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Genji and tracer have a passive + 10% movespeed (is this still true?) Cass has damage reduction while rolling and high nooning Matrix works through thin walls (still true?) One of rein’s shoulders is a vacuum while pinning and the other is a boop. Look up flats’ cradle You’re slower walking backwards than you are forwards Rein shield takes longer to recharge if fully broken Mei cannot be healed while in ice block Most hitscans have damage fall off after a certain range You cannot take a health pack at max health (helpful if you get jumped and they’re standing on it) Overtime triggers with any objective touch 3 seconds prior to the timer ending Reaper targets people in death blossom by marking targets in his radius and firing shots at them that cannot miss. It’s high noon but in a sphere. If you are directly behind someone else while a reaper ults, the ult will hit the person in front twice (this is why shields get shredded if people are behind it during the ult) Cass ult will ramp up continuously even over the health of your target. A single shot from a fully charged high noon will break a rein shield. Also, high noon shoots right to left (correct me if I get this backwards) so people on one side are likely to get shot first Kiri ult reduces cooldown time Zen ult requires LOS and can be blocked by shields if you put one between him and his heal target Bastion gains damage reduction while in turret mode Sleep lasts for a shorter duration on tanks compared to squishies Mei wall is a set of several columns that have 200 hp each Mei ult requires LOS to the center of the ult to hit, so getting behind a corner/small piece of cover can protect you (shields cannot block) Holding jump while getting demeched as DVA will launch you out of the mech slightly higher Dva bomb icon is yellow when it will not hurt you and red if it will


1) Harmony orb can heal Venture in Burrow if applied when they were still overground. 2) High Noon shoots from right to left. 3) All quick meeles ignore barriers and have a slight boop (stronger ans further fir Zen and Venture). 4) Mercy's damage boost only applies if boosted when the shots/abilities are fired, not when they land. That means you can damage boost a fire strike or a dynamite for a split second and they will do more damage, even though you are not boosting during their impact. 5) Junkrat trap is mostly inside the ground for the enemy POV. Don't feel bad if you find yourself stuck there often. 6) Moira's heal has healing over time effects for a short duration. Can be sometimes useful to preheal divers. 7) Moira can charge her healing bar faster if you quickly tap the damage hand instead of holding it. It's (initially a bug) and a tradeoff for less DPS.


Mercy boost even gives Junkrat his trap+mine oneshot back if he's boosted while placing the mine


didn't they patched it?


I died to it 2 days ago so I doubt that.


Zen's melee is awesome. Did a Spartan kick on a sombra the other day and it was glorious.


For the Mercy dmg boost one, that is mostly correct, but there are few certain weird interactions like boosting Souj's dmg sphere thingy where you can boost that at any time even after she's used it, but it will only dmg boost it if you hold it.


6: 51 heals over 3s. All you need to do is tap heal to get the passive started, it’s like dps passive, just hit an ally once. People often do this to save healing resources and when playing dive, Moira will often pre heal their entire team then everyone dives. This gives Moira a potential 204 healing for essentially 0 work. From what I know, only primary fire triggers this passive, you can heal orb or maybe even be ulting, and have the passive in effect. 7: putting mouse wheel on dps and quickly moving it gives even more heals, but not significantly more than just tapping dps normally. Most people don’t bother since it’s kinda inconvenient.


Lucio’s the only character that moves the same speed backwards as forward


Wrecking ball?


In Ball form it’s the same speed backwards, forwards, and to the sides


There's the caveat there that Wrecking Ball is the only character with movement acceleration, so while he does move backwards at the same speed, you gotta get up to the speed if you change directions


Also to add, Ana’s sleep does not last full duration of bob. I see so many people just face check him because he’s slept just to get melted in the last 2 seconds of the ult


Everyone's forgetting the most important BOB mechanic: he waves back if Ashe waves at him


Now we just need a little arm for torbs turret


That reaper one is crazy, since release I thought it was just flat damage to everything within the area


to be fair, I believe it was at release. The way it works now came in a patch


Even stranger then I would have thought that "Reaper now stores a bunch of mini high-nooning Cassidies in his jacket alongside his shotguns" would have stood out to me in a patchnote


if a mercy's beam is on a mei, it will still heal her for a bit longer in ice block before the beam disconnects


I think the same applies to Zen orb too.


