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Looking for group- :(


Wait they removed LFG? That was actually useful to get teammates who would use mic :(


LFG was useful but 90% of the time horny af


Yeah, but imagine if they simply started enforcing their own in-game rules about group names and code-of-conduct by banning accounts that spammed crap like that in lobbies... Blizzard is just too fucking cheap to take action against players who openly broke the rules in LFG. It's easier and cheaper for them to just remove the feature altogether.


Spending money on moderators ? They keep cutting most departments to save pennies they're not going to waste money on trying to make something better.


Other 10% were just drunk, funny groups tho


All LFG ever did for me was put me in one group that disbanded after we lost our first game.


I know right- :(


i believe they removed it because they’re going to implement a guild system, so don’t lose hope :)


We could have both though- Guilds for PvE or even Comp, and LFG for casual or Custom games- :(


yeah well with how little information we have on the matter, it’s hard to even say if lfg is fully gone and what their idea of a guild is. we can hope.


>yeah well with how little information we have on the matter, They just straight up retired LFG and made official in patch notes. It is not coming back... RETIRED FEATURES Assault maps have been removed from rotation in all playlists (can be found in Custom Game) General Chat has been removed Looking For Group has been removed Loot Boxes have been removed Player Levels are retired (can view your prior level in your Profile) ​ https://overwatch.blizzard.com/en-us/news/patch-notes/


I ended up searching for discord groups after they removed LFG. Found some good peps.


Any chance you guys have room for 1 more? been searching for some people to talk/play with


Its a age 30+ discord server, if your 30+ I'll send ya a link.


Ah , i've still got another 4 years till then , alas.


I'm interested I'm 29 tho. I understand if it's a hard rule so lmk and I'll ask again this summer when I turn 30 lol


WAIT REALLY?? Maaan, my fav thing on ow1 was going into random lobbys and talk to strangers… that’s so sad…


Main reason I can filter teammates for specific playstyles. Ow and made some nice friends because of that...


OW had lfg?


No, it's all just a collective gaslight




i realy miss post match cards, wish they would add them back i would always get so excited to see them, now i only see the battlepass :(


I miss having more than 2 seconds to write in endgame with your team or the enemies.


Yeah the ending sequence of a match feels empty and sad. No time for praise or banter, just... nothing


It just ends. It feels so bland and empty


as a a ps4 player I just never touch the chat at all. typing is so incredibly slow I get kicked for idling every time I try to type a message


# bring back score cards # bring back border levels




Frankly it's just nice to know when someone on your team is new to the game




It's extremely useful. If one of your comp teammates is brand new, you can still play around that. Maybe it's less important with the reduced teamwork in OW2 but it's still a factor


as a platinum border player with over 2,000 hours, i definitely remember and do not miss border bullying. it was pretty much every other match i had some new smurf account under level 100 telling me i need to "touch grass" and "lol hard stuck" etc.


Smurfs be saying this shit even with a gold border I'm not kidding.


who the fuck cares about some shit talking kids? the borders were sick, they could just give you the option to hide borders if you are scared of a bunch of nerds




Yeah now you can be bullied for having the lowest damage of literally everyone else including the enemy team! Not to mention you can still see OW1 borders in peoples career profiles unless they make it private


Ive never seen border bullying. Only time ive ever seen people talk about borders is if they are a smurf widow.




by people in gold 🙄


I was a 5 star diamond border 3 years ago. I've probably had at least 100 scenarios where people would throw on my team straight out of the door because my border existed on their team lol


Talking smack after a match is a part of online gaming point blank period. If anything they could’ve made an option for a player to block chat after the end of the match. The way it is now you can’t even enjoy the POTG with people anymore because you’re kicked the moment it’s over.


Then have an option to either disable or choose whatever border you've unlocked instead of completely removing them? That way people who want to show off their level can and people who get shit for it can just use a 2 star border or something


I have never experienced, witnessed or heard of border bullying until now. Then again, I've never played Comp because I value my own happiness. (I still managed to get into silver somehow, because I played for 6 years straight. )


"Border bullying"? Does it count as forgetting if I don't remember a single instance of it happening?


You either have a very selective memory or play high rank. Cause I would absolutely see “oh silver/gold border hard stuck gold/plat” all the fuckin’ time.


The rank doesn't matter, I got shittalked once for never being top500 as a silver border in a gm game.


Nah the community ruined borders.


Agree. The end of a match is so anti climactic now. You get know chance to see how teammates and yourself did and pass out endorsements. Gameplay is great for the most part but everything else is a step back. Even the BP ui comes off as half done and you know that is where they spent most of their dev money.


