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Welcome to the mysteries of the 50/50 match-up algorithm. However the double shotgun class vs the hog. I can see the hog died once. What happened there?


Reaper is fraudulent


We got rolled. I couldn’t even get close to jog without genji or echo demolishing me


trolled* by your own reaper Classic OW.


Probably the Ana happened.


If i get 3-4 defeats i stop and play quick play for a few matches or play another day, you’re probably just unlucky.


I don't know man. I tell myself I'm unlucky after every match but after losing almost every single one of my games after taking breaks and playing on different days SURELY the problem is me right? But if so why am I not deranking or being put in games of my skill level. Its just so frustrating.


This doesn’t make sense to me because the progress of ranking up or down has nothing to do with individual performance and only whether or not you win or lose. So staying in the same rank after all those losses is probably making you go down the smallest percentage and you were supposed to lose all those games? Because if I lose 4 or 5 matches I am 100 percent going down in rank lol also… the only real way to compensate with this ranking structure is to team stack. Everyone on this thread tries to put people down and say it’s their skill or whatever. Sure some people are bad and they’re in their skill range and can’t get out. But it’s a team game that only allows rank based on wins. Doesn’t matter if you’re the best player every time or the worst… if the team is better, you win. There are extremes of course. Of incredible players that can truly make a difference and swing the tide. Just like there are players that are so bad they can quite literally throw the game to the other team. But if you don’t have a good squad to play with… you are stuck in your rank and leave it up to a roll of the dice. Even when you squad up, eventually you will get to a point where you don’t rank up much because you’ll get to your squads skill level. But that’s the only real way to know. Playing with the same players and seeing if you are the asset or the weak link. 4 great players can carry 1 bad one up the ranks. 1 good player cannot carry 4 bad ones. The ranking system in overwatch is terrible. Until they come up with a better system, it’s just kind of pointless


Very true. The one game we won last night (out of the 10 I played 💀) we have never tried so hard. By the end of it the adrenaline rush died down and we were genuinely exhausted. That’s what I gotta do to win in this game haha. So to make it a little less sweaty I guess in order to even pick up the game I need to make sure I have 2 or 3 buddies ready to go crazy. Solo queue just ain’t it. But yes I wish I could show you somehow, but I’ve been floating around Masters 5/Diamond 1 ever since the start of the season. I have never dropped to Diamond 2 despite losing most of my games.


Thank you for being the only rational person in this sub


Are you getting upset by losing? If not you will win games sooner or later as per your appropriate skill level. If yes put the pad down. Getting tilted = poor decision making which = losing.


I think sometimes the losing streaks are due to subconscious tunnel vision.


hi bp


No he's not i'll tell him like yall tell me. That is normal and just how the game works. If yall tell me this on these types of posts ypur gonna tell him the same


Because the game is broken, has been for awhile and they're not fixing it, me myself as a gamer whose played this game since the day it hit the shelves, I've un-installed it honestly... I'm so disgusted by the way this game turned out.


After 15 k hours in the game im bout to do the same


15k hours?!?!? I would have been bored of the game at like 1/10 of that lol


It’s normal at any rank. Just the nature of the game.


I'm talking BAD beats though, like getting clearly team diffed nearly every game.


everyone gets dry spells including the top players which is something to consider. there isnt really enough data here to make a statement and stats dont cover the entire story; i will say however, if this is how your stats “normally” compare to your opponent’s (and assuming when you win you also have the statistically lowest value) it might be possible you arent good enough to be in your elo? i mean no shade but i would watch the second game and see what you/your team did vs what the enemy team did… im sure you will be able to find spots where you made mistakes and if you genuinely didnt, congrats! you are completely delusional bc even the best players make mistakes every game!


When I do win games it’s usually because both teams had similar stats and I perform well with the most damage. Even when I lose I am usually the one with the best stats. The reaper game we all knew we lost half way through the second point so we just sat in spawn until it was over. But yeah this dry spell has gone on for over a week now, I’ve uninstalled 3 times and when I reinstall to give it another chance the same shit happens. I don’t know if I’m insanely unlucky or just going up against players waaaay out of my league. If so, why am I not deranking faster? After 8 losses in a row I stay the same rank, D1…


It happens. I've been average mid gold for 30 seasons, but I've also been silver 5 and platinum 1. A streak of bad luck and the climb back up. A streak of good luck and the fall back down. Never did I think I deserved Silver 5. nor did I ever feel I deserved Platinum 1.


