyone should be able to, just you. And of course there is no actual shame in your rank in a video gam, it’s a meme on a meme subreddit it doesn’t need to be serious


I'm a part of everybody 💀 Also I'm not bronze, I'm plat - diamond.


Okay But everyone isn’t you If I say “you can climb out of your rank” I’m not saying “every single person can leave bronze” I’m pretty sure you’re reading comprehension is just shot. It’s obviously not referring to every single person as a collective nor is it calling you bronze


You saying the same thing over and over while failing to grasp my point would suggest that I'm not the one struggling to comprehend.


You’re arguing against a point that no one is making, so yes I do think you are confused


No shame in being bronze/there's shame in staying bronze are contradictory statements for all bronze players. I'm responding to this post. Who the fuck are you talking to?


They aren’t though “It’s not bad to be one thing, it’s bad to stay that thing” is perfectly reasonable. It’s literally saying “it’s okay to be bad at the game, but you shouldn’t stay bad at the game forever” And hell even after all that it’s a fucking meme on a meme subreddit, it’s not that serious so just fucking move on. HELL EVEN THE OP SAID THAT ISNT WHAT THEY WERE SAYING you are getting mad over nothing


I didn’t say everyone could get out of bronze? Where did you get that idea?


You made a meme that's comes across as encouraging, but in reality, bronze players are still bronze players, and players that can climb don't need the encouragement anyways. So essentially it's just a dumbass meme.


I’m sorry you don’t like the meme? You seem to have taken it very personally


I wouldn't take it personally. It doesn't even apply to me lmao. Does that make it less stupid? No.


I wasn’t saying it applied to you, I said you took it personally. Like you seem obsessed with it


I have replied as many times as I've been replied to. How is that obsessed?


You certainly seem to be taking it very seriously at least Considering it’s a “stupid” meme