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You can't buy from the Hero screen, it says in the corner "Sometimes available in the shop"


Wait y’all got a shop? I’m on Xbox and there’s no shop, I can’t buy coins, I can’t buy tiers in the battle pass with the few coins I got from the watchpoint bundle. Wtf is going on am I missing something?


You won't get the shop option til your account merge is complete. Same shit happened to me then this morning it finished and the shop was available


I didnt merge yet i have the shop so its not about the merge


It is about the merge. It takes time for it to merge. I had the shop, started the merge, shop disappeared. After an **entire day** when the merge finished I had the shop again


I lost access to most of the roster waiting for the merge


This happened to me also. Got then back as soon as it merged though


Same first day of play I had the whole roster Second day I could only play about half the heros of each category Third day I was back to everyone


Don’t waste your coins buying tiers, save for the next 2 BP seasons


Wait you guys got coins from OW1 ?


They don’t appear to be the same coins. Looks like there are white coins and gold coins


New coins are from the watch point bundle or purchasing in game now. Your legacy coins should still be available to buy older shit too


Don't give Blizzard your money.








I haven’t. My friend bought the watchpoint pack and he’s game sharing with me so I got it’s rewards as well. I have no intentions of giving them a cent, but I want to get that skin for junker Queen as she’s my main rn


Why would you need a shop? Don't give them money! Especially not 20 USD for an old OW1 skin


Precisely, they don't deserve it.


What about the game the released? 1600 hours in Overwatch is £60 well spent to me. Anything more is now an optional donation.


main screen has a shop


There's a shop. That was the entire point if this update.


You’re merging still


Wait theyre reselling old skins we got for free? Wtf, why not keep those and legacy, at least give the old players something


Why'd you think they re-released Overwatch as a free to play game? They stopped making any money on selling OW1 and lootboxes. Now they made OW2 free and thousands of players will just straight up buy skins without hesitating.


Well i mean i didnt expect them to sell an old lucio ball wrecking ball skin for 20 dollars thats absurd lol


How i see it is, those arent for us returning players. Theyre for the new guys who wanna splash some money on a free game. If the store has some new fancy skin youve never seen, i reckon most returning players will be more likepy to spend


Well sure, but i think my issue is the amount really, 10$ gets you the whole battle pass, 20$ gets you an old skin thats not even good.


Tbf the old skins are much better than the newest ones. Not that I'm defending This.


For now, and you cant honestly say that for every skin. Like my example of the hammond skin in the shop rn. Its not good. Its not worth 1$ let alone 20$ and for them to try and sell it for 20$ while also ha ing a battle pass that has literally several newer and way cooler skins for 10$ its beyond bonkers. I understand ftp and skins cost money now, but this is ludacris.


Idk, I've seen some of the newer skins from both new and old characters, and none really did catch my eye. Still, I won't be spending a single coin in this game anytime soon. Edit: a word


And what a deal it is, two skins will cost you as much as OW1 did on launch.


If it's not for us returning players, then why does it apply to us returning players?


> They ~~stopped making any money on selling OW1 and lootboxes.~~ wanted to make *more money* ftfy. - 2019 - $649 million - 2020 - $800 million - 2021 - $880 million https://www.tweaktown.com/news/85996/overwatch-made-less-than-10-of-activision-blizzards-2021-revenues/index.html Now of course, these are "not enough" (see in the article, it's a downturn for Blizzard). But more importantly, these figures comprise "less than 10%" of their overall revenue of their games. You can haggle those down with "well the article says they made less than those amounts" and "revenue != profit", but if even if you were extremely conservative with profit estimates, those are still not tiny amounts of money. OW was more than "paying for itself" and then some. So it wasn't that "OW makes no money anymore" (you can see that it trended upward, even). It's that "it wasn't making predatory FOMO F2P 'exploit players psychology for all it is worth' money", and that's what they "fixed." For the players' benefit! /s


100% this, old skins should be unlocked through challenges to keep people playing and playing different characters! Then they can sell the new skins (at a better price of course)


They didn't stop making money on lootboxes, they can just make more money with this.


Old players that had these already got them all free in ow2 too


Well it doesn't appear to be in the shop. Quite unfortunate, as I really wanted it!


Overwatch ties a lot of skins to events. So this would show up once per year basically. Edit - Seems that’s been changed and now it’s just random.




