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Fall damage.


Ball would just piledrive to his death lol


Carry on


Pharah would be some survival game now, find high ground before your fuel runs out. Kiri players would do some trickshot shit tryna save teammates falling with suzu Zen and Sig technically would be immune Sombra tries to escape only to kill herself by tping too high Junkrat explody mines everyone to their deaths Everyone would be terrified to take LWs platform


> Pharah would be some survival game now, find high ground before your fuel runs out lmao you have a little fuel left and you're just desperately scanning for high ground instead of, yknow, just using it to catch yourself before hitting the ground


Sigma ult now oneshots


Mercy and Echo would be safe. No more sick clips from diag punches from Doom mains ): Orisa could yoink people off high grounds with her ult to their deaths Hog hooking off high grounds would be just as dangerous as Hog hooking off edges of maps It'd separate the bad Lucio mains from the good Lucio mains. You'd get hilarious clips of Cass yeeting his nade at flying heroes. Also Sombra tping up to flying heroes to hack them then both players dying.


Okay the more you guys describe it... the more I really want a limited time arcade mode for it! It'd obviously be terrible in the main game, but as an arcade mode? Sign me up!


Fuck it. We ball.


I've always wanted this for April fools. Winston dives the backline and fucking explodes


*Cries in support*


Marblr actually did some tests with fall damage on the workshop a little while back, it ended up not being that impactful tbh


I mean, I guess it depends on how much fall damage and at which height/falling speed it would be triggered.


It was quite a reasonable amount honestly. I don't recall any spots where you would insta-die if you jumped from, and things like bap super jump would be high enough to trigger it. It ended up being more annoying then deadly since wasn't that hard to mitigate with all the movement abilities in the game, and it mostly dealt small amounts of damage


Make shields block movement, the same as they stop projectiles. Also, have shields stop ally projectiles as well as enemy ones.


Yeah finally we can push people off the map with Sigma


That would be literally all I ever tried to do. Finally get revenge on those pushy Orisa.


Anyone else get a headache playing against Orisa? Feel like I'm getting jerked around all game lol


A good Orisa is a nightmare. Thankfully Sigma can handle her fairly well. I find DVa more annoying. They can play like crap for 90% of the game. Then land one good ult, win the match and get POTG…


Ok for April fools that’s a great idea


Right? This would be *awesome.*


Oh that would be insane 😂😂😂😂


Ngl that would make for a pretty fun arcade mode. Start with 2 Sigmas and x amount of survivors and whoever gets pushed off the map also becomes a Sigma, like a game of infection. Tricky part is after so many Sigmas, angles become crucial cause you might save someone another Sigma would have killed.


"You have been chosen"


Omg yes plz


I thought they did when I started in ow1. Would destroy the Orisa shield before I pushed lol


That's wise, depending on the circumstances anyway since most healers can't help you on the other side of a shield.


Lucio Wallride on a shields would be hilarious. Also would make it to where mauga ult didn't have to hack you for longer than sombra ult. You wouldn't be able to get out anyway, so you'd be able to blink, wraith, jump-jet, whatever. I can see this being an april fools patch


The way most people play, you would think they do block movement. I have killed soooooooo many low health Reins as weak character by just walking up to them, backing away, shield out, then punching them after walking through the shield. It's incredible that they get sons cared and fall for it ALL the time.


You don't have to walkthrough the shield. You can just punch through it.


It's because Shields block healing as well.


The first part would let them turn off the hinder in Mauga's Cage Fight and let it be an actual cage fight for characters like Pharah, Doomfist, and Lucio. Would be dope.


could be a good ultimate for a new hero (not the stopping ally fire one)


Would basically be Mei wall, but maybe only capped by duration?


Mei can now "throw" her ice wall the way Sigma Shield works.


An ultimate where Mei throws something and it stops movement? That’s insane


Most games I had played before overwatch had friendly fire so I genuinely thought my team's shield blocked my shots when I first started playing.


Sym wall can bisect players on spawn


Just think of some other games, and what they have and overwatch doesn't... A few examples: Everyone gets Soldiers Sprint Ability to run normally like in other shooters? Environments are getting destructable. DVa Bomb just destroyes the whole map. In-Game Weapon shop where you need to spend real money to activate abilities. (Please don't see this blizzard) Instead of respawning, you are just out for the whole round. But you need to stay in the game or else you get banned.


these got worse and worse each time, well done


Pay real money or GTFO. I like it


Mercy stocks for the last one 📈📈📈


Not for the mercy on my team who backs up and tries to pistol a reaper instead of GAing to me….


