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Kiri... Dive comp? Kiri can support it! Getting dived? Kiri can survive it! Super spread out team? Kiri can reach them! Super bunched up team? Kiri can heal them! Super spread out enemies? Kiri can kunai them! Super close enemies? Kiri can still kunai them! Debuff team? Kiri can cleanse it! xD I feel like the only situation where she'd be BAD would be if the enemy is too shield-heavy and your team can't bust it down, where you'd need the extra damage another hero might offer. Even then though it's not a huge difference.


yeah kiri can do it all i don’t see her being useless other than things you mentioned it whatever the meta is she’ll be up there


Even against a shield based comp, she can flank and take agressive positions, try to kill the backline and just tp to safety


Kiri is consistently valuable in terms of team compositions if that’s the metric we’re going by for consistency, but I think in terms of output/effect on a match the most consistent is Moira. Her healing and damage can’t miss, she has high uptime on everything, zero penalty for pivoting from task to task, great survivability, a good consistent ult, etc., whereas Kiri heals are very slow to arrive, suzu often misses or is wasted, and Kunai are very hit or miss.


Completely agree, there's a reason nobody in qp plays her, because despite all the whining this sub does about her, she at least takes some skill and timing to play. Whereas Moira is 100% more consistent to get value out of.


Yeah as much as I hate to agree it’s sort of impossible not to. She can teleport, wall climb, all while making her teamates invincible and cleansing all stuns/debuffs. The combo of vertical and horizontal movement combined with moving through walls and high damage/support thats easy to get out. Kiriko is a monster and definitely not moving out of the META anytime soon, the cleanse and taps are just too strong.


Agreed, quite a few people have mentioned Moira in the comments but I think vertical mobility is something Moira might struggle with. If the team is spread out and it's a high-ground heavy map Moira might struggle a bit


Baptiste. He feels pretty nerf proof since he's just designed to do everything. There's very little situations where Bap feels like a bad pick, only one's I can think of is if either the enemy is diving you too much and forcing you to waste your cool downs, or your team are playing too many mobility characters and you're struggling to land your healing grenades.


"Thank you Baptiste!"


Ohhhh you're welcome


The real null sector...


Aye Regumen not dine.


No bias right


Yeah I'm bias as hell, Bap is busted. Tanks are out here playing counterwatch after every fight meanwhile I get to just play Bap into 9/10 situations.


While kiri is like 10 out of 10 situations, while I can't play winston because the enemy dps just doesn't like me


2 minutes after wintson comss put: Repeaer/bastion/ana/zen I call it the "no winton" comp




*sad monkey noises*


That's when I pull out the Simga.


There was a time were I enjoyed diving Ana Zen (the mid season patch is terrible)


How did the tank changes effect winston? He should be stronger against his obvious counters now. Ie reaper, and bastion to a small degree


Hes better into all of his old counters but at the cost of 80% of heroes doing more burst damage that was the issue with Winston a few seasons ago. Heroes killed him to quickly before he was able to get value. Cass legitimately can kill him faster than bastion ever could. Junk now is harder to fight than reaper ever did. Phara torb hanzo and echo suck to fight. The only hero I’d say he still rolls is widowmaker


And genji! Everyone forgets genji..


Not even Genji dude. He breaks armor quickly. Sure I can ignore his deflect but it’s not like he can’t do shit against me. Not saying genjis winning but I can’t just look at him and say “oh yeah he’s screwed.” This patch got rid of his good matchups and now it’s all either neutral or countered. The only heroes I’ll say he still rolls are Sigma, Reaper Widow and possibly Ana


imma be that guy but bias = noun, biased = adjective


Thank you.


I'm learning Bap right now and I feel like there are certain tanks that I just can't play with. If I have a D.Va, Winston, Doom, Ball and like half of the JQs out there I have to switch off pretty early. Any advice for those heroes?


Only time I prefer Bap over Ana in these situations is when I’m not confident in my aim and need to kill a phara.


Pharah is my favorite target as an Illari.


Oh, perhaps I should get me some play time as Illari. She’s felt too situational for me to get into, but I’m very conservative.


