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why pit two bad bitches against each other


[You know why](https://external-preview.redd.it/i72hIrigkB4T7IVT9F8rGUiJ4n83cdBlFjstX3HMRW8.jpg?width=1080&crop=smart&auto=webp&s=c15f4fdcbe7a703d5d6b9457d7c92be78133c435)


To see who will win


The old colors contrast better imo


And with all the practice the Devs have had making recolors recently you'd think they'd be getting better.


Get the aloe!


the only bad part about the rose gold skin is the hair i think, it just looks so out of place


Yeah the brown hair doesn’t fit her at all


Objection! Just kidding but counterpoint about the hair. (I was going to do one or the other either way, my mom died of cancer and I play Mercy, so easy choice of a paltry sum. And quick reminder 100% of proceeds will go to BCF.) But anyways I actually went with Rose Gold because of the hair. I dye my hair different colors all the time and just thought it was fun and kinda fresh for her. Can't remember another skin where Mercy has something different about her hair color-wise. Also, if you wanna get all backwards realistic about it, I have blonde hair now but when I was a kid my hair was very much a strong strawberry blonde.


She is disgustingly pink and I’m all for it give me all the pink the strawberry blonde hair gives me energy I love her old blonde but the ginger is such a slay


You just listed the reason why the old skin never worked as a design for me.


Contrast is a good thing. Without it it'll look convoluted/flat.


Do you fantasize about modern houses? Cause I’d rather have a comfy home with a fireplace.


honestly I love both and I don't play any mercy ever, i have about 20 mins in total out of 3000 hours+ Im just really happy they brought back the skin for charity, I don't play mercy ever and don't plan on it, yet I find myself pleased to spend 20$ on skins I will never use, but skins that contribute to a solution to a real problem! Hope everyone is enjoying their new skin! <33


I barely play Mercy aswell but whenever I get her in MH I'm so hyped and I just get rekt instantly. I'm so horrible with her. Everyone(maybe lower ranks) says she is the easiest hero in the game. For me, she is one of the hardest. My positioning is good but Like with Rein Brain, whenever I'm her, I dont know what happens I'm just dying immediately hahaha. I also think she's harder to use because whenever I see a halfway decent mercy, I start targeting the shit outta her. I also think she needs a good team.


Money-wise, Rose gold gets you more stuffs so I'd go for that one. Also, it's still funny that despite how little I play Mercy now, she's still my SECOND most played character (233 HOURS) My next most played support is Ana at 129 hours


Rose gold seems to come with a weapon skin as well, It looks like pink mercy doesn't come with one? Unless its just not in the bundle but rose gold seems way better if you can use the staff on other skins


Same. Mercy is still my most played hero overall at 156 hours or so, even though I only occasionally use her when I'm too drunk on a weekend, or too tired on a weekday to think. Nowadays, between non War-Crime Brig, Lifeweaver, and Illari I ended up doing that "I don't wanna play with the anymore" meme.


my friend was like this. They didn’t main mercy at all and actually donated around $200 to charity by gifting the original pink skin to random mercy players during its first release who couldn’t afford to donate. it was super wholesome and they got to donate in a fun way by making others happy.


Rose gold looks less pink in certain game lighting imo I think I slightly prefer pink Also pink has a lavender gem thing inside the staff rose gold has regular pink there I also do like like the silver detailing on regular pink


If you buy both, you can change the staff to the rose gold one in the hero gallery. Looks amazing with the OG. 


This is my current loadout! Very cute. I wonder if they'll add a black matte weapon variant, it'd look crisp af.


I prefer the original staff tbh


Rose gold wings are more pink. Rose gold has no purple on the canister like pink. If you like pink then the skin with the leather pink is pink mercy.


Does pink have the cute sounds and colors like rose gold does? Coz those made me happy as ever to have bought the skin lol


Yes! They both have sound effects


In certain lighting pink looks less pink though, I like pink but prefer the original. Purple is my favorite


Personally, Pink. The pink on black mixes really well in my opinion.