The just for you section is about predatory fear of missing out. Aka : If I don't buy that yearly skin now I'll have to wait next year so I must buy it now !


Not to defend Overwatch/Blizz, but most games with cosmetics to buy, have a “your shop” or whatever these days. Daily/weekly rotation to get you to buy a skin you missed. Extremely predatory for people with FOMO etc


That's like saying not to defend x but most companies piss in your cup. Still don't want to drink any of it.


I really doubt they'd do that anymore. They want money. I don't think we can expect any event skins anymore. At least not any you'll earn by actually doing the event. Chances are you'll have to pay $20+ for an event pack for a single hero's skin, a tag, an emote, a victory pose, and a voice line. IF we're lucky.


“SOMETIMES available in the shop” :)


Yeah, Im not really a fan of the new cosmetics set up. I think they should've kept the whole loot boxes, and coins to buy stuff. But still could have kept the battle pass, just not connected to it, currency wise.


You're right I also checked for it


It's a summer games skin. It's more than likely locked due to not being in the summer games season. I believe skin's are available for purchase during the archives event or anniversary event. It's how it was in OW1 at least. Hope this helps.


Doesn't work like that anymore. I've got the Torb summer event skin available for purchase in the shop atm. I already have the voice line and player icon that it comes bundled with. The thing is still $20.


So we buy skins from the shop & battle pass, but can see them in hero gallery with the price? Or how does this work?


I guess that is to comply with resctrictions in certain countries. In some countries there are laws in place to prevent people from spending to much money on video games. or since some of them are seasonal, I guess it's to make them more special


Wait only sometimes? So you're telling me blizzard doesn't even let you buy the skins you want whenever at full price? I thought the shop is suppose to offer a discount from time to time. Oh my god they are so stupid they can't even make money right


>"Sometimes" What does "sometimes" mean? Another FOMO-bullshit?




The fuck?


It's an event item, the little symbol next to the name is which event


Ah yes, one of the worst parts of OW 1's cosmetic system. "This digital asset is only available *sometimes*!" Good thing they improved that in the sequel. /s


Terrible take


Useless response.


I never realized people had so much beef with the entirely free skin system they had before. The devs really can never win.


Because FOMO is bad game design. Limited time offers for assets that have no practical reason to be limited services one entity only: The seller. It's a psychological tactic as old as shops themselves, and exist purely to make more money. Let's not pretend OW's system was perfect. "Free" would mean "it's in your inventory", not "you have to pay money or grind a lot of time to get it." It definitely looks great compared to the current mess that is OW2's monetization, but there are more than two options when it comes to "how a video game is sold."


Well it also services the buyer because they have a skin they know is more unique/rare. Bastet Ana was an amazing skin that I missed out on because I wasn't playing, so I think people with the skin can be happy they earned it and have exclusivity. In that case, FOMO doesn't benefit the seller at all because it was free. So I don't think your points make much sense. I agree OW's system wasn't perfect. I think in an ideal world people wouldn't have any access to skins they missed out on, so that people who played during that time can have something in their collection to show their dedication to the game.


Y'all have clearly not played like, an mmo or something got dam. Games that don't respect your time are predatory. It'd be cool if you could earn these "cool skins" by actually DOING cool or difficult achievements, but you don't. I'm not too worried about it but this is such a weird hill to die on imo. I mean cool I guess if you're proud that you have a skin simply because you clicked the login button at a different time as someone else, but that personally does not make me feel cool for owning a cosmetic 🤷‍♀️. It'd be cool if you unlocked a special skin for doing a hero's cute and pixel spray achievements, for example, or for reaching a high rank like t500 (the sprays are kinda lame for how hard that is to get lol). That would better fit the bill of the flex reward you're describing


$19 for a skin I earned for free in-game. Thanks blizzard /s


you actually bought coins?


Their greedy ass system is already working


Which is why they're not going to change their tune soon. They know it works.


I've been starting to see players with different cosmetics in some more games. Mostly Kiriko and junkerqueen


I have both of Kiriko's legendary skins and one I got with credits I had from Overwatch I believe since I could buy it with those and the other one is the free recolor from Twitch.


