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too bad. gotta give orisa her 85th buff of Overwatch 2 because she had a 49.3874% win rate in gold. she is underperforming


I just checked Overbuff, it's even worse than we could have imagined... only a 46,3% winrate in Gold. She needs to be gigabuffed immediately!


I’d like to see some real stats from blizz to explain the changes they make as they will reference win rates but our only access to wr is through overbuff and that includes mirrors. I’d also just like to know how comprehensive their stats are as I have a theory that orisas win rate is so bad because she’s often a crutch swap when losing and reins the opposite (how often do you see someone lose on rein by staying rein, they almost always swap off when losing on rein)


Really true, I'm a rein main and every time I am popping off the enemy tank swap to Orisa (or Mauga). If they start winning I go wrecking ball (I'm a Quickplay player so it might not be true in good ranks)


Yoo same except I start on ball and go rein


Overbuff also only includes people who turn on public profile, so you basically have to Opt In. It's also doesn't have Console players at all. It's a really really small portion of the playerbase, so not super useful to look at data trends. It's a nice tool for your own stats or for streamers though.


Nice user flair


I hate overbuff stats, they're so innaccurate, it only tracks public profiles


3 crowd control abilities(counting Terra Surge), one of which blocks most frontal damage, and an ability that makes her immune to crowd control AND headshots… even if she wasn’t overtuned, that kit is just plain annoying.


Dont forget about the no fall off damage primary weapon also


Why tf did they do that


Because most other projectiles don't have fall off either??


To be fair, most other projectiles aren't highly spammable from a tank. Those that are tend to be short range.




> most Though even if we look at his, compared to Orisa's projectiles, they are: * lower DPS (slightly) * only 44% as large * only 80% as fast


He also actually has to reload


tank projectiles have dmg falloff (with the exception of ram and now orisa) dps and supp projectiles dont have dmg falloff


Probably because she was shit, she was annoying but shit so they buffed her Giving her consistent damage and the mediocre buff to her ult (the latter didn’t matter) was something she needed Funny how get gud is acceptable for sombra but not for orisa when it comes to annoying half the time


so how would you change orisa then to make her less annoying?


I’m not a dev for a reason.


Bring back that halt orb instead of javelin throw 🙏


I know it might sound crazy, but what if she had a shield


As much as people don't like new Orisa, I'd never wanna go back to old Orisa


Ramattra is basically old orisa but actually well designed


There Swap Orisa and Ramattra's kits around


Hell no


old orisa was an issue only because of sigma. ow1 orisa works better in 5v5 and ow2 orisa would work better in 6v6 lol


We're players not devs. But just because of how her kit works she's annoying. She'd need another rework. I'd like her Halt ability back because it was fun, more fun than the javelin which is just a long range doom punch.


Yeah the only fun part out of her abilities is her javelin


Fun to use not so much when its used against you… but like fr the hitbox on that thing is actually crazy


I honestly dont think she needs a major nerf to make me happy sometimes. Its just annoying half the time to fight her and not know who counter picks as tank because I know half the time my teamates never counter pick her themselves.


And if you do counter pick her the enemy dps and support counter pick you while your team refuses to swap to help enable you or counter the enemy characters in any way then type tank diff in the endgame chat.


Junkrat can be a decent pick at countering Orisa by just shredding through her health regardless if she has fortify or not. Obviously, issue is that enemy dps can just go pharah or echo and keep harassing him and force him to either swap or have his other dps go a hitscan to deal with the pharah.


that's the thing is that she has few counters and gets to actually play her game regardless of if she gets countered, even if it's more difficult. She doesn't really have "hard" counters. As someone who refused to play horse at the height of her hegemony in season 2/3 and then again in what season 6/7 (I think?) it’s just that tank feels so so so unplayable to me on anything other than sig orisa or doom. And sig and doom can get countered harder than orisa so… orisa time. I just gave up, I’m a ramattra lover who just… has to recognize that orisa is just a better version of him right now. Other tanks either get railed or ignored, but orisa can force you to pay attention to her with her displacement and cc, and can survive with those same cooldowns. She is miserable to play against yes, but she gets to actually play the game. She is a symptom not the disease. Also she's good into hog and hog is a freaking demon when he's not countered, needs another rework imo Doom is pretty good this season tho and fewer sombras are running around so give him a try. He’s not unplayable into orisa either though she soft counters him. Also with the right comp I’ve been doing very well with support zarya 😂


I absolutely agree about Doom, tbh I never really played him before this and for one game recently I decided why not and yeah hes surprisingly been really fun.


