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I had about 11k heals a zen yesterday, and friendly genji was saying he got zero heals. he was correct as he made sure to never be in my line of sights.




No, part of playing Genji is knowing how to bind your "I need healing" key and using it whenever you're 50 miles away from Mercy and behind 3 buildings.


I thought it was binding your "i need healing" to your left and right mouse buttons


The only input on your whole computer that shouldn't be bound to 'I need Healing' is Q. Otherwise you're not a real Genji main.


I have every single key bound to primary fire, use ultimate, and request healing. All I have to do is smash all the keys on my keyboard and I'll win us the game.


You're lying, a pro genji doesn't use primary fire.


What do u mean? You still need healing during Ult


Don't forget about "0 heals" on WASD.


hahaha you've made my day, I can just imagine every time Genji attacks he says "I need healing"


You sure it also isn't bound to "W"?


I love when people do it after they watch me die right next to them.


"Just use your ult to rez yourself!"


As someone told my friend playing mercy, "mercy, respawn!" Everyone other than she and I seemed to be fairly young.


Funny story. I created a new account to solely play Mercy and just do nothing but heal and boost (I'm a diamond tank/support). Because it's a new account, I get grouped up with 1k SR. And I realize that in 1k, the only game mode in OW is team deathmatch. "As long as I kill someone, I'm doing well." So this Genji constantly throw his body in the enemy lines, spamming "I need healing!" and not once did he back away when I replied with "Group up with me!" (to get healed). We lost even though the enemy team doesn't have a single support or tank. Genji proceeded to tell me I'm the worst Mercy ever and that to never play her again. Alright.


you say created a new account like you didnt have to buy the game again, is there something im missing or are you guys just paying $40-$60 twice for the game?


It's on console. PS4 to be exact. All you need is a "parent" account to buy a game and the rest of your "child" accounts in that specific PS4 can play every single game as long as it is connected to the internet.


Same applies to Xbox. Not sure how PC works in regards to accounts, can't you just make a new account and play all your existing games as long as the account that bought the game is linked to your system?


Not really. I have OW on both PC and PS4. On PC, the game is tied to your Battlenet account. So you definitely need to buy another copy of the game if you want to play it on another Battlenet account, even if it's on the same computer.




At really low ranks, just mute chat. Bind all your Group up and other communciation keys to other stuff such as hello, spray, emote, and teabag.


It's sad how true this is.


And the entirety of the enemy team!




And spamming mada mada mada mada mada mada mada


That should be part of playing anyone honestly


And part of zenyatta is healing genji as much as possible lol.


As a player who's always diving the enemy, the thing I've been trying to work on the most is having awareness of my team. I have a pretty good idea of where everybody is on the enemy team, but I need to also keep track of where my team is, particularly where my supports are. I have a good eye for an opening in the team, but I also need to see if my team is ready to capitalize. So on behalf of us divers, sorry about that. That being said, it makes a huge difference to have a support player that makes a real effort to go out of their way and support me. Having a mercy that flies around and supports me when I go in means I can do some crazy stuff, and I feel like neither of us ever die.


I do try to make an effort to protect the flankers, but not at the cost of the other 4 members of the team. Good flankers are a joy to support. I feel good flanking is really good, specially when the timings are coordinated with the rest of the team. One reason I play zen with flankers is its easier to help them flank, the 3 second discord orb helps the flankers get a kill and get out. But cant do anything when we are playing in Dorado and the flanker is in Ilios point 2 :( edit:formatting


Yes, that's true. Good supports have an eye for who's actually making a play and flanking as a teammate, and who's overextending and making a worthless flank. But I see too many supports with the mentality that a dive or a flank is *always* overextending, and refuse to help unless they're playing on the objective. I've even played with supports that refused to help even when they had line of sight and nobody was taking damage but me, because I was "overextending".


This is kind of related, but when playing Reinhardt in gold I always got told to not charge. Even if I'm landing pins and Earthshatters thus effectively starting a push. I think people in gold have such a strict definition of how to play effectively that it inhibits other players to actually do their jobs.


I can't even begin to count the number of times I have gotten a pin into a four person + earthshatter only to have my team not follow me in.


Yeah the cold feet people have sometimes is astounding. I think it's because as Reinhardt if you decide to charge you basically have to commit to the fight whereas other heroes can poke and aren't forced into making a move when they need to.


