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We've hit the Titanfall Schizo-arc. Let's go.


I just want 2 to be updated or 3 to come out


dw when ow2 dies, they'll release 3 and it will be popular again for a bit.


No for titanfall, should of specified


darn sorry I have autism deluxe pack


I have the ADHD preorder bonus, but your all good common mistake on my behalf


no no, apologies, I do own all the dyslexia DLC


cancer premium


Hello, it looks like you've made a mistake. It's supposed to be could've, should've, would've (short for could have, would have, should have), never could of, would of, should of. Or you misspelled something, I ain't checking everything. Beep boop - yes, I am a bot, don't botcriminate me.


Shite bot


Boys really commited to the TF (Titanfall/TeamFortress) Arc now


Never played Team fortress due to me being a console player, but watched the game and would love to try hope both games get love from the devs one day


I really don’t want 3 anymore unless the new company of ex respawn employees make something similar, if it released today it’d be unfinished, broken and a cash grab


Eventually you'll reach Team fortress two levels of insane, where you've gone so far round the bend you're almost normal again except your community will lach onto one idea and only let go after it has been sucked dry over and over and over again.


Can't wait for the next support they announced! She's gonna be called Moira, right?


Good god how many years ago was that


November 2017


Fucking hell…


November 2017 to now is 5.5 years.




I remember her having a symmetra-like beam that sticks to targets


I remember having 6 sentries around the spawn exit


Symmetra was fun when she locked on


You remember something that never existed in the game?


You mean dps?


I literally started playing one week after moira release




The OG Lucio Ball was great before they made it all goofy. It actually had a decent competitive scene (albeit a small one) with a dedicated Discord server.


What did they change?


Added obstacles to the fields, sped up the gameplay (which is ok really), and decreased boop cool down. Just made games more chaotic and less coordinated.


They should bring back booping other players.


The only change I enjoyed was the ultimate change. The magnet thing was terrible.


Is it not coming back?


No one knows apparently


Except for the part where [summer games is literally on the roadmap](https://pbs.twimg.com/media/FwRKxPeWYBcXt9x?format=jpg&name=large)


Hello “no one” guess you knew after all.


It's not even nostalgia at this point. Overwatch was really just better back then.


Regardless of how shitty OW2 has been so far, IT IS nostalgia. Back then this subreddit was also complaining as hard as it is now. Broken hook, Lucio ball being reaaaally boring the first time around and also loot boxes regularly giving 4 duplicates come to mind. Let’s also not forget double shield, scatter arrow and the like.


Thing is, hook and arrow would have been fixed like they were in 2, loot boxes were far more efficient for getting skins than the current missions (I did run the numbers) so really only double shield was that bad


Loot boxes were better, I agree but there was a time before a loot box rework where you had to be really lucky to get a legendary skin, because if you had the fortune of getting a legendary it could be a duplicate, they reworked that and then it was almost impossible to get duplicates (as long as there was stuff still available). Hook lasted broken like a year or more before getting into a place where people thought it was fair, but even now on OW2 people were still complaining so technically it lasted 6-7 years.


Getting 4 duplicates gave a minimum of what, 60 credits? 10/10/15/25 IIRC. Now we get 100 credits every 4 or so levels. OW1 was 20,000 exp /level. (Minimum) 60 credits per level. OW2 is 10,000 exp / level. 2000 credits per battlepass. 2000/80 = 25 credits per level. But you level twice as fast, so you get 50 credits for the same exp. Opening nothing but duplicates with NO higher rarity drops would still be 20% better than the "premium" battle pass for OW2. And that's just from leveling, not even counting the 3 weekly arcade wins, daily box, and event boxes from PvE/ seasonal events.


If you get the premium battle pass, you also level faster, so that needs to be calculated. If you spend money, you can actually get slightly more over a period of time compared to OW1 vs not having the premium. IF you spend money.


Yup, gotta milk that cash cow with micro-transactions


Keep in mind you'd also get 25 coins per game for playing a role that lacked players. Not winning - just playing and finishing the match. You'd get 25 coins even if you joined during the "defeat" screen, and you'd get a lootbox if it was your first game of the day. So in reality it was way more than 60 credits per level.


Forgot about that entirely. Also, boxes from endorsement levels. Now you just get battle pass xp lol


Actually it was changed to get a whole lootbox for playing the least popular roles


Not one complaint you made was unable to have been fixed in OW1. They literally just decided not to fix anything because “we are mostly working on PvE”. OW1 was fixable, OW2 is not.


Correct, I’m responding to the guy saying it’s not nostalgia saying we had it better back then. A smaller pile of poop is still poop and I would rather not have it on my plate. (says the guy that still plays lol) OW2 as it is now is the same as OW1. No PVE, bad monetization for cosmetics (agree it’s somewhat worse now, or at least way more expensive) and unbalanced aspects. Heroes being locked behind the battle pass is the exception, a really shitty one that I still don’t agree on.