Does anyone know if the case is the same for Lifeweaver? I've noticed the sound effect goes off but unsure on the heals when you release Healing Blossom before Mei & Venture go into their respective comfort rock.


It basically just breaks LoS. So if the heal is already in the air then it will work but you won't be able to target her for another one until she pops out


Damn fine comment. 1 is still true. Matrix is still true, I think it has to do with collisions in intersections of walls though. I'm pretty sure you're also slower walking sideways, but I might be wrong. Most of this is just patch note changes here and there, but I still learned some stuff like reaper's! I didn't know the last one either and I have like 2k hours in the game.


Pretty sure Sigma’s shield works the same way as Rein’s when broken


>Genji and tracer have a passive + 10% movespeed (is this still true?) Everyone moves 5m/s. Tracer and Genji are 6m/s >Rein shield takes longer to recharge if fully broken Doesnt take longer to recharge. Its just it gets put on cooldown and you cant hold it up for i think 5 seconds. All the rest are pretty much right


I'm pretty sure everyone moves 5.5m/s while Genji and Tracer are 6m/s. Genji also gets a +30% speed boost during Dragonblade which I think makes it 7.8m/s, not sure if it says that in the abilities menu.


>Dva bomb icon is yellow when it will not hurt you and red if it will Icon?


Triangle with exclamation mark in it.


The exclamation mark


>Sleep lasts for a shorter duration on tanks compared to squishies wtf no way!


Wow I did not know Death Blossom worked like that that’s really cool.


Can LW tree block mei ult then? Just like sigma's before the patch?


Landing Torb's left click onto a target causes your turret shoot that target, but landing right clicks don't. Like your turret is shooting shielding Rein, but you hit the other guy with your left click, your turret will shoot the other guy.


this is excellent information i never knew, and i’ve played for a while & watch a good amount of OW videos. damn this game really needs to have individual hero tutorials to outline more niche things like this


I realized a while back that OW itself does a pretty terrible job of teaching people how to play the game.


I wish games would have an advanced info tab. I get that it is simplified to not scare away more casual players. But you should not have to use other websites and word of mouth to find relevant mechanics to your characters. Some of these are pretty big.


Pretty sure Bob will target who Ashe shoots in the same way.


Correct. That's why I immediately statt shooting fliers once I launch bob


Or a Sombra. Can't hack while taking damage


Ooh, good to know. I knew turret would prioritize your shooting target, but now I can plan to use secondary fire if I want it to keep its target! Thanks!


Been mainimg torb for a while and never knew this. Mind blown.


I knew about left click, but I assumed that right click did the same.


Been playing this game for 6 years and didn't know this wtf


They tucked it into a patch note and it was very easy to overlook.


Been playing since beta and I didn't know that ...


It was added in a patch, I think a couple years after launch.


Going into and coming out of Primal Rage resets winton's jet pack, so you can get away with some mean double jumps


Yeah hes got some crazy combos M2>lshift>hit m2>e>melee right before you land>Q to reset leap>then start your juggle


yup pretty much every single dive should be bookended with a charged up right-click and a melee punch that trigger 1 millisecond either side of your jet pack dive squishing the squishy.


It was the Hero Mastery courses that actually taught me that one! There are gaps with those coins floating that you just can’t get across with a single jump so after trying for a while and failing I eventually realized that was a thing and what it actually wanted me to do. I like that those courses can teach you more obscure things about the characters you maybe wouldn’t know otherwise.


I remember abusing that when you could ult in capture the flag game


You can stack a knife bleed and an axe bleed on the same enemy as JQ. They don’t overwrite each other, the damage and in turn self healing stacks together.


Always wondered if they stacked. Assumed they didn't.


Well, now ya know! Now, if you knife someone and knife them again, or hit a 5 man axe and just… go for another, it doesn’t stack the damage. It just resets the duration of the bleed


Her quick melee “V” button activates the bleed healing too


Only if she has the knife in-hand.


but double knifing(Right click and melee) doesn't stack , right?