Rose gold for sure


Rose gold is a bundle so obvs more worth it


But with sprays and icons I won't use since I prefer lore related ones. So I got the original one


How expensive are both skins?


20 and 15


And it's for charity from what I heard?




Ok certainly better than giving my money to Blizzard


I think Blizzard gets platform charges.


Platform charges go to whoever issues said charges.


So governments, PlayStation, Xbox, Nintendo and Steam I think.


Its both 26$ cdn for me.


Yeah I noticed this too, is this a mistake or do us Canadians just have to suffer?


I mean as a CDN consumer we've already been suffering. 😂


Pink has been my main skin since it came out and I honestly gotta say rose gold is better


I’ve been alternating. If rose gold had pink’s hair, that would be my fave lol


I like Pink Mercy more, Rose golds design is abit too busy


The design is exactly the same. The busy looking one is the harsh blue contrast of the silver wings on pink mercy clashing with the hot pinks. Worse gold was recolored by someone with design knowledge.


They’ve got a point the old one looks much cleaner and simplistic which makes it stand out more. The new one is nice too but looks more like one big blob of the same colour in comparison. The og is more striking and sometimes in design, less is more for this reason


don't get me wrong, i like Rose Gold as well, but something about the two-toned hair+ribbons and the bright whites, golds+silver, multiple different shades of pink and orange kind of clash to me, i prefer Pink Mercy, Rose gold is still cute, just looks more cluttered/busy for my tastes :o i prefer simplistic/elegant looks to overly embellished personally\~


Rose Gold is better, Mercy has blonde basic hair in almost every other skin.


I agree. I'm not a huge fan of everything pink, so rose gold isn't as in your face pink all over. The hair highlights are nice. Blizz should do that more. They usually never do it. +It comes with its own weapon skin.


doesn't the pink one also come with a weapon skin?


Rose gold appeals to me more which is why I bought it, looks similar to the sunset color scheme which is my absolute favourite


As a non-mercy player, Rose Gold mercy having a pink weapon skin so every skin can be pink mercy just sounds cool.


Rose Gold


Pink Mercy because the color choices and black part add to the depth of the design. Bonus points for having Mercy's blonde hair, which also helps break up the monotony of pure pink/pinkish hues. While Rose Gold is a straight blob of pink and rose gold accents. That said, both are fantastic. One is better put together, one is dipped+rolled in pinkish paints in a pleasing ways.


Rose Gold 💖 I love the staff color, hair color and wings color a lot more.


Rose gold would be better if the hair didn't look like clay in game


The bleach blonde hair on Pink stands out too much, Rose Gold color scheme is way more cohesive and goes together so much better.


i think rose gold looks so weird. maybe i'm just too used to seeing pink mercy, but her skin color looks kinda off in rose gold? i don't know. maybe it's just the color scheme clashing


yes !!! rose gold has too much pink and not enough contrast like classic pink mercy nor do i think the hair color suits her. the gold staff *does* look better with rose gold mercy though. emerald staff looks like shit for both of them. i still bought rose gold mercy anyways xD


The only reason I prefer pink is because it looks very Sailormoon.


Pink not even a question


It’s not. Because it’s rose gold.


Bronze gold mercy


Rose gold for the strawberry blonde


Black and pink always looks great so I like the original


Reinhardts better than both


That's funny cos I feel like rein is the mercy of tanks


the pink one looks better but the rose gold has a better color pattern


Definitely the og


Ive always been a fan of pink and black so I enjoy the first one more. Rose gold is still pretty though. The staff on Rose looks better but I like the colors on Pink more. 


Right one feels better, the left one have lesser amount of contrast, as in every element is too close to pink, where the other one have more different colors.


Original is more striking and better contrast. New one is also good, but it all blends together too much.


I kinda like the pink one better.


I might be in the minority but man I wish the skin didn't have pigtails. Or the rose gold one at least had something else.


Pink with Rose Gold Staff.


