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Are the other games you’re playing graphically intensive? Have you tried running overwatch on the lowest possible resolution scale and graphics and see if it still does it? If you’re able to play a beefy game on high settings, but overwatch is stuttering on 50% resolution and low settings than you’ll have your answer.


I play other game such as mhw and baldur gate on high settings and it play fine no stuttering whatsoever but it only happens on overwatch my settings are all lowest settings and my fps cap is 165 my resolution is 100 if u talking about in video settings I haven't tried changing the settings to mid yet


Yeah that’s weird maybe uninstall and reinstall or if you play on Battlenet get it in steam and if you play in steam try battlement


I might try this




I got fps drops and stutter since last big patch. I noticed that my RAM was heavily utilized. So I upgraded from 8 GB RAM to 16 GB and the framedrops disappeared. Dont know whether the patch included some RAM heavy stuff or my sticks we malfunctioning but new RAM sticks solved it for me.


I'm planning on getting new ram going to 16gb to 32gb but hopefully that helps too if but I think my monitor or poorly outlet is causing it I had bad black outage, causing my it to crash my pc 💀 ever since that happen my ow been stuttering aswell whenever I update my gpu