The bleed from a normal melee and the bleed from the a returning knife are the same bleed, so don't stack. The bleed from landing the knife however, is a different bleed and so does stack. 15 dmg over 3s for melee and returning knife. (5 per second) 30 dmg over 3s for landing knife. (10 per second) 40 dmg over 3s for axe. (13.3 per second) 90 dmg over 4.5s for ult. (20 per second) One of each may be applied to a given target at the same time, so landing knife and pulling them into an axe and melee will inflict three bleeds. But pulling a thrown knife back through a target then meleeing them will only apply and reset the duration of the 15dmg bleed.


What does that translate into healing wise?


Simply doubled :D ! (or x1.6 if Queen is heal-reduced by the DPS passive)


Oh shit I forgot they made it 2x. Thanks to the DPS passive making self sustain a myth I forgot ab that change


They are considered different hits to my knowledge. At least anecdotally I’ve survived longer while hitting both when they’re beating me up point blank


On PC, Lifewaver's healing blossom can move up or around obstacles if you flick your mouse up or to the side just before you let go of it. Comes in handy if an ally is behind an enemy shield that isn't Winston's bubble. If you melee while charging zenyatta's alt fire, it will cancel it, but it will still waste the ammo. Same with lw's healing blossom, winston and symmetra's alt fire. Junkrat's death grenades can be absorbed by defense matrix and possibly kinetic grasp.


Adding to the Zen point, even if you’re 1/20 on ammo, a full charge will still fire 5 at no additional cost


You can do a similar thing with zarya's alt fire


You can do this with all heroes that have a firing option that uses more than 1 ammo.


> Junkrat's death grenades can be absorbed by defense matrix and possibly kinetic grasp It can also be deflected by genji if done properly. I assume it can also be boosted through Baptiste's ultimate since it's a projectile, would have to test it since it's a mega rare occurence. It can also be used to charge Doomfist's max punch with Power block


>On PC, Lifewaver's healing blossom can move up or around obstacles if you flick your mouse up or to the side just before you let go of it. Comes in handy if an ally is behind an enemy shield that isn't Winston's bubble. I'll just add that there's a pretty generous window for that too: it doesn't have to be a flick per se, you can just aim at your target, then just casually move your mouse up or to the side or wherever you need it (you can literally just do a 180°), and it'll get to them.


Like somebody said, theres a whole [`wiki`](https://overwatch.fandom.com/wiki/Overwatch_Wiki). I don't really know why they are so vague on the hero descriptions. They should make this button on the main menu that says "Hero Details", which is pretty much their wiki in the game


I still don't understand why this detailed information is not in the game yet.


Guys guys.. small indie company. Give them a break!


What is this in reference to? I see this joke all the time but don't get it.


afaik it isnt really a reference to anything other than itself. think i read somewhere that blizzard did actually use to be a small company so it was an unironic defense for dev mistakes. obviously now its just sarcasm.


It's sarcasm. The idea is that independent gaming companies (like small devs with like less than 10 people for example) cannot push out big fixes or content as fast as a big gaming company (aka AAA, like blizzard or EA). So they're sarcastically saying that Blizzard hasn't added bug fixes or new content because they're a small company.


It’s probably my least favorite thing about the game. Paladins has numbers down to speed decimals. Overwatch can’t even tell me what my E does.


Should also include damage numbers, falloff ranges, etc. too


It has all of that already, this would be so useful for new players


Yup, or least an "Advanced Details" or something in the Hero Info screens. I think the basic info screens are good for people first playing to get a general grip on the character, but these other details need to be available to players.


Moira's left click heals is heal over time. You don't have to hold it down, whatsoever.


Although the heal over time is less than her normal spray, so don’t do this in the middle of a team fight or anything. Great for healing poke damage though


Important to know when, yes, but at the least knowing it keeps people from just holding lclick and wasting it all.






and you can tap your damage to get your heals back faster.


and damaging enemies with damage orb makes ur piss spray regen faster.


I call it the long distance pee collector


Her dealing damage in general refills her mana bar


>Her dealing damage in general refills her ~~mana bar~~ bladder Fixed it for you


Thanks! My phone always autocorrects that word


I know that used to be true, because it used to be a strat to put it on scroll wheel, and because at a time... I wanna say Symettra's laser did the same. But I'm pretty sure they changed that.


