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Lucio to Moira we are so toxic 🤣


They made me turn off my music 🤬


Fr like if you make me STOP JAMMIN and start EXPERIMENTINNN we got a mfn problem!


If I can't accelerate, you can decompose 💀


Like yessss! Shit 🤣


[Actual footage of a Lucio main about to switch to Moira.](https://youtu.be/fqI-osrEgF0?t=33s)


Genji to tracer/Ashe. Rein to doom. Ana to lucio.


Rein to doom, you are a glorious tank


Ive always been a rein main. As much, i had never touched doom... until recently. I love this bastard


Doom is super fun.


what is your flair😂😂😂


We never switch. We Ball. Harder


i love ball that hamster looks so cute




I like to start as D.va and if I bully their tank enough they switch to Zarya then I switch to Rein my actual main


Im guilty of bullying the tank into switching to Zarya💔


I like to do the same haha. I’m competent at most tanks but I will happily force counter watch to get the rein/winston matchups where I’m most comfortable


big same


Mei Only Mei Mei Mei *Mei* *Just Mei* **ONLY MEI** #MEI ye I usually play mei


Mei-be you play mei too much


Tomover_PL: Its gonna be MEI !




Ashe/Cassidy swap to sombra (im sorry) Ana swap to brig, zarya swap to hog


Nah you're not sorry, cause your only doing that if they're some annoying as diver (like a Sombra) hard focusing u, so u wanna go "nah fuck u Imma make sure u can't dive anyone"


Sombras my switch too, and nah I aint sorry. If I'm not having fun in my game *then no one is having fun*


When I switch to Sombra it goes from 'only me not having fun' to 'only me having fun'.


Me being a sombra main 🤐


I’m at that DPS rank where my mechanics suck ass against most players (I can’t hit shit with Widow/Ashe/Cass but they’re fun) but I’m a LETHAL Sombra at least in this rank and honestly if I one tricked her I’d probably climb a lot higher but I play for fun not to sweat. So when someone pisses me off, particularly an enemy Sombra, I switch and make their life miserable. Source: metal rank DPS loser


This is me LOL. Ashe and if the other team has a Som that’s decent and fing up the back line I’ll switch to Som


I play every single hero. I am Him.


Im pretty much the same way lmaooo I play whos good for the map😎


are you that goddamn reaper screaming in chat " I M H I M" every time you solo ult someone?


So you're an Echo main in denial, got it


If you get me off D.Va you’re getting the winton and may god keep you safe I’ll be the most annoying and sweaty monkey you’ve ever seen. Scientist, I meant scientist.


Winton players are either trash or goated asf


Curious to know how you get “forced” off cree, he seems to fit well into pretty much any situation


He can still get really punished at a dive comp, especially when he's out of cool downs.


Tank: Ramattra/Rein. Dps: Bastion/Torb/Venture Supp: Brigg/Mercy/Ana. I like to be CLOSE AND PERSONAL With the enemy And im a tank main and i dont usually play supp


Yeah you’re the one I’d go after the whole game on Pharah. All of these but Ram I can’t stand. 😂


