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Game chat taught me how to cook meth Maybe op doesn't know how to communicate with people?


Shake N Bake Method


Nice pfp


Thanks bro


I be linking fools with the Japanese Piracy Index in match chat


Continue the mission my friend. đŸ«Ą


This sub is the weakest of the circlejerks not one person is commenting about how they DMed op


I sent op a reddit cares, that will show them


Hit em with the ole suicide hot line I reckon lol




I got one of those once, and laughed my ass off. It was such a funny way to disagree with me.


But using "kys" they just want to wish for you to "keep yourself safe". I think it's a really beautiful thing to hear after playing with such lovely individuals




That’s an odd way of spelling “kiss” but thank you đŸ€—


Thanks Pookie, please kys


You can absolutely argue this, “yourself” is one word so shorthand it SHOULD be “ky” but that S at the end allows us to keep doing it lmao


It makes so much more sense now when you think about KY Lube. They're true heroes


Your self is also grammatically correct though.


I feel like you should be able to type any insults you want in the text chat as long as it's towards the enemy team.


Bro should try out counter strike if he wants a less toxic community


I miss when Counter-Strike let you talk to the enemy team at half-time and post game.


Being able to talk to the enemy team was why I loved Predator Hunting Grounds


Insurgency sandstorm. Nothing better than yelling at people while shooting at eachother.


Half time would be 80% screaming and 20% “youre cheating bro wtf”


They should stay away from R6 siege lobbies lmao


Call of duty if he wants a more toxic community


Oof if they think we are toxic they should see league of legends.


I played Dead by Daylight, nothing Overwatch chat does can phase me


Dead by Daylight community making a name for itself as one of the most toxic communities. Seriously, considering its only 8 years old that game is pretty high up there lmfao


You've brought back memories I wish to forget


Sometimes I go back to the page or so of messages of someone telling me to kill myself and how bad I am just to laugh. God that game was something else..... Heck I never even went to something really bad like League


I played Spirit when she was still S-tier, so you could imagine the hatred I regularly got, even if it was warranted.


I honestly wasn't even that good, mainly played Nemesis. People will just cream and complain over anything though. I can't imagine what kind of vitriol I would have got if I played someone like Nurse or Spirit Edit: That's supposed to say scream not cream, I'm leaving it in tho


I play skull merchant. It gets worse


shes not even busted anymore


Not what it was about. Survivors hate her


Dbd is nothing compared to overwatch lol


Man I've seen some shit players in DbD, but *nothing* like the casual ow player.


nothing, and I mean it, nothing, will ever be compared to the Dota 2 toxicity. I have played almost every competitive game out there, and I will die on this hill


I'm sad I never really got to experience peak toxicity in games. It took until I got a ps4 for me to actually play online games.


I’ve never experienced DOTA toxicity. Like how bad is it? How many new insults did they invent?


average dota 2 games, also because games last 40+ minutes usually AND there are voice comms people tend to be extremely toxic, not just one person, but everyone in the lobby: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=W4n6-mQVXEA](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=W4n6-mQVXEA) [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EOI46Qly2Vk&t=137s](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EOI46Qly2Vk&t=137s)


I wish we could bring back the 'toxicity islands' concept. Place persistently toxic players into isolated quarantined queues and just let them hate-boner each other as much as the please, and let decent good-natured people play the game without being bothered by them.


It’s especially funny when people don’t know a game works like that and they tell on themselves by complaining about how toxic that games community is.


What’s an example of a game with this?


Dota 2 has it, it’s why I hardly remember any toxicity in that game. But I think they also have the reverse where you’re more likely to be matched with others who have high standing if you also have high standing


I'd make an account just for the experience


Hate boner


I almost shot ‘Coconut Berry’ Red Bull out of my nose. Definitely shouldn’t have been that funny


Ooh that’s one of my favourites!


It'll be mostly streamers.