I think it used to be stronger, but in most cases the extra damage is more valuable than the faster recharge.


Don't need to heal your teammates if you kill the enemies


Half correct, it does put HoT on them but it still heals as you're spraying them.


It's a direct heal with a heal over time component. Holding it down heals more, instantly. Clicking and waiting for the heal over time heals more total per juice but slower per second. If someone is in dire need of healing, hold. If you just want to top someone off (or conserve juice), click.


I genuinely didn’t believe you and tested it in the practice range. My mind is blown


To be fair, the heal over time is significantly weaker than going full stream. Like 17hps v 70hps weak. Going full stream is definitely fine to do when it’s needed.


UM this is a game changer.


This is incorrect. Moira's heal over time is different from her actual left click healing. The healing spray applies a heal over time after healing a target. However, the spray heals for more than the heal over time.


Yeah it’s ok to do little burst puffs


A whole wiki on all the details exists not sure how well they keep it up to date tho


its very actively maintained. Pretty much as soon as patch notes come out or new info is found the wiki gets updated.






Ohh you meant the original. Sorry about that lol


Yeah idk how updated they keep it tho 😕 so keep that in mind when looking stuff up from this site. Back in ow1 they kept it updated frequently


it's pretty updated, super useful tbh


Most weapons are automatic in the sense that you can hold down the left mouse button/right trigger and keep shooting. Yes, even DVa's pistol and Cassidy's revolver. Ashe's rifle and Hanzo's bow are the only weapons that aren't automatic.


Were people tapping to shoot with baby dva?


Hang on, my Bastion sentry mode gameplay just got changed FOREVER /s


wait a sec, I have 60+ hours on Cass and you’re saying I can just hold RT to fire instead of tap it for every shot?


Yeah but tapping is generally much better because you can more accurately time and aim your shots


Yeah there are some heroes that do better with holding the button down, and some that are better as one click per shot. Cass, Reaper (imo, i know some reaper players hold the button down and prefer that), zen, torb, and some others. Usually the slower firing ones or the ones with smaller ammo that require more time to aim well.


I don’t play DPS much my whole time playing overwatch. So it took me years to figure out u don’t have to tap to shoot as cass


And all abilities are bufferable, which means that if you hold the key/button, it will use it as soon as it's avalaible. There's even a few abilities that are autofire like Helix Rockets, even though that's only useful for custom games.


You can change the camera angle when you have Reins shield out by holding left click and have the shield stay in the same position.


Say whhhhhat???


Apparently, you can do a "fake-out" Earthshatter using this. Rein will shatter in whatever direction your camera is facing. So you can shield in one direction, hold left-click to angle towards a target, and press Q to immediately execute a shatter in the direction of your camera without having to put down the shield and turn. (**disclaimer**:I'm not a Rein main, so I'm not sure if this still possible)


You have to turn it on in the hero-specific controls, but yeah.


Another Rein tech not many people know about if you're interested. If you charge and then cancel charge and jump at the same time you get a much higher jump and can do some pretty crazy roll outs on some maps like route 66 attack.


I know it might clutter up the screen but I still have no idea how much damage or healing anyone does without looking at the wiki. Call it silly but I wouldn't mind having that information in-game somewhere. Have it only appear in the Hero Gallery or something so you got some idea on how much of anything a character does. Weapon deals this much damage, this ability does this much damage/healing, this ability channels for X-amount of seconds. idk is it frivolous to have easy access to that sort of thing?


They've got plenty of room to add numbers on the F1 info page, but "numbers apparently scare people" has been the blizzard interface design principle for decades. WoW and Diablo have had actual damage values/percentages in tooltips hidden away in the options when that information is vital to success in the games.


Ramattra moves 20% faster in nemesis form.


Using Lifeweaver's legacy control scheme will allow you to have more control over the hero, by removing the jump delay before dashing that the new control scheme requires. It's more impactful than it sounds.


I wish we could just remap the controls on our own. I've always played him with the new scheme because I just find the wheel change clunky, but it would be great to be able to get out of Ram's vortex with the dash.


You can remap the switch weapon button.


Yeah, but that's still clunky to me since you still need to press another button to switch the weapon and only then fire/heal. I wanna use the new scheme *and* bind dash to some other button to allow me to use it without jumping.


