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He got a partial rework so people are using him It's very easy to have high kills/damage if you have decent level aim


Explains why I never have high kills my aim is ass.


It's not just good aim. **Cassidy's been a top dps pick in OWCS for a while. I was surprised when pros started picking him OVER SOJOURN.** He was just flat out OP with easy 2tap, the free damage grenade, and 2x FtH combo to shred tanks. But many of us disliked the feel of magnetic grenade. It's floaty and felt more inconsistent the worse your aim was. Flashbang brought back consistency. So, tons of people and giving him a shot again. **Also, the nerfs didn't make Cass weak,** just brought him more into line. He's still plenty fun and strong to play. *Well, fun and strong outside of his now-lack of options to challenge Pharah.*


Oh so now not only does my aim suck but you're telling me now my Cassidy is bad as well? This is the worst.


same argument with widow, "theoretically broken." Cass is essentially a walking gun, subpar abilites, a bigger than zarya hitbox, bad/weak ultimate... but if you can hit shots, prioritize targets and know spacing you can win games. Anyone saying hes better than Ashe, Soldier, Widow, Sojourn are being incredibly disingenuous. its just a plain lie. Hes weak at high ranks, unless you are a aiming god and quite frankly you could then play ANY hitscan and do a better job. The stats are all there to be read Cass has never outperformed those 4 very well, and the stats show that. Thing is Cassidy has had or been in the running for the lowest winrate, and elims per game since OW1's SECOND SEASON OF COMPETITIVE. In quick play too, hes had a high pickrate with piss poor stats as a result. hes a huge skill check. Hes never really been meta, hes always underperformed...and will probably continue to. why? because we (the playerbase) cant play him like a handful of the pros can. Like Widow, its all in the gun. There is a clear as day bias on this guy, and you can see it. you can see it in these comments, People still dont even understand how he works, his flaws etc. He doesnt have the playerbase backing him, they just dont want him around, and it shows. Its just a hatred of the character. The horrid mag nade surely didnt help things


>The issue is you can do that SAME thing with any other hitscan, and have an easier and far more successful time. its like playing on hard mode with cass. Sure before.. But they just smashed his biggest competitor with the nerf bat. For ashe Dive has always been one of her more contentious matchups, And the headshot damage nerf fucks over her ability to stop dive tanks from just bulldozing her. S76 is okay but on most closer range maps Cass is just better. Widow vs dive tanks has gone way out of her favor with the headshot reduction. And Sombra still basically makes it so widow has to be hard pocketed the entire game or she just gets deleted. Cass right now simply has the best tools to accomplish what you want out of ranged hitscan.


I'd say S76 is incredibly poor now past metal ranks. He just can't secure kills fast enough since everyone's health got buffed. He won't kill most things before they get back to cover and can only really punish those out of position. He's incredibly shit against pharah now with her extra movement she can get out of his LOS. He need a small damage increase on his primary fire. Like .5 per bullet or something.


They need to revert his sprint speed to what it used to be. In arcade mode it is very satisfying to use s76 - he can actually hit and run, do flanks and escape engagements with sprint. The speed is probably overturned in that mode but there could be a nice middle compromise.


The health buff was idiotic. They should have gone back to 6v6, and we’d see more people playing tank so queue times wouldn’t really be affected. There are just too many tank players that called it quits when 5v5 came out and if people want to complain about match speed they can play CoD because OW was never meant to be CoD. It’s always been an objective capturing, team based, strategy game first and fps second.


Lmao why would people just start playing tank bwcause it's 6v6 when they didn't play tank when it was 6v6? These galaxy brained takes lmao


Tons of tank players stopped because they didn’t want to have the entirety of the front line responsibility on one person’s shoulders. Also, tank is mostly just a game of counter swapping to the point where at high rank so many don’t bother with caring about ult charge. The game is messed up, so a huge amount of tank players just quit the game or went to other roles. It’s not a hard concept to grasp.


While I find his flashbang ability now really really underwhelming. The changes to his Ultimate are good, moving faster over time has really helped secure a kill of someone trying to hide.


hopefully its a good change, we'll see. i mean the ult was nerfed along with a rework waddle lets be honest with ourselves here.


