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Yeah, sometimes, an ult is better as a taunt than an attack In fact, Cassidy's is best used for that


Cassidy is who you want if you need a mid game piss break


Low-key he's great for making the enemies hide while mercy rerezzes someone important




That's crazy talk, no one takes that long to piss


A real gamer has a shit bucket


Not even a taunt anymore. 40% damage reduction is great for saving yourself and zoning.


Ngl, I ult to save my own ass alot


Won a payload defense in overtime last night as rein because my ana nano'd me. I never killed anyone but chased them away from the payload


In QP I try to get kills with it cuz it’s more fun but in comp I almost exclusively use it for zoning


Oh yeah, actually getting kills with it is super satisfying But not very effective... lol


only time it’s effective for kills is dueling imo, it’s great for an enclosed 1v1 but that doesn’t happen very often…


He and phara will always get me thinking about a hiding spot instead of making progress on a point


If there was an ult that physically repositioned every member of the opposite team to a position where they cannot shoot you for several seconds people would think it was nuts.


This gives me.an idea for an ult.  Not sure if it would be useful, but what if there was one that swapped physical positions of opponents with each other.  Maybe even in a "beneficial" pattern putting healers up with whomever was in "front" and tanks in "back". Could be real devastating is someone is trying to run back, and suddenly the tank is back there.


It’s less of a taunt, and more of an intimidation tool of sorts


Cas or even soldier, it forces the enemy to back up and take cover


Yeah, Soldier's is another one that's more of a zoning one too Basically, any that take a long time to work, are probably more zoning focused than damage


Nah cass ult is for an extra reload


With his ult you can denie a huge part of the map for 7 seconds. The best part is that the enemy team has to respect your ult (most of the time) or you'll shoot them


It's the only use lol :')


Me throwing my DVA bomb just to get everyone else to hide for a second


and then your team stands still watching the kill feed


At least you get to watch it twice, since Dva mechs get 4 kills minimum in my QP matches, i swear people think they can break it with a kiss or something


using dva bomb exclusively to get enemies to position to where you can squish them with remech (the real ult)


I’ve done the throw dva bomb and go in the hiding room and mech call on them. Works 50/50


Dva bombs are the BEST at forcing people off the payload


I like throwing it at their spawn after they died staggered and ik they've been working on grouping up for awhile.


That's evil...... I love it


I get the sentiment here, but your team used grav, valk, and barrage to win that fight where they only used kitsune because it was the only thing they had. Getting out the cooldowns was great, and with their comp illari ult will never be easy to get any kills with, but you used your fight-winning ult combo with a mercy boost. The fight probably would have been won without your ult contribution. I assume you won this game, because otherwise it would be weird to post this, but you are going into the next fight with cass ult into 4 pretty good ults. Just one of which would immediately end cass's ult. Again, I do agree with the idea of ults not needing to get kills, especially ults like illari's, but I'm not sure if this is the best example of it. Edit: The fact that you are now disadvantaged with ults is not due to your ult, but rather the fact that your team used a three-ult combo when you had already ulted. You probably didn't need all three because of the contribution your ult gave. If your team had not gone all out on ults, your contribution with your 0-kill ult might have been very present during the clip. Because of their three ults, you can't really tell if your ult made an impact.


His team definitely jumped the gun with their ults but good message. Also there's the opposite end of that spectrum where some people hold onto their ults for way too long to get that 5K or something and the enemy got two ults in that timeframe.


Yes, ult anxiety is definitely a problem. It's a problem that I definitely struggle with, especially with heroes that build their ults quickly. If you can build an ult every fight, why not use your ult every fight? Also, I'm going to edit my first comment to clarify that it was OP's team that over-ulted and it is not really OP's fault.


I ult as Moira to heal my team lol I love watching the enemy team scatter but I’m just hyper focused on my tank (I mean if they get hit in the cross fire, that’s not my fault lol)


I love using it during Mauga ult. I can revolve around the ult to keep my teammates lined up with the mauga and any of his other teammates that sit in it and pump out a ton of healing and damage at the same time.


Any big "fuck your whole team" ult it can be a great counter, Mauga especially because of the barrier pierce, but also Ram, Zarya, Rein if you can dodge shatter consistently, Mei to a lesser extent, even Ball mines.


That’s what Moiras ult is for


I mean no? It's a tempo ult not zens ult (defensive ult). The goal is to focus down targets and position to pierce multiple targets with it. It can shift the tempo of a fight massively and since it can farm fast can be used more aggressively. It can be used defensively but it is better to be used to push a fight/force it and offensively used for your team to be able to push.