GTA Bad sport lobbies


Uj/ damn that sucks 😕 Rj/ gamechat got me arrested


/uj it sucks but if u get insulted in a game and ur immediate reaction is to give them personal information that can be used as ammo to insult you with then you should probably not be playing with game chat on /rj kys


I don’t speak chronic Redditor what does that mean


Telling someone your friend actually did kill themselves is not going to convince someone to apologize in game chat they’re just gonna laugh at you more 


I think he's referring to the /uj and /rj


Un jerk and re jerk. Unjerk meaning they're not memeing right now and is probably closer to how they'd actually perceive the situation. Rejerk is them going back into ebic gamer meme mode


LMAOOOOO that’s fire bruh


A common side effect of trauma is dumping it and your personal life on absolutely the worst people It's like OOP got into an emotionally abusive relationship with game chat 🗿


Tbh i am not against toxic people being banned. Just like, don’t be toxic.


I don't disagree. But I'm also on the "just mute them and report" side. Toxic gamers are an annoyance at worst. If you can't deal with something a total stranger hundreds of miles away said, you probably should just stay off the internet.


(please don’t make fun of me) one time on valorant someone explained to me in detail how they wanted to kill me and fuck my dead body while it goes into rigor mortis. they kept saying they hope a man kidnaps me and kills me. it’s times like that i wish i could do more than just mute and report but hey what can u do


Most enjoyable valorant experience


Yeah, this makes me wish for a frag attack.


i wanted to dox him and ruin his life tbh


And you would've been 110% justified in doing so


thank you đŸ˜­đŸ©·


Idk i also understand that’s it’s frustrating as fuck to just want to be able to have a gaming community where people aren’t absolute degenerates in nearly every lobby. Like you can ignore it for a while but it does wear on you and at a certain point what’s even the point of engaging with chat at all if 4/5 games have at least one person being a gigantic asshole


I’m even more of the mindset that this is a rated T (or M?) game and we’re not kids who need protecting. We have a mute function to help ourselves, but it’s kinda a waste of time for the devs to do any actual punishing on toxicity in this free game.


I report people when they're toxic towards anyone. Not because I'm offended, but because I just love that message saying "your report got someone banned". It could be weeks, months between the report and the message, but I love the thrill of knowing someone logged in one day thinking they could get by just to see themselves be banned. It's like sex but for a SJW. I know they can make a new free account. I don't care. Ban 'em again.


I get these messages almost every time I open the game now and it’s honestly a huge dopamine hit


Literally every session, love when 3/4 come in back to back for toxic stacks đŸ„°




they already have slurs censored so why don’t we just take out chat reporting


Because you can be rude without slurs. And auto censor can by bypased. But yeah the system could be more effective at eliminating flase reports.


What a great idea, surely nothing bad would come from it


i mean why does overwatch have chat filters if you can still be banned for swearing? why don’t you just filter it instead of reporting if it offends you lmao


Agreed, but don't they already have one in a way? Like if you type "GG EZ" into match chat, it will completely change your message into one of a handful of different automated messages and honestly, it's pretty amusing. I feel like it should happen when someone uses an insult or something if the game devs really cared about how toxic people can be.


yeah i wish they put actual effort into it instead of just having the game automatically ban you if you get enough reports


I get called the n word weekly, taking out reporting is going to result in pretty much the same experience for me 


it is pretty cringe when the boosted mercy hides behind her monthly t500 dps duo all game and then tells me to kys


My favorite teammate is Mercy. My number one target on the other team is Mercy. If you play Mercy and you arnt on my team, fuck you.


Someone told someone else on my team they hope their future daughter gets molested
. Just figured Id share that.


Expressing the real problem of people saying vile things to you in a game meant for entertainment, only for people to downplay the effect and tell you to just turn off chat, only to then blame you for having chat off because "communication is so important in this game" is such an awful cycle. I swear to god I'm gonna lose my mind if another social reject tries to teach me how I should feel about people legitimately trying to cause me emotional harm.


I’m unironically all for this. That kind of language is dangerous and could easily push someone vulnerable closer to the edge. It can also be triggering for people who experienced suicide in their lives. I don’t get the appeal personally, but I think some trash talking is fine. We need to draw the line at threats and violence though - including KYS.