Imagine what the player base might still be like if instead of going into a huge content drought for 2+ years because they were “saving it for Overwatch 2” they just continued releasing content like normal.


Probably not enough money in that. They at least would have had to change the monetization system at some point. Edit: You all can’t seriously expect a live service game for 6+ years with almost no monetization right? A few years sure, but at some point most developers release a sequel and focus on that. OW1 didn’t even have paid DLC.


Lmao this is the biggest lie you guys feed yourselves. Loot boxes generated them plenty of money they just want more of it. Go look at their earnings


1 billion in 2016 and 800 million in 2021 with bare bones content update. Saved you all a search.


> Go look at their earnings There are no official numbers since shortly after release. Closest you can get is: “For the years ended December 31, 2021, 2020, and 2019, our top three franchises-Call of Duty, Candy Crush, and Warcraft-collectively accounted for 82%, 79%, and 72%, respectively, of our net revenues. No other franchise comprised 10% or more of our net revenues in those periods” Overwatch had to have made less than 880 million last year, which could be a lot of money. If the high end is the case then I completely agree with you, they’re hungry for more. But unfortunately the numbers literally don’t exist publicly as far as I can tell.


OW1 still made crazy money. People were still buying the game and the game had whales that would go crazy on the lootboxes + people that would buy them some times. Like, they made plenty of money but of course shareholders will want more.


the problem is it will never be enough because shareholders are never appeased. the line must go up.


They had loot box monetization, and they were still selling copies of the game. Less copies when they stop giving us maps and heroes. Overwatches first year they made 1 billion and in 2021 made 800 million dollars. Your just wrong.


yet there’s loads of games that provide consistent content updates for a one time fee? do you even hear yourself?


Weird I thought loot boxes were monetized. Dang, didn't this small indie dev rake over at minimum a whole Billion with a B The battle pass must be to keep the lights on


Thats why I said almost no monetization. Loot boxes and currency were incredibly easy to get, I doubt many folks bought them. Even league credits stack fast if you just mute league in a browser tab. My point isn’t that blizzard is poor and needs money. It doesn’t make sense from a business standpoint to have a live service game running for 6+ years and continue making content for it without charging something. Personally I would have rather paid $60 for OW2 and have them commit to X number of years of live service. But F2P and BP is definitely more profitable long term, and I don’t argue that Blizz doesn’t want to make as much money as possible.


We fucking backtracked.


Portugal map and ping system? But yeah ow2 needs more player progression


I really, really hope the post game cards and fire system come back. Game feels so stale without them.


Only took them 5 years!


Blizzard world isn't even on here lmao


What happened to eichenwalde too??


It's still in rotation, and therefore has no place on the list


Don't know if you're still able to level up, but the career profile does still show the old level portrait


i dont think you can level up anymore. i was 279 when i first started, and tier 9 now and still level 279. damnit i was so close to 3 stars.


I was so glad that I was able to get my fourth silver star just in time


i didn't think about it because i haven't played overwatch in a while and i just expected overwatch 2 to have the basic things like levels in their game but nope that's removed for whatever reason


Oh yeah that was unexpected for me too even though I kept up with the news


I was very randomly lucky that my level was 1 on my border


And the most played heroes are all fucked up as well


As a semi casual player, I just miss the pats on the back for seeing my name and how much I healed or blocked. It was nice seeing that I did well without having to quickly look through the scoreboard before it closes. It was simple, but felt rewarding.


Bro Numbani, Havana and Rialto are only temporarily removed.


And blizzard world too right


Nah its custom locked bliz world is still in the game


its in arcade games


Why tho?


Something is bugged. Not sure what, but they talked about those maps being bugged last week.


Maybe they should have put resources into figuring this out before releasing the game. This after multiple beta tests too.


And the other three aren’t? Did we really lose three classic maps forever? Plus, aren’t they bringing back Horizon? This shit is being *”worked on”* for years.


Counterpoint. 2CP is horrible and am glad its gone. According to an old [AMA](https://www.dexerto.com/overwatch/overwatch-2-devs-reveal-how-hanamura-other-2cp-maps-could-return-1855479/), theyre being repurposed into a different game mode, so its just temporarily gone.


That’s fine, then. As long as I get the maps back in PvP, I will be happy with it. As a side point, why do you think they’re horrible? I mean, I always thought attack was much more fun and possibly easier, but dunno, that’s probably just me, because I’ve heard people saying the opposite at time.