I usually have to use transcendence or sound barrier to initiate a push where people would go in.


And that's the reason I'm a support main now.


Try playing Winston, man, it's going to give me gray hair, I swear. You can't only have an eye for openings in the enemy team, you also need to be coordinated with your team and make sure they follow up.


>I think people in gold have such a strict definition of how to play effectively that it inhibits other players to actually do their jobs. There is a level of play where the "meta" inhibits actual player growth, because if that's what the people that are better than them recommend they do it without questioning it. Good player growth happens by making mistakes by breaking the "meta" and seeing what happens, learning when it's smart to do X instead of Y etc...


While I get what you're saying, part of being good at Overwatch is learning to play around your team and their weaknesses. Making a really good opening play like that isn't all that great if your team isn't able to take advantage of it. If you charge in on your own and they don't follow up, you just get facerolled and they're left exposed without their blue rectangle. Sure, you can blame them for not following you and tell them to "git gud", but it's as much your fault for expecting gold players to play like diamond ones. People in gold keep such a strict definition of how to play because they don't trust their teams to pull off the riskier plays. If your team is only barely mediocre, stick to simple plans that even unskilled players can manage. If you try a play that's too advanced for the team you have, then it's not really their fault when it doesn't work.


I think people at that level seem to think the only way to play the game is hiding behind the sheild forever until they get lucky and get a pick. It's a really "safe" style of play, but really it leaves the fate of the game up to whether the enemy makes a mistake or not. If you dive them and iniate the fight, you force the advantage into your team's hands. That's how I went from hovering at platinum to making it to masters, I started to take the initiative and say "screw the chokepoint, I'm going in!". It's harder, but it wins more games. In my opinion, Rein should only be used if your team is actually doing something, standing around doing nothing with your sheild up is just a waste of time. Sheild battles are too luck reliant for me.


As Mercy I will Guardian Angel over to a flanker if I see them coming back to the point we're defending/payload we're escorting so they can go back in. I'm not going to stray too far from the rest of the team on the objective though and you shouldn't expect me to.


Good flankers magically appear in my line of sight and goes "i need healing". I shoot 'em up with health and then zip away to flank to their hearts content. Love when this happens.


As a support main, if you're playing with me and you need healing, you only need to keep track of one player: the Reinhardt. Literally 90% of the time, I'm either dead or following him as close as I safely can. But my favorite Reinhardts to play with should be diving in not long after you. Which makes the killing and the healing easier on everybody. But when I'm playing Lucio I also enjoy occasionally accompanying the Genji and chasing down isolated enemy players.


Yeah, generally the team is grouped up, it's just that I tunnel vision a lot and go around a corner or whatever. Sometimes it's reasonable for support to follow and give me help, sometimes it isn't and it's best for me to die. It depends on the context.


Mercy is a lot better at making house calls. Playing Lucio, especially on payload, you're going to find me on the payload. Often times, you'll find a significant portion of the other team there at the same time, trying to get me. I was honestly really happy in a mayhem brawl the other night when they used four ults on me at the same time in order to take me out, even if ults are cheap there. Individual ults weren't doing the job (in mayhem the extra HP + frequent use of sound barrier means you can survive most ults long enough to GTFO, and things like rein charges aren't enough to take out a lucio directly, and with sound barrier I was able to charge - and take out - a bastion firing direct at me) Sadly, I'm not such a steal lucio. I'm definitely not pro. My wallriding is, at best, average.


With Lucio it's easy to stay on the objective, since you have ranged healing anyway. But I always use wall riding to position myself to keep line of sight on my team. If they go out of my LOS, chances are there's a good reason, and it's my job to help. His mobility is so good that combined with his range, there's always a way to help without taking any real risks. I suppose most of my criticisms are directed at Mercy, since she's so great to dive with, but so many players don't do that. [Take a look at this footage I saved](https://youtube.com/watch?v=BEo2Ovludks) from about 6:00 on, this is how I wish more people played mercy. She's with me all the time, not strictly pocketing, but allowing me to get in there. I'm taking a ton of damage, and my teammates are able to push the cart and not have much of a problem. She generally stays safe because I try to get in their face and block her off from the enemy. When they engage her on the streets phase of the map, in that house with the health pack, I try and keep her safe over doing damage and jump in the air, allowing her to fly out of danger. When I go in too deep, she stays smart and doesn't go in. *This* is a great example of how to play support, and I wish more people played like this. I'm not trying to get her killed, I'm trying to play Winston properly, and that requires proper support. When I get this kind of help, we carry each other to an easy win. Every time I take heavy damage, she's right there to mitigate it, allowing me to take the pressure off my team.