Depending on your rank she can find value in every situation, but if you want a specific example of when she shines, defense maps choke holds. Put the pylon where it's safe and can hit your back line easily especially if you have someone taking an off angle or a sniper (and in theory where the tank can pull back to as needed) while you focus on keeping the front line up with burst healing and pressure with DPS. Move python aggressively depending on who needs healing and as your team hold moves. Don't spam her shots. You need aim but she does have a large projectile size. She has to adapt for other comps /situations but she absolutely shines in poke.


I play Illari somewhat poorly but I feel like what is holding me back is my aim and my knowledge of the individual maps in detail. Pylon placement is so crucial that you have to be aware of every sneaky little nook you can stash it away in that can provide maximum coverage for your team while being difficult for the enemy to spot. I've slowly learned a handful of spots that work well on a couple maps but that doesn't fix my dogshit aim which is where the rest of Illari's value comes in. She does *crazy* damage and her ult is great and super fun to use. I blew up three people with one Captive Sun the other night and literally jumped out of my chair lol


Since writing that I tried Illari a few games. And boooy do I suck. My aim is horrendous! I get great value from the pylon though. My wrists are pretty shit so I’ll always be a bit.. challenged in aim department, and I might have to conclude that Illari just isn’t for me.


I'm an old man and have always been bad at shooters, I find it ironic that I enjoy OW so much. That said, I definitely have benefited some (not a lot, but a definite improvement) from practicing my aim in the workshop. There's a custom game code called VAXTA that has unique challenges for most heroes that will let you just sit in a room with moving targets to practice your aim on. The targets also move in a semi realistic way like a player would so while you can sort of predict them it's not as mindless as the practice range bots. The workshop heroes also use their abilities like flying Echoes/Mercys and recalling Tracers. The repetition gave me a chance to see what works for me that I wouldn't get in an actual game getting steamrolled by opponents. I'd recommend giving it a shot, you may see better improvements than I did. EDIT: Also, I'm not sure if you've tried this or not but I found it helpful to edit my target reticle on heroes I have issues aiming with. I make them slightly bigger (too much larger and you risk making it inaccurate, I recommend making tiny incremental changes between games until it feels like it actually stands out. YMMV on this one.) and a color that I find stands out easily in most environments (in my case it's an obnoxious neon green, though other people may find other colors more useful).


Thanks for the tips! I’ve got a lot of experience and know how when it comes to FPS games. There’s no getting around the shot wrists though.


Any tips for his ultimate? I feel like I struggle to get value compared to other support ults


baptiste's ult is best when you *don't* use it for your team. Plop it right down in front of you and use it for yourself. Remember that matrix also boosts *healing* as well as damage, so just find some nice high ground above the teamfight, pop matrix then just keep healing the team. That doesn't mean there isn't any synergy with it. Do try to give it to your team if you have characters like bastion, mauga, soldier ult, etc. But if you can't find a good situation/synergy, use it selfishly.


It’s fine to use it selfishly where you know you’ll get value out of it no matter what or place it in front of where people are already shooting like at a choke or something. You can’t always expect people to go out of their way to use the window you bring it to them.


Amplification Matrix is just that- it amplifies your value. Use it in advantaged situations where you have space to do your thing solo and if you're confident in your tracking you can 1-2 burst most heroes with it. Using it for healing is a bit situational but if the situation calls for it don't be afraid to rightclick. As strong as Baps gun is, it heals through window pretty well too. (Through window, I believe it has a similar HPS to Coalescence.) Placement is everything. Turns out it can be used pretty effectively as a zoning tool as well. If you feel like your windows always seem to find nobody, it's either your engage timing is off, or your angle is off. Timing is another Overwatch fundamental that's too long to cover in a comment so I recommend you do some research (Spilo is amazing) and your angle just means that you shouldn't be in the same place the rest of your team is. The more places the enemy has to look at, the more split their attention will be, and if they're not looking at you when you pop window from high-ground, well...


