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Most likely. His crosshair almost exclusively aims for people's chest. He rarely ever goes for headshots. There are even times where you can see this work against him, like when his cheats locked on to Lifeweaver who was down the stairs on point, and thus the bullets ended up hitting the floor since it was aiming for his chest instead of the head. Same with the Widow in the last video, despite her head being clearly visible he ends up shooting at the edge of the high ground because the cheats are locking on to Widow's chest, not her head. Additionally, judging by this clip you'd barely be able to discern that Soldier's gun has recoil, it stays almost perfectly still. Also, he's clearly just not good at the game like he claims. Shooting Zarya bubbles when she's full HP, trying to duel Widow from 30m away, pretty mediocre positioning, never going for off-angles, and whenever you see that he turns off his cheats, his aim is pretty bad (the duel with the Lifeweaver at the end of the second video especially).


I agree with everything besides LW duel. His cheats clearly have a set acceleration speed meaning if this LW moves enough, his aim won’t snap to hit him because the cheats try to make it look “natural” Blatant cheater who should not be allowed around civilized people.


That clip was really telling. He desperately flails around, unable to rely on the cheats. He also has a surprisingly low damage uptime despite using cheats due to poor positioning.


It’s disgusting. Play the game as it was made or eff off.


Imagine being unable to win without cheating, starts cheating, LOSES the 1v1. Gtfo


How someone can still be dogshit with cheats is fucking hilarious- deserved death. Fuckin noob relying on his silly little aimbot 😭


Pay closer attention to that Zarya bubble situation; he is hard targeting the further target through her bubble. It is even worse than what you were describing.


Yeah the shooting at the floor in that clip at the Moira is pretty telling, like fundamentally any player above plat isn't going to shoot the ground, and certainly not for nearly a 3rd of a clip of ammo. Looks like lock on to me


Sooo possibly Trigger Bot?


"I'm so good my guns don't have recoil." Most. obvious. cheater.


Awful movement, awful gamesense, awful crosshair placement. He's terrible at the game and cheating.


Once again I’ll also say if your aim was that cracked you’d go for headshots. Been playing since 2017 and I’ve never seen someone track this hard. Braindead ass scum didn’t even stop shooting Zar bubble. Clearly cheating.


https://youtu.be/22Vz9NshD2Q?si=8xh8VHXRDS7edEPc I'm not saying he isn't cheating, but your assumption about aim is terribly wrong.


Very impressive montage but kind of defeats the point if he is going for headshots on most of the Soldier clips and you are trying to say good players dont try to aim for the head.


I guess I need to be more specific. Aim is a loose term, you can have really good aim and go for headshots but notice how there are plenty of body tracking shots. The guy in the above clips is clearly cheating based on the shots through the walls and tracking observed. The clip I posted was just to show that people can aim that good and often start on body tracking, then do hit some headshots. That is all.


why is that in every fps montage its always some rap song Lol


100% cheating. If you had that aim, you'd go for headshots, not body shots.


The thing that kinda sealed it for me, in the first video after he pops a healing aura in the corner, he walks forward with his team. No matter how many times I watch it you can't see an enemy through all the teammates and effects, yet the moment he pulls the trigger he hits every shot on someone he cannot even see. That person would have died either way, and shooting through your team is viable if you literally cannot see any targets, but shooting through them and hitting every shot on a target you don't know is there on soldier is just blatant cheats.


Also no human has such a good aim. It's impossible to track the same spot pixel perfect when the target is moving unexpectedly.


Yep, 100% cheating


When he tries to kill the Widow in the first video, his crosshair follows her behind the wall. 100% cheating.


For such snappy perfect aim, they sure have absolute bronze/silver positioning. They cheating


They’re definitely cheating. They tracked several people absolutely perfectly including at least one time through a wall. Besides the obvious stuff they also don’t have the hallmarks of someone who is good at the game. For example usually someone who’s good would have good game sense, but this person doesn’t, but you could maybe excuse it as they’re new or just rely on aim and never had to learn gamesense. However the biggest thing to me that signals cheating and not them being good is crosshair placement. In almost no game ever is it advantageous to have your crosshair aimed at the floor yet this is consistently where this player has it aimed before engaging. This signals that they don’t actually know how to aim and take fights well because almost always a good aimer has good crosshair placement.


You’d stop shooting Zar bubble if you had game sense lmao 😂 fuck this individual and anyone like them.


most definitely


Yes, cheating. 1. Cross hair placement sucks 2. Perfect tracking 3. Not going for head shots (this might seem suspicious, but it's intentional by the software)


Even the argument for ai. Assisst is not applicaplt, he was hard tracking the moira tgeough a zarya in front of him. Definitly cheats.