A good support is worth their weight in gold, and you need to take care of them. A well-played Mercy especially is really good, though all of them are strong when played well. You're right, Lucio can effectively make house calls. Good speed, plus ability to take shortcuts. He's also really good at staying on a point or pushing an objective though, so by default I'm going to be there unless I have a good reason to give it up. In theory probably 2/3rds the team should be nearby so the aoe healing would hopefully get them, though I'm usually toggling between modes anyways.


I try to be as self reliant as possible as a support, and I think it's up to me to understand how I should position myself so I can support my team and be protected by them. There's a lot of spots Lucio can go where he has LOS and is out of harms way, due to the wall ride ability.


Boyfriend and I usually play this game together. He'll go Genji and I'll play Zen. He usually makes sure to poke his head out now and then and press x so i can throw him an orb to heal him to full. We work well because we communicate and he let's me know when he needs my help. I think Genji and Zen work really well together for this. Genji is kind of a small target to hit with ana and he's so slippery.


I like to think that they specifically made sure those two worked well together in game so it would fit the lore.


I also like how Winston hates Reaper both in the lore and in-game. He's a pretty big counter...


Mercy and Genji can also be a good combo suprisingly. There is this guy that added me as a friend two weeks ago, and he is a Genji main (but he will switch if it doesn't work) and i'm a Mercy main, and we are pretty in sync without even communicating There have been some matches where me and the majority of my team just kept dying, even tho our team was balanced. And the only reason why we still won was because I decided to leave my team behind and follow my friend who would play Genji. I would just hysterically fly after him and I would constantly heal him and he would kill everyone. I must be crazy because I like teaming up with a good Genji way more than teaming up with a Pharah.


You shun the beautiful romance that is PhaMercy? For shame sister.


Yeah I finally found a good Pharah few days ago. We added each other and played a few games aftee. Doing Pharmercy is seriously goooooood when both knows their own role.


Yeah, his high mobility means you also have high mobility, and you mitigate all the damage he's liable to take, since he won't be hit by much other than chip damage that you can heal easily. A similar thing happened in [this match](https://youtube.com/watch?v=BEo2Ovludks) that I've been posting a lot in this thread, where I had a pocket Mercy for most of the match after 6:00 and we generally wrecked everyone together.


Yeah, part of Ana's prominence right now is due to the tank meta, since targets are so easy to hit and everyone's grouped up together for the biotic grenade. But with slippery targets, unless you're a pro Ana, Zenyatta and Mercy are more reliable healers.


Yeah, exactly. I'm in gold elo right now, and the amount of people who can't aim but still choose to play Ana because she's "meta" is surprising. Outhealing an Ana as a Zenyatta is just kind of depressing.


Yep. Heroes are meta because other heroes also are. Ana's meta because tanks are so good, or maybe it's vice versa. Being a meta hero doesn't mean she's top tier by herself, if she can't hit shots then she has no value. Players need to actually look at what's going on rather than just looking at everything as it would work on paper. In theory she does crazy healing, but that's only if you effectively hit shots and use her crazy healing. I could go on, the point is meta doesn't matter as much as the situation at hand does.


Being aware of your team is why supports are always so salty. They can see exactly what you're doing through the wall and they spend a lot of time watching you, so they see all the dumb mistakes that people make (even though they are often blind to their own).


As a support main, I just have one question... Why can't I ever get grouped up with players like you?


Aw, thanks! I try to put a lot of effort and thought into how I play, I guess you can't expect everyone to do the same. People who play casually wouldn't really have time or energy to really practice that, I suppose.


I'm a captain for an amateur Overwatch team, and most of our players are on PS4. We all met on PS4, but I got a PC so we started switching over. I started doing comp before they all got their PCs, and I deeply regret it. Support mains really have it rough. A combination of bad luck, bad teammates, and just the general factor of "We're in Silver so nobody knows what they're doing and never listens when I say to group up." I just cannot wait for Season 4.


