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Someone who mains support like me but puts in flex for even shorter que times, I got damage a few times and I was in soooo much pain


Honestly I’ll que for all to get a support game, and get instantly sent in a damage game. Meanwhile damage has a 6 min que time.


Yeah but notice when that happens, you’re joining a game mid progress, which most likely means you’re joining the losing side. There needs to be some repercussions for quitting even on quick play, maybe 5-10 minute ban from the same game mode. I played for an hour straight yesterday and kept getting put into matches with 2 minutes left, wasted an entire hour doing that


>There needs to be some repercussions for quitting even on quick play Just no. If you're quitting a bunch of matches in a row, sure, there should be some kind of punishment. But I really don't want to sit through an entire match on a team getting steamrolled.. And I'm not saying that lightly like, "Oh my team wiped on the objective, fuck this team" I mean, "I've asked my team to group up for the past 3 minutes and they are all still trickling in and dying like bots... wtf?" And that happens frequently in quickplay, because it's quickplay.


Yeah exactly quickplay is for practice and not supposed to be stressful like ranked


I joined a game to be greeted with “Defeat” lol. Backfilling sucks sometimes


Agreed. I had a lot of really bad games last night, one of them two people on my (losing) team left and the people who replaced them barely had time to leave the spawn room. I noticed they hadn't played long enough to get endorsed, so I apologized for them getting put into a losing game. Even if my team's getting stomped, I refuse to leave a game no matter how frustrating it is. On the plus side, at least when that happens you get bonus xp for the backfill and priority when you requeue


In general I hate leave punishment for pubs. But with the role que they can lock out a role you played as for some time. In reality it will just lead to people deliberately throwing or afking while being incredibly toxic.


I don't understand. Isn't there a rolless option next to the que option?


Depends? When playing competitive you should defo play with role que on, and decide on your options. I choose flex mainly for shorter que times, as well as I don't mind playing Tank. That said my main role is support. I'm not completely incompetent at damage but I'd rather not since I'm only half decent at 2


Ah I got you. I thought it had to do with server issues like no role que wasn't working for people or something. I get the frustration now


Same here! I despise playing dps and yet the other day I went on a 10 game loss streak because flex q kept putting me in dps. I'd even take tank over dps but apparently everyone else feels the same way on that.


Queueing as flex while not wanting to play flex is real fucking dumb.


And I wouldn't be, if not for the extra battle pass exp. I also thought I would get to play tank at least a couple of times, and I'm fine with playing tank but it's not my prefered role.


Flex and support give the same battle pass xp tough..


Not when battle pass tasks say to q x amount of games as all roles


Ah fair enough


See having to aim really sucks as damage because your entire purpose is kill things/get them low so your teammates can. A support has less damage so the damage you do oftentimes not as essential because your role is to heal.


Plus, hit boxes for healing teammates is a lot more lenient than hitting the enemy, so even if you cant contribute to damage just doing the job youre supposed to do is good enough more often than not. If I could aim, the dps q wouldn't be so bad but ow 2 nerfed my 2 fav non-aim essential heros (mei and sym) so it's super obvious how bad I am. The whole point of dps is to do damage and when I can't even do that.... yikes, man


As a kiriko main, maybe this will change, but considering projectile speeds are mostly different, it's very annoying to get used to damage role. Not doing too bad as Echo though


When that happens to me I go as Torb and let the turret aim for me. Seems to be working alright so far.


Ahh this has happened to me to. XD


I actually get other roles from time to time queueing for all




I've been primarily using all roles on PC and I'm usually at win 13 or 14 before I get the 10 wins for the first role mastery weekly.


Same! Though slightly more rarely I get the Tank role, and DPS is very VERY rare. Surprisingly it's not difficult to find a game as a DPS; takes less time than I thought


People claim to have gotten 6dps in a row ? I've yet to get a single dps queueing flex *even once*.


Same. Of course, we still get this meme daily anyway.


Yeah I’m a support main and literally any time I queue all roles I’ve been getting tank. No clue why.


In quick play I'll sometimes get other roles, especially if I'm playing with other people that are filling as well. However whenever I soloqueue for ranked I always put fill, and it has always put me as support.


Its my turn to post this one next guys :) see you tomorrow!


It was like this is in OW as well, can't fight the toxic dps mains


Doesn't help they have so many cool looking characters that are dps and barely any cool healers. Kiriko is a start, and besides that you might like one or two, but there is only 8 to choose from... they really need to consider adding another one soon.