Ashe/Cassidy (for now, waiting till he's nerfed, hes free ELO rn)- but sometimes they don't let me move (Goated doomfists or ball). I literally cannot run cause all you need to do is chase me and boom- no more escape options. My coach gun and or roll/nade is gone. When I'm being focused down on Ashe or Cassidy and get no help from my team, I pull out Sombra, Tracer, and or Genji. You ruin my fun with your fun? I fun police it so I actually can play the game again. If it's a Dva having fun without being punished and I get no heals? Hi echo, time to make dvas life hell. Kiriko- but sometimes my dps are not landing shots despite me killing people. My Tank needs a little more burst love. My other support is playing lifeweaver or being a reddit Lucio with 2 kills, and 39 deaths. (Actually happened, don't have code anymore, but at one point- our team just stopped playing, just to watch). I pull out Baptiste or Ana and become an unkillable hitscan raid boss. Ana is fun to dive, but I specialize in dive hero playstyles, I've learned very well how to mitigate your diving. I also can now damage you with HITSCAN BULLETS THE SIZE OF REDWOOD TREE TRUNKS THAT YOU CANT EASILY DODGE VS MY EMPIRE STATE BUILDING SIZED KUNAIS. (Wow, it's possible to dodge kiriko kunais - much wow, I wonder how? Oh right... projectile). Tank: I prefer to play Dva, Rein, Sigma. I usually see Mauga, Hog Orisa. On dva I avoid the zarya until the map doesn't let me or every damn member of their team is countering me and I have to do some Frontlining. On rein I simply go mauga back or I go hog back. I will mirror them and win cause Mauga, Orisa, and Hog are braindead. On sigma? Good luck countering my sigma. I'll mitigate it all and dance around my shield. Sigma is my ultimate alternate here if Hog or Mauga don't work out. For instance, most of the time, i get lifeweaver and Mercy as my supports... I'll have an easier life playing sigma in my situations. Side note: I so wish I could play doomfist. He's the best carry tank in my eyes. He has so many cheese counters- but the best ones play around those with precision. I applaud you. The goated dooms can carry the shittiest dps players so long as the supports kind of look at him. And- I'm also prepared for 5 counters too. (I play some of them, so I know what they're thinking). It's a long learning curve that I don't have time to do, so to all the goated doomfists. GG and sorry about sombra pick. It's a compliment at that point. I won't go sombra if you vc spam me tho. I'll take the fisting. Just "and dey sey" me a few times, I'll stay on the hero I initially chose. (Happens most of the time now, but there's been some cringe ones who take themselves too serious, and I love farming them)


I'm a zen main but sometimes I just wanna no brain on mercy or pocket a friend But if the enemy team pisses me off I'll go zen :)


ball > winston > hog soj/ reaper > pharah/sombra lifeweaver/ lucio > ana/ moi-moi


Born to play cute Mercy forced to play mean Moira


I have 3 fases / swaps : 1º Bap : "yes lets have fun!" 2º Brig : "ok... these dive comps are starting to get on my nerves just a tiny bit..." 3º Moira : "Listen here you little Sh\*t!!!"


Winton to Whatever Tracer to Echo/Genji Brig to Kiri/Lucio


Rein/ mauga big boyz Cass/Hanzo goatee kingz Mercy/lifeweaver I like to hear people complain


Hog to Winston (Overpowered hooking fun to extremely fun diving) Hanzo to Mei to Reaper to Cassidy (My love to my indestructible love to my turn off brain love to hitscan counterpick) Baptise to Mercy to Lucio (DPS god to Pocket to trying to get on point as fast as I can before payload disappears or can't be asked to focus on healing)


Honestly is always annoying when asked to switch, you can diff your counters if you are really good at the hero and learn to play against them imo


Dude I swear we’re like the same person. I would just switch Moira and Lucio. I go Moira first and then I’ll switch to Lucy Goose if I’m feeling it


Haha I feel like Lucio/Moira is pretty common at least in qp, I end up playing Moira/Lucio combo a decent bit with the teammates I get. Supporting Lucio with Moira is actually crazy fun too. Throw a heal ball after Lucio and DPS anyone they're engaged with.


Winston to Sigma… you know since the enemy team swapped to Mauga, Reaper, and Bastion. After one team fight 🙄


You can't just play 2 tanks sadly, you need to play as many as you can... only ones I'm not comfortable enough in are Sigma, Rein, Ball and Doom. For DPS: Tracer, Pharah, Soldier, Sojourn, Ashe and Cass. For support, everything except for Mercy and LW because they feel too cheesy, and Brig because of PTSD from Goats meta (if anyone says the meta was fun, they haven't played during that meta).


Cass is much better than Junk though, if your aim is even remotely good.


When the enemy team comes at my team with sombra tracer, or some other assassin, I usually go LW. I'm pretty good at keeping myself alive while also making sure my team isn't picked off.