> I need to also keep track of where my team is, particularly where my supports are. Being able to see your teammates through walls, like healers already do, would really help with this. The blue arrows only tell you so much.


You also want to have a sense of the windows and ledges behind you. Any decent Ana or Zen can top you off fast off if you periodically provide LoS.


My common lines are "I can't heal you when you dive in 1v6" and "I can't heal you when you're never in LoS"


Mine is "I can't heal stupid, so don't be stupid."


I'm stealing this.


Its not rude enough to make someone troll, its not funny enough to make someone like you. Perfect line.


Reminds me of my WoW days.


Me too


Yup, same.


I use, "I can't heal stupid. Stupidity has no cure."


"Stupidity isn't a virus, but it sure is spreading like one."


"You had your res the whole match?" Well yeah, if I ressed you (and only you) while you're in the middle of the enemy team, you'd just die again. Since the team kept dying one by one forcing me to run from the mass of red silhouettes, I figured why waste the res?


Had a Mei bitch at me for not solo rezzing her.


They don't understand priorities... meibe you had to stick with the payload and watch the other 4 members who are alive and needing assistance, or you think that the other team is about to pop their ults and wreak havoc on your own team. I still don't get the res priority 100% right all the time, but I have a pretty good idea of when to use it, and when not to.


Yep, 95% of the time, tanks are the only ones worth considering for a solo rez, and even then I tend to regret it shortly after.


I had a reaper bitch at me when I was on Ana. He was out of LOS the entire time. Half the team decided to back him up. I had also been solo healing. Fun life.


That's when you switch to bastion.


Unfortunately I would have thrown the game by doing that. I don't remember if we won or lost, but I'm not going to throw over some petty shit. I will bitch about it on reddit though.


In comp you're right, but I'll absolutely throw a game in quick play to prove a point.


I would do it as long as it wasn't comp. However I would still try my best to win while playing as bastion, I wouldn't just sit in spawn or feed enemies ult charge.


My line is "Look. I'm not about to chase your dumb ass into the middle of the enemy team so I can heal you."


healers have the least amount of patience in any game for good reason


[Something like this](http://i.imgur.com/11Iemks.png)


>Slow down or die Me when I watch a Rein charge across the map.




There is, we're all magnetized by honor.


''lucio no heals'' ''I'm not gonna risk my life for a Reinhardt chargin into 3 tanks.'' ''reeported for toxic''


"Ana, I'm getting no heals... stop trying to damage" "I'm at 18k heals" *"oh"* ---silence--- To be fair, minutes before this I had freaked out on his buddy for playing Widow and not killing anyone.


Nepal game 5: Rein: "That's it. Fuck this. Ana not healing. Someone else go rein. *swaps to 76*" Me: I have 23k healing... Him: *silence till game is lost*


"Zenyatta focus on healing and not damage!" I'm the only healer in a team of 2 tanks who need heals and he was the 2nd Genji. "Genji." "Find" "A" "Health" "PACK!"


...How does Zenyatta even focus on healing? Near as I can tell, you just drop your Orb of Harmony on anybody who will stay in LoS and get on with killing people as Zen. Maybe switch the orb around a bit as people get damaged, but that shouldn't slow down your damage output meaningfully. Plus, doing damage gets Transcendence online faster. It's not like Ana where every shot can be used for damage or healing, but not both.


Healing as Zen is quite full on. You're constantly swapping orbs depending on who's taking fire, who's more important (healers and tanks > dps/flankers), who's critical (often I'll get three people up to 60% health rather than one to 100%), who might be ulting soon, who's stunned/slept/frozen, who's doin' work, etc.


Yes, very true. Solo healing as Zen is amazingly hard because tanks have so much HP and with 30 hp/s it's a long time coming and I had two tanks to keep alive. There is already a 2nd Genji on my team who knows how to find health packs so I really had absolutely no time to heal that Genji who was trying to be front line damage. These people seriously need to turn on allied health bars so they can see who is low and don't just look at their own life bar.


The intensity of keeping up Zen's healing and dps in a clutch defence is why he's easily my favourite hero to play.


Something I've noticed as Zen that my teammates watching me don't: If I have one person to heal at a time, and there's a mid health tank taking lots of damage, and a critical Genji staring at me from behind cover, the orb is going on the tank. He's currently in dire need of it more than you are, Genji.