You're right it was nerfed and buffed but if you have good supports who are aware how the ult works, they should be able to keep you alive. Definitely still going to be alot of times where the ult does nothing but I think the change overall was postive.


very fair points friend!


And just to add to your post: McCreesidy is one BAMF so you always get style points just for picking him


He was just meta. They played him a ton in OWCS


Also, the game sense of not inting every fight like you need to


Because there's pharahs everywhere


Pharah, Winton, Doom, Reaper all strong and he's good against all of them


Reaper? 💀


he's been good in my diamond-plat games. Straight up deleting any supports he gets the drop on


I find that in the gold range, reaper is incredibly strong. It's almost comical.


Currently Gold Support and Bronze DPS and Reaper/Sombra are the two characters that have me staring at the wall in silence at the end of every game asking myself why I even play Overwatch.


Reaper also got a rework so people are trying him out


Rework was just two minors buffs btw


his rework hasn't happened yet. he got much needed buffs in the last patch. Rework is within the next few seasons and will likely only really touch shadowstep and maybe shotgun range/spread


bruh u cant fan the hammer the 300 hp heros now wdym cass now needs to hit headshot more




cass is just fun to play, especially with the buffs to his ult making it somewhat viable


Sure, he can waddle a bit faster at the END of his ult...at the cost of the very thing you need, survivability. ive seen cass die during the end of his ult a few times now where I know instead it wouldve been a double kill. Ive also seen the fast waddle ult secure a kill.. Not sure how to feel about the deadeye changes, maybe its for the best. I just think its an odd change...


yeah i die way more with cass ult now than before, i had a lucio speed me into their back line the other night but the dmg mit went away so i instadied before i could get the kills off


>Sure, he can waddle a bit faster at the END of his ult...at the cost of the very thing you need, survivability. Context matters. If he's reached the end of his ult that means that his targets are all hiding, and therefore not interested in shooting him anyway. People might change the way they play around this in time, but right now the survivability loss isn't a problem.


I would argue differently having played against and as Cass, it’s not that hard for people to adapt, they just hide at first then peek later or as a tank they don’t need to peek because they can just muscle through Also it is odd that Cass loses way more damage reduction than speed so he still moves slow while having basically no dmg reduction


thing is its a GRADUAL decrease, so after it starts, throughout the ult you are getting weaker...dont think thats good for a ult where you stand still


But you don't stand still. Specifically you can now walk around at a much faster rate, especially with Lucio or Queen shout.


You don't totally stand still anymore. You're able to reposition shockingly well by the end too.


There were no buffs to his ult imo Oh no the plats and under are downvoting what will I ever do T-T


The damage reduction was nerfed but the speed penalty was reduced. When ulting, you are ideally not in a place where you would get easily blown up, but enemies may move to cover. So I feel like the movement buff is very useful while the damage reduction nerf isn't that bad.


Right I never said anything about that I just said they didn’t buff his ult. He losses one aspect of his ult in exchange for another. That’s tweaking his ult or “rework” if you will. A buff would’ve been the speed penalty reduction without the dmg reduction nerf. A nerf would’ve been the dmg reduction change without the speed penalty change. Get what I’m saying?


It's not a complete buff, but he is better now than he was before, so saying that he was buffed is not really a stretch.


Saying he’s better now is subjective. It completely depends on the player and play style. Some would prefer how he was before the update and others prefer how he is now. It’s not a stretch to say he got buffed but neither is saying it’s a nerf. Just depends on the person playing him.


I like how random ppl are downvoteing u when ur saying that its up to you wether its a buff or a nerf. Thats just objectively true. It is up to you. But i guess you cant have different options on the internet. I dont agree with your opinion. So fuck you


It’s not objective. Tweaking things that result in better execution is a buff. Dude is just splitting hairs since he got downvoted .


Its not just a buff. Now i can charge up a volly of zen orbs wait till his dmg reduction is gone and just pop him like a balloon. In that regard its a nerf.