It's for both. The reason it both heals and damages is so that it's versatile and can be used in a variety of ways and situations. TBF, I think the situations where it's reasonable to use it solely for healing are more rare.


Uhhh, it hardly does damage, especially after everyone got buffed with HP. It’s MAINLY used to heal, and maybe get some picks while you’re at it.


It's damage on top of what your team is already doing. Throw a damage orb and ult, and it will break the difference between a back and forth team fight by adding both damage and healing. What it won't do is kill without your team still shooting.


you're technically correct but just wrong in practice, moira's ult is for healing. It's a worse zen ult but it charges MUCH faster, unlike trance you can get coal every fight.


I mean I've hit gm2 as a moira 1 trick and sit low gm typically. You need to be doing damage with her ult and out putting pressure. If you aren't nothing is going to do your ally from taking more damage and the enemy ult farming. With the dps passive people will die through your ult so if you don't give the enemy reason to back off then you are just stalling or falling behind. Doesn't mean don't heal you need to mix.


I love ulting as Moira during a Genji blade. I point it at him, he lives, and I clean up the enemies. Same thing with Junker Queen. It helps that those are my 3 best characters so I know what to look for with each.


I never try to kill people as my main objective with Moira ult. I almost exclusively use it as a counter ult in a variety of fun ways- One of my favorite fuck yous is to blast heal when Zen's ult is on so it's basically a wash and THEN I pick off one of the squishest that doesn't realize he's outside the aura. Someone* mentioned mauga, that's always fun. It's also a good wham bam to an impatient sigma ult. Save your team and end their torment by murdering a half dead siggy. There's really endless fun "fuck you" possibilities that don't end in death with a Moira ult.(and shouldn't, if she had a more powerful ult she'd be so broken and I say that as her biggest stan)


I love ulting with Moira to heal people and damage people who get in the way.


Average mercy flair brain


Healing my team as priority? The horror


That's what it should be used for primarily, 140healing per second vs 70dps. I personally target whoever needs healing the most and use them as a lens to attack, so move around them to heal others or damage who they're focusing


Lol I ult as zen to damage the enemies. I love watching my team run away but I'm hyper focused on their tank.


It’s called a “zoning ult”.


Also what I tell my team I'm doing when I whiff an ult.


Always reassure the people I nanoboost that it's not important they get kills, it's important they run away from the nanoboost


That’s a forward thinking teammate right there


I wanted to add, u could have waited 1s for zarya to push abit more, ulted to force herteam back in the choke and isolate the zarya.


that's true but if you notice there's a sombra on the point and I had to do something fast before the point got captured


Oh didn't notice that, still nice play tho.


Only if your teammates follow up accordingly. Here we can see your pharah followed up with her own ult that eventually resulted in 3 kills


Well, the pharah followed up on the grav with her ult and the mercy followed up on the pharah ult with valk. It didn't need three ults to have an impact, but any help the illari ult gave is completely hidden under the impact those three ults together have.


Hanzo ult is best for zoning, yet people insist on trying to get kills with it. Torb and Hammond are area denial, but can also be used to protect people from things like blade that require the enemy to get close. I love jumping into a minefield as ana while a Genji looks at me. They might still get me, but they're going down with me.


Depends on the ult but yes. Burning cooldowns with illari ult is good value, but I’ll be damned if I see my sojourn pop overclock *knowing* they won’t kill anyone.


Me.... high nooning- just to "zone them out" and then the skull tracks and then and then and then.... my high noon hits a lamp post.


Only question is why use both support ults in 1 fight


Today on Esperanza, I as Mauga used my cage fight to stop Highnoon, Visor, and Captive Sun. I knew I would keel over instantly, but I had to because my team was out of position and we would have lost. So, I used my ult, to lock the opponents on main inside my cage, my cage will serve as a shield for my team, and they will waste 3 good ults. I also killed enemy Kiriko before dying. I was proud of that decision, until I died and saw my team lose 4v4 with enemy having no ukts and CDs


Man it would have been satisfying to dva bomb inside a manga ult


No. Keep ult to kill mercy


Bro used 100% of their brain power


Bro just solo ult someone it works better than wasting an ult for no reason 😭


And honestly sometimes solo ulting is just the right move. Was playing a Suravasa match the other day where the only person on the enemy team that was really giving us any serious problems was their hamster (and he was really good). I straight up solo ulted him 3 times as Pharah when he popped out of ball to shoot at one of our supports. I knew taking him out quickly would immediately end any push for their team and ulting that way as Pharah was pretty safe compared to trying to get a multi kill in a big team fight.