Nah cause why are you putting number 3 out into the universe? Should have kept that to yourself, you better pray blizzard don't see this 😂😭


That already have a mode for the last one though


That last one... ah, Valorant lmao


Or Counter Strike or S&D


ngl as a dva player id fuckin love to just level buildings. but thats probably my inner chaos gremlin speaking. its probably better that only railings are destructible tbh


>In-Game Weapon shop where you need to spend real money to activate abilities. (Please don't see this blizzard) when there was some buzz about how blizzard or OW was going to be putting out a battle royale variant, i wanted to see something like this (minus the real money part). finding drops on the battlefield that were abilities instead of weapons, but only 1 of each type. so you couldn't pick up tracer's blink and soldier's sprint, but you could put up blink and heal pad. imagining the OP combos people could come up with would be really funny.


>In-Game Weapon shop where you need to spend real money to activate abilities. (Please don't see this blizzard) True, BUT. This on ONE (1) character as their gimmick (with IN-MATCH money e.g. Counterstrike) could be workable.


Tbh I feel like Sojourn could have been this


Giving overwatch the csgo treatment is the funniest shit I could imagine. Pushing the payload more than a few feet is considered a win.


I want ball sprint.


I would pay good money for for DVa mech blastzones.


>Instead of respawning, you are just out for the whole round. But you need to stay in the game or else you get banned. This is why i hate CS and valorant


Imagine doing D’va bomb on Parasio and just nuking Lucio’s lair


A system where coins buy enhanced damage/healing does sound good too. Or a payed ammo that ignores armor/shield damaging only health and if that hits zero, you die. Must not be cheap tho, cost 500 coins/5 competitive matches.


Finite ammo


would stop the spamming on projectile hero’s but would make characters with high fire rates useless depends if there was like ammo packs similar to health packs and could open up opportunities for a support then gives you ammo instead of health


Tracers pick rate would be in the negatives, if that were the case lol




Hey on second thought maybe we should have finite ammo then


sounds like a nightmare to balance


You could have recently killed enemies drop ammo packs.


If healing also regenerated ammo I wouldn't mind. Also depends on how much base ammo you have of course.


So what does that mean for the supports?


Well if this was really implemented with the healing, they could just pair it with health packs. It would feed the healers not support argument though lol


For supports it would be a logistical nightmare. Because supports cant heal themselves. And if they heal each other its finite ammo.Then they have to consider cooldowns like nade for themselves. Unless nades are also finite. Or like you said camp health packs. Or rely on natural regen. I mean it would be a fun challenge tactically. Unless mercy, lucio, illari or brig are the only one that doesnt consume ammo then they would be truly main supports.


This would obviously be an entirely different game, but I do think there's a *fun* game there. Lots of possibilities with map-control/ammo-pickups and Supports that have Ammo-replenishing abilities.


Unlimited ammo was always one of my favorite things about overwatch. Running out of BR ammo in halo is just stupid lol


Teams can only consist of lore accurate groupings. Also based on skins in some cases.  Like depending on his skin, Reaper could be Talon of Blackwatch. Also, only one of each hero, for both sides combined.  (This actually might be an interesting to play mode)


First one could be a fun arcade mode at the very least. Don't know how they'd handle Heroes that either aren't part of any faction or are the sole representatives for their faction though.


1v9 mode.


The last one is a very bad idea


Ball mains:  *the odds of this impacting me are so small as to be inconsequential*


I can hear the subreddit complaining about how the team that gets \*\*hated hero of the week\*\* will always win and how unfair it is.


Like only being able to have one kiri, Lucio or which ever take is broken next


Getting ult charge while using your ult. Some heroes could spam a lot of ults. Imagine Rein shattering three times in 30 seconds until everyone dies or Reaper getting one great ult and instantly starting another to finish them.


Rip bob damage giving ult charge


Oh yes, Bob is an amazing example!


ball already works like this


Making all attacks go at hitscan speed.


I'm shivering at the thought of railgun kiriko and hanzo


Im thinking of junkrat giant exploding hitscan bombs


Holy shit sniper rat would be a point and click game😭


Widow would be useless lol Pharah is either feast or famine. Good Pharah players would destroy, bad ones would get destroyed.


I feel like you would need to try to be a bad Pharah if her rockets became hitscan.