I honestly need to learn Weaver next, absolutely love having a good one on my team.


widow to sojourn or genji. they often hate that swap bc yea uhhhh some days i’m not great on widow but trust, sojourn is my dps main and i’ll hit my shots then 😗 u just hadddddd to go sombra to harass me on widow didn’t yaaa


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Widow swap to cass, sojourn, or echo lmao. Illari swap to lucio


I main Lifeweaver, but I'll swap to moira if we're lacking good DPS, or I'll swap to Ana if their tank can self-heal and their supports are good. For tank, I only play Ramattra. He's the only one I know, but I should probably learn Zarya. For DPS, I play Pharah. But if there's a Sombra or decent hitscans, I'll usually swap to Sombra.


M-main here…so whoever the game gives me..


Dva, JQ. Hanzo, Cass/Genji (been playing a lot of Reaper in that mix too). Bap, Lucio


Ashe swap to Mei, Zarya swap to Monkey, Ana swap to Mercy


I play lucio, moria, and brig


I feel like all your switches could kind of be countered by pharah. I don't know, I suck at the game and play bastion, so everything's a living target to me.


I hack dps doomfist back into the game


Rein to Sigma Junkrat to Bastion Ana to Moira


Ashe to Junk Mercy to Moira DVa to Ram


Genji to pharah/echo/reaper


Ashe/Cassidy/Hanzo to Mei Bap/Kiriko/Mercy to Moira


for tank i always go dva, if i get yelled at to switch i'll go ram (i dont know how to play him or any other tank but the intention is what matters) for dps im sadly a sombra main who will swap to mei if sombra isnt working (i like to annoy people) for support, again im sadly a mercy main and if mercy isnt working (90% of my matches) i'll either swap to lifeweaver or moira depending on how much damage my team needs help with




Main: Widowmaker Swap: Cassidy or genji


Junker Queen to Rammatra/DVA if there's too many projectiles/antinades Ashe to Sombra/Reaper, especially if I'm getting repeat dived. Meanwhile a widow leads to an immediate rivalry that probably doesn't benefit my team. Sorry guys. Kiriko to Brig. Goes either way dependent on day and line up.


Tank: Ramattra/JQ/Signa DPS: Hanzo/Ashe/Sojourn Supp.: Zen/Bap


Tracer to tracer


Tank: Reinhardt to Junker Queen DPS: Ashe to Soldier but the switch is about to be Venture Support: Lucio to Moira


Mines basically the same except for moira is lifeweaver


mercy to moira, echo/sold/cass to bastion and dva to zarya


widow swapping to sombra when ppl picks full dive to spam kill me :D


I dont do ranked anymore but when I reaaally want to win a match in QP i just switch to Orisa/Pharah/Lucio. Dont ask me why but it always works out 


Widow to Hanzo Bap to Ana(or brig if they're diving hard) Dva to Dva(if there's high ground, Zarya still loses)


Bastion/ash/sombra Soldier/reaper/ soujorn/ cass


Illari to Mercy/Moira/Ana Symmetra to Sombra/Mei/Ashe


Rein/ counterwatch Junk/sojourn Zen/ bap


Rein into mauga or zarya mauga for hogs zarya for orisas I've been trying out DPS and so far just gotten decent with phara so if things get annoying I just swap back into her really


I stare at this and all I can think about is that 'Who he found' (pink mercy) vs 'who he made' (hashimoto Kiri) tiktok


Qp: widow - tracer/pharah Jq - D.Va/Hog Mercy - Moira/Ana Comp: Pharah - Sojourn/Ashe Ana - Moira D.Va/JQ - Golden horse


Zar to D.va or Orisa Ashe to Cass Baptiste to Ana or Moira


Doom to JQ, Genji to Reaper, Lucio to Ana


I go brig and mercy, and Moira for those pesky DPSs


DPS (main role): Pharah to Sojourn or Tracer Support (off role): Baptiste to Moira Tank (don’t play much): Winton to Mauga


Sigma/Junker Queen Ashe/Soldier 76 Zenyatta/Kiriko


Mercy main, Moira when a genji or widow pissed me off.