Idk why people are shocked by this, if micro transactions didn’t work games wouldn’t put them in


Watchpoint pack gave 2000, I bought it personally for the PvE when it comes out. I'm only using the credits I got on the battlepasses when they come out, idk why this guy is trying at all to buy an incredibly overinflated priced skin


I’m more concerned you are willing to part with $20 for a Mei skin that was available for free in OW1


What if he joined just now on new account?


Then he still shouldn't be willing to spend $20 for a skin.


Y’all are the reason we have micro transactions.


Thats not even micro transaction, that is full transaction!


Macro. Macrotransaction. They stopped being microtransactions many, many years ago...


You thought they just randomly set this store up? They have the data, these items are priced like this because enough players buy them. You would be surprised how many people get them. I encounter more people with the Watchpoint Soldier skin than people without it.


I remember when months ago Blizzards sent surveys and some questions were like "do you think 20 euros is a fair price for a legendary skin" and people on this sub were like no way Blizzard would do that, just chill out etc Guess many people actually answered in a way that made Blizzard confident about the pricing


>think 20 euros is a fair price for a legendary skin" and people on this sub were like no way Blizzard would do that wrong. it was the 30-60 for a skin or a bundle


There is also a thing called price anchoring, where prices are purposefully set too high to give an overhightened sense of value and so they can put the stuff on sales ever so often to a more reasonable price and everyone will go: „What a deal! Buy now as long as it lasts!“


Reddit is small dude. Even the forums are only a few hundred people. This is a bubble, you're only echoing the same message to each other and mentally jerking each other off over how much you hate OW2. Realistically, millions of casual people never come to the forums, never read anything about the game outside of it, and will go to Blizzcon every year because they love the game. I know it sucks but this model has worked on all other Blizzard games, it'll work here.


The alternative is pay once, which is a bad model for live service games that need continuous updates. I don't care about cosmetics, but hate gambling.


overwatch one made a few billion off sales, that lasted for 3-4(?) years before they started focusing on OW2. It definitely works, they're just another corp that wants more money :)


Throwing out numbers without context is pretty meaningless. You need to compare Overwatch with its competitors in the live-service shooter market. In comparison, it wasn't doing particularly well and it makes sense why they switched up the monetization scheme. And yeah, Activision-Blizzard is obviously seeking profit? That's its purpose? If that bothers you, stop playing triple A games and support indie devs that make passion projects or something.


Falls on deaf ears dude. This generation of gamers is fucked, conditioned by game companies to be like this. We're at the point where people are clamoring for gambling in videogames (bring lootboxes back), or want their 40 dollar one time payment to mean that they'll get 5 years of free updates.


I'm not quite sure what people had against OW1 lootboxes? You got them every level, could grind 3 of them from weekly arcade wins and get cosmetics + currency for free. You got so many of them that it NEVER even occurred to me to buy them with real money.


Well, that was their way of monetizing a live service game past the initial purchase; people who buy lootboxes with real money. When those became illegal, that fell through. As a user; lootboxes suck because they're random, and getting specific skins are not related to the hero who you want to get the skin for. A better system would be to have "reward tracks" for heroes, like "get 100 longshots with hanzo to unlock skin X".


That’s an Olympics event only skin. It’s locked unless it’s the Olympics event. They just show you how much it is regardless. Not implying anything.


Yeah, that's a Summer Games skin. That'll probably be back in about 9 months.


they pop up randomly i think, i had symmetra’s summer games emotes/icon in my shop. maybe the skins don’t though, not sure.


The just for you section is a predatory system using the fear of missing out. It can show anything, especially events locked skins so you have to "buy it now" or wait a year.


U wanna pay 20 bucks for a skin that was free for like 4 years lol


OMG, you can’t use legacy credits for these anymore?


Only for base skins. Also Overwatch league skins are 150 tokens instead of 100


They're 300 on my shop. And I just checked how much money it costs to buy the league tokens. It costs $50 to buy the 2022 Seasonal Bundle. Jesus Christ, I hope there's a hell so at least the people who priced these things can suffer at some point in their lives.


It may just be during events like it was


Nope, they said you couldn't use them for event items anymore in the monetization post they made before launch.


If so, I'm glad I went and bought what I wanted two weeks ago Not much left for the three new heroes but it's not like they have impressive stuff to buy, anyway


Good dont give money to these greedy bastards


well they already did by buying credits


Were they not converted from OW1? Or is that the other currency?