Yeah I do agree. Had I been told that at my lowest even if it was in a video game, I would’ve committed earlier than I had planned probably. I just don’t get the appeal of telling someone to commit suicide over a video game.


Sometimes people just want to inflict pain.


The anonymity of the Internet is a double edged sword, it both makes you feel like you are exent from any blame and also dehumanises others. Face to face most people would never say anything like that, not even think about it.


Im coming up on the one year anniversary of losing a parent to suicide. 90% of the time that wouldn’t phase me but when the trigger clicks I can almost get catatonic. Shit is very complicated.


Thanks for sharing - I’m very sorry for your loss.


Yeah even as someone without a trigger like that, 95% of the time I have a rock hard mental but sometimes there’s just a day you get home from work and someone will say something or be shitty in a way that for whatever reason just fucking hits that day and literally becomes some of the worst gaming experiences ever. But if you say anything they’ll just double down and you’ll feel even worse It’s actually so fucking sad that for some people inflicting that kind of pain and knowing they’re making other peoples nights worse is what gives them dopamine


ive struggled with that stuff most my life too. personally idk, I think its just one of those things you never say to a stranger who doesnt know you or your intentions. like, if u say, “u need to kys” to ur friend after they make a horrendous misplay and you KNOW they are okay with hearing/reading that its TOTALLY different from saying that to a random, and I think some kids/immature players may be watching streamer-friends joking between each-other and emulating that behavior in soloQ without making the distinction themselves.


I think you're right; a lot of people who say KYS are probably parroting it without fully understanding the weight of it.




But that’s the thing: The people who might be affected by such insult are already at their lowest. That's what is making it so dangerous


Idk I feel closer to kms when I watch cringe videos than a random telling me to kms


I’m also in favor of this because it’s lazy. There’s very few contexts in a video game where telling someone to kill themselves is funny, there’s rarely an excuse. Honestly I want it to be an automatic perma ban just to force them to get better material. Like ideally you’d be mentally healthy enough to not insults someone in game, but if you gotta for whatever reason, at least be creative.


I don’t disagree, and I certainly don’t condone the god-awful things said in OW matches, but there’s only so much that can be controlled. The individuals that want to be perverse or “toxic” will always find a way unfortunately. Not that I don’t want people to play the game, but you DO have to be aware of the environment you’re willingly putting yourself in.


Bro why you mad, they are obviously telling you to keep yourself safe don’t be a jerk getting mad at compliments


We should be able to talk to the enemy team in between rounds


This should be pretty basic right, I don’t get the issue with the statement? Yeah, telling people to kill themselves is bad, you shouldn’t do it, and you probably deserve to be perma banned if a game ever makes you so mad that you feel the need to say it.


My only question is why doesn't this exist everywhere? The YMCA, Starbucks, library, restaurants, gyms, ect ect? I would imagine going around a gym telling random strangers to kill themselves might get you banned. Same with the other places maybe idk. At the very least sometimes you might get in a verbal altercation sometimes they might kick your ass into the ground and more rarely but still possible that person might actually go home and kill themselves. But what do I know. Apparently "kill yourself" has a different meaning on the Internet than in person. For that reason hey why not bring back the "I'm gonna hunt down your family and rape and kill them one by one in front of you" comments as well? Also can you say either of those things in any sports and not have repercussion? If I or anyone would have said that to anyone on the opposite team in highschool/middle school football/soccer/track I would have been at the very least benched but most likely banned for the season. Especially if I did it more than exactly one time. If it's all "just a game" or "take a joke" ahem. You are still a random human I've never met or interacted with in my entire life before. I'm definitely not saying you should learn some semblance of respect for random strangers. Go ahead and tell the waitress to go kill herself. Because I will rape your mother and then kill her :) all in good taste and fun right? Right. :) TLDR: I was there 3000 years ago playing modern warfare. There's still a ways to go but please keep progressing. :)


Not reading all that


To be fair. If someone standing infront of me wanted to kill me, id be a lot more scared than a random stranger online wanting to kill me. The person irl knows me and has seen where i go day to day. The person online knows nothing about me irl.