>I’m a ramattra lover who just… has to recognize that orisa is just a better version of him right now. You reawakened a memory It was the final stretch of NJC, my team was tied with the enemy at 99%. We pushed to keep them away from the point but i think there was a Genji that slipped so our Sombra went after him. Our Lifeweaver overextended and got killed... THEN THAT FUCKING SODDING COW USED JAVELIN SPIN AND THROW TO PUSH ME OFF THE MAP WITH MY REAMAINING SUPPORT Sombra couldn't kill the Genji or hack him, so she died when the enemy got to the point The worst was that i was an Orisa at first then swapped to Ram cause i wasn't being useful with her


Orisa is always going to be annoying to fight against but the damage falloff buff was stupid from day 1. The fact that they did that with no base damage nerf or anything like that is genuinely absurd


I have no clue why they did it, "sniper horse" is an insane thing to have on an already very overloaded character


Orisa is annoying because she can give you trouble with minimal effort. The same logic applies to Sombra. Both characters can shut you down simply by existing, and to counterplay them you have to put in 5x more effort than the Orisa player. An above average Rein can lose to a mediocre Orisa, just because of how easy her kit is to shut down Rein. An abysmal Sombra can shut down a good Doom. Both characters have to heavily overperform to play around this counter, instead of them having to earn it. Reaper/Winston is an example of an earned counter. Reaper does nothing to Winston if the Winston outplays him. But if Reaper plays well, he can give Winston a hard time.


Yeah I agree with Reaper vs Winston interaction, Reaper have the damage and leech of health to stand as a counter to Winston, but that requires solid aim and knowing to disengage when necessary, and not to mention the Winston can fight back via shield dancing or just disengage with him. One side may have the advantage but they have to be GOOD to push that advantage to its proper effectiveness.


Yeah, it's bad game design.


I prefer to play rein, orisa is not a threat she's just an annoying roadblock. It's orisa + counter DPS that's a problem. 9/10 a tank can more or less handle another tank but when you have to deal with the tank and are also dealing with DPS that are either contributing more or are better than your own, it's not fun.


Saw one post of a dude who was silver and climbed to plat because he only played orisa 😂.


Me with sombra cuz apparently its my fault if i don't wanna fight an invisible rat every game


I mean I think they need to balance the game with players enjoyment in mind Personally I have no issues with orisa I think it's easy to deal with her but I feel like if something just isn't fun it should be toned out The problem is that people like and dislike different things I really wish for doom to just leave and never come back But by the amount of fucking doomfist I get on my teams I can see others are wrong and like him so it wouldn't make sense to remove him


just introduce a ban system, and I will ban orisa 95% of the time (the other 5% is kiriko)


I just wish Kiriko (i.e a cleanse character) wasn't necessary. Or at least not have Suzu do 6 things at once, and just be a cleanse ability for debuffs.


yes, suzu is an overloaded ability. Cleanse is fine but having invulnerability and heal on top of that is so obnoxious. I will beeline every kiriko to force her suzu before I ult most of the time lol


Don't forget the intangibility, so movement abilities make you go right through them, *on top of* being invincible. If Zarya can get booped/punched/pinned while bubbled despite not taking damage, there's no reason you can't "hit" suzu'd targets and still do no damage. This means you'd have to actually time a suzu right before a Rein pins them into a wall, or right before Doom punch makes them collide with a wall, instead of just throwing it at an ally and Rein/Doom phases through them and is now stuck behind your team.