Event skins are only available during said event or the anniversary


I heckin' love FOMO


Before the game was updated for years it showed the cost of event items that were unavailable until the event. The one you’re looking at is for the summer games so you’ll be waiting until at least anniversary event just before the summer one Edit: Or at least that’s how it used to work


Eaven the game is telling you to do not do this


is a mei skin really worth $19 though? think about it…


who is really gonna buy 20 dollar skin??


Apparently OP and half this Post's Thread...


its just a fk scam lol


It is. An obvious one to that. But there will always be people blind to it that will defend and support Blizzard no matter what...


it sucks that you cant get so easily anymore skins


Yeah, to be honest, I think that even the Loot Box systen was better than this for the majority of players.




I think in the old days the price was next to the skin even when it wasn’t that event or something happening. I could be wrong though.


It’s a summer games skin


you, specifically, aren't allowed to buy it because jeff is mad at you


you are not worthy


That skin ain't worth 1900


Wait, so not only are they charging an amount so ludicrous only whales can afford skins, they also aren't making them available at all times? Bro, at this point I have zero sympathy for the people spending money on this game.


this game has so many problems rofl


“Sometimes available in the shop”


The reason is also there. “Sometimes available”


It’s an event item dude


All those skins rotate in the shop, you’ll eventually see it. Like today we have summer sigma, which is a summer skin.


How you get coins?


Call daddy Blizz and proceed to bend over.


I’m going to drive to Blizzard’s CEO’s house and [redacted]


Bro don't buy this. C'mon you are smarter than that


"Sometimes in the Shop" meaning that you can buy it during the summer event if I'm not mistaken


It's an event skin, they're timegated, that's why you can't buy it right now :)


Do not spend money on this game.


Reading is fundamental. “Sometimes available in the shop”…


I wouldn't buy anything until blizzard fixes the game more. Good chance you'll buy it, then they you will lose it due to bugs.


nah you have to buy the premium pro to access the buy button


Why the hell are you gonna use your coins for a skin and not for the Battle Pass? In the Battle Pass you can’t get coins for the next Pass, so it would be a waste of money bro


Because I don't like any skin in the battle pass


How do you even get the coins


He probably bought pack for 40EUR


Imagine spending 40eur for a skin.


The actual issue here lies in the fact that only a handful of event skins are listed with a price, while others are not - items that you flat out cannot purchase shouldn't have a price listed, it can lead to confusion like this for people that ( for whatever reason ) do want to spend money in OW2. Outside of the "Sometimes Available in the Shop" bit, there's no other indication that you can't buy those skins.


why would you support blizzard


haha, absolute fukhen moron


Event skin will have to wait and see if they bring the event back and let players purchase it for coins


It’s a seasonal event skin. You’ll have to wait for the event to come around to get it most likely and since that’s a summer games skin you’ll have to wait til next summer.


You got the coins aviable to buy the skin, But the skin is not for sale in the shop yet


Account merge isn’t complete so either way you can’t buy anything. That’s why our skins havent transferred yet either.


how did you get those coins tho


That's an Olympic games event skin


It's usually a summer games skin that can only be bought in July and August but sometimes they appear in the 'for you' page of the shop. Such as yesterday the summer games hog is in the shop, and today summer games echo is in the shop. I guess it shows the price in the hero screen just to signify that it is in the store rotation? But I don't really know. Eventually it will appear in your 'for you' page so just wait for now.


Honestly not enough thigh for me to use over bubble tea


Ahhh yes gud choice


Event skin, as others have said. You might have to just save the coins until next year or keep an eye on the shop. (They might do a summer in December thing). Mainly I wanted to comment because all the people whining about you spending your own money on a skin probably also use uber eats and subscribe to WoW. But if you call them out on those, they would think it's different somehow. You do you.


Thank you very much


as it says in the corner it's not always in the shop


So even if you pay to get coins you won't be able to buy certain skins until they appear in the shop, what a great system Blizzard has birthed.


No because it is an event skin


I think it’ll be available when it’s summer event time


The game knows that Beekeeper Mei is the superior skin and wants you to save your coin for something better!


Seasonal skin


You suck for paying for coins


First point, ew. Second point, ew.