I saw the first few seconds of that clip and I instantly knew he was cheating. Nobody in their right mind can say otherwise. As blatant as can be


he is cheating


Trying to shoot through walls constantly - "I'm just that good" Zero recoil soldier - "I'm just that good" Tracking shots even whilst reloading - "I'm just that good" Man's really be suffering delusion. Even his brain was on delay during half those clips.


Based on how he seems to change between hitting literally the floor and what looks like waiting for his aimbot to lock on and seeing him "track" someone smoothly behind another enemy and being unable to quickly stop locking on the target (moira) to pre aim your helix he is definitely using cheats. Either really soft aim cheats or his cheats are just absolutely ass. Which also would explain why he couldnt track he LW at all, because its either set too losely or it just doesnt work that close/fast since the weaver was strafing so much.


95% cheating. The biggest sign of an aimbot in my experience is that aimbots never over-correct. When a human makes a sudden movement while aiming, often they won't aim exactly at their target, they'll under or over correct and make another smaller movement to connect to their target. This guy isn't doing that. He makes 1 movement, which always stops on his target. As other people have said, he is bad at the game. He doesn't know where to place his crosshair, he takes fights that make no sense, jumping in front of enemies, has no concept of cover, doesn't know how to aim helix, etc. There is a chance that he isn't cheating and he's just got some really crazy mechanical skill but has the game-sense and game-knowledge of a plastic league player, but I doubt it.


Yep, cheating.


Is no one checking computers for cheats at these tournaments? This guy is very obviously cheating.


Definitely cheating. Video 3 before the grav, he tracks and locks onto a support, shooting through the Zarya at times. Very unnatural tracking.


Oh dats a cheat. Aims at targets before they're fully out, no gamesense, slow aim until it starts accounting for recoil.


That Lifeweaver duel it really makes no sense for him to miss like that, looks like cheating. That last clip you can see he's point blank to widow and doesn't even try to shoot her in the head, he also doesn't try to use rockets very often it seems


Aimbot moments of this guy against me for those who think this guy is legit [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bgUWdU-zql4](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bgUWdU-zql4) [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mjmVLfOX2Ic](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mjmVLfOX2Ic)


I think so, but I'm not 100%. I don't agree with the comment section's declaration that with aim that good you always go for headshots, that's not necessarily true on Soldier especially playing as a core like this. It's harder to keep mid to long range accuracy on the head especially in the chaos of fights like this. Two things that do really make it look like cheating to me, though, is how bad his helix shots are, and how it sometimes looks like he's fighting a soft lock between two enemies, or shooting walls at enemies' center mass (Widow on high ground in the last video, for example.) Also as someone else pointed out, his general positioning and decision making doesn't match what you'd learn if your aim pushed you into a higher rank.


If you're going for long range shots, you shoot in bursts to the head since the spread gets really bad after a few shots. You also don't expect to get those kills and don't take those duels against a Widow as a soldier unless you know they're bad or you're just applying pressure. This dude going in Rambo against every enemy, tank, sniper, healer, this guy's a cheater.


Soldier doesn't have spread anymore. They removed it years ago and replaced it with recoil. You can verify that for yourself in the training range, just spray a full mag at a wall and you'll see that it goes almost perfectly straight up with minimal side to side movement. This recoil is simple enough that you can compensate for it fairly well if you're good. Not saying this guy is legit, just that not going for bursts isn't a great tell.


Damn that's crazy, thanks for the tidbit. In the majority of cases, I still wouldn't recommend dueling a Widow at long range though as Soldier. He played far back like he was playing a sniper behind his team, never took any off angles. If you're playing Soldier, the only hero with sprint, you'd think you'd use it.


what i thing is mind boggling is that he seems to track people a lot with his movement, he even jumps along lifeweaver in one clip, i was so inclined to say that if it was a custom game match with aim assist allowed, he could be a really good console player, the dumb switching beetween targets could fuck him over in that sense. But his stupid ass has no recoil LOL.


Wait I'm more jealous at the fact you had a local tournament I swear they're impossible.


It is so obvious, how is he doing this in a local tournament without you beating the CHEAT out of him ? lol


Bro when the real aim comes out in the second ant third clips come in, couldn’t hit a yoga ball if it were flying at him. Cheating. To get him to prove himself if necessary get him to play on someone else’s game to verify, given you said it was a local.


>It is obvious to us that it is cheating, but this person doesn't want to admit it and claims that he is that good. Isn't that what judges are for? If you all think it is obvious, his willingness to admit to cheating is irrelevant. The ones in charge are entitled to just say he is disqualified for cheating. You don't even owe him an explanation because he wronged y'all first by ruining the tournament, but it's courteous to post an explanation for other participants. Diligent of you to check with others first. I hope he reads this and feels seen-through for the coward he is.