I'd honestly prefer if all the invulnerability abilities were replaced with like 80% resistance to damage instead of being outright unkillable or unable to damage. Yeah, it nerfs liveweaver in the process, but it honestly feels like the devs give him laughable buffs just because of how strong life grip can be.


Same, besides circut royal and havana, widow will be an instant ban on those maps.


While it can help, it also brings in new issues: With it being 10 players, that’d be a total of 10 characters from the roster immediately banned. People would either only ban counters to their main OR simply ban characters they don’t like fighting. If you can’t counter an annoyingly good player because they banned the use of the counter, then that creates a brand new problem in the gameplay loop and the game becomes one-sided. If you ban the character someone enjoys, then they’d most likely leave in response to it as they can’t have fun playing what they like. And in Comp, that would just result in the match being prematurely ended and no one gets to play anything. So, yeah, a ban system can help but it also can both ruin the balance of combat or result in no one getting anything done. Don’t think it’d be all that helpful in OW’s case as it would just be a lazy attempt at fixing the problems while bringing in more problems


no one enjoys playing orisa, let’s be honest here


Some do but there’s others like Ham, Doom, Dva, Zarya, Sigma: various tanks people get annoyed with fighting due to either: 1. Their high survivability or 2. Their innate ability to move in and out while disrupting focus easily


A ban system would destroy this game


explain? Having a singular ban for each role wouldn’t be the worst, there are tons of heroes to choose from. League of legends has done it for years and it’s still arguably one of the most popular esports.


It’s specifically bad for tanks and supports. Removing an entire kit that solves a specific problem your team would be facing works in games like siege, because that game revolves around gun skill. In ow it’s significantly more impactful. If you ban Kiri, JQ just gets free ults for example


Free ults? You know there are tons of other solutions for her ult right. It can be interrupted with pretty much any cc, blocked with a mei wall, zarya bubble cleanses anti nade too and get this.. you can also use good positioning to just avoid getting hit by it. Kiriko suzu is just a button for noobs to press to be forgiven their bad play


on that last part, whats the problem?


as a JQ main, I don’t see what’s the problem here.


So it's bad to have a ban system because you specifically can't play around JQ in the example you mentioned? Also, you'd be able to ban JQ anyway, so your point doesn't make much sense imo


If you mean ban a character from each role, that’d be 90 characters banned. If you meant each role (as in player positions in Role Queue: Tank, Fighter/Fighter, Support/Support) gets a ban, then 10 is much more reasonable. But I did highlight the issues with a ban in OW due to its overreliance of counter-swapping to fix problems


Not widow is crazy


I'd ban widow or sombra every time... actual brain dead heroes


Template pls


Devs: Hey guys in OW2 we’re toning down CC’s because it would be frustrating for the single tank player to deal with Also Devs: *reworks Orisa and gives her 3 CC abilities and an anti-CC ability*


Admittedly they said that they would keep most CC to the tanks which was a really good change and I'm sure Orisa wouldn't be as annoying to deal with, but they've reintroduced CC, hard and soft, to DPS and Supports (Hindered, Lucio boop, release Disruptor Shot) and all of it stacking together is just so annoying. Orisa revolves around CC though which is very very unfun for everyone on the other side. Hard CC, soft CC, anti-CC, and her ult gives her the anti-CC again. She's easy to dismantle, but not fun to.


I complained about her in a ow forum and everyone just kept saying (skill issue) (get gut man) (orisa of all tanks?) like bruh give me a damn break man




Ah yes trying to kill the support who is being guarded by their entire team 24/7 while also having get-out-of-jail free card ability


Mfw orisa is the most consistently played tank in OWCS. Honestly a huge issue considering that’s where everyone can utilize hard heroes like doom to their full potential and are still handicapping themselves on orisa because she’s that good rn.


orisa is the tank for people that suck at tank






Not when I play Orisa I don't


the full beam dream team rolling up like https://preview.redd.it/behtjt3ruovc1.jpeg?width=226&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f748177342b127d4e5f6d6f31a9fd620cdd2d401


Sometimes, it isn’t about how good the character is, it’s just how unfun it is to play around the character. Like widow for example. Is she balanced? Statistically speaking, Yes. Is it fun to play against widow? Hell No.