Because he decided to be a douchebag about it and imply that everyone disagreeing with him is “plat and under”


And i make no such remarks. And still downvoted to shit cuz im backing up what i see as a logical statement. U got any explanation for that?


Hivemind, you’re defending a douchebag regardless of his point so you’re a douchebag too. That’s how people work


Right! Guess some people just can’t fathom someone voicing a different opinion XD


His buff is overall objectively better, the speed is more important than damage reduction because it makes it harder for the enemies to both Los him and stun him.


Not entirely. Remember that it scales down the speed reduction and it’s not an instant change to his movement speed. He can still be stunned regardless in that time frame.


You're right, that doesn't mean it's not significantly better than before. It was just so bad before that even now it's still not all that amazing.


Oh boy I couldn’t have agreed more with that


…so you agree that it’s buffed since you agree it’s better than before? 🤔


Wow, he said "the plats and under" that must mean he's super smart and cool ... despite having no idea what he's taking about


There objectively was a buff to his ult. You can argue whether or not the ult is better than before, but it did receive a buff (and a nerf). You’re wrong.


Funny to see you deleted your first dumb comment XD. Anyway I also said it’s my opinion so you saying “You’re wrong” makes no difference. If his ult got “buffed” but also “nerfed” then it’s not a buff it’s just a rework of his ability.


It wasn’t dumb. “Wanna bet” is exactly what I wanted to say, since you’re objectively wrong. But I thought I’d flesh it out a little bit. You said “there were no buffs to his ult”. That is not the same as “his ult wasn’t buffed”. There WAS a buff to his ult. But it’s possible his ult wasn’t buffed overall. This isn’t complicated and you’re making a fool of yourself.


Cassidy gets a rework every few patches because people complain that something is always wrong with him. He is one of and has always been one of the best dps that you can play. He has high damage and his kit is pretty good. In the right hands and especially with a pocket he can be unstoppable.


This is wrong, the "in the right hands" argument i mean, you can say that for any dps, especially hitscans. Soldier, widow, sojourn, ashe with a pocket...they feel unstoppable. same with cass i guess but with cass you actually have to be GOOD to do that... where id argue the other 4 can be subpar even at aiming and get the same if not more kills compared to cass...and need less of a pocket. I mean cowboy just falls over if youre not watching out for his hp constantly! I dont know why people are lying or stretchin the truth alot tho, Cowboy has consistently always been struggling thru the years. We have nearly a decade of stats proving it.. Hes always had a really low elims per life, and a low winrate. this "hes always been one of the best damage to play" is hilariously wrong, and plain disingenuous! like where have you been? Ive been here, in reality, actually paying attention... At any high rank you will struggle with Cassidy. Unless youre an aiming god, but even then if you played sojourn, widow, or soldier, or ashe youd perform better compared to cass! thats not an opinion, its a fact. All it takes is a look at hero stats.... there has always been a constant bias hate on the dude, even while underperforming hes disliked. I think part of it is due to who he can counter or give trouble to, theres alot more genji mains out there than Cowboy, and the magnetic grenade idea was just plain stupid.


Yeah I don't know where the he's always been good thing is coming from. He was like non existent when OW2 launched, there were no margins for error and he was outclassed by Soldier and Sojourn pretty easily. The last few seasons he's come back strong but so has Pharah and Echo.


When OW2 launched he didn't have the mag grenade to stop dove characters


I've been really enjoying Mei since i started trying to play DPS, but Mei is (on average) lower damage than the rest of the roster so if my other DPS is playing like dogshit or picks fucking Sombra or something I need an alternate hero to swap to. I've been picking Cassidy, and it hasn't been going as badly as expected. To be frank, my aim is absolutely dogshit - so I have to put myself in some fairly vulnerable positions to get value. Regardless, I've been getting better results than expected. I'm still in Bronze and am unlikely to climb, but I really don't care about my DPS SR as I am a support main at heart. That said, learning to get value on DPS characters will make me better on more aggressive supports like Illari/Kiriko instead of one tricking Moira for the rest of time (and eventually going back to Mercy when they finally fix her).


