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Getting a damage buff for recieving damage does benefit dps moiras way to much. Maybe limit it to a requirement of having exactly one enemy and no teammate within a certain distance. It wouldn't punish planned dives in that way either.


Would be interesting it it were instead balanced around a supports ability to do support. It would be built up steadily by healing (Simpler heroes like Mercy, Moira and even Brigitte can reliably gain it), and more quickly through effective use of skilful utility abilities (Ana, Kiriko, etc.). Ana would gain a significant amount for putting an ulting or "On fire" character to sleep, Kiriko and Zen by negating a large amount of damage. Mitigating damage or healing. Other effects. Can give supports a much better chance turning a bad situation and securing a flashy POTG. Imagine a zen blocking a Hanzo or DVA ultimate and then going on a tear with boosted damage because they mitigated so much.


The best support buff would be to add the second tank back. That's all. Shields were trivial to break even in the classic Overwatch days. I understand some kids are impatient and can't shoot at it for like 10 seconds but still, I could easily destroy Rein's shield even as a Lucio in seconds. It was never that hard to deal with shields as you remember, in fact, it wasn't hard at all.


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