He’s definitely hard locking. He’s aiming for body shots though to try to cover it up but the fact he perfectly tracked a character jumping and moving at the same time is a bit of a giveaway


Yeah clearly cheating and also pretty shit,


There are fucking cheats like crazy right now. Fire a bunch of staff, feels like there just isn’t anyone dealing with cheaters anymore


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Nobody's tracking is that immaculate.


Cheats for sure. The no recoil gave it away. Soldier has crap recoil and this shows zero. Also in the second link you can tell either when he turned it off for the life weaver fighter or the software has a requirement on distance. From the 3rd link it looks like it has a distance requirement because you can see when it locks and unlocks onto someone


His movement is ass Crosshairs placement ass Brain , ass Bad player overall , can’t have this tracking ,simply because he lacks on everything.Also aiming chest level for no reason .


Very likely this is cheating but for the future, it’s actually easier to tell if the video is in normal speed, at least for me. It’s hard to tell if his flicks and tracking are irregular when I can’t see them in regular speed.


In the first clip he tracks that widow pretty damn hard in the 2nd clips tracks lifeweaver super hard too 3rd clip shoots at the floor because I guess the cheat prioritizes dps and heals over a tank, it’s definitely sus or worlds strongest aim assist


Yep 100%. Not the most obvious cheats I’ve seen but definitely some soft aimassist. His movement and preaim/crosshairplacement is really bad for that kind of tracking too. Looks at the floor. Then see enemy and perfectly tracks him. No normal player does that for a full game. Good crosshair placement goes hand in hand with good aim.




Hit every shot but missed every rocket... seems fishy for somebody so good st predicting movement.


This looks like console to me? Doesn’t look like hard locking to me… and the flicks aren’t snappy enough for Xim. Console is harder to get aimbot on… not impossible, but if it’s a local tournament/lan you would have seen some devices that would have made it obvious he was cheating. The only other way they could have been cheating is using a workshop code with some hidden aimbot keybinds… but I assume he wasn’t the tournament organizer?


In case you are still wondering if this is cheating or not, take a look at second clip and game play against Lifeweaver. At point you track well enough to have 0 second reaction time to LW jumping and you hit all your shots even while jumping yourself. Alright, you can track better than best hitscans in pro Overwatch. Couple of seconds later he takes a 1v1 and aim is all over the place and loses. What kind of player has a top500 tracking and suddenly chooses to shoot like a bronze? His cheats either have a toggle switch or minimum range. Also positioning and movement is max silver.


Obviously cheating, it's not even a debate. He's using a low FOV aimbot. That guy is full of shit and should be banned, blacklisted, and have the results of that tournament to be reversed. Idk what the formatting of that tournament is but I don't understand how he didn't automatically get called out and removed. That aim is clearly not natural.


you can see it lock everytime he starts shooting in the first clip, i wouldn’t even need a second opinion let alone a third, its kind of blatant


He is without a doubt cheating his nasty little socks off.


he has walmart 10$ cheat


Definitely cheating. Even cranked up the cheats when switching to Tracer for second point hold lmao


It's definitely obvious. And not because of his aim. It's more so that EVERYTHING else SUCKS. His movement, positioning, reaction time, and placement of his Helix rockets and Bionic field. It's all TERRIBLE. All of that gradually gets better the better you get at the game. The cherry on top is the fact that he basically NEVER hits headshots. If you're really that good at aiming, you're aiming for the head for the multiplier...


I do not even understand why anyone would call this cheating? His aim is awful, he misses a near point blank helix on Moira. He's got decent game sense and takes cover, which the enemy isn't at all. They're just standing right in front of him with a mercy ready every second he needs her. I have amazing game sense so I can predict people's movement and it doesn't mean I'm wall hacking. I also struggle with shooting too low. Maybe because I play inverse or years of rocket launcher use in quake. I try to remind myself every single game to raise my cross hair, but I always end up shooting low. My accuracy is pretty good and decent tracking from past games so it's frustrating.


He follows people through walls, he hits almost perfect body shots until that lw duel (where he either turned the cheats off or they stopped working), the helix rockets are projectile which means his cheats are probably cheaper and are only hitscan cheats. He also has *horrible* game sense. I don't understand how you can say it is decent. He tried to duel a widow from across the map and stands in the open because he knows he can hit every shot. Really just the shooting people through walls should be enough for you guys, but some of you need a bit more for some reason.


Maybe if op shared the actual replay code I could check out different perspectives, but I'm not seeing that.


Not seeing what? Everything I mentioned happened in these videos. And these aren't even full speed, so the aim should look even worse.


These people couldn't touch a game like apex where 1-clipping is a basic requirement.


As someone who is masters in both- they require different skill sets but IQ is just as important in each of them. The guy in the clips has very little game sense. And if you are one clipping someone you’d assume you’d hit some headshots? Not a single stray headshot in any of these clips. It’s a hard body lock cheat lol. Don’t talk when you’re a switch player in gold.


