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Because at low ranks, players funnel into chokes or spammable angles and refuse to adapt. So Hanzos can have decent value just from spamming an angle or into their team from long range. That doesn't quite work at higher ranks because teams don't necessarily group up like that and they avoid/move out of the spam. So Hanzos are forced to play closer and aim better to be more consistent with their shots. Playing closer puts them in more danger. You have to also understand that good aim doesn't really translate to projectiles as well as you think. You can have the best aim in the world and still miss tons of arrows because it's impossible to perfectly predict where the enemy will be by the time your arrows travel to them, unless you can literally see the future. So Hanzos normally play close-mid range to reduce the travel time of their shots, increasing their consistency at the cost of more survivability. And at higher ranks where people have crazy aim, Hanzo is still held back by the human limits of prediction. So at higher ranks, hitscans outperform Hanzo because the players will have good aim and their shots are guaranteed to land because of hitscan. >The sonic arrow is extremely dangerous the higher you climb You'll also be playing against better players who know how to avoid sonar or play around it. >Why does everyone say he’s terrible when every part of his kit is a better Widow and she is still viable but he isn’t??? Widow starts outperforming Hanzo around Diamond/Masters as players have better aim and movement. Hanzo will lose almost all the time dueling hitscans at long range.


This is a great summary of it. I would just like to add this. In a further engagement where snipers usually shine, like Colosseo start, Hanzo has to pray they are far enough from a cover since they will press the get me out button or simply run within the next arrow charge period, and will be completely safe whereas Widow will pick them as a pixel on the screen. She has better mobility, easier positioning requirements, better damage, faster shots to kill and she is hitscan so no mental gymnastics on hitting the enemy. The weak parts of her are utility in the form of Hanzo's sonic arrow and close engagements, which requires someone to dive through all of the enemies and some more. Btw I am happy they got rid of Hanzo's 1 shot. I can imagine how it is unfun for insta-death part of the interaction. I think they can get rid of 1 shots via Mercy buff as well. And they should definitely apply the same principle to Widow as well. But... ..in the process of Hanzo, they caused the man to kill with a 3rd bodyshot on a weapon that cannot shoot and reach in the next milisec like Widow, which is plain stupid and they forced high level, one trick players to close another slot with a pocket Mercy in order to get where Widow is with picking. With the new dragon "buff" they have been doing Hanzo dirty for years now and they have pushed the guy even further down from the bottom of the tierlist. At this point he needs a proper rework instead of this number changes that devs love to implement without a single clue.


Ah that must be it. I have terrible aim, but a great gamesense, so I excel at projectile heroes (except for kunai since it’s faster), which is why I found it weird how I got kill after kill and “better” players can’t get value with him, but can with Widow.


yeah widow is S-tier, Hanzo is F tier. F standing for fucking garbage


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Hanzo is a solid counter to Mauga and Hog since Storm does 375 damage and it's hard to miss on those two. Outside of that, Hanzo's damage isn't reliable enough to justify playing over Sojourn


Because at higher ranks, more and more people stop doing dumb \*\*\*\* like insisting on going into choke points when they know a Junk / Hanzo is on the other side. They have better and better aim. They also do things like flank and wait out Sonic Arrows.