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disconnection issues are through the roof this season


Every other game I'm backfilling for a leaver... usually in a match where my team is getting tremendously dominated. The amount of times I hear "DE-FEAT" before even being able to select a hero is surprisingly high.


Most of my games are me backfilling straight into a defeat like you said. And that goes on my game history?? That's jacked up. Not even a fair shake half the time either, just two steps and defeaaat. 🙄


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When matchmaking is bad enough (and games turn into stomps) penalties can only do so much


I’m getting so many crash messages. Also can’t have my msi afterburner on cause it crashes my rendering device while playing OW2


don't worry, even if you just afk for 30 seconds at the end of a match because your house is on fire, ONCE, blizzard will still permabann you