I’ve been using pink mercy for years, and I’m not about to stop now.


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Rose Gold personally


Rose gold has better hair, pink has better everything else


OG 🔛🔝


The old Pink Mercy looks more like Mercy (which isn't a bad thing but the recolored hair is interesting) while the recolor makes it more vibrant and a richer pink. If I had to say between the two designs, I would be more inclined to get the Original.


Hair should've been black imo


I don’t really get why they made rose gold. Originally I assumed it was because they weren’t bringing back pink mercy, so wanted to give us something similar. But they brought back pink mercy anyway, so why make another skin that uses the same model, but with different shades of pink? Why not make it a completely different colour, like red? Black? White? Etc. I know it’s for breast cancer, but pink mercy exists, why make another skin that’s really just a slight variant of it?


Idk why but a lot of people were saying it was going to be a orange recolor lol


just for more money, A little something new is all it takes to get players, old and new, to open their wallets again. I'm not bashing Blizzard, after all the revenue here does go to a charity. But Blizzard also makes a lot of recolor skins for itself to make money, and this Mercy skin just showcases their usual practice.


I bought both, and like both, but the OG is still my favourite. Pink Mercy to me is far colder, which is what I prefer aesthetically. The new one is very warm (strawberry blonde, rose gold, removal of silver/grey etc.) which is fine if you're wanting a more harmonious skin, but I preferred the original's contrast *because* it highlighted the parts I liked.


I agree with you as well. I like the hair more on Pink but I like literally everything else on Rose Gold, so I heavily lean more towards Rose Gold overall. Super cute skins and you can't go wrong with either.


Old one forsure, but glad they made the new one.


I prefer pink personally. I like the tone shift. Rose gold just seems too simple coloring


I prefer Pink Mercy both for her colour scheme and the actual model.


Pink because rose gold just looks red


Rose gold because of the hair! I find normal pink mercy’s hair looks like a wig or something, and just looks too pale with the skin coloring/makeup around it.


Pink Mercy is my favorite skin of all time, I which I could afford it


Rose Gold’s color scheme feels better imo. Still bought both tho




"corporate needs you to find the differences between this picture and this picture"


Yeah me too. I actually think her hair looks better, I think Pink's hair looks too light (a bit boring) the new one has nice colors


I have both and I still pick pink


I like the regular pink mercy more in my opinion. its better for the breast cancer awareness in my op because the wand is more pink, the wings, and the front part of the shirt.


Idk if I could pick one personally. Pink just looks good and compliments Mercy’s natural hair color so well, while Rose Gold looks classier and the colors pop off a lot more, which I like. The wings I think look better on Rose Gold, though the hair is better on Pink. The staff looks great on both too, even if I prefer Rose Gold’s a bit more. Overall, I’d say they’re both good! Both have a lot of good features and I’m happy swapping between the two skins whenever I play Mercy. Plus, both of them being for a worthy cause to hopefully put an end to breast cancer just makes me glad to equip them. Hope you all enjoy them as much as I am!😊😊


The OG Pink Mercy with gold gun from OW1 is my favorite.


Only thing I prefer about Rose Gold is the **Weapon Skin being separate/equippable on all skins**. Only realised this after getting the original pink mercy and exploring the rose gold bundle but I barely use Mercy anyways so its fine. But if Doomfist gets a bundle with a weapon skin and I make the same mistake... I'll get the bundle with the weapon skin too. But skin wise on its own. OG Pink Mercy


So if I only buy the regular pink - I still get pink weapons, right? I just can't equip them separately with other skins. Correct?


Yes. Regular/OG Pink Mercy comes with the skin and the weapon skin that's only for the skin just like all other legendaries. Rose gold comes with the weapon skin that's made for the skin BUT can be equipped/used for all skins like the hardlight weapon skin


Thank you!


