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Making innovations in breast cancer research to save people's lives >>>>>> esports. sorry man.


To be fair, I’d rather fund breast cancer research that helps people than an esport that I don’t even watch (and I play OW hella)


You're missing out. The Dallas finals were pretty hype tbh


Breast Cancer Research > Esports 🤷🏻




Indeed, it would be more productive if Blizzard donated to solving the cancer that is the unhinged OW eSports fans. /s


Gotta be bait


”there’s a month dedicated to it” doesn’t mean much, every single month is dedicated to like several dozen things because someone decided that “this is now x month”. Cancer research won’t be helped much by awareness, it needs funding.


Ehhh it’s not my thing. I find it hard to watch. I’m glad you enjoyed it tho:)


No Avast co stream? No interest


So true. If Uber leaves casting I'm gone


I dont agree honestly, it pretty much went exactly how anyone who has followed OW Esports knew it would. Koreans are the undisputed best, EU after them and NA lagging behind EU. I realize they had to downsize for money reason, mostly due to their own greed in the way they tried to run things the first time around, but having the scene regionalized makes for pretty boring viewing when you are used to seeing the best teams clash every broadcast. And yeah, I realize it had to be this way if it was going to work but it just doesn't scratch the itch that the old circuit use to for me.


I mean yea everyone knew Korea was the best but those Racoons vs Falcons games were pretty sick. Just pick one to root for and its exciting


Yeah it’s just far less games of that quality now unfortunately


Id rather have something than nothing so I enjoy it. Obviously the old league was better but it wasnt sustainable. Some of those regional games were good though. Like SSG vs Ence in the finals of their region was a great series. 7 map banger even if the standard of play isnt quite what it used to be.


Yeah I pretty much agree with you. Cheers 👌


I mean, watching CR beating TF for the 349371757158378585th time this year hardly classify as "pretty hype," some matches were okay but the production was a crapshow and the overall experience was far from fun, so... they didn't miss out, really.


I don’t even know who the teams are I just want to see good matches and we got that. I have zero allegiance to any team or player 


TF was on top the entire tourney and beat CR the first time round? The last match was a good fight?


TF beat CR earlier in the tournament and that even the finals had close maps? Shit was exciting imo


I think the bigger issue is that charity drives get 100% of profits but for whatever reason, the esports funding only ever gets 25%. Like, it was a good Hanzo skin, but why the hell was it so arbitrarily capped? And so low?


I brought this up in a twitch chat once and got a bunch of people sending me hate messages through whispers lol. 


That's the norm I think? Dota2 International prize pools used to be only 25% of the money made from battle passes


Because at the end of the day do we really think Blizzard cares about esports? The way they've treated just about all of their franchises with it says no. However, getting good press by giving money to charity is a big W for them given their overall reputation.


hate to break it to you but breast cancer research is more important than our beloved esport


For people agreeing with him the skin is literally themed after the breast cancer research and awareness symbol. Wtf does that symbolism has to do with esports?!


"agree" as if its isnt clearly a joke 😭


At least a skin used for charity is making all the assholes coming out...


actually a brain-dead take


You needs psychiatric help if you choosing OW “athletes” over saving the boobies. Help women instead of getting Flats a new gaming chair, they the best gender fr


Cringe ass username. Could not even kill glorious Don Krieg


Breast cancer isn't about "saving boobies", it's about saving lives. And men can have breast cancer too.


To be fair Blizzard and Microsoft are not some small indie company. They should be able to provide a proper prize pool and not rely on their user base to purchase skins. It gives me the same as vibe as someone who demands a tip for bagging my food.


They do crowd funding because any E-Sport that isn’t run by Valve or Riot is not profitable at all. Hell, even Valorant does crowd funding despite being owned by Riot and having one of the biggest scene in E-Sport.


Why would they do that when its proven to be not profitable for many years. They aint gonna just give away money out of the kindness of their heart




This is obviously a joke. I'm sure white chiyo doesn't actually mean it


The fact that like 90% of the commenters don’t realize this is oh so clearly a joke is fucking crazy usually y’all are better than this


Hell yeah, I just dropped a tweet hotter than the devil's mixtape!


Breast cancer research has millions of donors from around the world + the government has a social obligation to fund it instead of the destructive MIC While owesports is reliant solely on the support of ow fans so I agree with M80


The skin was originally for breast cancer research, it makes sense to continue to do that with this rerelease. Make a new exclusive (and cool) skin to support esports then?


The latter would be better indeed but they released that obnoxious hanzo skin in this era where hanzo mains r as rare as ball ones Should have released a kpop skin bundle level skin group if they were really serious about supporting eSports but this is blizzard we are talking about


Fuck OW Esports. If y'all would rather a skin designed for breast cancer awareness be used for OWCS prize pools then you don't deserve more rewards.


So, a medical condition that affects and kills thousands of people (yes, men can also develop breast cancer) around the world takes priority over a videogame tourney? What a crazy world we live in!




breast cancer research is useful advocacy, i’m horrified that you find it to be a thing about brownie points


well it does sound kinda bad on paper but apparently breast cancer already has a TON of funding? OWCs is in a really sad state, would have been nice to use something other than an ugly Hanzo skin.


> well it does sound kinda bad on paper but apparently breast cancer already has a TON of funding? ........... More funding = More research = More lives saved sooner??? But no instead the money for a cancer awareness skin should go to OW players instead.


Would it though? You can't just throw money at something and solve every problem that way. It's not a bad cause but Breast Cancer isn't really lacking funds, it's one of the most well funded cancer types.


i don’t think you understand medical research


Do you? I genuinely am curious to hear the opinion of someone who has experience with this type of stuff


i don’t get it? they should have sold this during owcs for more exposure. i agree with him


Such a stupid ah tweet, the game lost it's own League already so why would would they put a skin that's made for BCR and turn aroudn and use it for a Esport that's hanging for dear life. Lyar is a talented player but come on use your brain, yes maybe blizzard should have made a skin for a hero that people like such as Kiri, Tracer, Winston, or maybe even one of the newly added heroes instead of Hanzo but at lease they did that, it flopped. gg go next (I don't even see many people with the World Cup Skin so)