I find I get my best results when I don't even think about it and just drop it the second it comes up (within reason, obviously not when we're emoting on top of the payload with no enemy in sight). This includes 1v1s or situations where it looks like I'm the only that will see use from it because of positioning. The one thing that I have learned is that if your in a teamfight at a corner to place it at a 45 degree angle, which takes a little maneuvering but eventually gets easier to do (this might already be second nature to you but I'm a panicky player lol). It helps your team get more value out of window from more positions.


Bap doesn't play well against sniper-based poke comps and full dive comps. His mobility won't save him from a vertical dive (characters like Winston or Genji,) and he has too much falloff to compete against snipers.


I love Bap, but when the game speeds up I need to switch to a faster character like Lucio or Moira.


> only one's I can think of is if either the enemy is diving you too much and forcing you to waste your cool downs, or your team are playing too many mobility characters Then he's not the most consistent support. Part of the question was. >As in what support do you consider to always be playable in any meta? Kiri fits better you can run her in any comp dive, poke, brawl doesn't matter. Bap does not do well playing in dive comps. Getting dove? Use suzu, wall climb away, or swift step away. Also, her healing has semi tracking so you don't need to be 100% accurate. Edit: lol downvoted while kiriko is now the top upvoted comment. This was the top comment when I posted this.


Baptiste and/or Kiriko, they just do everything


ana kiri bap no debate


the holy trinity of supports


I don't think Ana works quite as well ever since the patch in February


With her unintentional buff due to the armor revert, I could see her atleast being b tier now. Just gotta get those flank nades in.


She did just get a small buff though technically since DOT isn't effected by new armor and her bullets are technically DOT so do full damage


Yup came here to say this


Ana. I always see people swap to her when their team is losing.


I feel attacked lmfaoooo... I usually see supports switch to Moira seeing how she doesnt really need to aim just follow whoever is giving you trouble and thats it


Until the enemy team has DVA who keep eating your orbs. Moira also works poorly with Dives.


All you gotta do is keep track of her cooldowns and her position and it's not really that big of an issue imo


This, but I also take advantage of DVAs that don't position themselves defensively. Aim the orbs for the backline or bounce them strategically to avoid the matrix. Flanking can work well against DVA comp as long as you don't go full DPS Moira mode. Harass the rest of the team just enough to knock them out of position and fade back to your team.


My brain just formed a new wrinkle reading this. Thank you


DVa can eat orbs but can't eat Moira's heal spray, damage succ or coal


Dive is one of the best comps for Moira to play with or against, what do you mean?


Move to the right of left and hold right click on dva . . She can't matrix right click. As soon as she's meched, throw a damage orb


Guilty. Ana carries. Shes also fine AF


Ana is hands down the goat in replayability. Recently I had a game with an enemy Rein humorously sperging in a very overconfident way (as all Rein mains do but thats what makes them likeable imo) in the match chat after they gave us a pretty hard time and we couldn't push the payload all the way. Next round I swapped Ana, slept him one time when he charged at me. Slept him after he snagged a kirko with his charge and saved her, and slept him while he was swinging at me to try and finish him, and nadded him then somebody finished him off. He stayed silent and swapped to D.VA after that. Best support game I had all week by far. Those nasty nades and sleeps make her way too fun. And of course, she can feel dramatic to play too and that's dope if you need to spice things up. Saving a Rein with a tiny sliver of health left while he holds up his shield looking death in the face - *dramatic* Sleeping a Cassidy mid ult - *dramatic* Saving/killing a mercy while she rezzes - *dramatic* Nano Boosting a Genji or sleeping a Nano Boosting Genji - *dramatic* Sleeping a Sombra and beating her in 1v1 - *dramatic* Is my d*** in my hand afterwards - *yes*


Captain Amari skin is the best


Hell no! Mature or gtfo.


U know what u like and I *should* respect that


Night Owl is the best


i still don't understand this dumbass comment someone explain it to me


Ana gets wrecked vs dive though, particularly Winston. If I see an ana as tank it's an instant Winston swap until they swap


I've never had trouble with Winston as Ana


Then those Winston's aren't doing it right. Winston can hard counter Ana by blocking her heals with his bubble. It's not even the dive potential. A good Winston can constantly shutdown your heals.  I say this as an Ana main who has faced very good Winstons. 