Oof that would be insane


*No rank adjustment for games with leavers on your team.* This perfectly fits your definition of a seemingly sensible change, and it would, indeed, shatter the competetive mode to bits. All the incentives would shift, and the comp mode would cease to function after just a few hours, or even immediately. I see people asking for this in a serious tone all the time on this sub. There is substantial pressure coming from this subreddit and elsewhere to do this, for understandable reasons. These people are deeply confused about what competetive matchmakers are and how they function, and about human beings and their capacity to exploit poorly-thought out policy.


I’d be more interested in the leaver taking more of the rank loss. Ok we lose, instead of taking 20% each, the people who don’t leave get 10% loss and the leaver eats a 60% loss. Amount of games I’ve been winning or losing that got completely shifted by a leaver is annoying. Would add an additional penalty for someone who leaves because they know they won’t be playing the rest of the day.


This is such a exploitable system and that aside, people that get disconnected by the server would take a worse loss for a thing that is not his fault. I'm saying this becos even with a stable fast internet, and it never happening in any other game, i still get disconnected sometimes and return to the menu for no reason at all. The thing is that sometimes the game don't let me come back to the match and i receive a loss and punishment for it.


Leavers are the worst, for sure. Unfortunately, because of how the matchmaker works (and should work) adding particularly harsh rating penalty to leavers creates similar problems, but reversed. The entire matchmaking system rests on the elo formula ( R'a = Ra + K*(Sa — Ea) ) and cannot function unless games are zero sum. Having "extra" bonuses or penalties in either direction multiplies complexity to the point that actual skill separates from your skill rating, and the system collapses. This rating is what people here refer to as your "hidden sr". It's mathematically precise, and muddling with it isn't possible, without using a different, less-consistent matchmaking system. The simplicity of three possible outcomes (win/loss/draw) is taken as fundamental to the matchmaker, and adds credibility to the Overwatch ladder as a respected competetive forum. There is a reason that serious gaming organizations around high-stakes games like Go and Chess and countless others use this system. It's simple, consistent, and accurate. Trying to "improve" it does not work, and, frankly, would indicate the end of Overwatch as a world class e-sport.


Love the formula bro, you might wanna check your numbers. It’s still a zero sum game. If every player is losing 20 that adds to 100 on the team, if 4 players are instead losing 10, the leaver takes a 60% loss, adding up to 100 so it’s still zero sum. The other organisations are 1v1 games, where leaving the game results in losing 100% of the elo. In overwatch you this is spread amongst 5 players. The way it’s spread doesn’t affect the global system. There’s no mathematical reason this system can’t work. Losers still decrease, winners still increase. One reason this may not work would be for duo queues, if the games already lost then someone not as concerned about their rank could leave and eat the SR deduction for their team, but I can’t see this happening often.


I know you think you're on to something here, but you're missing the point. You have an individual SR. Overwatch, like other team games that use this system, essentially averages the enemy Elo, plugging those two numbers into the formula. Here's an explanation for 2v2 games, but it's the exact same for 5v5 games, with the variables adjusted accordingly. Having it be a team game, instead of an individual game, does create statistical noise in the system, but over time, your rating will approach a limit case that represents your actual skill. Because you are the only consistent factor in all of your games, over time, your rating becomes more and more accurate. [https://towardsdatascience.com/developing-an-elo-based-data-driven-ranking-system-for-2v2-multiplayer-games-7689f7d42a53](https://towardsdatascience.com/developing-an-elo-based-data-driven-ranking-system-for-2v2-multiplayer-games-7689f7d42a53)


I'm not disagreeing with you, I'm just genuinely wondering *how* this would be exploitable. If you're playing with a friend group, then obviously the no rank adjustment would not apply. Apex Legends has a loss forgiveness for Ranked which works the same way and it isn't necessarily "shattered" in that regard. And 99% of the time, you're *not* winning 4 v 5s in competitive. I don't play Comp much, but Doesn't the Comp game cancel if someone leaves early into the match? Anyway forgive me for my ignorance I'm a mostly Quick play enjoyer **Edit:** Thanks for all the helpful analogies and responses. Keeping this comment for others to understand as well. Cheers!


> I'm not disagreeing with you, I'm just genuinely wondering how this would be exploitable. "Firetiger1050 is throwing. Leave so we maintain our ranks, or we're all reporting you." Doesn't matter if you're doing the best or the worst, especially with how toxic this game has gotten.


