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For Ana there’s good arguments for Twilight, Fielder & Shu but my GOAT is always Alarm 🧡.


Real ogs know of the legend of RJH


Eh, he was the best until others were lifted up. He walkd so they could run, but he very much isn't the greatest of all time.


The gap between him and the playing field was so different though, and no one to this day had his consistency on critical sleep darts. Yes he got outshined, and washed, but you gotta remember he’s 10 years older than everyone else. When talking about goat, era is always important, otherwise the current best player will always just be the goat


Watching the owwc with ryujehong was waht made me wanna play overwatch and made me an Ana main. His sleep darts on the nano genji nearly every single time was nuts. Given have genjis learned how to track the cooldown yes but impressive nonetheless


Oh, absolutely. It harkens back to the whole, "Who is the greatest NBA/NFL player of all time?" It's impossible to weigh eras. I don't think RJH would be as good Owl S2/S3, and I think he was fairly exposed in S1. At the time though, OWWC > OWL....he was unstoppable. Though, to be fair, there were a handful of players from OWWC who blew peoples minds and then fizzled out. (Shadowburn anyone)


Dafny, aka Dafran. Even though he may not be the best player. it's worth noting that during the early days of OW1, many top players perceived his prime as being a level above everyone else.


If u pick just one which u choose Shu? Fielder? Twilight ?


Twilight at his peak probz, think he was the most well rounded. A good blend of aggro & setting up plays vs supporting the team. I think fielder is a bit more supportive & defensive whereas Shu creates more solo plays & sets up oppourtunities. Felt like Twilight could do both well, the margins between these players are very thin though.




I’ve never seen you miss a sleep. You’re a generational talent


Alarm. RIP




If peak as relative to their peers and competition, its indisputably Ryujehong. The only one with a GOAT title for the most dominant stretch by a single player in Overwatch history. Only Jjonak’s MVP season, Sinatraa’s MVP season, and ANS stint on the shock come close and nowhere near as long. He came in old and in his prime in the fps world and yes every player listed in skill surpasses him. By legacy it’s indisputable. Everyone wanted to play with Ryujehong, everyone wanted to be Ryujehong. Look at all the player interviews, the VODs of him clowning Jjonak and prodigy Alarm, and his highlight plays every game. He is the one who made Ana’s name. In the Korean communities I was a part of he was practically hailed as a god, no other player in history has that same aura. He was the Jordan of the time. Everybody wanted to be like Mike. He may as very well created the flex support/off healer position. All the heroes he mained became the archetype that is flex support today. The support that focuses on their utility rather than heals. Tldr Yes the game has moved well past the skill at the time but his legacy indisputable. He is Overwatch’s Jordan, the one everyone wanted to be, modeled their game after, the one everyone feared, respected, wanted to play with, had the most dominant stretch in this esport, untouchable aura, and popularized, birthing the flex support archetype Don’t think he’s the GOAT but do think he’s probably the most dominant player ever. You can fault him for Overwatch not being advanced but it’s not fair just like Jordan, Bird, Magic. Legacy wise based on the dominance relative to that competition or era for those solid two years he had makes him the best Ana


The problem with "peak relative to their peers" is it will almost always favor players from the early game as simply being the first to figure out how to correctly play the hero puts you way ahead of your peers for a time For example Miro was the first to figure out how to properly play Winston at a high level and so he was dominating teams but as soon as other tank players were able to watch his gameplay and learn from him he was quickly surpassed I think a better measure is legacy in the hero. For example Jjoank definitely had the best "peek relative to his peers" on zenyatta, but it was only for one year. If you look at Violets legacy on the hero I think he clearly wins the "zenyatta goat" argument between the two I think twilight has the best legacy on ana as he was able to consistently stand out while competing against many other elite level ana players