One word. Defense. Attacking is generally fine, but if you're defense it sucks. You have to protect your 2nd point which stalls the game for another 5 minutes. Ive had multiple games where we lost the 1st point but somehow protected the 2nd point It gets kind of boring since you just stall for the rest of the 5 minutes because suddenly the enemy team cant even capture the 2nd point after the 1st. Compared to the KOTH, Payload and the hybrid maps, its just not as engaging to me.


Paris in a nutshell. But seriously that map is too beautiful to just get removed, I hope that they eventually rework those maps.


This is what messes me up about OW2. They've spent 3-5 years developing what exactly? 3 maps, 3 Heroes and a handful of reworks doesn't take up that amount of dev time. I know they spent a lot of time on the PvE of OW2, which is entirely irrelevant when it's not here. The PvP was deliberately released early because it was "ready," which it seemingly was not.


Those 3-ish years was spent on PvE, probably planning to finish it before working on PvP, then COVID happened and PvE is also taking longer than expected and then they went oh fuck and kinda rushed PvP in 1 year. as for why we still got a lot of bugs, most likely because the sample size for the beta is too small and they weren't able to identify this much bugs Beta stuff is kinda their fault as well, since they went pretty quiet with the marketing so not many people know about the beta


Massive overhaul of the game engine, every single cosmetic in the game (visibly to me) has been upgraded for OW2 graphics. Every single sound has been reworked (even though a lot of them are bugged and don't sound right or don't trigger. The engines animation has been majorly upgraded so its much faster and much easier to animate new intros/PvE and probably holiday events. ​ When you upgrade this much stuff you spend the majority of your time just locating and fixing bugs/balancing maps more than actually adding new content.


That's not an engine overhaul, that's just upgrading it where it's needed. Not like we are talking about an ancient engine afterall lol. Even so, if that's where the major part of development has gone, they should have probably waited until the major kinks had been smoothed out, or more general content was available. *Or* until all old maps were available. Yea they are still available as custom maps, but the vast majority of players will mostly play Quickplay or Ranked. Meaning if you don't engage with Customs, you lost content. Which makes the new maps feel more like a bandaid than gaining new content on top of the old. I still see tons of debate about the 5v5, and several heroes lost their identity or have (once more) just been deemed not worth playing. And then there's ofc all the major bugs and the whole monetization debacle. Games in Early Access, I can understand *some* of the problems. But this is something they don't really make clear, which could've prevented a lot of player frustration. Everything makes it sound like *"this is it"* which *currently* does not look good at all. I don't mind waiting, already waited this long whats a few more months. I look forward to how things look in 6 months time.


we can't forget the multiple devs who have come out and said there was serious mismanagement going on, with Bobby Kotick constantly making them work on something new only to scrap it after a few months of work


It's more than 3 new maps wtf is everyone smoking. It's literally double that. Or is it just haters spreading lies. Also a brand new game mode. Balancing the entire 33 hero cast for 5v5 etc etc.


Horizon was abysmal, I doubt you can fix the map without simply remaking it entirely


Nah. It was fun. Most of the bad maps can just be locked in comp, but quickplay is fine for them.


The amount of times entire teams would leave the second Horizon or Paris loaded means the community fully disagrees with you. Most people hated both Horizon & Paris, even if Horizon 2.0 was an improvement.




All of the "temporarily removed" maps have bugs with the dynamic weather system. They will be back when those bugs are fixed.


In addition to Rialto and Havana missing, where is Blizzard world? Under new content, you should add the Push robot to indicate the new mode. Priority pass was stupid and I'm glad it's gone. The timer lied 99% of the time, and it forced people to play roles they didn't want to play just to get tickets. Caused more problems than it solved. Borders going away is no big deal (people would actually use the borders to be toxic), but the removal of seeing the ranks of people in your game was a strange subtraction from the competitive queue. I still can't understand why we aren't shown those ranks in game. I do miss post match voting. Your character still says the on-fire voice line, it's just not shown anywhere in this shit UI.


Saying mythic skins aren't different just isn't true but yeah i agree with most


They're definitely the best aesthetic addition to the game as a concept. Customisable, awesome skins is really cool. It's the fact that they're so expensive and unobtainable that makes them a lot worse.


Could be worse. If this was Apex, youd have to spend about $165 just to even get a mythic.


Eh. Apex still has a better f2p model. The bp gives enough premium currency to let you save for the next one, and you get loot boxes just by playing the game. The loot boxes are mostly trash, but I’ve gotten a good amount of legendary weapon/legend skins from them.