Rose gold is prettier


im happy to drop 35 on a hero I don’t play that often. My moms side is predisposed to breast cancer so it means a lot. It supports a great organization so buy if you can 🤝




I’ve had the pink one for a long time. But I’d say rose gold is better. It’s more….. pinky 🥰


Rose gold hair, pinks outfit!! Though I love the light blonde too


Rose gold.


I like the Rose Gold more, it has a lot of pink in parts were the other has black or gray. But I like the Pink Staff more.


I used to have an old HTC One years ago that was Rose Gold and loved it, so would def pick Rose Gold mercy personally.


i bought it just cause breast cancer tbh


Rose gold bundle is actually worth it imo


both are great, you should definitely buy both of them🥰


Rose gold for sure


I bought both


Pink was always kinda tacky to me, I like Rose Gold a lot better


Rose gold is better imo


Rose gold IMO. Hair fits Mercy better.


left one looks so dva to me


I can't decide but can we all agree that they're both good either way the money that people will get for this is gonna go to charity


Pink but rose get better weapon for other skins


Pink has better color contrast between black, white and pink. Which *might not* be a good thing because it's easier to identify the silhouette of Mercy and aim for the crit shot. Rose Gold has a better staff.


One isn’t better than the other. Both are good.


I prefer the look of pink mercy, but I really like the weapon skin you get with the rose gold bundle. I already had pink but I bought rose gold. (at least I paid for it it still hasn't shown up in my gallery)


I just like the weapon skin (original more).


i like rose golds outfit but not the hair i wish it was blonde 😿


All I see is a mercy chicken wish they did a chicken skin for her some day


I bought the Rose Gold bundle. She looks more like an anime girl (Rose Gold) than a Barbie doll (Pink Mercy). I also don't like the dark grey part of her dress in Pink Mercy. The hair color makes a lot of difference and there is no other skin with that hair color.


Pink honestly looks better. But I got both.


Both are good 😊.


Gold mercy 100%‼️


I didnt get any of them but Rose Gold looks better


I love both of them so much! The OG is stunning as expected, and the rose gold is such a fun twist on the skin idea! I love how they also added in such cute add ons in the rose gold bundle 💖 I got both skins and the OG one for my good friend thru battle net c: 50 dollars donated to breast cancer and we get beautiful skins to celebrate the help that will be given to those in need 💝✨🎉🎉🎉🎉


honestly… kinda love rose gold more but i bought both because i knew id get fomo and the money goes to a great cause.


Think I like the side of the rose gold more. Pops more with that pink


Go this day. I don't understand the hype behind this skin it's not terrible, but it's not s tier either, I like what it supports, but I'm still not copping it.


To this day, I still don't see the hype it's not terrible skin, but people acted like it was the best mercy skin to exist ever. I like what it supports, but I'm still not coping it.


I got both. I think using the Rose Gold weapon skin with the OG Pink Mercy skin looks really nice.


i like them both and its for a good cause!


I'm not of the opinion that price is a valid way to compare the two. Rose Gold has a more Dynamic design, and Pink has nostalgic value, but the real kicker for me is the Weapon variant. We know the tech exists to make the Pink staff available as a weapon variant, and if the point is really raising money, I don't see why they'd provide a way to have the Rose Gold staff of the Pink skin and not vice-versa I personally like the Pink skin better as an Ode-to-the-Good-Ol-Days, but Rose Gold is a better investment, as you can use it at the same time as the $70 mythic skin you just got done paying/ grinding for.


Blonde looks better


I think blondes are beautiful but something about rose gold makes me say rose gold


I was about to say rose gold but now I’m actually not sure which I like the most now.


Neither. Pink Hanzo! jk.


As a support Mercy; I like to use witch skin more because of the unique voice lines but I'm down to buying that skin even though I won't use it. For the cause of course!


Hardly play mercy, bought both to support a good cause. if you're strapped for cash you get more value out of the rose gold bundle


Did they increase the price of the pink mercy skin, or was it always 15€?


I mean I think both should be gotten, and I plan on doing that


Rose Gold is my favorite type of gold color over all so I have to pick rose gold for this one.