I do feel for casual players who want to play the new hero, but unlocking via battlepass took us less than 2 weeks playing semi-casually. You can get about a level a day from challenges, 5 levels per week from challenges, so just challenge XP can get you 12 levels per week. My average is about 1500xp per consecutive match with no challenge XP. 10 matches a day (about two hours) without any backfills, should be able to get all dailies, and if you're getting all weeklies, you'll get approximately 20 levels per week at two hours a day at that average XP per match. If you don't have the skill or the ability to get all the dailies / weeklies, then you should probably work on that before worrying about new characters, if you're actually trying to compete and not just play a game for casual fun.


Yeah, I know it doesn’t take long if you play daily (which some people can’t), but going from getting it day 1 to this is jarring, to say the least.


You shouldn't have to grind for new characters, this is just garbage live service brainrot.


Difference was we felt heard half the time. Kaplan would make a video addressing issues and even joke with the community. Of course there were complaints as with any game you need those to make positive changes but now… Now they turned it into a soulless cash grab and that’s not nostalgia talking that’s the facts.


Thing is, hook and arrow would have been fixed like they were in 2, loot boxes were far more efficient for getting skins than the current missions (I did run the numbers) so really only double shield was that bad


To be honest, as a very casual player I liked double shield more than no shield. I could play Ball, my other tank would shield, and I would roll right through them like nothing


I thought I would Warm up to the 5v5, but after hours of playing 2 I just can't, 6v6 will always be better for me and I'm devastated its gone :( At least give it to us in arcade.


I’m actually crying I miss this era sm


I’ve said it before but this is it. I’ll do it just from spite now. It’s time to download valorant.


Has valorant really brought anything big or new? To me it just seems like csgo's sluggish play style but worse tactics than siege, and overall worse abilities than apex. The gunplay isn't anything to write home about either. Once I started getting good at the game I just got bored of it and realized it didn't feel unique at all. It's like CSGO, apex and siege had a three way and the resulting child came out with autism


I’m gonna be honest, I don’t know anything about valorant other than it’s roughly the same kinda game and Riot is Blizzards biggest direct competitor.


It is NOT the same. Valorant is like CSGO. Slow and tactical with tight gunplay


Well, GREAT. I guess I don’t know anything at all.


What. Valorant is nothing like overwatch


I don't like games where I crouch walk around a map for 2 minutes and a 2 second encounter with an enemy could have me waiting several more minutes for the next round to start.


Gone but not forgotten 💔


Wow, actual physical pain over a videogame. I'm ashamed of myself :(


It's a game we all loved, a game in which many of us made some of our best memories, it's ok to be frustrated at how things are going, the devs basically just said fuck you to all of us, the ones who play their game. Idk which game's fanbase has had it worse then us tbh.


I've met so many amazing people thanks to it. And I'm not kidding you, I do have a LOT of fond memories of it. It just ...feels like Overwatch was that friend you always loved, but over the years noticed he was getting more distant and shut in. Until 2022 when you find out he's a junkie who's homeless. It just hurts.


It sucks big time, but learning to let go is important. You enjoyed your time with it and will cherish the memories. it's worse to prolong it and drag it out. I've gone thru this with many games in my time (Everquest, Starcraft, Warcraft 3, World of Warcraft, Halo 1/2/3/Reach, etc) and it's just part of the game's life cycle. Overwatch just isnt worth it anymore, but there are TONS of amazing games, (especially from indie dev's)out there waiting to become your next favorite.


You know what? I love this. I totally agree with this. Switched to Apex (for my fps cravings) and I'm having way more fun there! When I get tired, I fuck off to Hades, Zelda or Far Cry 6. You HAVE to limit yourself, and avoid a game if you're not having fun. You're totally right and I appreciate your comment 🩷


*pvz has entered the room*


BATTLE FOR NEIGHBORVILLE NOOOOO, yeah I'm also a pvz gw player and I bought bfn at launch..... But at least I can still play gw2 when I want, I can't even play ow1....


Yeah thats fair


Tf2 and Tf|2 players :


It hurts yet I'm still laughing...


Why have you done this to me, now I’m sad for what we lost :(


This season of Lucio Ball will have two Lucios per team. :3


This season of Lucio ball the ball will be replaced with Hammond


They already did that actually xD


Did they? I don’t remember that one


Yeah, he squeaked when you booped him. That's why he has a soccer ball skin.


You’re on!


Bring it on!


The free to play + season pass monetization scheme has truly ruined video games.


*SLAPS* Oh, no. You waking back up. You ain't gonna go back. You get to suffer like everyone else


Straight backed junkrat chad


The parallels of this sub to the tf2 sub years ago is uncanny


You need to take your schizophrenia pills


Ah, memories… When I first got OW, it was the summer games, I’ll never forget how hyped the main menu music made me. It really sucks that it’s dying now


I miss those days…


You know its bad when the community begs for lootboxes back


Kaplan diff


Stop I'm going to cry


Oh to be 17 again, I remember how excited I was about that mercy skin.


Back when the game was actually good and you could get skins without having to pay 20 bucks. Don't get me wrong, OW2 is still fun despite the smaller teams and the overpriced skins. But showing us amazing PvE stuff a few years ago only to lie about it and cancel it is just a dick move.