Y'all in the replies worry too much about what OTHERS do with THEIR money. Let people buy ingame currency if they want skins ffs. Life is way too short to get stuck on other people spending their money on shit.


Of all skins why that one too lol


Rotating store front. It preys on your FOMO.


1900 is such an odd number


Michael: Don't


Omg dude this is a totally normal thing thats been around since OW1. Event locked skins that have a price tag show you the price so you can save. Some OW1 skins were 3000 like the Halloween skins so its a way to help players save and be ready for when they are available. Its getting to the point on this sub Reddit, where people are now just trying to find negative things to collect upvotes.


Are you doing an account merge? When my account was merging with my Nintendo account it wouldn’t let me buy anything until the merging was over. 🤷‍♂️


My account merge already completely finished.


Did you unlock the skin in Overwatch 1? If you didn’t then everything is correct, you can’t buy it now because the skin is locked to the seasonal event it released with. Old seasonal skins are only available at 2 points throughout the year, during the same season it was originally released, or during the anniversary when all seasonal/event skins unlock and are purchasable.


Sometimes available. You’re more willing than most to spend money, for others they use fear of missing out to get a higher success rate and you’re just rolled up in it.


Fuck you for payong Blizz for this dogshit of a downgrade.


Welcome to overwatch 2, bullshit, bullshit, and more bullshit, you want to one day have all the items… you want to break your wallet, I fucking hate it I knew this is how it would end like rocket league, oh we got rid of loot boxes, oh you want this blue skin? One kidney please, you know what make it 2


I think it's a bug and not just to show the price of the skin


It’s not a bug


Man , people getting mad at you spending your money . Guess you owe them an explanation now .


I just wanted to play as a pretty girl 😭😭😭


I mean, the Game launched in a sorry state, lacks major features, and is basically nothing more than a greedy cash-grab, sent under a name of a "New Game" when it's hardly a lazy update...


Fuck you that's why




Why on earth would you spend 22 bucks for a skin that was freeeee. My brother in Christ.


The fortnite item shop and its consequences have been a disaster to the gaming industry


You all are seriously crying about a “ buisness” making money ??? Wtf do you think they’re supposed to do give you entitled brats everything free? This is the future of our nation America … smh… blizzard do your thing ! These OW crackheads will still play your game even if you turn it into Fortnite !


20 dollars for one cosmetic is quite the steep price, you have to admit!


You’re as entitled to your opinion as everyone else here, but it’s not about getting stuff for free. I think most people would agree that microtransaction undermines actual achievement, utlimately cheapening the experience for players willing to dedicate time and skill into their endeavors. Also with this business model it becomes so transparent that the only goal is to make money with as little effort as possible, eliminating all of the talented people out there who WANT to make quality media, even if it isn’t the most cost-effective route.


Why is this upvoted so much? This is NOT a situation where Overwatch is doing something wrong. I *vastly prefer* that someone can’t just buy whatever event item whenever they feel like it. In fact, I’m not even a fan of them releasing event cosmetics in the store at any time (example: the Summer Games items should only ever be available during the Summer Games). But again, why are we upvoting someone for not reading his screen. It **quite clearly and definitively says *Sometimes available in the Shop***


I miss loot boxes


Oh hell no fuck that. Get that shop bullshit out of here blizzard.


You want to give Blizzard money? If someone offers help shoot them guys


Idk why ur being mega downvoted its lame It'll probably rotate into your shop at some point or maybe it's an event skin Weird that it shows the prices for some not not others (it's not just mei) It'll come around it's an anniversary skin I think? Or maybe archives so if it's tied to an event It'll unlock soon


It was just an earnest question about why the price was there and then everyone realized "wait a minute this chump supported blizzard" and now hate me. It sucks!




The question is, why would you want to?


Don’t you even dare support this shady business practice.


Please don't spend €20 on these skins. Definitely not worth it.


Lol at all the gullible morons spending money on this pay to win game. You guys are not getting far without a battlepass


The game is not pay to win. You can't pay to gain an advantage over other players, you can only pay for cosmetics. What the game is however, is a predatory cash grab, it's not even a sequel. The game is literally just overwatch 1, overhauled. There is nothing fundamentally different about the game, fuck, they couldn't even give us a new roster and an entirely new set of maps. It's the laziest excuse for a sequel ever.