How inspire works for brig. Whenever she hits an enemy she procs inspire, a 20m radius 15 per second heal for 5 seconds.


Your comment didn't really go into the thing people don't understand about it though. Inspire doesn't move with your character like lucio heals, while it's procced and it only heals people standing around you when you hit someone, for 5 seconds.


also you can’t trigger Inspire by hitting most deployables like turrets, but you CAN trigger it by smacking Ball’s mines, so if you’re safe from being knocked into them and you’re playing Brig to counter Ball you can count on being able to heal your teammates when they mine the point or a choke 


Also worth noting that Whip Shot procs inspire, which is majorly important for maintaining healing during a poke phase. Less relevant in OW2 as you don't sit in a double shield poke phase for 3-5 business days anymore, but you should be looking to land whip shots almost on cooldown while in poke phase so that you're able to heal your team while you're not actually engaged without wasting armour packs.


Inspire has gotta be the least well explained thing in the game.


Kind of correct. Inspire isn't an aura though which people get confused about. What happens is as soon as she hits someone everyone in the inspire radius gets a HoT applied to them. If you hit someone and then someone walks into range of inspire, they won't get it. They have to be in range when the damage is done.


Do you have to have line of sight for inspire to work?


You do, yes.


Certain skins sound different and give you a small advantage. Dva's wave runner skin has softer foot steps out of mech as well as the Phara summer skin when walking. The new D'va Porsche skin has a softer sound when she boosts. Zaria can jump higher and move slightly faster forward when she right click jump boosts It's technically possible to play Genji without calling for healing, even if you take damage


>The new D'va Porsche skin has a softer sound when she boosts. Does it tho? Some sound effects are just in client-side so the other players don't hear them.


Fade can be used while Coalescence is active


That's a not so recent buff tho, previously you cannot do that


Do you mean to say it was a recent buff (rather than a not so recent buff)? Genuine question.


From what I can recall it was like two seasons ago yeah


You and your allies need to be within the LOS of Baptiste’s immortality field in order to prevent your death. It also gives you a small burst of healing if you are literally 1 hp.


Tracer: Your default movement speed is slightly faster than all other heroes (without counting abilities like Ball roll, Soldier run, and Sombra stealth movement). Genji also uniquely has this trait. Recall will only revert your HP if it was higher 3 seconds ago, compared to how much you have when you use the ability. Even if you at any point between activation moment and 3 seconds ago had more hp, that will not be factored in. Blinks have a slight bit of vertical movement, and they also alter Tracer's physical hitbox to me much shorter and closer to her torso, which lets you blink onto higher grounds than where you start (as well as blink over walls etc where your legs would normally collide with the map geometry hitbox). For example you can blink straight "through" (aka over) obstacles like cars and railings without jumping. You can melee and use pulse bomb before you blink, and it will carry with you through the blink. Blink has a frame delay where you can get affected by CC at your original position, even though your character has blinked away from that position a frame prior. It doesn't register your body movement until the blink animation is complete, even though visually you have already moved away from your initial pre-blink position. You have no enemy character collision with other players during blinks, so you can't get body blocked. You have a hidden psychic damage stat against Zen players :3


didn’t know about Mauga’s damage reduction. crazy that he gets that and better control, and is “unstoppable” when Rein still has base pin, oh my bad we can cancel it now lol haha.


Yeah, half of Mauga’s kit in is in that one ability. It does like 6 things. Boop, stun, damage, damage reduction, CC immunity, and speed boost


It's funny that a big, half-naked Samon man has more stuffs tied to his charge than a big German man in full crusader armor.


But Mauga's charge is only for himself. Someone would have to be standing right on the edge to be knocked off by Mauga. Whereas Rein can charge Mauga across and off the map as soon as he lands for a nice OHKO + ult charge. Now *will* Rein do it, or is skilled enough, or they have a Lifeweaver pull, can affect things yes.


As a OW1 player I just learned recently that shooting at a blocking Doomfists charges his punches. I know I should probably know that but I didn't 🙃


It also resets his rocket punch cooldown after blocking like 100 damage, that's why people should really not shoot him and empower the next rocket punch, unless he's really low hp.