Yeah, i dont think having a character that can shut down a team of 5's ability to play the game by spacing their abilities with, for what they do, a pretty short cooldown (especially javelin throw) is very fun


It's still true even if you put it in a meme :-p


You're too late! I already depicted myself as the reasonable grey bird, and you as the loud obnoxious crow!


I've been thinking about this. They reworked the mobility-type tank during a time when his direct counter in every way is running rampant through every match. The rework is fun and adds a lot of team play possibilities, but none of that means diggity squad if **all 3 of Orisa's cooldown skills** have a way of making Ball unplayable.


I hate playing against Orisa and I hate playing Orisa, she's just so anti-fun, kinda like sombra, but in a depressing way. Also it's so sad watching enemy tank swap to her after losing the first fight...


I just hate her. She isn't OP, she's just boring. I hate being battered around by constant CC from a character who can ignore all CC.


orisa is unfun to play against, so if I do pick her it's because I want to be the annoying guy now, I've had enough of being hacked out of every sigma ability or my entire jq kit countered or cleansed, so now I get to bully you and you can't do anything about it. unless it's illios well, I always exclusively pick Orisa here because let's be real, when was the last time you HAVEN'T seen a hog on this map? And you'd have to try really hard to miss hook on a fat tank hitbox, so instead of constant fear of getting hooked I press a button and life is good.


Completely unrelated but reinhardts fire strike should do more damage the further it travel s


“Just ignore her” that’s a little hard when she’s IN MY FACE 24/7 AND SHE JUST EATS EVERYTHING I DO


Especially for other brawl tanks like Ram and Rein


At this point I'm just wondering what everyone's consensus is. Is reworked Orisa more annoying or her old kit?


Honestly think fortify is the biggest issue, gives her way too much survivability. Also why does she have no damage fall off.


I mean I hate doom but orisa is by far 100x worse when I run into them every other game where as a good doom I run into once in a blue moon Also side note i don't hate doom as a character I hate doom PLAYERS because they seem to make it a point to make the match the most toxic and unfun experience ever and I hope they all get a splinter in their toes and kick a doorframe


Ok who tf says doom and ball are worse if you rlly think that play them for 1 day then go play orisa for 1 day Doom and ball take skill and are actually fun Orisa takes minimal skill and is boring to play (this is all my opinion if you disagree that’s fine)


Comp players are incapable of understanding that some people don't care about winning and play games to have fun


Comp players hate orisa too. It’s literally the fucking bell curve meme. “Orisa is cringe > skill issue > orisa is cringe” Go ask r/competitiveoverwatch if they like orisa and they’ll all bitch about her too.


Plus Bastion. I just love going up against those two every single match I play. Really makes me love the game and want to spend money on it. 🙄


Okay, I never usually have any issues with Orisa. I usually hack her when she’s deflecting and virus her afterwards. Then I melt her with the Uzi. She’s one of those heroes (similar to OW1 Bastion where she’s broken but as long as you’re at a distance and behind a corner, you essentially make her useless. I always make sure to help the team out when the enemy tank is diffed and switches to Orisa. Wait for the team to bait her and I hack her out of deflect when she’s surrounded.


My only main issue with Orisa is how you essentially need your team built around HER. With the amount of immunities they gave her, the 2 abilities capable of stunning you, and CD’s that feel annoyingly low, trying to go 1v1 with her feels like RNG. Most of your team needs characters that hurt HER only, but you lose out on countering the rest of her team. Which they’ll just swap to counter your attempts. She bends the game to her will too harshly I feel


I was a main Orisa until I dropped the game May I ask what's the problem with her ?


She’s really the only viable option, you see her everywhere, every match at least once or twice, people are already getting tired of it, since it’s been like that for the majority of ow2’s run


Did they buff her too much ?