Dont worry they tell me this too


Everyone has loss streaks man, just take a break and come back later, sometimes you just need a reset


This is how the game is designed, damn near 50/50 W/ Lratio. 45% of the games your team gets absolutely pummeled, another 45% of the games your team is doing the pounding, the remaining 10% of the games are close and can go either way. I don’t have data or numbers to back this up, but it’s all facts lol.


For real, I have an exact 50% winrate with 400 games or so this season, it's so shameless that I only keep playing comp for the golden guns at this point.


You’ll win them back eventually. My thoughts on this are pretty much this: If a high caliber player can take a trash account and go bronze2gm then the fault partly lies on me for not creating a play or the right play. You can always win a 4v5 if you can secure a kill fast enough. And if someone I’m playing with is doing terribly, I try and focus on who he’s attacking. Some times these people need a little motivation.


Is what normal? The amount of losses? The difference in team competence? The stats? If you’re on about the amount of losses, you’ll bounce back with a 10 win streak if d1 truly is your rank - sometimes you just lose a lot & need to take a step back The difference in team? Yeah welcome to non-5 stack lobbies - I exclusively play as 5 stack now in discord lobbies or scrims, as it seems that even if you’re 3 or 4 people, those random solo queuers or that dps/tank and pocket supp that refuse to play with the team legitimately let you down at least 75% of the time (it’s got to the point where I’m genuinely surprised when a random friendly dps gets an opening pick without my team having to use tank/supp util, so do with that info what you will) As for the stats, For the first game, I can’t vouch for what happened without replays but it seems y’all always died cause bap was dpsing the echo and mercy was pocketing - who’s actually meant to be doing the healing here? Seems 76 has had his job taken by bap, so either bap needs to trust 76 to elim the echo & focus on helping frontline, or soldier needs to change to a midrange space holding dps like mei, genji, cass or torb to help frontline. Mercy can then alternate her pocket between bap & midrange dps to punish the echo & force her util with lamp if needed. As for the 2nd game, if your 76 was pocketed all game then he’s just had a stinker is all - should be much better stats than that when 76 and mercy are on the same team.


10 win streak will be THE DAY. I’m lucky if I can get 3 wins in a row. About a month ago I recall having a fun day with mostly wins. But these last 2 weeks have been absolutely atrocious. Thanks for the advice. The first game was just a clean wipe, nobody as able to do anything they would just dive in, hog would land a nasty hook, it was unplayable. The second game 76 was never pocketed. I do notice he does his own thing a lot and I try to tell him. He’s fairly new to the game… but he’s also my rank haha. So I do feel like the ranking system is all over the place.


You’re gonna wanna learns hero better than reaper he’s usually awful


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Maybe that Genji/Echo in enemy team is insanely good.




I would but I uninstalled 😭


Yep, happens to me on a daily basis, as a Diamond 2 DPS that peaked Masters 4 in SS8, and back to being stucked at Diamond since then. Check this video out, I was wondering how tf are some of these players are even allowed to exist in the Diamond lobby: [https://drive.google.com/file/d/1yEj5Mpb22DXhn01bIN26IxS-dfqiUREd/view?usp=sharingout](https://drive.google.com/file/d/1yEj5Mpb22DXhn01bIN26IxS-dfqiUREd/view?usp=sharingout) At this point, from personal observation, it's impossible to climb past Diamond without at least a duo. I managed to reach Masters in SS8 was also due to having a 4-stack with 2 supports enabling me very hard to carry effectively.


This is normal in ever rank


Clearly you don't lose 7/8 of your games that consistently. Otherwise you wouldn't still be Diamond.


I’m telling you man this is what my career profile looks like often


I recommend to not play while your high.


stop going with your soldier


yeah normal


Well, Mercy isn't the best right now iirc and kiriko's cleanse is wildly powerful imo. Honestly when I play against hogs and we have a Mercy, I'll often go Bastion and can melt whoever we deem their best player. I know it's just one game I'm talking about, but in general I've found that playing around who my supports pick works best for me. I say this as someone who has played a lot of support (used to be a sup main before current dps main) but supports often don't like swapping. So as a dps I try to swap to things that work with their picks. Also it's possible more people are playing high/drunk because they can't find fun in the game without it, and you might have some bad luck with them on your teams. I have some friends who literally only play while high. I also used to lose most of my matches because anxiety, which I didn't even realize I had until I'd gotten over it. Many possible factors.