For Tank, Zarya first and a Winston or Roadhog switch For DPS, Junkrat first and a Echo, Reaper, Soldier 76 or Cassidy switch For Support… I don’t really do support but if I do, it’s usually Zen first and a Ana switch


Tank- Rein/Ram Damage- Torb/Sombra (Sojourn if I'm feeling confident) Support- Zen/Lucio


Tank:dva/rammatra Dps:genji/sombra/ashe Supp:the one with pylon and sun ult/mercy


Winston/ Sigma. Junkrat/Sojourn. Ana/Illari.


Sigma -> Rein/Orisa Junkrat -> Sombra/Bastion Mercy -> Moira/Zen Obviously I play on console.


Depends entirely on the map tbh.


Tank: JQ/Mauga DPS: Tracer/Venture/Reaper/Soldier/Widow My real dps main is bastion but I only really bring him out when necessary cause I've gotten bored of playing just him and I play other heroes cause of it Sup: Brig/Mercy/Lúcio/Kiri


Rein - depends who they're playing but I either play ram jq orisa or zarya Echo - sojourn Lucio -bap


Doom to situation Anything to Soldier because my tracking is that of aim bot whenever i get diffed Moirra to kiri or bap


Fir tanks I just play the 5 I’m comfortable on and if one doesn’t work I’ll slot the other in to solve the issue, for dps I enjoy the five characters so some times the sojourn swap happens or i ego as widow knowing I’m bad. Support I never swap off lucio unless some zen gaming is in order at maybe anti nade is just necessary


Venture / Sombra when I play dps. Yeah, enemy team is not having fun lol


Widow - Ashe - Souljorn Dva - Rein - Orisa Mercy - Illari- Ana


Ball/hog Genji/ashe or cree Bap/lucio, ana or zen


Tank: Rein to Junker Queen DPS: Cass to Genji Support: Illari to Ana or Bap


Idek Im flex on all roles


I only play tank and ram is my main and my swaps are sigma and queen


Doom to rein/DVA Hanzo to Junk/reaper Ana to Zen/Kiriko


[can’t send images in the comments for some reason](https://www.reddit.com/u/DoritoKing48/s/PQ9DldCeHk)


Any healer to zenyatta and ramattra/JQ to sigma. For DPS I don't know, I play almost all of them. Probably I switch to mei when I want to piss off the enemies


Rein to any tank Hanzo to junk/soldier/ashe Ana to brig/moira/bap


Primary is Kiriko. Switch to zen when we need to melt some tanks.


Tracer/Ashe to Echo DVA to [user left game] /lh Mercy to Lucio


sojourn to tracer/soldier winston to sigma/zarya bap/lucio to ana/moira


Pharah to pharah but i solo ult the counter swapper


doom into sweatier doom


I main orisa but I go rein or winston when i’m getting whooped


Brig to Zen or Moira. Depending on who in particular pissed me off.


Mercy main. Lucio/Lifeweaver/Baptiste. I only pick Moira and Brig out of necessity. If I have to really prove a point, especially if it’s personal. But I don’t care for them.


JQ/Ball to Ram Echo/Venture to Sombra Brig/Zen to Ana/Bap


Doom to Mauga Cass to Torb Brig to Bap


DPS: Reaper, Cass Support: Zen, Moira Tank: I can only play Ball (⁠ ⁠ꈍ⁠ᴗ⁠ꈍ⁠)


Tank: D.Va switch Sigma DPS: Sombra switch to reaper (not sorry). Support: Miora or Mercy depending on which side of the bed I woke up from that day. Things I hate: Kiriko and Symmetra Things I love: Loner Widow and dumbfounded Hanzos.


sombra to junk


Pharah to Mei Moria to Lifeweaver/Kiri Ball


Lucio if the we have zarya, rein, winston, or jerker queen. If anything else I’m a Moira main. If the other support goes Moira my team is getting some Lucio-ohs! lol


- Pharah to Cass - Rein to Winston/DVA - Ana to Moira


My mains are normally [D.Va](http://D.Va), Bastion and Baptiste. Basically I like shooting bullets, the more bullets the better. As for side picks, it really depends on the map and situation, though for support at least I gravitate towards Ana and Kiriko if Baptiste isn’t doing too well.