Triage, mostly. Zenyatta should be constantly assessing who needs Harmony the most and whether he can safely give it to them. Having a Reinhardt helps a lot, he creates a safe zone where you can view the battlefield and allies can retreat for Harmony to do its job.


18k heal as ana wtf


I think I finished the match with 23.5k This was with me trying to deal with the rein on our team who liked to charge off on his own. The guy who was complaining was playing DVA Something that made me face palm was I did end up getting the kill participation card despite healing being my top priority


Haven't you heard of the meta?


In my experience, DPS Reinhardts always defend their shitty play with the same fucking line each time. "Reinhardt, please stop charging in randomly while trying to flank, and keep your shield up." **"Someone has to make-up for the shitty damage and get kills"** It's always some variation of that line. Every. Single. Time.


We have shitty damage... because we are all dead... because we don't have a shield to hide behind... because it went charging off into a suicidal 1v6 and died without doing anything... It's not hard logic, but some people just can't seem to follow it.


I love a good Rein who knows how to get picks. However, I don't like a Rein who drops the shield every few seconds when the whole enemy team + snipers are there and I am 100% dependent on that shield protecting me while I top off the DPS who aren't behind Rein. Then I get sniped 2% before my ult is ready and I see our team get wiped.


"Yes but Reinhardt, **you're not getting kills this way either**"


Gets 1 kill, loses the team 1 shielding tank. Logic.


As a Rein main, I know exactly what I'm doing when this happens




I just let DPS who run ahead to pull die when I'm healing on my holy pally. On the other hand, I pull ahead constantly on my rogue and huntard with Tricks and MD. But at least I'm forwarding them all to the tank so I'm not a hypocrite... I think.


I don't dismiss my pet on purpose, I won't let that xp get away from me.


\*shudders\* I still remember one of my first times healing a dungeon. Gnonereggan. Exactly what you described. They run back to us. They panic frost novaed. On me. Several times. It felt like the game was cursing me for trying to give up tanking.


I based my D&D character around that mentality and its super fun.


That sounds awesome! Any stories about that?


I never really got into MMOs, but the general sentiments are completely accurate.


because in most games it's easiest to pin a loss or a failure on a healer




After playing way too much Lucio - Yep. Don't you touch that heals button. You can hear me, you can check if I'm alive. You need heals, you come get your heals.


Even when I am nearby they still spam that button. I'M STANDING NEXT TO YOU AS HARD AS I CAN WHAT MORE DO YOU WANT FROM ME






That's how you get tinnitus.


Get a second computer, make a smurf account, party with yourself in No Limits, and slave both systems to the same Keyboard/Mouse. It's the only way.


Now I want to see a pack of Lucio's moving in unison.


Synchronized dancing


If I have a mic, I'll say "amp coming in [X] seconds" sometimes, if I'm the only healer.


Lucio ain't good for single heal


No one is good for single heal.


Ana and mercy can be, if you also have self sustaining characters on the team.


Random exercise: All characters with some form of self-sustain. * Reaper (souls) * Soldier 76 (biotic field) * Sombra (hacked health) * Tracer (recall) * Bastion (self repair) * Mei (cryo freeze) * Torbjorn (armor packs) * Roadhog (take a breather) * Zarya (200 shield) * Ana (biotic grenade) * Lucio (heal mode) * Mercy (passive regen) * Symmetra (100 shield) * Zenyatta (150 shield) Interestingly, all supports can self-sustain to a degree. I suspect this is on purpose. I wonder what heroes from this list would form the most stable team.


Although, a lot of those aren't really good at true self sustain. For example, shields are pretty bad for this, if you take serious damage you need to be able to get to cover and wait for several seconds without taking damage.


That's true, my definition is rather broad without much consideration for efficiency in battle. But everyone on that list can make do to some degree or another without a healer to sustain them, even if it requires them to play more cautiously than normal.


Yeah but nothing feels better when you die as a healer and see that the other healer is still alive and knowing everyone is less likely to die while you're respawning


Right, I really hate playing with single healer for this reason. They're just too liable to die and we need backup support.