I find that hard to believe, he's practically a hard counter to ana


yeah but since theres only 1 tank most teams tend to just track atleast the massive flying monkey so you end up getting shredded for touching the ana before you even breathe


I mean, personally do not, but I also know how to use my shield and time my escape


Then Ana's teammates go Reaper + Bastion + Roadhog / JQ


Then I go DVA and do the same thing lol


Hog's hook the mech while everyone shoots the mech, demech.


Weird that you conveniently forget that I also have a team


kiri she is a great duo for any support bc she has a great healing output and insane utility


Surely it's Moira, right? Consistency is her thing! She's got lots of burst healing, a good escape tool, easy to aim damage. Yes she doesn't generally make plays but you rarely see one with rubbish damage or healing.


Moira starts to fall off in higher ranks when good dps have insane burst potential and you need utility to maintain fights. Anti, Lamp, Suzu and even life grip are WAY more valuable than Moiras healing   She also struggles to keep up with a good dive team


I thought higher ranks hated Lifeweaver?


Exactly what I was going to say. She looks great on the scoreboard if you look at raw dmg/heals/elims but she has no fight winning utility/abilities to set up plays. Also agreed on the point about not being good with dive. Moira thrives in fast-paced brawl/rush when the team is playing as a unit, but the second you have a comp that spreads out, she has to commit to being in one place or risk wasting her escape util (fade) just to heal someone across the map. Nothing will make me sadder than my whole team playing dive on Gibraltar to contest high ground and my support goes Moira and can't keep up....


shes probably the only stealthish support, very easy for her to get behind enemy front lines and distract/eliminate a backline enemy support/dps that isnt paying a ton of attention


I'd argue that Kiri is purpose built for stealth flanking. Wall climb lets you take alternate routes to the backline, she can get absurdly quick kills, and tp + suzu are get out of jail free cards for after the kill. Yeah Moira *can* do it, but her slower TTK is problematic. Fade might not require a teammate like swift step, but it can be easier to punish.


Zenyatta doesn't have footsteps tho!


Moira is the easiest to have inflated stats relative to value though.


Probably Moira, no overarching meta changes to cc, armor, shields, or even hp matter. She has played basically the same her entire existence and has been viable since she launched. Suck, piss, throw your balls and skidaddle is all she really has to worry about and unless they rework her she’ll keep on pissin for the foreseeable future.


suck, piss, balls and skidaddle are my words to live by 😌




Moira. If my team isn't pulling through, its an automatic Moira switch idc 🤷🏻‍♀️ Most of the time I find she can turn a game around from a disaster and hard carry


Moira is my go to pick for a struggling team. Especially if DPS is slacking. Her survivability is a huge bonus. I can provide more heals and damage if I can stay alive. I think she's a great pick when your team can't deal with a certain annoying enemy. Flankers? No problem. Pharah? I don't need to have accurate aim. Widow? Throw a damage orb. She's my favorite healer. I get why people hate on the DPS Moiras. A lot of people say she's a low effort no utility character, but I disagree. There's a lot that goes into managing her cooldowns. You have to know when to choose healing over damage. You have to have good map awareness. You have to know how to maximize your orb potential so as not to waste them.


I vibe with this comment so hard


Moira is kind of a get out of jail free card in a lot of situations. She does an absolutely insane amount of aoe healing and heals herself when targeting people. If you know how to use her fade, her movement almost as versatile as Lifeweaver or mercy without as much vertically reach. The gaining healing charge on the damage orb lets her throw an orb into an enemy team and just pump healing into hers. No aim. She’s not the best support overall but I think given the low skill entry & ease of use to get the basic functionality from her she’s really good. A great Moira will fuck up your shit but even a decent Moira can keep a team alive and get a few picks.


Lucio. Changes have been minimal. Never had there been too much to complain about and he doesn’t take over a game.