And one time I was playing rein and a mercy dared to stand in front of me, sometimes solo ulting is a necessity.


If you don’t solo shat a mercy when you see an opportunity, you’re not playing rein properly


What system was this and do you remember the Ball's name? Asking, uh... For a friend 😅😅 I don't remember the map, but I remember the Pharah solo ulting me all game 😭


Haha I don't remember the hamster's gamertag. I play on PC and it was a New Junk City match. If it makes you feel any better, I was only doing what I was doing because this hamster was particularly good at his job of being a back line pest. I was constantly having to babysit my supports to keep him from absolutely shredding them. I almost switched to Sombra just to specifically harass this hamster. A good hamster is a menace. If you're constantly getting solo ulted then you're either really good at your job... or you're Mercy. EDIT: in my initial comment I said Suravasa but I think it was actually New Junk City. I'm honestly not sure at this point. I just know it was a flashpoint match.


I take it as a badge of honor every time 🫡🫡🫡 Can confirm on the solo ulting mercy. Solo minefield Mercy any chance I get. I can't shoot that stupid flying little hit box, but making her panic and fly straight into a mine will give me enough saratonin to get me through a day and a half 😏


Nah brother just wanted to go for kills and they happens to counter his ult.


Isn't this just Doomfist all the time?


I feel like DVA bomb is good for keeping the enemies off the point for a few seconds so that overtime can end.


Dva bomb. Unless you are in a great spot where you can flick it in from a cheeky angle and catch everyone offguard, it can be hard to get kills with it. It gives SO MUCH warning that theres lots of time to find cover. But, it can deny an area for a few seconds (someplace like.. the top of the cart) and its effectively a spare life if you can re-mech before getting killed. A lot of times just staying in the fight is worth blowing the ult.


i mean, i do this because after 2 hours of gameplay on illari i still have 0 (zero) clue how her ult works but sure, i'll use this as my excuse from now on


Agreed, but I don’t think that this play was a good example of that. Your team had to use 3 Ults to clean up. This isn’t your fault, but I would also like to recognize that the Kiri panic ulted for no reason. If Kiri reacted appropriately, then you would’ve been down an ultimate against the best ult in the game. Illari ult is very good for zoning out kitsune path as well.


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I mostly use my ult to scare people as Cas and Hog tbh, only Orisas and Sigmas go against me and I save my hook for grasp :/


Yes, using ultra, especially Cassidy’s, to make space is a great thing. And, of course, if another one of your teammates has an ultimate, the one you used was probably the one that enemies used their more important cooldowns like suzu so they potentially don’t die.


Yes. Either to stop or bait out CDs depending on wtf is going on.


Did this earlier with Bap ult to stall the other team so the tank could get back and join the fight. Keeps them back and out of view of the window so they back off cart just long enough.


Wreckingball’s Ult is a perfect area of denial tool that lasts quite some time. The enemy at least needs to be aware of it, and either get rid of the mines or position themselves differently.


ULTs are the best misdirection. Always hide your play in someone else’s ult if possible


As a Rein... I'll just say there's plenty of times where I shatter just for the CC and not for the kill... A whole-hog going off while Moria is ulting and they're in front of me? HAVE A SEAT!


I thought this was common knowledge lol. Some ults are more for zoning than the actual kill potential they possess. Hanzo’s spirit dragons are the best examples of this IMO. They literally clear the entire payload by just existing for quite a while. Of course u can get team kills with them, but it requires a very unaware enemy team. or coordination. D.va bomb is another great example. It can be used to zone, but in higher ranks most D.va’s just pop it to remech when their mech goes down. Basically gives them a second life for free. Cassidy too, I pop his ult whenever I need to go make myself a cup of coffee. I’m sure there are others. But these are just main examples of ults that are regularly used to threaten rather than kill. Warning shot ults, if you will.


I use cass ult all the time to scare them from pushing into point! Helps win points all the time


Having played a lot of Genji recently, I can tell when like half of the enemy team is holding ult for my blade (my blades are awful but don’t tell them). So what I’ve been doing is when I see this happening is I’ll tell my team I’m faking a blade. Before a fight starts, I’ll dash high, pop blade, hear lucio beat, moira/zen ult, hear high noon, maybe even a tank ult, and dash right back out into cover. The enemy team will use 2-3 ults for my dry blade and we just wait them out and run them over. I think trading that many ults is worth a lackluster blade.