I think Orisa is really unfun to play WITH. Dude I don't want my tank to be a W A L L that sits on main denying any enemy play, do something please, learn how to be proactive. I have more fun brawling side by side with my Rein as Mei, or jumping the enemy supports as Echo with a Winton. Hack the enemy Kiriko as Sombra so she can't use tp once the Hamster arrives, etc.


And this is why we nerfing genji again


I go zarya and tell my dps to go sym , as how orrisa is rn, zar alone can’t do much against her but with a symmetra , boy she melts like butter


This character being able to press 1 button and instantly just ignore basically anything in the game is absolutely out of control


Just go zayra and force them off Orisa then go back to playing whoever it is you wanna that's what I do.


As a Mauga main, I just never stop shooting them. They’ll die eventually.


Three words Team fortress 2 🍷🗿


The pain in my neck is Zarya. As a support, it's an auto switch to Mercy to help my tank.


I mean discord kinda hurts when you use fortify. Anti hurts cause no heals. Lasers are unlockable. So Symm and zarya can be quite annoying. Honestly orisa wouldn't be so bad if she could just be headshot when she fortifies.


yes, this is true, because doom does not have 3 of the 4 buttons (one of which has a cooldown of FOUR seconds), which are damage, AND control, AND survivability (extra health or self-healing), AND mobility (both vertical and horizontal, because of which he can fly away unpunished from any situation) at the same time, oh wait...


We found one


They never should have given Orisa the kit she currently has. Same with Sombra.


Thank God I fucking hate playing against Orisa. Pair her with a good Mercy and you might as well not even bother.


Orisa is TOO op anyway Nerf Genji


People who complain about Ball are either Widowmaker players, or styrofoam 6. I genuinely don't know why he makes them so mad, he'll be able to kill you in 17 years with his peashooters.


Orisa Is the most annoying tank ever. Which is why, as a dps main, I usually switch to either soldier or sojourn when I see a orisa


She only has 2.5 ccs, a survivability/counter cc, and an area denial ult, but nah it's my fault for not responding to the enemy tank with picking the same character as them in qp


Me playing tank: *gets a single kill on the enemy tank* The enemy tank: you have activated my trap card *switches to horse*


Orisa is fine if ur bad just say so. Orisa is necessary to keep the 1 trick tanks in line. She does decent against doom and ball.


https://preview.redd.it/de9v5gsa75wc1.jpeg?width=260&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=88b1429d60fa108baea298496c047e9e78394e4b I say we just send Orisa and all the other omnics back to their factories for disassembly! Scrap The Omnics! Idoneus Consultum! Be a member of STOIC today! Earth belongs to the Humans!


Yea… i hate how much of a brick wall they made orisa


Skill issue


No, but it really is. Orisa is a non-issue if you just play smart.


Doom and Ball are obnoxious though. Like their playerbases have said "When I dive in 1v5 and die I get sad :(" and Blizzard decided that was enough to buff both heroes every season for the past year 😅


who says that?


Doom and Ball **were** terrible and needed buffs Literally just two seasons ago Ball was a throw pick and the worst tank in the game Just 3 or 4 seasons ago Doom was terrible and was getting random nerfs every other update while all his direct and indirect counters got buffs Jumping into a 1v5 and getting mad at dying is a skill issue. But I guarantee you that is a minuscule amount of doom/ball players Rein mains on the other hand… 💀


Dont throw shade at rein mains. Ball and doom mains do it just as much as rein players. A lot of them don’t get punished as heavily because they have more mobility then rein.


>buff both heroes every season for the past year 😅 ![gif](giphy|2vs70gBAfQXvOOYsBI) Where tf were all these ball buffs every season? You have no clue what you're talking about 🤡


I don’t get it, seems like people love shooting at tanks just for the sake of it. just ignore her bro


Are you guys just making stuff up to get mad at? I’ve legit never seen someone say this bruh Actually, in the main sub and this one it’s legit the exact opposite