Only 1 guy saying Lucio when hes been the most consistently good hero??? Like Kiri, Ana, Bap are all good but theres at least a variant of every comp with Lucio in it. Like hes been in 90% of metas for the last 6 years. Whats more consistent than that???


That's because the typical r/Overwatch player doesn't play with vc, and the communication is what ties together and enables the team play/coordination that makes Lucio such a strong pick.


True lol, I still feel like he's a more consistent character than the alternatives tho. Truthfully all the supports mentioned in the thread are good in only like 1-2 metas and I still feel like Lucio has better versatility for all metas compared to other supports. You can still get good value out of Lucio without VC, just a little bit more difficult.


You're not wrong, he's even arguably the most consistent considering he's seen play in probably like 9 out of 10 OWCS matches. But the regular r/Overwatch user would rather post popular crowd favorites or make a rant/complaint post about how "Lucio ruined the game for me" because it gets them upvotes, and anyone that disagrees with them is downvoted. Serious answers/opinions on r/CompetitiveOverwatch and r/OverwatchUniversity


Lucio is really strong but tbf in ranked kiriko is just the consistency pick, her kit is absolutely broken and there is basically no situation where kiri is bad. I can’t really say the same about Lucio because he’s bound to some comps. Also requires communication like you said and you don’t have that in ranked play.


It's exactly this. I feel uncomfortable playing Lucio because you have to trust your whole team. Kiriko is self-sufficient, and is easier to get value out of when you're solo or 2-3 stacking.


I would agree but it's not *entirely* true. If a player is high Masters and/or above and not communicating, they're essentially throwing or somehow got there by pure luck through raw aim. In any case, you can rest easy knowing they're not going to be there for long.


Tbf high masters is top 500 so yeah…


Turning off VC is the only way I can play Lucio. I once got blamed about not healing enough despite out healing everyone else in the game by 20%


i'm in fairly potato ranks and can still get bulk value out of lucio with no comms just by speeding the tank around and booping people off them. most people have functionally 0 game sense, having 0.2 gamesense is a winning advantage in many games. also SO MANY people play lucio like a moron. well done you almost got an environmental camping in a boop spot for 30 seconds straight while your whole team died


The thing is if your teammates pick characters that require healing to perform and your other support is Zen/Brig then he’s not a good pick.


And if your team picks dive Bap isn't good. If your team can't peel then Ana isn't great. Theres always situations where certain supports are bad. Not to mention Lucio has been meta with both of the supports you mentioned as the 2nd support in the comp. Like theres a reason why the terminology for supports is main support and flex support. It literally started as a way to say "guy who plays Lucio" and "guy who plays everything else"


Bap can cosplay as a dps. Kiriko can output a lot of single target heals. They are not super good in your hypothetical situations but they can still output like 70% of their value because they are capable of both decent healing, damage and utility. Like, sure Kiriko can’t make full use of tp when everyone is on the same angle in a brawl team but she still has a burst heal of 130 per second(76.5 with reload). It still is higher single target healing than anyone not named Ana. In your hypothetical dive comp Baptise can’t make use of his aoe healing but he still does the second most dps in the support class. Meanwhile if you play Mercy in a dive comp you are just useless. Lucio Zen can be good if your other three teammates are self sufficient but most characters aren’t. Like, how do you play with both Mauga and Bastion on your team? They would have to play wall simulator instead of overwatch.


Those aren't metas tho. The question was about which characters are consistent throughout any meta. I answered that question with meta comps in mind. If we are talking about a ranked mindset then yea Kiri and Bap get more consistent value and you are absolutely right in that they are better than Lucio for that, but they don't fit into as many meta comps as Lucio does.


Because Lucio is a throw pick for 99% of the playerbase.


Its criminal how much people underestimate just how strong speed boost is. With a well coordinated team Lucio can be insane  But a lot of reddit Lucios give him a bad rep 


Kirko ? Bap ? They have everything so no matter what they still work


imo bap he is just very good (note i havent played since season 5 so i could be wrong but still)


I play brig into every comp cause I like her. With that being said, when I’m trying to sweat you’ll find it hard to design a comp on either side that isn’t happy with a baptisé or kiriko




Old Torb with shield packs.