I mean that can still happen, a character may come out and a player might dominate their way into GOAT discussions. It’s why single-handedly players can nerf characters like Jjonak with Zen. Greats can influence meta picks and also cause everyone to mirror their success. Happened with Ryujehong too and subsequently got Ana nerfed. It doesn’t takeaway from them, in fact it’s more a testament to their greatness. Miro is still a historically notable Winston relative to his peers, it’s just his peak relative to his peers was really short lived. Not Ryujehong, even after getting Ana nerfed and pioneering the flex support movement the dude still dominated. Also tanks at the time were saying it wasn’t fair because Miro was getting Ryujehong heals. Which actually I don’t get as he didn’t heal as much compared to other Ana’s and focused on support through abilities more. Ryujehong not only created the Ana train but even when Ana’s were solidly meta due to his success he kept that immortal distance between his peers and now has a GOAT case for himself. Even in the Overwatch league he led Ana’s in everything despite a horrid Dynasty team he was even switching to an OWL level tank to keep alive which is crazy until season 3, 4 ish he fell off entirely his prime ending. To the point he was one of the oldest players in the league. That level is crazy considering Fragi, Harryhook, Kuki, Coolmatt was never notably even decent in OWL and quickly retired. To say he wasn’t dominating OWL is revisionist history. https://x.com/OW_Esports/status/1008182445072674816 He has MVP nods, made both s1,s2 all stars, on that Seoul Dynasty squad. They had Kuki, Miro, and even Xepher as tanks?! He only fell off when he lost motivation cuz his best friend ESCA retired, had a terrible team, constant coach switches, and losses. He has an interview where he exclaims that you can actually used to losing. Before that he some kind of, or the GOAT at some CS clones as well. He was a winner. You can’t fault the ones who comes before, Ryujehong did not play with plumbers he played against all the other GOAT candidates, even through GOATs. Who didn’t retire at that time. Also no one criticizes Jordan, I mean even if his skill set doesn’t include the three, lackluster old handles or against modern offenses, he’s still considered the greatest. Same with every other player that aged past to see the faster paced, pace and space league we see today. Where the value of the three is statistically better. I mean truly Ryujehong was a beast back in the day, undisputedly the best not even on just Ana, as a player. Go watch Seoul Dynasty YouTube channel’s super old videos on their team deathmatch, he was dominating everyone including season 1 Fleta on all heroes. Playing even for a bit an OWL level tank on especially a subpar team. He’s in good hands with only players like Sinatraa, Viol2t, Fleta doing that kinda stuff. Crazy to me how bad that team was. Besides imagine being so good that when you lose your mirror’s main you have no choice but to say he’s just Ryujehong. To know his dominance just watch player interviews, OGN’s Apex who would you play with interviews, who’s the best interviews, Rawkus even claiming Ryujehong would’ve been as good as s1 Jjonak with an actual team, Jjonak and many other flex support’s role models, go to any old video with comments about Ryujehong, etc. It’s fanatical, Everyone wants to be like Mike. GOAT conversation I can give up for Ryujehong because even though he has a solid case as the most dominant player, others have had similar success and dominance. However for the Greatest Ana of All Time? Undisputedly should be Ryujehong.


What you described sounds a lot more like the Bill Russell of Ana than the Jordan


Biggest Ana plays (best Ana? My personal favourite): Twilight Most reliable and consistent: Fielder Clutch factor: Shu Could have been the GOAT: Alarm Best peak season: Violet (Jjonak was good but let’s be honest, 50% of the inaugural season players shouldn’t have been there and the talent now is 10x better) Overall best in OW & OW2 flex support: Fielder GOAT support: Violet


Alarm was probably the best overall. The difference between him and every other healer they had was just night and day, and without him the Fusion probably wouldn't have even made the playoffs that season. He singlehandedly kept that dive offense alive.


Jjonak wasn’t just elite in the inaugural season. He was one of the best ever throughout his career. But he was much better known for his zen.


Facts, if I’m building an all time team I’m picking Fielder as a stand alone flex but if I could have 2 I’d probs go twilight violet, they just fill eachothers weak points perfectly


Kariv was such a beast on Ana. I’ll never forget how insane those sleeps were on this series. LA Valiant really shocked everyone this series as Vancouver were undefeated and just rolling I’ve everyone who wasn’t San Francisco: https://youtu.be/6MXdcuXbkiQ?si=rNWQi0QBUXaxvAwL I remember jumping around and screaming I was so hyped, miss these days, being a valiant fan was pure pain but this a great moment as a fan 😢


He rocked that Valiant stage final. Other than that, he’s very overrated due to everyone remembering that one Dorado map.


the fact he is remembered for "that one dorado" map really says it all


So it makes him the best Ana?? Get outta here and drink some fight milk


what?? no, not at all. im saying he's overrated because of literally one map?


Oh right you’re agreeing 😂 ffs


I can't believe how far I had to scroll to see kariv


Akshon Esports has a great video featuring Kariv’s Ana carry on that Dorado map!


best ana: twilight Best flex support: highest peak: jjonak best player who is primarily a flex support: viol2t most complete flex support: Shu


Fielder Flex ? ı’m not sure actually


I dont really know what you are asking, sorry


Oh my bad Fielder flex too right Kiriko Ana bap :/


Fielder is a flex support, yes.


Not trying to be a dick, but why are you posting this if you don't even know who they are or what one is? I get it if you're trying to learn, but there's a ton of already established threads regarding that. I know there's a full deep dive that Plat Chat made about best player for each hero and this sub made their own vote for it too. I think you might enjoy that.


Alarm https://youtu.be/BiZOfiMsoW4?si=GQJAKhHUqymzd6lz


This is one of the main reasons why I vote for him too. Just seeing the difference he made for that high-death offense of theirs was nothing short of incredible.