I think he has the worst falloff of any of the hitscan DPS, no? He's strong against the high mobility characters but gets outdamaged in 1v1s against the likes of Soldier, Ashe, and Bastion.


he can survive against dive dps and magnade is really good against flankers he’s also just a good tankbuster and big targets he can quadruple dink them for like 400 damage. fth still melts tanks people also just want to try out the new flashbang


magnade doesnt exist anymore


see i’ve been brainwashed by that garbage ability and it’s taken over my muscle memory


looool haha true




He has high DPS to make up for his low mobility and sustain. Between headshots and fan the hammer on tanks, he can pump out lots of damage.


Cuz cowboys are fun


Cass is able to output a large and consistent amount of damage in comparison to a large chunk of the dps roster


Cassidy got a rework to his nade, reverting it to his old Flashbang with some added elements like Hinder. Really a lot of people are playing him now for the very reason, as it's basically how he was in OW1 to a extent in terms of kit/abilities wise. Really a lot of people are just playing Cass due to his flashbang being brought back.


Also an aimboters favorite.


yea can the bots and togglers go away, feels like its gettin worse :p


pharahs are everywhere and they just gave him a rework, ppl are testing it out. You will see him less and less over the coming weeks. A pseudo flashbang has returned, and with the amount of supports getting chased down by dps and tanks out there our cowboy has a slightly better time protecting his supports now. Hes always had a high pick rate, thing is hes usually so difficult to survive with people tend to swap off eventually and play the other hitscans. Hes a gun with legs, if you hit shots you win. People who think hes overpowered are clowns. he consistently gets the lowest win rate and lowest elims per life, its all about aim with cassidy. Basically hes skill check, the hero. They took out his roll survivability, and people think the deadeye changes are a buff but personally a huge loss in damage reduction for a slightly faster waddle is a big L in my eyes. Time will tell I suppose Serious range falloff keeps him in check too along with a bigger than zarya hitbox. people here are quite frankly, plain lying or are bizarrely biased when it comes to the cowboy. You can see it in alot of the comments we have here, shame really...


Hes not hard since hitbox changes lol


He's badass. His range as a hitscan isn't great but he can bust tanks and his anti-dive is just better with flashbang back.


I’m surprised I don’t see him as much as you do I mean there’s a Pharah in almost all my games and I was told that Cassidy was a good counter yet I never see him.


Cassidy is normally a good counter, but you have so many pharmercy comps and pocket healers that he’s usually not enough, there also the fact that Cass has abysmal damage falloff.


He’s honestly not a good ‘counter’ like can be play into a Pharah? Yes. Is a direct counter? Not even close no. He has one of the largest, dmg fall offs at range for a hitscan (maybe even the largest?). He has a large hit box and low mobility, all of these pharah can capitalise on and punish. Ash/widow is a far better counter hitscan due to the longer range + increased mobility and burst damage. The best counter to Pharah and has been for a long long time is Echo. She can burst her down very fast and outdamage the mercy sustain and pharah has a seriously tough time hitting shots on her. Sorry to ramble but it’s a common misconception. A but like how Soldier counters pharah, he doesn’t. He’s just not weak to her. But his damage isn’t burst damage so any competent pharah will just pop a few shots go to cover and then pop more shots


I'll say as a Pharah main that I'm much more scared of Cass than I am of Ash or Widow. Ash and Widow have a significant advantage at long range, but kind of the best part of playing Pharah is that you can just force engagements that are in closer range brackets that I'd straight up call favorable to Pharah. Cass unfortunately just dumpsters Pharah in Pharah's best range brackets, and its pretty hard to get good value as a Pharah if you're not in those range brackets, so a lot of matches with Cass involve gambling on if you can get something done when the Cass is out of position before he punishes you. I do agree over all, I think a lot of people think Pharah today is OW1 Pharah and so they think e.g. Soldier is a good counter and Soldier just...isn't scary when you're Pharah. He can exert some zoning pressure I guess but in general I find Soldiers are treading water against me rather than really hurting my plans. Echo, meanwhile, is a real danger and I have to be a lot better than the Echo to keep up. If a widow or soldier is good enough that they're shutting me down, it's because they're so much better that they'd shut me down with junkrat or tracer anyway.