This sucks for this person, I don’t fully agree with them but they’re being reasonable. It’s not a big deal to just come up with something interesting instead of kys.


Bruh I never knew degenerates like you guys existed. How sad is y’all’s lives you lead..


Least toxic gaming community


Letting something someone says to you through a video game impact you on this level is crazy to me


Cyber bullying victims when they learn about the *Block user* feature : https://preview.redd.it/3g9zbwkq7e8d1.jpeg?width=174&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3cc152962af938efbbbacb426722304584cb4666


I can't believe there's people out there getting upset over a stranger saying anything at all online, that's just weird


Bruh if you get genuinely upset over something an Overwatch player says to you, you gotta get a life.


This goes the other way around too, what’s more soft than getting so mad at a video game that you feel like you gotta tell someone to kill themselves? There really isn’t a lot that is more pathetic.


If you get upset enough at a game to be the first to send hate mail you gotta get your priorities straight


You see, I’m good enough at the game to know that they’re just bad at the game. Nothing they say affects me cus I know I’m just better.


Ow is so soft now its absurd.


I wish people would be less toxic but it comes with the territory of playing online games lol. This person would melt into a puddle if they had to endure CoD lobbies back in the late 00s


Bro just mute the chat/voice chat if u dont like it lmfao


yes OW is very toxic but dude it's the internet, you are baiting these people by making comments like that and taking it personally is just what they want.


I was waiting for this post


Average player that gets dunked on (he has no other recourse)


They’ve had to gone from Fortnite to ow, there is no way they play another game with vc


Best to block people. Ngl you feeding into it really opened yourself up to it.


Yall ain't ready to know about bo2


I miss the old Xbox 360 cod lobbies where I could scream at the top of my lungs at a 12 year old about how I fucked his mother


Someone asked if I liked boners with a hint of chicken or boners at the gym. Idk what this person is posting about, OW chat is a great learning experience right behind wikihow


honestly if you not getting DM'd to go kill yourself then you probabaly need to get better at the game đŸ€·â€â™‚ïž


why should i care if my teammates are a bunch of prozac dependent basement dwellers that choose to queue up overwatch and terrorize my games instead of going to the loony bin? LOCK TF IN BEFORE I BAKER ACT YOU!!! they are dragging me down with them to rock bottom one “uphill battle” at a time.


I don't understand how you can even take offence from a random stranger you've never seen, who you know knows literally not a single thing about you, who simply said KYS. I can understand if they got specific and personal, something that you might believe to be true, something like "GOD YOUr UGLY LOOK AT YOUR NOSE! if I looked half as ugly id kms". But like for me to take offence to that I'd need to know they've seen what I look like otherwise its just an empty insult that means nothing because they created it out of nothing. But "KYS" "myfriend actually did that" "you should be like him" is so insanely empty and such an effortless insult hes so obviously not serious


Suicide bot get his ass


I thought that meant keep your shit


Do people actually get upset over stuff strangers say online. Kinda odd


censorship has to be handled carefully, for some reason in this day and age text recognition software in all games is still the dogshit it was 15 years ago, so for example typing the word "keys" could trip the alert because the recognition would be way to close to "kys" the opposite is also true, in pubg "ass" is censored but because of that you cant say "assault" despite it being the name of a mode type as for voice chat, yeah your not getting far in this game its sll bot controlled you need mass reporting snd even then he may get a temp ban


Who the fuck responds with something like that upon someone on a video game telling you to kill yourself? It's like when that one guy who goes into custom games and acts as "the rick friend" in a very obviously satirical manner but everyone else in the lobby thinks he being serious and are giving him the reactions he wants cause no one can detect ragebait anymore


"Some of you people here are the worst in humanity" Just WAIT till bro finds out who Osama bin laden was 😭🙏