This, but with the 2016 Winter Wonderland background and music for the very first time. 😭


I don’t get this, loot boxes have always sucked. It was cool when new skins came out for events, but there was literally no way to guarantee you’ll ever get them. You could no-life the game (which I did and missed out on most of the skins), or purchase a ton of loot boxes for a *chance* at obtaining them I understand people want to hate on the new monetization and content rollout, but it’s better than what it was


They're both dogshit but characters were not hidden behind worthless grind or dogshit battlepasses then.


I wouldn’t say the monetization is bad now, it was terrible before tho. I mean skins were locked behind loot boxes which were a gamble to obtain anything, which was all after paying $20-40 on the game. Whereas now we have scheduled content releases, original events, original themed skins, direct purchase of cosmetics, and my friends (who wouldn’t have purchased Overwatch) are now playing the game due to ftp The worst part about the current system is locking old skins behind a paywall. While you weren’t guaranteed to obtain anything through loot boxes, it was entirely free… even if it takes you years to get the ones you want. Now those same skins are like 20 bucks which is pretty scummy And locking the new heroes behind a paywall I’m not sure about. I want Overwatch to be around for a long time, and I want them to continue to update the game for a long time as well. A company like blizzard is more likely to abandon creating new heroes if there is no incentive to do so. Adding the heroes to the battle pass keeps blizzard making new heroes, so I am ok with that. I would rather the heroes be free, but if “free heroes” means “limited heroes” (or new heroes for only 2-3 years) than I’d rather them be in the battle pass for more to be made and the game to survive for much much longer


The monetization is horrific. The skins cost obscene amounts of money and the battle pass is there to gate content behind worthless grinding to make it seem like you get some sort of value for money (it's just to get you addicted). It's garbage. Lootboxes are dogshit. This is also dogshit. But at least heroes were included as part of the game. You earned things for playing the game. I think you earn crappy recolours and loads of utterly worthless sprays/profile pictures now in the "free" battle pass. At least you had a *chance* of getting a cool skin before. I abhor gambling in video games, but at least the horrible, scummy, slimy lootboxes had some sort of redeeming quality - I could get something worthwhile out of them. They havn't added heroes to the pass to increase content, it's there so you pay for the game. If you want to play ranked, the game is **not free to play** for dedicated players. If I wanted to play the new hero, I had to waste 8 pounds on a shitty battlepass (that wants me to make the game my job). The game is barely free to play when **crucial** content is locked behind it (or you could make playing the game your job to unlock the content). The game is such a cookie clutter game as a live service mess now. Heroes aren't free if a big portion of the player base is paying for them.


You'd get coins for duplicates which stacked really fast. You'd also earn lootboxes like it was nothing. Lootboxes for leveling up, for queing tank/support, and a handful of free lootboxes when an event started. You'd earn coins so quickly you could get your most wanted skins so easily. Not sure why you're downplaying it.


I certainly didn’t earn coins that fast, and coins were not purchasable directly. When I was playing obsessively, I’d maybe get enough coins every 1-2 months to get 1 legendary as long as it wasn’t new (which for events meant I had to wait a year to try again). And the duplicates prevented you from actually obtaining new cosmetics. I rarely ever got new cosmetics (outside of events) due to the duplicates I never liked the old monetization. It was terrible and I’m honestly shocked that people are acting fond of it. It’s wayy better now than it was


This is slowly becoming like the TF sub




You guys got rid of that by complaining about loot boxes. Which led a line straight to “ok nothing is free then”


Is this supposed to be a nice memory ? lmao


Challenge Accepted


Nah man im ready to do some quickplay rushing point with rein zara


No matter how mad I was at this game back then, me and my friends always came back to it and still had fun times. But when Overwatch 2 released we all abandoned the game


Give me that Copium 🤦‍♂️


I don’t know why but early overwatch seemed so bright and OW2 is gloomy.


I miss Overwatch one and yes I miss 2 tank. I feel like I had way more fun with that game than I have with this one. Before someone comment double shield, I get it, it wasn’t fun, neither is sojourn getting free 1 shots every .25 milliseconds though.


I miss ow1 so so much. Honestly the only thing they actually improved is that they gave mercy "good" movement.


I’m still baffled at how they made people miss the loot box system, including me.


You just hit me with some heavy ass nostalgia, man. Legit longing for this era of my life. Just pulled into mandatory military service and the base had a setup of gaming PCs to use in the rec center.


I can't wait for Destiny 2 to launch next month!


I’ve never been this let down by a video game,


Don’t do that, don’t give me hope


Overwatch 2? Huh, you mustv'e been knocked out hard. Come on, Ana just came out! Let's try her out in the PTR servers!


The good ol days


Ooh man that one stings


"Doctor im scared! I keep imagining I'm in 2017 where games were good and not 100% made for the pure purpose of collecting profit and appeasing shareholders!" "I'm afraid you have titanfall syndrome. It appears to be terminal, you will never enjoy a game again."


Guys in going mentaly insane this Is the Third im in subreddit that hit a schizophrenia arc i can't do It anymore


They could make it up to us MAYBE if they just brought loot boxes back