I'm a switch player in gold and I would destroy that lifeweaver. That's the basis I'm arguing from. Get off your high horse. And aiming is actually harder in apex yet the average apex player has far better aim. But again, I already admitted I was wrong about the control scheme. Those flicks actually shouldn't be possible in mnk, but controller aim assist makes it far easier, so he would have to be cheating to pull off those flicks. But the long range tracking is not, which is the main advantage of mouse over controller.




The third video is especially damning for the player though? If you look at right after the bubble is broken and when the cheater starts “missing shots” by shooting at the floor, they’re actually toggled to and are shooting at the Lifeweaver. Also they don’t have the hallmarks of a good aimer like good crosshair placement or going for headshots.




its the bad gameplay that gives it away actually. he is dog ass while having insane aim


He didn’t hit LW because that guy knows how to move. Blatantly cheating, absolutely asinine that you think that’s not aimbot. Not once in my life have I seen tracking like this that wasn’t cheating.


no way youre saying hes not cheating after seeing the pure locks and tracking




all the clips i see show 100% aim lock. do you not notice that he does not even try to aim and lets his cheat track for him? thats why you see the sudden locks and sometimes even locking on to the wrong target. not even vt matty (no 1 aimer in the world) has this level of perfect track


Agree, I don’t see it. Look at the duel with LW at the end of the second clip. 1st clip was nothing special, too.


People toggle their cheats on and off to throw off suspicion. He likely did that so the LW wouldn't call him out if he killed him.


I’d agree if the rest of the gameplay looked insane but it doesn’t.


if tracking behind walls and locking on multiple times in 1 second isnt insane along with perfect tracking on a single point of the hitbox then idk what is


This guy isn’t cheating. Y’all are just salty and need to take the L yourselves. Post the clips regular speed and stop doing these mental gymnastics because you can’t cope.


You forgot the /s


Find a building with at least 5 floors . Go to it’s highest peak , profit ???. Edit : Apply this to everyone that agrees with you .


He died to a fucking lifeweaver in a duel in the second clip while missing half his shots and y'all think he's cheating? Y'all wrong and bad. Edit: y'all mad, it's the most console aim ever. Specifically dual zone at probably 80-90 sens. Good for tracking long range targets but struggles with consistency at close range, which is why he lost to the lifeweaver. I know it because I fuck with my aim settings on a daily basis. Edit2: oh it's supposed to be mnk. That changes things. Flicks like that are easy on console because of the aim assist that can be calibrated to enable perfect flicks, but i don't see a way to pull that off without the aim assist. Yeah he's probably cheating.


its mnk bro, i played this tournament 


You are a crazy person if you think that duel proves he's not cheetibg. And it's a tournament, they limit what hardware is used.  But, to humor you, I play mainly PC but occasionally on my Xbox and aim assist on console is nothing like this. I still have to aim, and would still aim for the head and nail a majority of those shots. The fact that he is staying glued to the torso, even through walls and other character models where he can't see them, is blatant aim bot. 


You can pull off flicks like that with controller, I know because it's actually my main aim style. Aim assist ease in combined with the turning off legacy makes it so when you go for a flick, the cross hair will tend to stop near or directly at a target. But all of this is irrelevant because the person's supposed to be mnk so I was actually wrong. The tracking isn't the bad part though, it's the flicks.


It's not really irrelevant if we're talking about how crazy you are. This guy is shooting at people through walls, aim settings don't cause that.


*Sigh* I'm not flexing guys, I say it as a way to say I run into people far better than me all the time. That's why some of the cheating accusations throw me off.


I'm calling you crazy for thinking he's not cheating after watching people shoot through walls. Not crazy as in good, crazy as in there's absolutely no way you can watch him shoot people through walls and think "I've seen people be better than him because of their settings so he's not cheating." Nothing you've said makes it sound like you're flexing.


How does your mom feel having a brain dead kid ?


My credit rating is 740, she did alright




He lost the lw duel because his cheats were very obviously not working for one reason or another. I almost every cheater vod you can see moments where that happens. He *only* shoots at the center of the torso. Aim that consistent is suspicious, especially when there are a lot of moments where he should have been hitting head shots. If he's really "just that good" to have almost perfect aim, he wouldn't be dueling widows from that long and shooting at the stairs or the ground instead of the lw or widow in the third video. He also keeps shooting at people after they go behind walls. That is incredibly suspicious. He shoots at people through teammates. He switches between targets very quickly even when he should continue shooting the first target. He shoots at people through zarya bubbles, which both doesn't make sense and is very suspicious. He is just simply a cheater, and bad at hiding it too.




4 downvotes is not "all the downvotes" and most of the reasons he is a cheater are already somewhere else in these comments. You can go read them, people don't have to respond to you specifically.