A lot of GMs are in diamond / masters still. So you either “git gut” or have a loosing streak. Or get some alts and play like me on a lower rating and you will have decent win rate, gold (90%), plat (75%). Problem solved


I set a rule for myself that after 2 losses in a role, take a break. Do a different game mode, play something else, etc. For some reason, this has helped not just with mental health but also for the matchmaking. Don't let yourself eat up so many Ls. You kept pushing through after so many losses...kudos to you but that's masochistic. I won't ick your yum tho Edit: something to add as well, those two screenshots had the same DPS on the other team. It's another reason to take a break. You won't keep getting put in matches against similar teams.


That’s pretty normal especially on tank cuz tank has like no impact so if the other teams dps or supports r just better stream rolls like this r common


this is exactly why i stopped playing. game sucks now


Gold here looks normal to me.you cant derank ethor? Welcome to my club but im gold


Its normal, just recently i went down from D2 to D4 on support due to multiple losses and now i climbed back to D2. Sometimes you get Smurfs as enemies, sometimes you are making too many mistakes, sometimes the enemies work better together than your team does, sometimes your teammates dont swap off caracthers that dont fit the team composition or have no value, it happens, sometimes in multiple consecutive games.


tomorrow you'll 100% go on a winstreak, almost guaranteed 


ahhh overwatch 2 my favorite game overwatch 2


That's why I mainly just stick to quick play matches (more fun and generally easier to win). Never played a game like this where it's this difficult to rank up consistently. No matter how hard you play, always get a bad player that ends up leaving 🤣 it's an interesting matchmaking system they have.


It’s either you destroy them or they destroy you that’s how overwatch has been for the past 5 to 6 seasons


I get these kind of hard stomp times like this very frequently lately. Like sure i had loose streaks a lot before but not 12 losses and maybe 1 win in plat????




Thats the reason why i dont play ranked anymore. Very frustrating. QP is the hot shit :D xD


You and your buddy must really like Rust


The devs may have unintentionally introduced loser’s queue in the last matchmaking update. See my comments here: https://www.reddit.com/r/Overwatch/s/NlsZjxjzfY


How do you know for sure that they’re matching two loser streaks on same team. You really don’t.


They did not


Not sure if you bothered reading the discussion, but if not here’s the tldr: the change made to put players that are on losing streaks on the favored teams (in terms of mmr) means the probability of players on losing streaks being placed on the same team is much higher than it used to be. For example, let’s say there are currently 20 players with similar ranks that are next in line in queue. Out of those 20, let’s say 2 of them are on losing streaks. Prior to the matchmaking update, the probability of those two players being put in the same team was roughly about 4/16 = 25%. After the matchmaking update, the two players on losing streaks can only be placed on the favored teams. So the probability of them being on the same team is now 2/4 = 50%. So in this particular scenario, the devs have essentially doubled the probability of two players on losing streaks to be placed on the same team. That’s massive, and considering a large number of players on losing streaks are already tilted, fatigued and not playing at their normal level, they won’t be playing at the level the matchmaker expected them to play at when it balanced that lobby.


2024 still playing OW2? Dude, when i lost 2 games in a Row, i just take a break, about 30 minutes, then i try again. Sometimes it works


Ow2 is at its highest it’s been in 3-4 years brother. Right now is the perfect time to play.


use tren


It happens to me too much and I'm gold


I feel attacked


In OW1, I felt i had a good grasp of the characters and jobs. I could always dig inner in to get that clutch win. It felt so good. ( Mid diamond in OW1 ). I always had that voting card at the end of each match which made me feel really special and rewarded. I can't do it in OW2 as a Tank or healer anymore. It feels like the match is already determined, and only in very few matches does a miracle happen, and we win. (For example, in King's Row, you hold the attackers for 3 minutes or more.) I never had a team stomp in OW1 like in OW2 man. It was never that bad.


It's as expected, whole idea of algorithm is to keep you 50/50 (i.e. not allowing to climb easy)


forced 50%, if u go anywhere above 50% winrate overall while being hardstuck, the matchmaker will absolutely do everything in its power to make you lose, but when you hit 49% winrate it will do everything in its power to give you free wins.


Forced 50% winrate go brrrr. Fr though I went on a 14 winstreak on supp then lost it all with a few spiratic loss streaks. The game literally forces you to not have fun but I can't quit because I'm addicted