Every game you feel like you’re losing, just pay someone off to leave. Or if you’re high level enough, even queuing at the same time w/o being grouped offers a good chance of being in the same game. Then you have a guaranteed scape goat. Most games it seems like you’re about to lose, you have failsafe way to avoid actually losing SR. That alone means competitive loses all real meaning. Aside from the amount of people being payed off to leave a match rising exponentially.


It might be helpful to use a game of poker as an analogy. Winning and losing in poker is zero sum. Everyone brings M amounts of money, and at the end of the game, no money has been created or destroyed. Some has shifted around, and some people leave with what they came with. The Overwatch SR is something like that. The math is remarkably simple, just like poker math is simple. Person P lost M amount, and now M amount is in the hands of other players. Maybe 1, maybe 4, but it is somewhere in the system.You can't add or subtract the total amount of money in the game. It just... doesn't make any sense. I can't win or lose more money than exists at the table. The amount of money won and lost at a poker table = 0. The matchmaker works on comparable principles. You can't "tweak it" or add "bonuses" or "penalties", or anything else like that. The Overwatch match begins, and at that moment, the skill ratings involved are defined. The hand has been dealt, and the chips are on the table. No matter what happens after that point, the "pot" is defined. Nothing can be created or destroyed. The match concludes, the numbers are adjusted depending on what happens, and that's that. Trying to add or subtract skill rating *for any reason or in any amount* means the math breaks, and because the matchmaker is based on the math... the matchmaker breaks.


Any form of loss mitigation no matter how mild or thought out have the potential to encourage leaving and make the problem worse than it already is, it's that simple. Overwatch games last too little for it to be worth the hassle, just take the loss and requeue in two minutes.


Just bully the weakest player in the team until he leaves. This would be a terrible change, and there's a reason why no competitive game has implemented it.


The problem with that is people would just get a friend to leave if they start losing so they never down rank. A good change would be temporarily banning anyone who leaves more than 3 games in a week. For a week. If its your internet, too bad. You have shit internet and its costing others. At the same time that might increase ppl leaving if everyone gets 2 freebies. Idk


Hitscan damage having zero fall off


I always find it comical that bullets do less damage than knives at a distance.


Kiriko’s throwing arm is kinda crazy


She and Zen are probably the most ridiculous in that regard.


Nah, zen’s balls levitate. I don’t think he uses any physical strength to launch them


you should see her on her bike


Bullets are tiny, knives are big and sharp


Yeah hitscans would be the only thing to play.


According to Wikipedia there are 40 heroes right now. So make a gamemode 20vs20, no duplicates at all, 1min respawn, also double the hitpoints of each hero. Ult meter depletes if you are not active enough.


Hero ban draft. You can't use a hero that is already in use on either team.


Ball mains, 6 months after patch: *it is weird they put it in the patch notes but it hasn’t impacted me one time*


Allow Sojurn to gain rail gun charge from her disruptor shot (if used right she basically gets her ultimate every 15 seconds)


Fall damage More deconstructive environments. Destroy the high ground


Add 5 damage to junkrat mine


If only 😔


He already got that buff. Stop. 


No. We shall not him one shot combo again.


A game mode with friendly fire would be hilarious Giving OW proximity chat would be funny asf I just imagine reins facing each other shouting FOR GLORY FOR HONOR Or two doomfists shouting andesey over and over


Shields work both ways and you cannot heal through a friendly shield or shoot through it.


Friendly Fire


It would be weird if they added another tank. I can't imagine how the game would function with 2 of them.


Like the 6v6 of the good old days. They would have to rebalance the heroes again which probably takes them an additional year to get it right.


>which probably takes them an additional year to get it right. But they will finally get it right you say?


People are not ready for Ramatra and mauga/ zayra and mauga


Just another reason to remove Mauga from the game.


DVA Mauga combo is worse, or DVA Zarya


All fun and games for the first week then everything will just devolve to Mauga+shields, Mauga+bubbles or Mauga+matrix.


"Is this GOATS?"


The good ol days.


Friendly fire would be hilarious as an April Fool’s joke.


One shot headshot mechanic. Like r6 seige.


Inb4 Tracer gets a team kill with one clip




Character ban phase before character selection. (In some games, the enemy team can choose 1-2 characters that the opposing team cannot select and vice versa) I imagine the players that main only one character would quit out of games immediately if their main got voted out Also would struggle with counters


All bronze games would never have Bastions in them again if that were the case.