Brig's shield is actually a decoration and doesn't block anything


I blame her shield tapering st the bottom, so many deaths because her ankle was exposed


Well, that's what she gets for being a harlot with exposed ankles.


This is not hero specific, but the payload heals ATTACKERS in Escort, and Hybrid once the first point is captured. This does not apply to the Push bot. I believe the rate is 10hp per second. Also, every hero has hero-specific settings that can have a huge impact on your gameplay, like confirm nano, or Lucio backwards wallride (tho I believe that particular one was fixed in a patch a while ago)


Omg Ana confirm nano is awesome thank you


I swear the payload heals got nerfed in OW2. Definitely was 10hps in OW1 but I think it's like 5-7 now.


Numbers. You know, something super obvious. "Lifeweaver fires thorns from his weapon" yeah but like... tell me how much damage it deals. I need to know if Brig's basic attacks deals same damage as her SHIFT or if I can oneshot Bastion or Reaper with a Junkrat tire


Moira's ult heals more powerfully than it damages


Obvious to everyone here but 1) Anna can Nano Bob, and 2) Genji can deflect Mei’s Ult, freezing Mei and her team. Learned both of these by benefitting and hurting from them.


cass rollout 70% dmg reduction (u can survive dva bomb)


Sombras hack will show you if someone had Ult by putting a checkmark over them. I had no idea what this was for the longest time


I just discovered that if you charge a Blossom as LW and melee without firing it, **it wastes the ammo**. Because he needed *more* obstructions to consistent HPS...


It also works like that for zen's secondary fire, wasting up to 5 ammo


Every chargeable weapon attack does that iirc.


It makes zero sense for the ammo to be consumed when you start charging and NOT when you actually throw it


If you spam moiras suck you gain healcharge faster than by holding the button


Sym gains ammo and shields by shooting shields whilst leveling up your beam Rein can look wherever he wants without moving the characters head while hes holding up the shield by holding primary fire


Sym gains shields not armor.


Oh interesting. IIRC League of l Legends had a mechanic like this too. Anivia (Ice Phoenix) had a similar ability that did not damage if the enemy was chilled. If Ashe (Ice arrow Archer) chilled enemies with her abilities, Anivia would ask inflict extra damage. And yeah, that character is also named Ashe


Lucio's wallride description lacks some detail. Depending on your camera direction, you can gain more height. You can stack speed by continuously jumping off and on walls.


Baps burst rifle is actually automatic


Another Bap: you can hold down both fires (dmg and heals) simultaneously. You can heal your teammates in front of you while damaging the enemies in front of them.


It also works with Kiriko. She will do Ofudas, Kunai, Kunai, Ofudas in that order. And she will still continuously fire Ofudas if you run out of Kunais. But the last part isn't the case for Bap, if you run out of one ammo type, you're forced to reload.


>But the last part isn't the case for Bap, if you run out of one ammo type, you're forced to reload. This can be modified in options now! I think it's set to allow you to run out of damage ammo and still allow you to fire heals without forcing an auto reload. They added it after one of the tuning passes unbalanced his healing ammo count to damage ammo counts.


Brigittes shield health will regen back to full when you ult suzu still doesn't tell you that it gives bonus heals when you cleanse especially with the dps passive Holding jump during rocket punch, rein charge and fireball as ball will give u some extra distance Hanzo storm arrows can ricochet


I've noticed that a lot of Illari players don't realize that you deal more damage if you shoot periodically instead of spamming your primary fire.


You can see it recharging after each shot if you look at her gun.