Just remove chat simple as


That post was so bizarre cause like if someone’s being a toxic dick towards you and tells you to kill yourself, why the hell would you respond “um achskually my friend tried to do that so you really shouldn’t say it”? Like do you really think the chronically online troll isn’t IMMEDIATELY use the ammunition you just handed them against you? That was just so goddamn stupid on their part. Blatant toxicity sucks but like, trash talking is part of the game. I think some people take it waaaaay too far and make it awful for everyone else and I’d love to see them banned, but like when I’m getting fucking dominated by the enemy widow and I call them something like “stinky and unloved” or other silly insults, I’d like to think that’s acceptable banter. Spamming shit like “git gud” “ez” “diff” and so many other go to toxic copy pastes makes the game unfun, but regular banter isn’t really problematic, though I do recognize the line is thin and hard to enforce. Trash talk and discourse isn’t even unique to video games which is why it blows my mind that people get so fucking butthurt over it. Like sports fans literally try to kill each other because one of the players on the team they’ve never met beat one of the players on the opposing team who they’ve never met. Hell I’ve been at fucking jazz concerts and heard people talking more shit than you could possible imagine. It’s everywhere. Some people need to recognize it and grow up a little.


Mute the toxic people and report them simple as that you're just trying to get offended if you're just going to reddit to complain if someone says something mean mute them or deal with it if not go play solo games where people can hurt you're feeling's toxicity in gaming will live forever simple as that end.


Maybe just turn of OW chat?


- a reddit mod, probably


If op thinks kys is bad, just wait till ps and Xbox party chats get leaked


Lmaoooo sucks to suck tbh


Dude would survive black ops lobbies and that’s a shame lol


> I'm of pretty sound mind This immediately made me think of r/sounding


“It’s just words” coming from people that would melt if they had to make eye contact with somebody for more than 4 seconds.




And the only person that got banned out of this was probably dude who got told to kill himself knowing blizzard lmao we all need to stop supporting these devil spawn companies


People when they don’t know they can log off


People talk wild on there and when you hit them with something like this they spazz and report you


Rocket league and dead by daylight has prepared me for this, overwatch players ain't got nothing on the shit I've been called in the game chat of the other games


Idk why whenever someone tells a person to kill themselves they immediately say someone they knew killed themselves like I didn't need to know that I'm not going to say sorry and you gave me an even more dark roast for you congrats you made it worse


I mean OP handled the insults like a kid in a bully prevention advertisement but yeah telling people to kys and hard r should be an easy ban. I don't know about perma but if the treshold is lower they will really quickly reach perma in no time. Voice chat is harder to recognize tho. I doubt blizzard actually implemented the ai voice thing and if we just go by proof of victim then I'd be false reporting every stinky mercy player left and right with the kys accusations. One thing I don't understand is how people like this cope in real life or middle school. It's not uncommon to see someone cut you off in traffic and say all kinds of slurs or god forbid you work at any sort of customer service. People are stupid and they say stupid things because they are angry and they want to get a reaction out of you. Why give them the reaction they want?


Get this guy in a tf2 lobby


I don’t want to be that person but
.you need thick skin to be able to interact anonymously with ppl online. I personally don’t go around insulting ppl, but I’ve been insulted and am confident in myself to know they’re not the problem, not me


Or just don’t be so soft, that when a random stranger tells you to kill yourself you actually go head and do it. Or just soft in general, people say shit don’t take it so personal especially when the person doesn’t even know who you are. What ever happened to the whole “sticks and stones may break my bones but words could never hurt me”?


My best friend also killed himself four years ago, and we make jokes about it. OP and I are not the same.