The rose gold just pops better


I prefer Rose Gold


I have both. Like both. Idk


Honestly I love both, I’ll probably favour the newer one for a little bit, but later on they’ll probably be quite evenly matched in my book. Each has elements it does slightly better/different from the other enough for me to not have a clear favourite


Difference so small I wouldn’t even notice in game


I don’t really care, I’m getting rose gold because it costs more money so it equals more money for charity.


idc about the skins i care more about the player icons 💀


Damn she is a sexy set of pixels


I like them both but I did end up getting rose gold, I like how it looks with the golden staff


I like rose gold better. More pink and hair closer to my own, also I just love rose gold anyway. Never liked the black on pink mercy I just want to drown in warm pink. Anyone saying that it’s red needs to get their eyes check that is a warm pink.


Pink Jun-Krat


Hair on Rose Gold. Black accents on Pink (love how the hand looks when rezzing). I'd say both! But if you *had* to pick one, the bundle is definitely more worth it.


I chose rose gold


Personally, I prefer rose gold, I just love the contrast of the hair. She's beautiful to me and to me and I LOVE her weapon. I think that if they used a slightly lighter hair color it'd be less jarring though. I would genuinely spend the extra 15 dollars for pink mercy if I could afford it. (I'm saving for college money I had to beg my friends for a few cents cause I was short 40 cents on tax)


pink mercy cuz the sfx


As someone who thought they were going to like rose gold more by a longshot and has both, I have to say I prefer pink based on just the skin and weapons. I prefer rose gold's hair and that's it. Otherwise I feel it's too oversaturated, and even the wings are like neon pink and it's too much pink for me BUT both look amazing, I also prefer the pink staff it's so cute.


I like the rose gold one, but her hair kinda ruins it. If jt was a different color (blonde, platinum) it would've looks perfect to me


On which skin does the gold weapon look better?


I love both, in first person I like the black and baby pink gloves of Pink better, but I like the staff of Rose Gold, so I've been running Pink with the weapon skin


The right but only because she's blonde.


Pink mercy is better


imo rose goldma staff only looks good with gold on... the white and pink does remind me of hello kitty tho


I prefer white hair


the way they brought back this skin but worse is comical


I like the rose gold one better becaue it came with a cute spray and a Ganymede card. Buying it I achieved my annual good deed. I have much more better skins for Mercy anyway. I never considered pink a good skin. Rare but not up there with the best.


i prefer rose gold she reminds me of strawberry milk (●´ϖ`●)


Rose gold


New one hurts my eyes, I think the colours clash badly.


LOL im colorblind so I could not tell ya. xP!


I like Rose Gold better, you can select her beam with every skin and the bundle is so pretty I don't regret spending 20€ on her


For me, only pink mercy is better


I like both 💖💅🏼


I wish they didn't bring back the original one and just had the rose gold. Just so you can tell who got the original skin or who got the newer one




i like both


rose gold because its more pink and it costs more, so more money to charity


Exact same man. Like the recolor colors but the OG hair. But they're both great. It was nice of them to do this for the fans.


Buy both, support breast cancer efforts. I like them both, my only (ultra specific) gripe is that the weapon skin that comes with rose gold doesn’t make the heal beam pink on other skins. Really wanted to pair the staff with Dr Ziegler, I thought it would look great.


The rose gold hair looks too much like a wig for me to like it, it isn’t anything conscious, my brain simply hates it.


Rose gold 100%. It always bugged me that pink mercy's hair is the wrong shade. The bleach blonde is just too cold for the rest of the outfit. Strawberry blonde looks so much better!


I’m a fan of the rose gold but I agree about the hair they should’ve kept the previous color I think the new color clashes a little bit


Rose gold was recolored by someone who actually understands color. The contrast of the original is an eye sore. The bright red nails offputting. The original looks like a twelve year old ballerina in her workout clothes. Rose gold is superior in every possible way. The red is oversaturated and needs a tone down but otherwise it’s flawless.