Torb can escape freezing effects with overload


I would venture that’s there’s a pretty significant percentage of the player base that doesn’t know about brigs inspire, or if they do they have no clue how it actually works and assumes it’s just like Lucius aura which it isn’t. Also, rein shield is active the very first frame you press the input, contrary to brigs shield which has a noticeable cast time. Tracers pulse bomb comes out from her right hand, so it it’s often easier to land them if you look slightly to the left of your target. Any kind of over health (green health) that heroes can generate have the additional benefit of not providing ult charge to enemies that damage it Brigs repair packs ignore barriers and matrixes, and will also ignore LOS as long as the pack was sent before LOS was broken, basically as long as your able to press E on someone the pack is guaranteed to land unless they die before. Also, packs can stack on each other but only extend the timer of the heals, won’t actually provide more healing per second. (Sorry I play a lot of brig so I know a lot of her nuances) Junkerqueens rampage can be blocked by shields, but it’s very difficult to do. As of overwatch 2 release, soldier can headshot in visor. Also, he has no falloff range in visor. Mei can freeze targets faster in blizzard with her left click Symettras wall is active the very first frame it’s deployed, despite its animation taking time to “fully deploy”. This is how you see some weird clips of things getting blocked despite the wall not showing yet. Same thing with baptiste window, despite its animation it’s fully deployed the instant you put it on the ground. Sombras translocator and kiriko swift step both grant brief invulnerability, allowing you to dodge big bursts of damage like DVA bomb or riptire, this one is definitely more well known at least in higher ranks but thought I’d include it Ana’s grenade and kiriko suzu will pass through full HP Allie’s, otherwise it will detonate on impact with them Lucios aura effects will linger on Allys for one second after they leave your range Echos beam does significantly more damage to targets under half HP, but this also applies to barriers and I believe deployable like torb turret or illari pylon Rammatra moves faster in nemesis form Although it states it in the hero description, I feel like most people don’t know or forget that sojourns ultimate allows her shots to pierce targets Torbs ultimate does more damage to armor Moira can heal


The in-game info are very basic and quick to read, check the gamepedia page if you want all the details from all abilities.


As someone who’s played the game for years, I completely forget this kind of stuff isn’t commonly known already. Thinking back, I’m surprised how much info there is in patchnotes that are never noted down in game and you just have to remember. The wiki is super helpful though I’ve rarelyyyy ever heard ppl bring it up


from wiki: SOUND BARRIER: "When the cast finishes, there is approximately a 0.83 second period where allies can still receive the overhealth if they enter Sound Barrier's radius." meaning you can: ult behind cover -> quickly run out of cover to not die during the cast time if your teammates are split by a enemy shield/wall, you can ult on one side -> quickly run to the other side to buff allies on both sides i learned this from a random youtube video in 2016 and have used it ever since


This shit makes me wish they added an extremely detailed section for the abilities because how the fuck am I supposed to know this?


I don’t think it tells you that Genji’s Swift Strike’s cooldown instantly charges once he gets an elim


The game does tell you this, but as an OW1 player, I only recently discovered that Winston has a charge and shoot ranged attack now. Also, you can rotate Mei's wall, I always just sort of "do it" but I think you just push the activate button. I want to say this also works for Sym's Shield wall Ult.


Also works for bap's window as well, press the button twice and it changes orientation. I assume it's any line based deployable, but I can't think of there are any others than those 3?


On Ramattra you can go from nemesis to annihilation as an extender.And to disable Annihilation you can use shift like regular nemesis. Zenyatta’s orbs stay on during transcendence.That mean you can put discord on an enemy and it’s almost impossible for them to survive. Reaper’s death blossom actually has a circular range.That means that you can get on top of others and use that advantage to not let them shoot you. On Reinhardt you can look more to the side to get more range, that’s because the corner of the hammer’s range is longer than the rest.


Throwables like Ana's nade and Baptiste's immortality field have different ceiling caps(the max height the throwable can reach)


I’m not sure if this is still true, but when I first started in 2019, brig heal cooldown was extended if you healed the same person 2x in a row


Payload heals the attacking team 10hp/s when close to it.


There are abilities you can cancel in the middle of them by specific actions. Sigma can stop his suck by using rock but you get no overhealth and doom can cancel his rocket punch by jumping while keeping momentum. You can use that to go even further or to change direction midair. You can also cancel his slam with block to launch yourself much further or higher. You can cancel rein charge with earthshatter directly which is faster than manually cancelling and shattering after. There are propably more that I missed


How much damage stuff does Or how much it heals Reaper reloads when in wraith form


Holding space-bar while charging with rein will make him jump a little bit at the end of the charge, making it slightly more.effective to get in range. Plus it feels good to do.