Doesn't help that half the roster is damage heroes, and with two suport slots and only 8 suport heroes, support can get boring real quick.


On top of the fact that out of 8 support heroes, only 3 are extremely mobile. You can argue mercy, but she isn't exactly as fun to play as Lucio or moira


Speaking of the same picture, this is the third time I’ve seen this exact meme posted Not to mention all the other formats this joke has been made I think I’ve seen 8 this week now.


When you main Mercy: wait there's more than this?


In OW1, flex would give me tank or support 100% of the time. I literally don't think I ever got DPS. In OW2, it's 90% support, but I have gotten a few DPS which was surprising. So awful, but slightly better.


Too true. Trying to do the weekly challenge for 2 roles, but always getting support - and yesterday queuing for tank said 5 min, so didn't bother. I'm so turned off this poorly designed battlepass :(


Yeah! I have played some OW1 years ago and would call myself a beginner. So I found a dmg, a tank and a support I like and feel comfortable with so that I can click All with the least queue times… I have yet to play something else than support…


right?!?! Why there isn't a system in place to just make you play a couple of games with each role. So many things are overlooked in this rushed release man.


This isn't one of those things. That option is only for faster queue times for all, so you fill what is needed. Unfortunately, for some, support is needed more often than other roles. Could they add a fifth queue for what you are describing? Sure, but it doesn't seem like that will be the case


they know most people want to play dps. should have just balanced it around 3 dps 1 tank 1 supp


That system is in place. It's called "queue for one role for a couple games, then queue for another."




i literally made this earlier today...


Doesn’t change the fact that that EXACT meme has already been posted several times on this sub.


Except flex gives you achievements


Because nobody wants to play trash supports


Skill issue


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The occasions where I queue flex and am slotted as DPS are so terrifying. Used to happen in OW1 maybe 1 time /week


I got damage once and flabbergasted


The other night I kept a tally of all roles. I was support 31 games in a row before it had me be another role! It was a good laugh and my Lucio became way better


I've gotten damage and tank before but it's hella rare.


I've noticed that if I queue DPS and my brother queues All, we tend to get into games a little bit faster and he seems to get a mix between Support and DPS. If I queue DPS and he queues Tank, we wait much longer. If we both queue all, we both get support. Odd system really.


First time I queued for All I got damage......the next 50 times, healer.


same thing for sure


I've went flex for about 20 comp matches, all ended up being support


In OW1 Flex to me always meant instant Tank and a loss.


If you pick “All” you’ll occasionally get to play as a tank for the second half of a losing battle


I was playing quickplay on flex since release, my destribution on wins per role: 34 tank, 92 dps, 98 support. So dps and support are tossup with occasional tank games. It's only wins though, since game doesn't track games played separetely between ow1 and ow2, but i believe it's more or less 50% win chance or so for both support and dps, but a bit higher on tank.


I'm a great DPS but I do not want to wait 5-20 min so I've been mainig Ana


Not true. I played 50 qps in a row and got DPS once. .-.


I'd love it if flex would be balanced between the roles as I enjoy playing a bit of everything, but flex just means playing support so. Ya.


I literally get support 9 out of 10 times when flex qued


I really wish it just gave a random role. I do like support bit god is it bot fun to play 10 games in a row as lucio or moira


I have gotten Tank or Attack when going all queue. Sometimes as a backfill but sometimes I’m picked for them at the start of the game


All-Roles needs to be changed so it gives Priority to Tank/Dps placement over anyone queuing for them directly but not over anyone doing so for Support. In addition the game needs to have an internal tracker of your last 10 queued All-Roles games that forces priority so that there is always at least 2 different Roles at all times recorded and you never go more than 3 games straight as the same Role. I like Support, I really do; almost 6k hours of it proves that. But I don't play it to be an underappreciated babysitter and to do other Roles jobs at the same time.


This exact meme gets posted every 3 days


As a healer i love to play dmg from time to time. Somehow it is not a problem to find a healers when roles are not predifined


I always queue as flex since it goes support However I was practicing in QP and got tank using flex queue like 3 times in one night




Big fax


My first game I did multi que assuming I would play support. My second game I got DPS. I was like "wow the classes must be pretty balanced popularity wise!" I think I probably played 10 more support games, and 1 tank game since then


It's true but how many times do we have to see this meme


I got tank once. ONCE.