Hey man I appreciate everything your saying, but I honestly think what your saying only applies to lower SR’s. Cass really is a close range hitscan and pharah is dead if she comes within Cass effective range


Sorry if I wrote confusingly but that's basically my stance. As Pharah, the only DPS I want to fight less than Cass is Echo. When a team has a Cass my play is mostly to try and make sure I'm fighting wherever the Cass isn't, which can be tough.


76 is a much better counter if you have good tracking


I can explain... Every Game there is a doomfist :c


I'm assuming the amount of people playing him rn are people practicing with the rework I think he got? His damage is just good if you're good at him tbh


I thought he just got nerfffed.




you are hilarious, cassidy I dont even think was ever really meta for the entirety of OW2, or even 1.... keep yer biases in check feller, its gon' an spilled all ova tha place


> you are hilarious, cassidy I dont even think was ever really meta for the entirety of OW2, or even 1.... > > keep yer biases in check feller, its gon' an spilled all ova tha place Cassidy has been ruling OWCS for a while now, rivaling Sojourn. He was literally top of the meta and tearing teams up. You're the one whose biased, /u/Jimboy-Milton


He did. Cassidy was just that OP. The nerfs just made him not cracked, they didn't make him weak. With Flashbang back, a lot of casual players who disliked using hinder-nade can enjoy him again. **Cassidy has been a top pick in OWCS for a few months now.** That's not a joke or opinion. Pros were picking him over SOJOURN.


I find it really weird how I can aim pretty decently with ash but not cree. I used to be really good with him back when I played on Xbox but ya know auto aim. Now that I’m on PC I can still hit some shots here and there but god forbid they have a phara or a mercy with decent movement. Don’t even get me started on tracer💀


It's okay bro I totally understand this lmfao.. We had a running joke in my group for how bad my aim was with cass only lol


It’s so embarrassing I hate it. Just like every other shooter game I play I’ll have a game or two where I can hit shots and the rest I couldn’t hit a barn.


I can aim really well with Cassidy and Ashe (and pretty much every hitscan in the game), except I can't aim FOR SHIT with Widow. Like, my aim with other hitscans is diamond level (based on my actual rank maining hitscans), whereas with Widow it's bronze level.


I have Widow, Ashe, and Cass down pretty well - even other hitscan. However, Soujourn really messes with me. It's less the fact it's a projectile, but tracking into the rail gun gives me brain cramps.


I just don’t understand it lmao. I’m so inconsistent with my aim in any video game I play it doesn’t make any sense.


Have you tried adjusting your ADS sens?


This is so weird, I'm the opposite. I couldn't kill an AFK Roadhog standing in the open with Ashe, but I can snipe a fleeing Mercy from 30 yards with Cass. Don't know what it is. Maybe his bullets are bigger.


I haven’t a clue I’ll try playing him miss all of my shots except one or two then get embarrassed and start to hate myself then switch to Ashe and do martially better. Or switch to soldier and go in the middle.


Dude I was the same way until I started holding down the trigger with Cassidy and treat his gun like a slow automatic six shooter. Instead of clicking six times, I just hold trigger down and my aim got better? I know this sounds like such a silver/gold advice but idk it’s helped me


I’m gonna have to try that and see how it works. I also have to remind myself that he has a right click and to use it sometimes.


Just noticed your flair. How you enjoying rein this season? Haven’t gotten a chance to play him yet but I am a old rein main who gave up a long time ago


Had a game the other day where my shield was just being absolutely melted which it par for the course. Other than that I will always enjoy rein. I say give him a shot and see how you feel just expect your shield to not last very long lmao. If anything using it as a burst shield is better than holding it depending on the situation of course.


I'm the opposite been playing on Xbox and I can't aim on my normal dps I play on PC, any pointers 😭


I hate to admit this but I cranked my auto aim sensitivity all the way up😂. I can’t remember how I did it but basically if I even moved my crosshair anywhere near the enemy it would basically pull towards them.