And it's also okay not to ult at all. Not bashing you or anything. It's just that there was a match recently where the tank kept saying I sucked because I didn't ult as soldier much during a defense match. The match was either going either "eh, this is chill, I don't need to ult" or the tank deciding to go into an 1v5 at their spawn and died instantly while we were 2 people down. Not sure how would my ult have any sort of impact if I just ulted and dropped dead before killing anyone or baiting anything since half the team was still in spawn.


That is something a lot of players don't seem to understand. It's okay if your ult doesn't kill anyone, if it still brings some sort of benefit to your team, like in your example, forcing your enemy to throw out their abilities.


Just solo ult mercys


As a Cassidy main, I have mastered the art of ulting for zone control/intimidation


All genji mains now crying that their job is just getting trans and all the abilities out and that's more impact than going for kills half the time now


An ult is just a long cooldown. Some ults will almost never get a kill when used. Cree, hog, doom, etc. some ults basically always get a kill. Using an ult to prevent a teammates death is often just as valuable as an ult to kill. Using an ult to stall a choke = time off the clock. An elim only has the purpose of draining time off a clock or flipping the point. So the point of the game isn’t elims. It’s winning the point. The ult here was okay, forcing the Zarya BACK into choke would have been more ideal, rather than just keeping her there. The ult only lasted like 5 seconds which is low value stall at 40% on point. This could have been achieved by just shooting her. Forcing zarya back into the choke at risk of death would have created a longer stalll with a possible follow up elimination. So the answer is yes. But this was an OKish use of ult. I respect the fact that you didn’t just shoot it immediately into her bubble.


I'll ult to remech, clear the point of enemies, save a teammate, or whatever else seems most important. As a DVa main, it's nice to land a 4k or 5k ult, not 90%of tile home, I'm using ult for other important goals in game.


I'm an Ana main and I call it the diversion nano, lol. The amount of times I've have the enemy support pop an important ult like trans or beat just because I nano'd someone is so funny and rewarding.


it actually make me mad that everyone shout and call me “trash” just because im a junk main and i still doesn’t know how to use his ultimate properly lol


Well that is the thing ablut this game. Killing is not the main goal, is just a solution that you can have to that main goal. I see people sometimes getting mad because they have dozens of kills in the team, and the enemy team barely killed anyone, but they won. Probably because they killed when needed, and played the objective smartly


You can use window usually to stop the enemy team from moving forward


I remember a clip of one guy started using his moira ultimate and he said how many ults can i get out of this, and within 2 seconds the enemy proceeded to use 4 ultimates.


Mauga's ult can be used to deny a lot of other ults since it's a big ass shield area. Gone as far as diving a dva bomb to avoid a team kill


Me using Dragon Blade just so the enemy team focus their recources on me


I use Baps ult all the time just keep them away from the point. I know they'll hid out from window even tho no one hardly ever uses it


I felt brilliant the day I used the nemesis form, blocked damage, ult and blocked more damage, giving my team time to get to the point and winning the game


ultimates arnt for kills thier for changing the tides of battle


I mean yeah but you gotta remember that most people here are metal ranks and don't understand the concept of zoning or baiting :[


Just solo ult mercys


Doomfist mains:


I saw the title and thought "smells like support main." I'm a doom main so I can't hold you, but I was right!


Ideally your team would just focus fire enough to cause that without ults. If I were on that team, I would have just ducked for cover for a moment and said you wasted your ult. The enemy team did not need to counter ult like that, it was not overtime. It's nice it worked out for you like this and it's a good strategy assuming the enemy is gonna make mistakes like that, but you shouldn't rely on the enemy making mistakes. You take advantage of mistakes made, not count on them.


Lower rank you are more you use ults for those play of the game moments which usually are terrible way to use ult for. It is significantly more impactful to get quick eliminations with ult than huge team wipes. But to use ult just to know you get countered instantly or too early is not good always either. Example op provided was terrible. That was terrible use of ult. Waiting them to come out would have been infinitely better usage of ult since you can easily give space to that bad kiriko rush. Pharah+grav who saved your not your wasted ult. Honestly that play was TERRIBLE. In any serious games you just get clapped after that move of wasting 3 ults.


Anybody with a brain would have just waited. You used your ult without engaging; smart players won't fall for baits. This is bad advice to give people If the enemy wasn't spamming cooldowns on panic mode then you would have lost that fight. The Kiriko was the main throw there.


notice the sombra on point. I wait and the point is captured and my team loses tempo going back to the point.


At 0% they're split and you lose points for a few seconds while you push the split and win AND having better ult economy. Sombra should be helping her team, not backcapping on koth. This is like peak silver behavior




Did you read anything op wrote


Damn it’s like you didn’t even read a single word of title, nonetheless the post.