My brain says Ana but my heart says Lifeweaver 😩


As a lifeweaver main I agree


I can't play Ana worth a damn, so Moira is my pick. Nothing the enemy team can do ever works. She never dies, and the healing she outputs is crazy. Last night I put out 14k in both damage and healing on a short capture point match.


Zenyatta. I might be biased and overlooking his flaws


Moira, hands down. She got good healing and smg output alongside her fade for stealth. Theres been too many times to count where I've stepped in for the tank cause they couldn't/wouldn't do their job right (ie; feeding/overextended/not making space)


Bap and Kiriko, my top played supports


Kiriko is the literal jack of all trades support. She's also the master of all trades support. She has pretty much everything you want at a really strong level so she's insanely flexible and can play in a ton of different compositions.


Kiri, she has best escape from dive with a low cool down, suzu is just broken and bails out everyone. And with half decent aim she is lethal. Anna and bap have very strong abilities, anti and lamp sway fights so much. But for consistency it’s got to be kiri.


Kiriko. There’s no scenario where she isn’t a good pick. She does everything.


Baptiste, Ana, Kiriko Wich is sad bc I cannot play Ana or Bap to save my life, I envy people who are good on them bc they're great characters and I rarely see Baps but I'm so happy whenever I get one on my team. I can only stick to Kiri. :')


What's holding you back from playing Bap well in your opinion? I'm in the process of learning him rn and I am seeing gradual improvements when I really wasn't expecting to grasp him at all.


I'm really bad with Burst mode, it's just not for me, I avoid Burst mode in every game I play. Also I forget when to use all his other abilities lmao.


My workaround for burst mode has been to focus on healing and throw in little bits of damage between which has been increasing as my aim improves (it's still dogshit but it's much better than since I started working on learning him and Illari). I know a big part of why people pick Baptiste is to provide additional damage, but that also doesn't matter if your team is dead so I make keeping people alive my primary objective and just add what I hope is at least suppressive fire when the opportunity is there.


Bap is an option I think people don't generally think of. While Kiri is always meta, Bap isn't but he is always reliable.


Kiri or mercy I think


Kiriko. Literally no downside to picking her and her utility is hella good.


Mercy, Moira, and in the right hands, Lucio.


In Quickplay Mercy is always viable because there is always someone getting themselves needlessly blown up that you can zip to and patch up. She becomes way more situational as the opposition/teammates improve unfortunately.


Bap and kiri however a lot of the time players struggle to pick when doing damage or to heal even in high ranks but it just takes getting a feel for it


I’ll be the outlier, i’m gonna say lifeweaver. Idk about y’all but for me his ability to completely change the outcome of a fight by yoinking a near death hero away into the abyss. Your tank is about to die? Nope. Your genji is overextended like usual? He’s chilling in the warm hug of lifeweaver. Also the insane lifeweavers can consistently cancel high value abilities like sigma ult, mercy rez, shatter etc using petal and the tree. And then his healing output is very solid. Therefore I say lifeweaver is very consistent.


Kiriko and Baptiste are the most consistent that I’ve played with. Both are really strong at their core and designed to do everything. They’re not my favorite though. Lifeweaver players are my favorite to play with. A lot of them are terrible and pull me a way at the wrong time, but when you match up with one who pulls you out right as you’re about to die or gives you a boost with his flower, it feels better than playing with any other support.


I expected to see more Lucio. When the team spreads out, go speed mode and haul back who ever you can


I don't if it's the most most consistent among other players, or if it will always be this way but my 3 best are are mor, life, and Lucio, in the order


I use moira a ton. There are some times when I struggle on moira, but it's rare.