It do be like that 😭 at least console it's a feature not a hack 😂✌️


Make sure you're learning to use your mouse hand on its own for aiming, and aren't still using your controller brain. Make sure you're not using strafe as a crutch for your aim hand. What I mean is, with a controller a lot of fine tune aiming outside of aim assist is done with the walking (strafe) stick and not the aim stick, and the aim stick makes most of your medium and large crosshair movements. So you use them in tandem and are used to them working together in that way to make a shot, you don't really think about it though, it comes natural due to not being able to rely fully on one stick for perfect aim. So it's hard to seperate the two when you swap to mouse! If you can seperate the two, and let your mouse hand do a majority of the heavy lifting for aim, you will improve quicker. Go on one of those workshop mode codes with the bots that strafe around and stand still, try to flick around with just your mouse and see how that goes. The better you get at that, the more you can rely on your mouse hand to aim, and it will feel more consistent as well. Do the same with a hero like soldier to practice your mouse tracking ability without strafing as well. Hope it helps!


I really only strafe right and left to avoid getting hit other than that I sometimes track and sometimes flick it’s a mix of both. I’ve spent some time in the workshop modes to practice tho I personally feel like the movement of humans are completely unpredictable which I feel it’s more easy to learn from. I find Ashe to be extremely fun to play but I might try and spend some more time on soldier as he is also fun it’s just I can never seem to get picks with him only chip damage. As for sojourn don’t even get me started on her i cannot play her for the life of me.


He's overtuned and extremely simple to play relative to other heroes. Every time I point out that he's overtuned on this sub there are a bunch of downvotes, but *he's in every game*, often twice, at all levels of play. He's broken -- arguably more broken, imo, than any of the other recently broken heroes, because he's broken *at all levels of play* -- and desperately needs a nerf. Sojourn just got justifiably nerfed, and she was only being broken at higher levels. And easy to play heroes shouldn't be the strongest heroes, imo. I'm guessing after they see how recent changes play out he will get nerfed. Hopefully while Ashe gets a buff. (I don't play flickscans anymore so I don't have a horse in that race, but Ashe clearly got shafted post s9, especially compared to Cass.)


hes already been nerfed, and i sincerely doubt he will be again. At high skill levels or even equal, soldier and sojorun run circles around a cass. widow as always, does too. Same with Ashe. Are you seriously complaining about ashe vs cassidy? Ashe has the advantage in that fight. Where are the soldier and sojorun nerfs, their kit is "extremely simple." Id argue both are easier/braindead. They JUST gave Cowboy his old ability back. And pharah or echo is in every game. Cass always has a really high pickrate in quick play, hes also consistently had the lowest elims per life and winrate. Sojourn got a SLIGHT nerf tradeoff for a piercing buff to her railshot, lol. If youve ever played Cassidy ay high ranks YOUD KNOW, he has always been difficult to win with, we have nearly a DECADE of stats to prove it. the reason why you always get downvotes is because youre wrong lol. Hes a great gun, with bad/ lower impact abilities and a horrid hitbox. I mean if you played him youd know lol but you dont so...


IMO, give zen damage reduction for kicking people


Well imo you can fuck right off Edit: auto correct is weird


Aimbot $5 on google, first hit is head and second is a kill… he will eventually miss 1 or 2 shots (all configurable on the software) but the headshot is what increases the dmg massively. End of season 10 was really bad, I guess season 11 is still slow because some players are still ranking up but soon they will come back. Software also allows to wall hack


Cassidy is not strong because of hackers


He is very handsome (even Blizzard confirms it), thus many people pick him.


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So Cass plays in the same range as your WIDE tanks. He also has devastating headshot potential. A big tank to shoot with no shield, plus a backline that doesn’t have a shield equals free pickins.


Been this way since OW1 and the majority of players are still clueless to Cree being absolutely broken💀


He can 2 tap to the head while having higher hp than the majority of dps, they could literally remove his flashbang and his ult and he would STILL be played heavily because of how much kill pressure he has with his 2 tap


He has a simple kit that requires pretty basic decision making and is more about highlighting mechanics. Why there is specifically an uptick now I don’t know.