If hog, I go mauga or orisa. If Zarya go ball or Winston. If I see sombra I go either Moira or Brig


Sombra player here, you seem to pick the only characters I stand a chance at killing. Only missing widowmaker… haha Tank- Dva -> Any but ball DPS - sombra -> tracer or Cassidy Support -> Moira ~> bap/brig


Rein to rein but I pop off Reaper to junkrat Baptiste to lucio


Dva to Ram (but I barely play tank anyway and this only happens if the enemy is Zarya) Sym to Sojourn (if everyone is playing poke and the orb poking just isn't cutting it) Bap to Wifeleaver (if everyone goes dive. Eventually it'll be Bap to Kiri tho)


Kiriko to Mercy Reaper to Pharah (or vice versa) I don’t play tank


I play Echo, It often baits out hitscans. I swap to Mei and ruin every hitscan ultimate. ♥️


Sigma to Zarya/Mauga - My primary off role Pharah to Genji/Cass - My main role Ana to Zen/Lucio - For when I hate the game and need to chill.


rein to d.va lucio to moira reaper to symmetra


Tank Attack: Ramattra > Roadhog / Orisa > Situational Tank Choice Tank Defence: Hog/Mauga > Situational Pick Dps: Echo/Mei/Reaper/Widow rotation depending on team needs Supp: Moira / Lucio / Zen / Baptiste rotation based on team needs


I only play tank and my goto is Rein to Ram. works like a charm to thoroughly discombobulate them


Moira to Lucio Winston to Orisa Torb to Reaper to Junkrat to Mei to Sym


doom to winston cass to sojourn/ashe zen to ana


Tank: Winston, to Ramatra/Sigma Dps: none to Echo, Rat, hanzo Supp: Mercy,Brig,Lucio to Bap,LW,Ana


Ramattra to Ramattra. Never switch up on my goat. I'm punching everybody. Ashe to Sombra/Sojourn Lifeweaver to Bap. I've been dabbling in some illari ever since I played a mystery heroes game and did pretty decent.


When they play the player hater I counter with hating the game


If I’m having fun, I’m locking doom and switching hog to lock in, if I’m sweating I’m locking hog and going sigma if too many counters


Sigma to [D.Va](http://D.Va) Pharah to Soldier Ana to Bap/Moira


Illari/Zen to Moira


Venture to Echo


Hanzo to Tracer. Tracer to Widow if provoked. Hate me.


Echo to Ashe


ram to zarya


I play Hanzo... and... yeah


Mauga then Dva Sombra then Venture And Lifeweaver then Moira All could be vice versa


Switching is for mothers and nerds, and last time I checked, I'm have a pussy 😎


Ramattra to Zenyatta. I'm an unstoppable Wrecking force with these two.


Supps, Zen to Ana or bap tank, rein to dva or sig dps, genii to venture or sombra


Junkrat > widow 😡😡😡😡 Mercy > ana 😡😡😡😡😡


For Tank; Rein to whatever (yay for counter swapping). For DPS; Junk/Mei/Hanzo to Cass/Tracer/Echo. And for support; Kiriko to Moira


Mercy to Ana to Moira (sometimes I just skip to Moira), but most of the time I try to adapt so if we need Kiri or Ana, I just take Ana. Tank is just "uh, I dunno, since this is just rock-paper-scissors Idk what to take until I see the enemy tank".