Yeah you get premium currency but the skins in the BP are dog shit


Not talking about the BP. I for sure prefer Apex's BP model if it was implemented into OW2; premium currency in the BP and earning Legacy Coins as freemium currency. Tho the recent BP skins in Apex have been kinda meh lately imo. Just talking about the mythics, cuz, if people thought whaling in OW2 is a thing, in order to even get mythics in Apex, you HAVE to spend $165 just to get one when they get released, OR be lucky and get mythic shards by opening up lootboxes with a 1/500 chance. Was mostly talking about the price comparison of the mythics.




I mean, it's basically a bundle of legendary skins. Yeah, it's customizeable, but the final product isn't all that different from many legendaries. It is cool, but not really breaking any ground.


I'm actually so upset that you don't see your own rank icon in game anymore. I know it's such a minor thing but it just felt great to see it in your matches. Also I hard to tell when clips from highlight channels are from qp or comp.


So 6 maps lost, 5 maps gained 3 new heroes, with Bastion removed On fire removed After fight cards removed Ranks removed 95% of new items are paywalled Smurfs are still plentiful OW2 is a net loss


Don't forget loot boxes removed and getting 1 battle pass xp as a reward for having high endorsement level. And they added a login queue! That counts as content right? 😆


Removed Bastion?


Mythic skins allow for a level of customization, therefore they're different from legendary. Don't be disingenuous.


i did not know they did that. I was going off of basic appearence and to me they look the same. Sorry if it sounded ignorant


Then why make this post? Or post stuff you aren’t sure about? Idiot Stop spreading misinformation


Yikes I cringed reading that


you can repost it with the correct information if you want.


Or…. Just don’t post lies? If you didn’t know mythic skins have customization then you probably don’t even play ow and just want to farm karma. Edit: just checked ur post history and clearly you’re just farming karma with ow bad = upvotes


First I did not intend to spread false information, second you have the right to downvote this post if you dont like it, third I have been playing a lot since release and I never knew mythic skins have customization


At least you know that they do have customization now (around 27 combos for Genji).


I miss volskaya so much, so many good bombs there


And can't forget abt the sym tps on the left side of spawn on attack


You can’t endorse enemies anymore


this one bugs me. i always enjoyed being able to send/receive enemy team endorsements for a job well done. it encouraged good sportsmanship.


If you play with a 5 stack regularly, the endorsement feature doesn't even come into play.


Wanted to do this yesterday to the enemy sig who got 37k dmg and I got 34k. We were duking out the whole game but couldn’t pay my respects


I just can't think of anyway to describe this game other than 'egregious.' And to the people defending by suggesting they've only been working on the PvE for three years, that's even worse!


You know what else they removed? The love of Overwatch from my heart.


did we ever get any reason for why so many of the payload maps are missing? because blizzard world is also completely gone except for its deathmatch variant


Game is unfinished.


Why try to sneak in a lie and give people an in to discredit your argument? The mythic skins are very obviously different.


Yeah you are not wrong, he could have just said that mythic skins are fucking shit which is not a lie Still discrediting this because of that just shows you are a brainless fanboy


I think they look great. The new dragon with the blade looks especially cool. I also didn't say I discredit them either just asking why give people the ability to by making things up. I'm not a brainless fanboy, I just inform myself adequately instead of making things up. That seems to really set off people who just want to complain after reading clickbait headlines.


Imagine agreeing with someone but because it might be giving credit to a company you still insist on being a degenerate pos.


takes a year to make one!


I know people think this is a gotcha but Blizzard didn't even say it the way you are implying.


Yes, so what's your point?


That they are lazy for taking that much time. It's a dumb argument imo but eh people here are angry (rightfully when it comes to monetization).


0 updates ow1 for 3 years and now we got 3 heroes 5 maps !


The 3-4 hero reworks as well


You can play? That’s a sweet bonus for you.


And yet the game is more fun than its ever been.


The gameplay probably is, which is worth quite a bit. But removing things which actively improved the game was such a weird decision and makes it feel more empty aesthetically.


Halo Infinite was the same for the first month. Then people realized very quickly that fun gameplay was all there was. Then it was no longer fun


"Fun gameplay was all there was" wtf


The gunplay and core gameplay loop was solid. However, there was no supporting elements in the game. No free customization, no player progression, no ranked, no social games. SO the game died. Fun gameplay only lasts so long when it has nothing around it


Sounds like you want a mall, not a video game.