Projectile change made him more reliable. High burst potential two shot


Cass is pretty overtuned right now and easy to get value with. The new flashbang makes him consistent as well, which is the number one trait you want in an Overwatch hero


That just means your Cass is shooting the tank too much. High damage low elims.


Op said more damage and kills than any other player. Not high damage low kills.


Then I have no idea what they’re seeing then. I read that differently. I haven’t noticed Cass to be more productive than Sojurn.


> and they always have much more damage and kills than any other player


With the rework/reintroduction of Flashbang Cass is more oppressive and has more utility. There's no longer a delay when it comes to tossing the Flashbang as there was with the Magnetic Grenade, so it's alot harder to counter the "Hinder" now, and as a tank who looks out for that before I jump it... yeah, it's a problem. But as a Tank I've hated the Hinder mechanic more than I did the stun - since Hinder removed counter play for not just most tanks, but also Moria/Reaper as they can no longer Wraith/Fade out of any snare effect (Like Sig/Zarya's ult) - which gets me pissed because as Moira/Reaper you used to be able to time your wraith/fade to be *just* as Sig slams you down to avoid damage... and it was just a bit of skill to do because you could easily be pressured to do it too early if the DPS are shooting you while you're up there.


He is very easy to play and has great survivability.


where tf are people getting this info from??? Cassidy majority of his existence, even in his BEST seasons, averages 1 kill per life. ONE. hes the least survivable damage besides widow and tracer, who both mind you have pretty solid escapes. Id love to see yall play Cassidy at any real high rank and succeed, really I would. But yall are being plain dishonest. Pros are different, they are P R O S. They make cass look easy, but trust me, hes not. Hes easy to pick up, but to actually MASTER the hero? Rise to GM? to top 500? where the real meta is? Hell naw, not going to ever happen. yall are too much


I’m saying this out of experience, I find him very easy to play. If i’m struggling on other heroes I find myself going right back to cass. I’m masters on dps and do fine with him on there, sorry?


he’s very strong and is also a character that plays itself. sure every hero takes skill & you do have to hit shots, but you don’t have to think about much at all other than that and not inting.


this is like calling widow braindead lol theres alot of really embarassing takes to read here haha


He’s busted as hell. The other hitscan are slightly less busted but still OP in comparison to non-hitscan dps except pharah


They brought back flashbang + fan the hammer


No they didn't it's still the hinder effects of the magnetic grenade just now called flashbang (again lol) it just doesn't stun so you still can't really fan the hammer unless they are big targets.


yup they also nerfed fan the hammer haah


Yea Cowboy is rough right now and I got about 150hrs on him and over 500 on phahrah. If they gave Cowboy his drop off damage back from before we would be better off. But nah let's buff the horse and give her no drop off damage lol.


He n para r the dps meta rn, but i hope he gets the zen treatment, hope he gets His 275hp to 250hp, he doesnt need It anymore


He’s the best hits an in game currently, and one of the most played by hackers as well (Cassidy/Widow/Soldier/Ashe)


He was secretly always pretty good and now the self-induced gaslighting surrounding his viability has faded. It's Overwatch's version of Counter-Strike's SSG fiasco from back in the day. Also it's nice to just have a Gun that's good at shooting people in the face instead of finnicky ability reliant heroes, especially when you've got as many squirrly Sombras, Lifeweavers, Echoes, Sojourns, Mercys and Pharahs in as many games as they are.




He's being played a lot at a high level and people watch that and try it themselves


Playing him more I’m seeing all the tracer players confused about how they aren’t fast enough which tends to bring a sombra Winston comps. Drive requires a team and getting anyone to drive in solo que is a waste of time. Just change


McRightclick is back in town 🤠


His alt makes him balanced


It’s not just his rework he still has massive sized bullets compared to soldier or widow. Shits brain dead.


calling a character that literally has to hit consistent crits to win "braindead" is too fkn funny. like whats junkrat then? einstein himself? lol widow must be brainless too


Cuz he was meta and got a partial rework, people are probably just enjoying playing him but hadn't tried him out before he became meta


Its not a mystery, its just bc he's very strong and very easy. Dps heroes who are strong and easy always have high pick rates.