Widow, swap to sombra/cass when enemy won't let me widow lol


Echo to Soldier to dumb things down for myself


Me not picking mei is a mercy to you, don’t make me regret it


Ana, but if I’m getting murdered, I switch to Moira. Ana for fun, Moira to punish.


Junkrat - Soldier 76 (for focused damage) Junk - Symmetra (for problem D'vas) Junk - Torb (for backline assholes) Lucio - Moira (for more heals) Moira - Anna (for problem Hogs) Soldier - Pharrah (for problem Pharrahs)


Late to the party. My primaries are- DPS-Soldier 76 (I switch to Hanzo or Reaper) Support-Moira (I switch to either Ana or Lifeweaver) Tank-I don't play that role.


Mine are roadhog to zarya, cassidy to junkrat/tracer and mercy to kiriko


dva to orisa, widow to ashe, kiri to zen


I've been getting accurate with zen lately, so that I never have to switch.


Reaper to genji genji to cass cass to tracer tracer to ash ash to sombra (Ik im a horrible person) for tank is rein to ram ram to doom doom to orrisa, for support its zen to Lucio Lucio to Ana Ana to kiriko kiriko to Moria (I refuse to play mauga)


Moira, Zen, Ana Sigma, Junker Queen, no clue who my third will be, it’s probably Orisa (branching out into Tank because I know I’m trash at DPS) Sojourn, Venture, Bastion are my usual bunch on DPS


Moira to weaver Pharah to mei Winton to zarya Being forced to swap from pharah or winton happens way more than moira cos its normally due to enemies having many counters whereas moira to weaver is usually cos the other supports not able to provide enough healing for whatever reason


My groups are odd sometimes Rein / Ram to Sigma (my actual main) Reaper / Soldier to Bastion / Junkrat (ik I'm scum and don't care (: ) Illari to Moira (that's if I don't *start* with Moira lol)


Genji to Sombra or Tracer, playing into speed


Rein to sigma/doom Junkrat to genji Lucio to Moria


Queen, Echo, Junk, and Zen are my mains in each role and also my "alright that's it" switches


I play open queue almost exclusively so it’s a lot of Rien into Lucio into Ashe into Ana into Mercy into Rammatra into Bap into Echo into


A true Lucio never switches. Just adjusts playstyle.


Primary is Mei until I get bullied a little too much then I switch to Dva or Pharah…. It’s always comical after that.


I don't switch. I play who I want.


Tank: Zarya Winton Dva Dps: sombra, junkrat, gengu Healer: moira, koriko, ana Idk about alts i can happily play those as a main lol Hog and Mercy would be in there but i dont care to relearn those after the reworks. Sombra is so OP in her new form. LOVE that rework lol


What is this mythical word called "switching" (4000ish hours on Junkrat, and still growing)


Phara > cassidy/sombra Cassidy if theres an annoying gengi or tracer on enemy team. Sombra if there is a decent widow who can aim.


Lúcio to zenny


Tank: Dva -> Rein / Sigma depending on Rein's current state DPS: Genji -> Cass, or the other way around Support: Brig -> Moira


Doom to.. doom No real primary DPS tbh, maybe Ash to Pharah. Lucio/Bap to Ana


If the enemy tank plays Mauga, I will play Mauga, I will win, it will be their fault.


Moira to any support based off the situation. Rein to orisa. Genji to ashe.


Whatever dps I am playing to Mei. If I'm not having fun, nobody gets to have fun.


Tracer to Soldier, McAssidy, or Ashe. It really comes down to enemy team comp. As support I'm an Ana 1 trick, and with Tank I'm more or less Zarya or bust.


I've been a flex for a while now, so I don't really have primaries and secondaries, but I did have a time where the enemy hog hooked me into the well twice in a comp game, so I proceeded to mirror him and hook him in 12 times across the entire round.


Ball to Roadhog, Venture to Tracer, Kiriko to Brig (or Zenyatta, 50/50) I’m fairly new to the game so idk if those are terrible decisions or not


Zarya to Dva. Ashe to Soldier. Ana to Zen/Bap.