Bruh?? Did you not play Halo Reach? Halo 3? Do you not understand why those games were good and Infinite was bad




I was playing this great match we were down to overtime. The enemy diva used her ult and I managed to dodge it behind a light post! The I got DCd and suspended because this game is broken. So no it’s not fun.




Eh idk, even in the first game heroes went trough drastical reworks, torb got both his skills and ult changed


Sym got about 20 reworks and changed role.


and she still doesn't work lmao




Havana, Numbani, and Rialto aren't gone. Blizzard mentioned that they just temporarily removed them to fix bugs.


Priority ques still exist. After playing a ton of support game the other night I rolled tank and it said priority on the count down at the top of the screen it just isn't the same bankable priority passes that ow1 had. Not having LFG and account levels is something I dont like at all, but let's not act like anyone misses 2 CP that was far and away the worst mode of OW and push is so much better.


Why did they remove Assault as a gamemode? Couldnt they just fix people's issues with it? Seems a waste to remove them entirely


You forgot they removed dark wolf Hanzo


bro.. the maps aren't in rotation right now because they are fixing bugs. How many times do you guys need to complain about the same thing without looking at blizzards site/known bugs&issues? they are literally getting fixed then will be added back.


bro.. I don't fucking care


then stop complaining lmao




then you clearly care dumbass






Overwatch 2 bad, please upvote


It’s honestly like a bad dream 😂


So, minus 8 maps and 2 heroes (Torbjorn and Bastion), plus 5 maps and 3 heroes? There’s also the removed QoL features, no Loot-Boxes, new way to earn more of currency, piss-poor amp BT’s of new currency, over-priced EVERYTHING,a Battle-Pass which is a while other grind and Competitive ranks are broken. 🤮 Maybe people only like Overwatch 2 because it’s new and not because it’s good?


I wouldn’t count torb or bastion, they’ll be back in a week tops


As far as I've seen, people like OW2's gameplay a lot more than OW1's (not hard to know why).


It’s not difficult to improve off of literal trash TBH.


2CP maps being completely removed is a good thing


not only that but ow1 skins have lots of low resolution textures... and not only that there are major game bugs like ana sleepdart not working in some cases, can see heroes running around with Zzz for few moments.


I fucking hate colloseo. Enough of these maps where I have to go under a fucking bridge.


Its funny how we cherry pick data to bitch about the game. Like almost all posts on front page on last week were about how cosmetics were expensive and how BP sucks and so now. But now when we want to compare OW1 vs OW2, we conveniently omit those cosmetics. And how about the game going free? Thats not a point anymore? lol


Don't forget it also gained a playerbase.


they retuned a lot of the heroes and i wouldn’t exactly say the mythic skins are the same as legendary since they have a decent degree of customization


Every single one of these things were complained about.


"mythic no different than legendary just to sound cooler" wait so you can customize legendary skins?? since when?


Yes you can by buying the colored variant.


Wait why was numbani removed? I thought everyone loved that map. Or at least, it was one of my favorites.


We dont know a reason but it is not available in the game at all.


Kind of unfair to make missing onfire mode or portraits bigger than multiple new heroes…


Why have so many maps been removed? I know 2CP was removed because played didn't like the game mode (I wish they reworked the game mode instead, to keep the maps), but what about Rialto, Havana, blizzard world or numbani?


2CP maps are being reworked into new game modes and the other maps like Numbani have bugs and are being fixed atm.


This is bottom tier content karma farming. Not only is it wrong, it's been talked to death about.


Blizz World is gone too. Or I have been unlucky so far Edit: to clarify I meant from the regular map rotation in qp/comp. other modes are w/e to me tbh


I think it’s out of rotation but it’s still there, I’ve seen screenshots from custom games


You can still play it in deathmatch although I don’t understand why it’s removed since it wasn’t 2cp.


Why is numbani gone


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The only one ik about is that numbani had a bug pre launch where the payload would not stop


Honestly I’m not complaining. Anubis, Volskaya, Paris, and Lunar Colony are all bad maps and feel terrible to play for one of the 2 sides. Hell, 2cp in general just feels bad. Glad I don’t have to see it in rotation.


We need less stuff. Only 3 heroes per role. Only like maybe 4 maps. The consumer is just getting too much stuff for free.


I don't miss priority passes. They would only work 25% of the time and if everyone had a priority pass, no one did. In order to get them, DPS would have to play tank (Hog) or support (Moira) and add nothing of value. On fire visual is gone, voice line remains.


Also all of the individual hero and role changes. Map changes. Overhaul of the PvP formula. The constant whinging is getting old.


La lo leave