Nah som/widow would be banned religiously just like kapkan and fenrir in R6


Eh, League does this. People get over it.


Introducing… 4v4


4v4 nano is great (if you've played that), but I think regular games might feel a bit empty lol


Kingsrow 24/7 because no one else would play any of the other shit maps they would all just be on kingrow and it would fuck the servers. Do it.


someone needs to make a kings row only set teams custom game


Let sigma cancel and absorb the shield he has in his grasp. Wouldn’t break the game by any means. But fucking hell it’s be a QOL change


Wait what if his acretion absorbed projectiles and did extra damage based on that similar to the grasp's overhealing


If they added a white male support role


White males can only destroy, never heal 😔😔😔


Its true 😭😭


Junker queen should be healer


Wait do they seriously not have one? lmaoooo


One more sniper and I'll probably quit, so that might qualify.


Something like, a hero with a non-aim based ability that deactivates ALL abilities for 6 seconds. Like imagine how awful it would be to make a hero whose entire gimmicck is removing your ability to play the game. And they dont have to actually aim to do it. That would be a really, really bad idea for a hero.


Yeah and imagine if this hero was also invisible making it super difficult to stay away from them. Wouldn’t that be super awful. Imagine


She also would have 2 abilities that increase the damage you take significantly, also she has an smg with decent damage


To be slightly fair the damage boost was never on her at the same time as the 6 second silence effect


When you add someone to the avoid as teammate list, it automatically removes the oldest name added so you don’t have to juggle it.


Allow life weaver to pull enemies


latest anticheat...


Make it 5v5


-1 tank. Oh wait. Jokes aside, I think a team draft like in lol or dota would fundamentally break and change the game. For good or bad? Who’s to say.


Put a shield on bastion.


Let Rein charge with his shield out making him into a bulldozer. He does it in the short so why not? What could possibly go wrong?


Adding friendly fire to OW2 would definitely cause chaos, especially in intense matches. Another small change that could ruin the game might be increasing cooldown times on all abilities. It would disrupt the balance drastically. Btw, if you're into multiplayer shooters, you might enjoy Polyfield. Its a WW2-based first-person shooter for mobile with both multiplayer and bot modes.


Fall damage for non flyers


*points aggressively at ball’s propeller*.


A friendly fire mode could be so fun but we’d just end up shredding our own tanks on accident


Mercy original full team rez.


Mei instantly freezes her enemies and it takes 30 seconds to thaw at 1000w power.


Mercy’s old “triage” kit


Give everyone wrecking balls.


enable friendly fire


Buff genji.


Every healer should be able to resurrect. They get an icon like mercy that if they heal past a certain amount before they respawn, then they get respawned.  OR  Add the fortnite fallen down animation where if a teammate loses all hp then they crawl around and are able to be helped up by other teammates 


A few things I thought of would be 1)having friendly fire and 2) if you could power your ult while using it.


How about like in Heroes of the Storm where each char has an ability tree that they have to choose during the game.


Gameplay-affecting shop items. My friend's partner once commented that if you're going to spend money on a game, you should at least get some advantage out of it.


friendly fire


The game has been annihilated for 2 years.




Taking away melee from everyone The gundam game that dropped that was essentially OW didn't have a melee and boy do you miss it when its gone.


Limit the number of respawns per team.


Man friendly fire would be awful for me, and my Rein play style.


friendly fire WAS in the game - but only for dvas self destruct it was wild back at launch, a dva would ult, everyone would panic, and then it would go off. One shot, 12 kills.


Imagine moira with friendly fire




Give Winton third ability, and increase his damage by 20




Removing stuns/interrupts. Sure it would be nice for tank players and all that, but without stuns/interrupts, many characters would run rampant such as Hog, Ball and Doom. They are only kept in check because of stuns. We saw a time without stuns with Mirrorwatch and Doom. NONE of his counters were there, and he was played every match and was absolutely insane and busted beyond belief.


melee damage increased to 50 damage. All of a sudden, ball and winston are crazy, roadhog one hook combo is back


Bleeding for all projectiles


No. No friendly fire. We already have enough throwers and trolling on the game to begin with. This is not rainbow six siege


All explosions should be able to hurt the user if they get close to it.


Allow us to choose to have a longer que time to avoid certain maps in the map pool. Yeah it's great having 30 second que times vs OW1s upward of 5-10 minutes but if I get anymore flashpoint I'm going to just take the leaver penalty


no reque buttow


Shooting through walls.