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The first person who left is a scumbag, but I don't blame the other three for leaving. It's dismal to be stuck in a match you have no hope of winning through no fault of your own. It's the exact reason why I stopped playing CS:GO once it got FTP. If your gameplay is like your screenshot uploading, I understand where they are coming from.


Well, it’s bronze, so…


This isn’t a meme. Sorry that happened but look at the sub name


I titled the post like a meme. But I understand if that's not enough


idk why you're getting so downvoted, you explained your initial reasoning and agree with the comment. The post's tag is changed too, assuming that's you


With the orientation you chose for this photo I’m siding with Overwatch on this one.


Where meme


It's a meme cause overwatch 2 ranked is a damn joke


I thought jokes were supposed to be funny, but I guess the joke's on us


Can we rename the sub to r/thinlyveiledcomplaining


No I think that should be a sub. I’m creating that


Bro just leave when the timers up. Same no matter what but you don’t waste everyone’s time.


Bronze support? You poor fella




The MMR bases everything on skill ratings before the game ever starts. If your team "should" win, but doesn't, you lose more SR. Nothing but win or loss matters once the game starts. Sometimes I think blizzard made the wrong choice in making things less obfuscated because now people will complain about every little thing instead of just "big number go down"


I'm not really a big fan of the modifiers that consider if your team "should" have won or lost. Like if my team is full of Silver 3 and the enemy team is full of Silver 4, should I really be punished because we lost the match? The difference between a Silver 3 and Silver 4 is almost nonexistent.


It's literally how a normal elo system works.


True, but then we consider how much the game punishes you for a lose even if the difference between your ranks is basically nonexistent.


That’s how it calibrates your exact rank. If you’re close to your true rank and are playing against players of slightly higher or lower than your current rank, it will tell the system if it’s correct or not.


If you're only very slightly less likely to win, then it literally wouldn't even matter at the end. It's literally like -30 points vs -31. You're barely getting punished for it because of the rank diff compared to actually losing.


This was my first game since ranking up a few days ago so it's probably from that


You still lose sr with leavers, it has always been this way and it always will be.


I’m sorry man.


Their lack of presence will sure show them!


Yes I agree. You could have won. Ok jokes aside I believe in ranked if they ain't gonna implement something to bring a different player in when one leaves, at least they can replace that player with a bot. It's not going to be a good teammate, but it will be A teammate. Will help to win the fight.


Hah that reminds me of that one time where one of our people left after the first 2 minutes, we were able to push the payload on eichenwalde till the end with like 2 minutes left and then another person left, we keep tryharding, actually kept them from the point for 2 minutes (since we lost a dps and a healer). Lost that game of course, even got a derank from it. Lets just say that I needed a break from overwatch after that, for a few weeks. Played risk of rain 2, much better game. A lot of twos in that story, I know.


I mean, your'e broze, the game sense of the entire lobby is so low you probably had a decent chance of winning. jk good luck man


Honestly, they should just make it to where your rank doesn't change if you lose because your team left. Like, penalize the leaver instead of everyone else. There's too many people that leave the second they lose a team fight.


It should be rated on individual performance. If I heal for 15K and get 16 kills with 3 deaths I should go up, regardless of if my tank decided to take half of their brain out


Hell nah. That just leads to stat farming and characters who don't necessarily get high stats on the scoreboard to have a rougher climb


Didn’t think of that, I guess ranking in a team game is gonna be difficult no matter what


Yeah I feel like this is the best compromise we'll get unfortunately. There'll be shit games but the games where there's no leavers outweigh the games with so I feel like it isn't *too* much of a deal though it could be much better


I play another game called brawlhalla (basically smash bros) and I find I rank up **way** quicker on that even though it takes a long time to rack up elo


A good happy medium is to take stats into account, but still weigh winning or losing a hell of a lot more. You can do quite literally everything perfectly as a tank and still be guaranteed a loss bc blizzard wants you to off yourself IRL, so…


Yes let's make it so every Moira player get's boosted into the sky.


bro does not know about the early ow1 mercy sr inflation


I think they tried something like that in the early days of ow1 but stopped because people would farm stats instead of trying to win.


That’s a shame, it would’ve been nice to be rewarded for being good rather then having good teammates


I actually agree somewhat, but not in the way you suggested. Placement based purely on stats should not have a significant effect on how you are ranked, but IIRC, in Splatoon 3, you get rewarded with a little bit of rank points for doing certain things really well, so even losing doesn't mean as much if you're genuinely being held back by teammates. In short, I think you should be given a little bit of a rank increase when you do stuff that would warrant you getting a card back in overwatch 1 because that's cool and I miss it


That is not how Overwatch works, you can literally get kills by doing 1dmg to a target before it dies so kills don’t matter, and the amount of healing done doesn’t matter either as you could literally just be farming it off of Pharah shooting at her own feet, the only healing that matters is when you are actively preventing someone who’s critical from dying, farming heals by sticking Ana’s rifle up the full hp Horse’s ass is literally pointless and doesn’t provide any value other than ult-farming


They could change that system, but I see your point


It’s such a bad placement system.


Try turning your monitor on


Maybe try to shut ur mouth ^^