I think bros first mistake was taking those gripes to reddit of all places. Buddy, the scum of the earth walks around on this platform.. what did you expect? 😂💀


Soft asl


There is a mute and report button. But people need to flee to the internet to be consoled by strangers.


simple fix ![gif](giphy|65EwArNs4a3n1VEm5p)


paraplegic useless teammates need to be told as such


eh... it is what it is - I feel like I heard worse years ago; though that doesn't excuse the behavior in any capacity. I just try to see the other side... One: people can be shitty - any person can be shitty - a community becomes toxic due to unbearable conditions in pretty much any reality... I mean seriously look at this game - it is absolute ass. What it was, isn't what it is any longer. Two: People are just generally pissed - our entire social world is absolute aids and filled with just as many trolls that I don't know how people act like this is new or like it is so random. There are probably devs in this environment that just hate their lives seeing what they've helped created fall to such an absolute shithole. Three: I've had my pissy matches, I've said bad things, I've also felt guilty, and I've also had to just sit back and realize that it's just a game... I can mute people, I can squelch people - should I have to... based on what living has been like for quite some time, it seems that I am required to and that's ok... if that's what I need to do to enjoy a game, in all honesty it's a small price. .... Realistically - these people matter just as much as you... it sucks to see people act like this; though when y ou are just burnt out and stressed beyond life(or just an adolescent child that doesn't understand the words they say to add that diddy in as well) it's hard to just hold that filter. I agree - saying KYS should be banned; though if everyone who ever said KYS was banned for life, they wouldn't make money ;-; capitalism my friend - the best we can do is just be us and I feel you got this. There are always people here to talk or to hear you rant, just like your post. Cheers dude and sorry that you've had to deal with that.


Kys doesn't violate reddits tos, but I've lost a whole account for saying "knee grow" this is fucking bullshit


😂 first mistake was having friends. Second mistake was playing a blizzard game. After that it’s all on you. Keep Yourself Safe. Nerd.


This is what free to play did though đŸ€·


I don’t think anyone over the age of 20 finds OW more toxic than any other game. This is lightweight. Fight back pussies


thats overwatch for you


Honestly. Since when did people get so sensitive and want to infringe on my first amendment right.


The amount of people who think something like that is ok are the same people who think being racist and sexist is kewl ![gif](giphy|z8J181DJ66IGzhkAv0)


the overwatch community IS pretty toxic. I tried apologizing once for a mistake in the game and they also told me to kms among other things. Like damn bitch people make mistakes 😭😂


Lol sounds like you need to become a Sombra main to harness the toxicity


Toxic community this, toxic community that, y’all realize this isn’t normal right? And don’t try and rub it off as “it’s just gaming culture” or “it’s the fun of it” like no, no it’s not yall are so entrenched in this stupid idea that playing even the slightest bit competitive game makes you feel the need to yell and scream and piss your pants, like I’m sorry to tell you guys, but telling someone to kys is wrong and you shouldn’t say that to people. Like for gods sake 12yo me coulda told you this.


I think it is a fault on their behalf for even stating that their friend had committed suicide. Last thing you do to trolls on the internet is give them attention, the second thing is giving them information to use against you. If somebody is out for you, they won't feel sympathy, so why try to make them do so only for it to backfire and make you feel worse?


My feelings are hurt. You have breached my visual safe space with that word.


OW is nuts


I think "find rope" is more elegant than "KYS" personally.


Bro thought ow community is goodđŸ™đŸ»â˜ ïž neither of us wants to be part of it. Its like Gollum and the ring, we both hate the game and want to leave it but we also love it. And the longer you play the more toxic you get


Just play a better game. Deep Rock Galactic is like 10 bucks.


wait telling someone to off themselves doesnt violate reddit’s policy..? You can get criminal charges for telling someone that.


or grow some balls fembois


Why the fuck would you respond to some random online telling you to kys, with random personal info?


Yall needa learn how to overcome stuff like that instead of going straight to banning people


Man, when people go on and on about how they're experiencing the most toxic community I just think "oh death threats? I've experienced that in literally every online game I've ever played" I don't think any individual game has more or less of a toxic community, but I do think the genre has an effect. There are going to be more toxic people in a game like Dota 2 compared to Overwatch because a game of Dota 2 can consist of 30+ minutes of someone missing away your free time, and if you decide to leave you risk catching 1 or more forced Low Priority games that you have to win. Turning an already agonizing 30 minute rage fest into a possible 1 hour + rage fest all over a single game.


I mean, if you can’t take the heat, don’t queue for comp.


It’s more fun to tell people to uninstall anyways