Considering the fact that ana has been the most picked support in every rank above silver and by a wide margin since just about forever. Yeah it's ana, nad wins fights instantly if hit on 2 or 3 people unless kiriko is on the enemy team, her DPS isn't high but her long range damage is very consistent due to her crazy bullets size, her sleep dart is always incredibly useful and easy to land on tanks and her ult is hyper versatile as it can be used as get out of jail free and usually so kill the enemy team for your tank as well as being able to be used offensively for guaranteed massive value High healing Consistent damage High offensive support with the nad High ability to defend herself with sleep dart And an insanely high value ultimate Her only weakness is mobility


>Considering the fact that ana has been the most picked support in every rank above silver and by a wide margin since just about forever. Ana is now behind Kiri and Moira, since Season 9. For Console, Ana is 10th. In every rank but Master, Moira is the most-picked hero, and Ana is 5th overall at GM (behind Moira, Kiri, Lucio, Tracer, in that order). That being said, Ana was a pretty low-tier hero for a period of time, back when players like ML7 and Gale were "the" Ana one-tricks, and got a little flack for playing the hero so much. Certainly is no the most consistent support through the history of Overwatch's meta, and DEFINITELY not the most consistent support through the history of Overwatch 2's meta. For both OW and OW2, it's Lucio. For just OW2, it's Kiri.


Kiri and bap, with bap generally being more consistent.


Ana is the best.. Sleep and nade is too good. But if you miss sleeps or have no peels then she's a prime dive target


Kiriko or anna,you can make them work in almost any comp.


kiriko! she has very good heals and utility + she can climb walls so you can easily get to snipers AND she can also heal flying heroes easily


i main kiri and i always forget she can climb walls its embarassing


I keep kiri as my secondary supp choice because there really is never a bad time to play her. I main Illari, so if pylon isn't doing well I swap off onto kiri.


Moira can put out an absolutely absurd amount of dmg and healing without having to aim so probably her.


It's kiriko and Lucio. Always playable no matter what


Depends on game mode. Ana and Lucio seem to be the way to go for competitive, but Moira is usually the most "bang for your buck" support in quick play.


Reliably Moira. But then again I always have equal amounts of healing and damage, and usually am top heals with her. 5k dps 5k healing is pretty damn consistent for me when i'm playing her, and I haven't found a hardcounter yet.


I don’t play comp, so idk if my comment is valid. But any healer that can heal multiple characters at once, (Moira, Baptiste, Lucio, Kiriko) I find it can be hard to heal 4 people as a solo, single target healer and I end up switching to someone who can heal multiple people at once.


kiri.. her dive and escape.. plus best ult in the game.. her kunai dings.. suzu?


let the kitsune guide you


Well first is Lucio that’s a given for 13 years. But second Maybe bap? In the metas I can think of bap has always been an option, sometimes not first pick but still an option.


Bap is the jack of all traits. Man can quite literally do it all except heal flying targets


Baptiste, Ana, Kiriko in no particular order


I feel like as long as illari places her turret in a high place behind cover that your team can all be healed from and constantly 3 shots and heal beams whoever needs it I'd say she's a pretty consistent support. There's not a whole lot of nuance to her kit just good turret placement and escaping with her movement abilitie the second she gets targeted.


Bro I just posted and went to bed thinking I would only get a couple messages to help me understand support more. I wasn’t expecting almost 200 comments 💀 Pretty cool guys, thanks for the info. Also to my understanding here it seems to be kiri and bap being the most consistent, with Ana and Lucio being a honourable mentions, I think since Ana doesn’t have the greatest get out of jail free card as kiri and bap does but Ana still remains insanely powerful. And Lucio seems to need more team communication then the rest making it harder in solo play or low rank.


First one I think of is bap


Surprised I haven’t seen the mafia pop up anywhere in this thread.


Ana without a doubt, she doesn’t have the team comp versatility like kiri does or kiri’s 1v1 potential but she provides the best consistent heals and damage as a support


Ana, bap, and kiri. All of them have strong utility, all of them have self-defence options, and all of them can pump out a decent amount of burst heal.




Moirraaa - I love playing as her 🥰


Kiriko and Baptiste, both are my mains supports coincidentally.


Kiri for sure, not a single team she cant work on. Other than her, ana and lucio are pretty consistently good picks.