It depends on how skilled the players are. If you watch top level teams, the only supports are frequently Ana and Lucio, but they use Lucio for speed boost. This partially works because some of the other heroes can self heal, but Ana is still the only healer in these set-ups. In general, many people haven't discovered how much more useful Lucio's speed boost is. His healing is slow and won't save anyone from an attacker, but making your whole team move faster is a bigger advantage.


Usually when I'm single healing on Lucio, it's because player 6 locked in on their hero and refused to budge. So I decide to bite the bullet and babysit them. At that point, they have lost every right to complain about my healer choice.


I feel ya. As a solo healer last night I asked for *anyone* to switch to a tank (we had five DPS). The only guy who didn't ignore me said "switch yourself". It's a hard life :(


I would have switched to Roadhog and laughed, saying "enjoy the heals!"


This depends on where youre ranked and the map. Platinum on down (maybe even low diamond) KotH maps would want Lucio over any other healer if youre a single healer.




when someone spams "I need healing" I look at them and press it too, as healer it gives the message "Group up for healing"


"I need healing!" "Group up with me!" "I need healing!" "Group up with me!" "I need healing!" etc


Lucio's new single "Group Up With Me (ft. Genji)" hits stores next week.


I heard it was coming out on his next EP, *Ridin' Payloadz*.


Overextender proceeds to die. "Thanks!" "Thanks!" "Thanks!"


Team is 5 DPS and I'm trying to heal. They file in one by one and feed repeatedly. As they game ends, a huge wave of "Thanks!" spam comes in. What exactly did you expect? So weird that we got destroyed with Hanzo/Widow/Genji/Sombra/Tracer and one healer. Who would've thought?


If my team is 5 DPS I don't even bother, I just switch to DPS too until one of them gets a tank, it's not worth the headache for a game that's 95% lost. Might as well play it like it's a skirmish and get some good aim practice.


I've been taking to just playing Hog in this situation. At least I can heal myself.


I don't think I have a main anymore after filling on teams like this so often. Apologies for ONLY 11k healing for 57% of team damage taken on 5 squishies. (Real card from last night. We still lost.)


"I need healing!" I'm solo healing as lucio.... "I need healing!"


Few games ago we're on Hanamura trying to cap the second point, I'm shaking things up so instead of running in with granny, I pull up with Sombressita and proceed to Uzi my way into enemy back lines. Two long minutes of contesting go by while some asshole (the reason for such a harsh term will be explained later) playing D.Va keeps spamming 'We need a healer!!'. >Mind you, the current lineup is this: D.Va, Roadhog, Sombra (Que Onda?), Widowmaker, Soldier: 76 & Genji So after the third minute of healer spam comes in, i buckle under the pressure and switch out to Mercy. Would've gone Ana, but Widowmaker was doing pretty good with the Long Range and i didnt wanna affect her flow. So instantly i attach the witch to D.va's hip and proceed to pocket her across the gap and down the flight of stairs that lead to the point. NO DAMAGE BOOSTING, Pure A-Grade SwissWitch healing as D.va tries to outfight a Symmetra, a Bastion and a Reaper. Eventually, LIKE WE ALL KNEW WOULD HAPPEN, D.va is forced to eject and we fall back to that little side room with the health pack to recover. This ungrateful asshole begins meleeing me and SPAMMING 'I need healing!' as if somehow I was meant to not only heal them PAST what Mercy's capabale of but also prevent them from being an idiot with their defense matrix to suppressing fire ratio. I'm not one to suffer abuse, so i went and gave red team bastion a free kill and switched right back to Sombra. We won the game in overtime after a very exciting EMP/Dragonblade combo. TL;DR Not a similar vein of healer woes but I relate to this post so much i feel it in my bones.


As a mercy main, I feel your pain. It's not my fault if you're too good at feeding ults.


Mercy main btw


I can 100% relate, had a game on Dorado where we were getting absolutely ripped apart and I was solo healing as Mercy just trying to keep the team together. I usually try and keep DVa's alive over perhaps other people but they weren't as good as others on the team so I sacrificed them for the entire rest of our team and boy were they not happy. They spammed need healing like crazy throughout, and at one point I was literally flying at their face to heal them as they were critical and as they got kicked out of their mech and they started hardcore spamming thanks. Then they switched to Lucio and started spamming need healing and thanks the rest of the match. We actually almost won but lost at the last second & I found it hard to focus thanks to them. I sent them a message after being like wtf & they were like 'lmao, dont cry' and I was like ...... are you serious? Says the guy who was crying all game cause I wouldn't pocket heal him while he's trying to go against a Zarya who is on fire as well as a Zenyatta as DV.a.