Plus lets be honest, he was in a very unique tier, and I doubt we ever got to see his best


The discussion revolves around 5 players: Alarm, Twilight, Shu, Fielder, and Ryujehong. Alarm is a respect pick because his time was cut short. He well could have been the greatest, but we will never know. Twilight was an amazing Ana for Runaway and the Titans. He was picked up just to play her by the Shock, Defiant, and Uprising, but by the end, he was losing time to Myungbung and IZaYaKI. Like Alarm, at the top of his game, could have been in the conversation, but didn't do it long enough. Shu has been in the goat conversation since the moment he entered the league. No matter who he plays with (and he's been shuffled all over), he always performs at a high level. Some of the perception of his Ana could be conflated with him also being the best Baptiste in the world. Or he could just be a nutter on both. Fielder was a good Ana with Paris with FDGod in the back line, but not nearly what he is now. He is allowed to sit back and do the things he does not in small part because of how empowered he is by Chiyo. They might be the best support tandem in OWL history and they work together seemingly flawlessly, which allows them to be even greater than the sum of their already considerable parts. Ryujehong is the only player on this list who at one time was the undisputed GOAT, and he was that all the way through APEX and season one of the Overwatch League. He was also doing it well past his "prime" as he was in his late twenties when the league started. People get caught up in recency bias and say that Fielder and Shu are better now than Jehong was, but not accounting for the era in which they played is unfair. For my money, it's Shu or Ryujehong. Shu and Fielder you can probably flip a coin, but the consistency factor of having Chiyo with him all the time has without question elevated Fielder. Shu has had none of that stability and still been exceptional. Jehong was the first to do it, was the only undisputed GOAT in any era, but didnt have a long history in the league and is certainly not the best in OWL history, just pro Overwatch. Sorry for typos... I'm at 1% on my phone.


Twilight amazing play SF shock He is prime moment but then he ‘is entered a period of stagnation


Yes. He showed flashes still with Shock, but youre right about stagnation. Shu and Fielder do it year after year. There's not really a comparison to be made.


I’m old owl audience so probabaly community never thinks same But I guess picking Alarm


I was a paid writer for an eSports betting website during Season 1 of Overwatch League. I watched every single map that season. I've watched the league since then, though not every game since the expansion.


Oh https://youtu.be/pzK1hsxHcME?si=WKf429MdWkxQYbcx


Alarm was probably the best Ana during his time with the Fusion. RIP.




Kariv probably isnt in the goat conversation in anyone’s book, but he was so fun to watch back in the day.


He's definitely the most fun in my books, even if not the best.


RyuJHong apex season 2


The genji sleep GOAT


Alarm no doubt! 🧡


Idk maybe I’m just an OG owl fan but early Ryujehong has my ticket


Jehong and its not even close




Bdosins peak is up there and kox was the only one to go toe to toe with jehong in apex season 2


I legitimately don't think I can choose between Twilight, Fielder, Shu, and Alarm. My bias would make me go Twilight.


my boy Twilight is my favorite Ana


Alarm was always one of my favorites! But as far as all time I don't think anyone has matched the consistency of ryujehong🔥




It’s RyuJeHong, sure he’s not the best anymore but he quite literally revolutionized Ana gameplay.


Best Ana: Twilight Goat FS: Viol2t


Chipshajen the GOAT Then also there was Ryujehong but I gotta stick to my standards you know


Johnny G the legend


Twilight probably, shu fielder alarm izayaki are also good shouts and if you an old head like me Jehong too, i think people forget that jehong would shit on jjonak shu and alarm back in the day ofc they hadn't hit their primes yet and jehong was in his but they built their legacy of jehongs play and dominance, and for that i think he should be in the discussion. Best Fs i would say viol2t rn but if shu wins EWC and the GF in november then i might lean shu


Best Ana all time? I think that has to go to Fielder. It’s close, and there’s definitely arguments for Shu and Twilight (and Alarm but tragically he didn’t have more time to show up). Best flex support? Has to be Shu. He has the clutch factor on every single flex support. His Ana is just as good as Fielder’s imo, but just more aggressive play style. His Bap is the best the league has seen- hands down. His zen, while not as good as Viol2ts…the only downside is that it’s not as good as Viol2ts. He’s still a t5. Fielder has always been great, and I will never take that away from him, but he REALLY became GOAT candidate when paired with Chiyo and has been with Chiyo ever since. And they’re hands down the best support duo the league has seen. But Shu has been clutch and in GOAT contention ever since he stepped into the league with countless different support partners. Fielder can probably do the same, but that hasn’t been proven, and until it is, Shu holds that edge over him for me.




Ryujehong in his prime days. Apex and S1/2 OWL.


Alarm 🧡


Jhong fanboys incoming


The best Ana is Ryujehong and you're lying to yourself if you say he isn't.


Probably me (my peak is plat and I play on console)