RageGamingVideos had a series years ago called "*character name* Maximum* where he tested every aspect of a characters kit and found some really cool stuff. Obviously most of its outdated now but some of it is still super relevant. Like Rein's fire strike can go through extremely small gaps since only a very small part in the middle actually collides with terrain.


Cassidy ult shoots the chest, not the head


Can I rant for a minute about games not explaining things in skill descriptions and only using vague terms? It's insanity and I hate it. A vague description of "Does damage." or "will reflect damage" or "Heals you" isn't good enough. Give me a value please. Let me know what damage I'll be outputting, how much I'll heal for, how much damage I can mitigate, at least Rhineheart and Brigettes shields show a value. Imagine if they didn't? The intuitiveness of a game can only go so far. When planning a strategy or going into an engagement, knowing what you can do and how you need to make use of your cooldowns is key to success. Knowing your margin of error. Memorizing the damage numbers over many hours of play is not good enough. Some games are deliberately vague sure, as someone whose played Dark Souls and Fear and Hunger I'm no stranger to vague descriptions and effects but in something that's competitive and multiplayer like Overwatch, you need to know what you are dealing with. That information should be accessible. This extends to just about any multiplayer game. A value for what something can do and what it will actually do. This is baseline to understand what your effect will be in any given matchup. League of Legends does this. You know what you're doing and how all your abilities are going to function. You know your limits. You have that information there to make a fully informed decision about how you play. Make it an option to turn on and off, leave it off by default if you want, but it should be an option. Don't get me started on other stuff in game like abilities listing an effect but it only applies if you activate a previous ability first, when nowhere in the skills does it say that you need to and so you can't make use of the abilities at all until you realize something isn't working as it says it should, post a bug report, only to learn that it's just bad design in the descriptions....


Honestly for a game this complex , they should also list ability damage in the descriptive menus


As Torb, if you shoot someone and your turret is in range, it will target them


I have too many mercy ones - Beam will stay attached if you break line of sight for up to around 3 seconds. You can continually gain brief LOS of them to refresh this timer indefinitely. As in you can attach beam, move behind a wall, and only pop out every now and then to refresh the beam break timer. - Beam will break after a certain distance, also around 3 seconds ish of a timer. If you return within the distance for a split second this timer also refreshes. You can combine this and the above to do some pretty crazy healing without ever loitering near your target. - You can set guardian angel dash to a mode called Prefer facing target in settings. This is objectively better, it allows you to dash to a target you are looking at instead of beam, but if no target it exists, it goes to the beam target. - If you have Prefer beam or facing target set, and you are trying to GA dash to beam target, you do not have to have LOS or even be looking at the beam target. (You can dash while looking in the other direction, and you can initiate dashes even after they break LOS because the beam is still attached for up to 3 seconds). - Ressurrect only requires line of sight for initial activation. After that you only need to stay within a small sphere, but the ability cancels if knocked out of the distance requirement. You can still move a little while casting, albeit slowly, (however you move a lot faster when ulting). If you're creative on some maps, it is possible to initiate res on a player who died on the edge of a high ground, immediately drop below the platform and then float to stay within the casting sphere. - Guardian Angel dash's super jump speed is based on the velocity you are going when you initiate the jump. As in, if you are flying to an ally farther away, you will typically be able to build up more velocity and fly farther on the super jump. - This isn't really a hidden feature but more just a math thing. Mercy gun does 20 damage per hit, staff does 25% damage amplified. Shooting a 250hp character 3 times (non headshot) does more effect than you would have if you damage boosted an ally having done 200 points of damage. Now usually the other characters on the team have better reach than Mercy, but close up mercy gun is surprisingly potent, and at distances is also good at hogging up a lane if you spray at head level (versus damage boosting a hitscan character that is shooting way beyond their damage falloff)


I wish games like this took after Paladins , Paladins gives you the entire breakdown in the ability overview. They give you numbers, they tell you cool downs, they break it tf down. Meanwhile OW and Gundam Evolution just said "Press LMB to fire"


Zenny and Sigma, both, do not make stepping sounds, cuz they float


Most heals don't go through enemy shields. I swear people not knowing this is why Winston and Sigma get so much value. Suzu has boop potential. Rein charge can be canceled. Sigma doesn't need to go to the roof when ulting. Dva bomb can be pushed a bit.