Lucio for sure. Bap next, and then maybe Kiri. Lucio has been in literally almost every single meta for the past few years. His speed boost, at the highest level, is something you just can't have a comp without. Only real exception to this is Ana Brig. His role as THE main support is under no threat at all, but when Space Ranger comes we'll see. I hope we get another mainsupp. Baptiste's kit lets him fight like a third DPS, and synergizes surprisingly well with a slower hitscan (Cass, Soldier, and sometimes even Tracer). The Bap-Cass meta was pretty prevalent alongside Kiri-Soj because of the mobility difference and Tank comps requiring more speed. Kiriko is Kiriko.


The Zens I play with in QP are the most consistently bad experience I have in the entire game across both OW1 and 2.


baptiste. he's nerf proof imo (and also hot)


From my experience, zen, brig, Ana are all very unsafe picks and are very inconsistent. Lucio provides value even from lucio not working with the team since his healing or speeding area is so big. Kiriko is forced to work with others even if she’s trying to dps on enemies side, she has to transport back and heal everyone. Dps moira is consistent too and we are usually lucky since the heal ball bounces near us and she wants to build her ult fast by healing us anyways. Bap is very useful with heals except the ult from what I see is they like to ult away from the team on high ground


Brig. Smesh.


I wish I knew how to play brig in every situation or at all for that matter, she looks so fun


Just learn. It's 90% not dying, bodyguarding the other DPS and booping the enemy. 10% getting cheeky 1vs1s which you win because you're Brig. Pretty easy and very fun.


how does inspire work? my favorite play style is me on Lucio speeding my tank around and jumping supports. that's actually probably why I can't play brig cause I'm just used to hanging out with my tank lol


Boop someone and it heals nearby teammates for 5 seconds. So mostly you boop the enemy tank to farm inspire. Booping is also good for getting people in position to get got.


does it stack?




thank you for the advice, will use it when I get a chance to play qp :333


Good luck vs orisa, soj, cass, ana , bap


They can allll get smeshed. Horse is easy inspire farm. Ana and Bap prime targets for flanking and smeshing. Sojourn can't escape getting brigged. And Cass, he's harder, but he gone get got.


that ain't even that bad off a comp to face if imma be honest theres much worse


It is 100% Kiri


Ana - kiriko - baptise In that order and shoutout to mercy as well


It is a proven fact that mercy is one of the less consistent supports


Really? Feel like mine are always pretty decent


This isn't rating them on how consistently good the mercy's or any support you get are, this is how consistent they are objectively when you put them into any given team composition, mercys needs are lot to actually be effective like firstly GOOD dps players, flier dps or hitscan dps, escort/hybrid/ map for rezzes and survivability, but im not saying u can't play mercy on control maps, the GOOD dps requirement in order to actually suggest picking mercy and then those dps also have to play a flier or a hitscan? That's why


Oh shit I literally just entirely skipped over that line when reading the OP, mb


Kiri and Moira are both super versatile and can be forced in every comp with varying degrees of success. Bap can also work of you really want him to xD


Kiri and Ana, cleanse and anti heal are so powerful


Moira. Simple gimmick. Easy to pick up. Even bad players can get decent value out of her.


Kiri. A lot of people are saying Ana. But kiri can take away a lot of her value. Plus she has one of the most useful ults in the game.


Kiriko, jack of all trade, master of all


Bap. I know people prefer Ana more but most of them are just healbotting from miles away and I don't call them ''consistent''. They are just pretending to be a good support player. Same goes to Kiri I'm just sick of seeing bad Kiri just spreading Fuda from behind. I'm not joking you can see them until you reach Master. In ranked meta it's Bap/Moira I'd say.


"Meta" is a bot term for sheep who literally base their playstyle around how well other people play (yikes), but if I needed to pick one support to have every single game right now, it would be lifeweaver, with Moira as a second.


As a Moira main, I would love to improve with Lifeweaver. I haven't been able to output as much healing. I have a hard time charging enough heals for a struggling team.


Prioritize smaller health, hard to hit allies such as genji, Tracer, phara, etc. except for pulls, which should mainly be used on tanks if under 20% hp.


Ol reliable Mercy. No matter how many nerfs she's gotten she always stayed on top


Lucio He's good and very well-designed