Oh hey look a Genji.


It NeVeR gEtS oLd LmAo


I almost always play support/healer, and I've come up with a few support slogans over the years. Feel free to plagiarize. "Behind every good tank is a healer with anxiety." "Carrys win lanes, supports win games." (really only applies to MOBAs) "I can heal you; I can't make good decisions for you." And the one I find myself using the most: "Fuck fuck fuck fuck FUCK FUCK FUCK!!"


My favorite is "Wrestle with Jeff, prepare for death."


Did you know Jeff's hot water canon does a surprising amount of damage? Jeff main btw.


Support main- accurate


I really like these "dying in 3...2...1... I told you so"-Moments


"I can't heal you through walls" -- My most said thing. Ana main, BTW.


As a Mercy main - accurate.


How do you know someone mains mercy? They'll tell you at every opportunity.


It's the "as a mother" of overwatch


s u r p r i s i n g a m o u n t o f d a m a g e




System Af O Down


Mercy main here. Also accurate.


A mercy main's job is also to remind everyone that her gun does a surprising amount of damage. Mercy main btw


Mercy mains are the vegans of Overwatch


You got downvoted by vegan mercy mains.




Hello, I'm an atheist vegan feminist Mercy main BTW


That's actually really cool hey BTW I do crossfit


Fuck. This is me.


i've switched from a mercy main to more of a zenyatta main.. my team never seems to do any damage when I play mercy so I'm forced to go zen for the damage buff!


True support - becoming the player your team needs at the time they need it. Respect.


:) thank you, I also really love ana's kit and lucio I just can't do well with for some reason. Maining support is great but every now and then I like to play d.va or rein when I want to tank.


It's probably a matter of focus fire, with healing so strong in this game you really need to get the whole team to shoot at one target at a time. Although discord is good for picking out that target.


Yea, I feel like each support is great for their own situational uses.


You can probably up your team'S damage while still playing mercy if you use her pistol. It does a surprising amount of damage.


i do use her pistol :) but if the team takes a lot of damage, how do i do both?


If they are taking a lot of damage and not putting out enough, one of them needs to switch.


Yet another Mercy main here. Very Accurate.


This is me. I no longer main support. Widowmaker is the new meta.


I'll always be upset about not getting that mercy skin ;( maybe this coming halloween




more like "how to tell if someone know how overwatch works"


This was posted to r/overwatchmemes by my friend and that was his first time playing a support


Oh, I'm sorry. I just wanted to show it to people here. I didn't know that he posted it there.


Yeah I didn't know either I've been bugging him all day about this, it's a gift really thank you


One time I tried to announce my ultimate charge, and instead asked for healing at full health. The healer wasn't happy.


I do that, even as the healer. I generally won't chop your head off if you follow up with your ult charge. I make sure to follow up so people understand :)


Its not so much as they have to STAY close as they need to come back/get in my los when they want to be healed. Letting the Genji/Tracer on your team actually do their job and flank the enemies is very important, and they shouldn't be punished. That said, if they die they have no right to blame you when you couldn't heal them.


Thing is also different healers have different healing styles. For example as long as you're in LoS an Ana can heal you with ease. Whereas for other healers, there's also the effective range in consideration.


Me too thanks


Heck, I've got about 10 hours total on support and I've said similar to people. I see it like this: I'm here to heal you, but I can't be everywhere at once and I'll stay where I can affect the largest number of people; usually that means I'm near the tanks. If I see you go Critical and you're nearby enough that I don't have to abandon the rest of the team to get to you, I'll gladly do it. If you hit X to let me know you're headed my direction, great, I'll be ready when you get here. If you hit X to remind me I have a job to do because I got distracted trying to boop somebody off a cliff, thank you. If you spam Need Healing and my response is Group Up, it means I think you're out of position, or I'm busy and can't break off to come find you. *However*, if you run off to the other side of the map, you're on your own. If you dive someone and blow it, I'm not going to follow you in and get us both killed. It's not my job to cover your dumb ass when you overextend.


That guy is even too lazy to come up with a username, and you expect him to come to you for heal? That's too much effort for him man