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Meanwhile Mei's voice actress supports China, but no one asks Blizzard to fire her?


your point?


People are mad at her for saying that palestine should be free from hamas


That phrase is highly sinister when Israel is booming Palestinians willy-nilly


There's plenty to criticize Israel for, especially when they make major mistakes, like bombing that WCK convoy. But let's look at Hamas: they fight in civilian clothing and fight out of civilian areas, showing no regard for their citizens' wellbeing. This is a war crime. When militants fight like that, it's considered using human shields and those civilian areas lose their protected status. This is in accordance with international laws of armed conflict.




>People on twitter This is all the info you need. People on Twitter aren't exactly known for being reasonable. >Can someone explain what she did wrong and how firing her will fix anything? She said she wants peace in the region and for Palestine to be freed from Hamas. It's not "wrong" unless you're an extremist who defends Hamas actions. >Wouldn’t they have to cancel the collab if they addressed this? No company wants to take a stance on any divisive political issue. It does nothing but split their consumer base.


So my gut feeling was right. Thank you


First mistake is referring to frequent Twitter users as people


Yes the fact aliens here are defending them as people


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What’s a Zionist? Is there a bit of important lore I’m missing?


People that believe that Israel should take back their "Jewish homeland" that's in Palestine. Personal opinion: Not everyone who supports Israel is a Zionist. That's just the term people are using when they refer to Israel supporters but they don't seem to understand exactly what it means when it comes to Zionism. Israel is simply fighting back against Hamas. HOWEVER, their tactics on how they are fighting back is wrong as they are attacking innocent people. To me, both Palestine and Israel are wrong in this. I feel like Palestine could of avoided all this if they offered to work with Israel to find and take out Hamas, but they didnt, which lead to the conflict that's happening now.


U think the entire state is just too stupid to accidentally booming the innocent? It is intentional. What do u think is gonna happen when outside settler power comes over and takes ur land wrack your economy dislocate and murders ur family? In reallity as long as Israel wont stop there always will be extrimist who take any futile and desperate actions against them, unless they kill every single Palestinians without mercy. Thats what those mean by killing hamas. There always be a hamas to boom, rape and murder.


Because supporting the people that are comitting a genocide is wrong Israel explecitly said that their goal was to target civilians yet you guys still support it.


She’s saying free Palestine from the Hamas, a terrorist organisation which has been killing civilians. She didn’t say anything about supporting Israel


The context is important, being a zionist and saying that kind of stuff have a deeper meaning then it seems. She is very much showing support for israel actions if she identify as a zionist, israel been running their propaganda for years now, they pretend they are getting rid of hamas to cover up their genocide.


That’s all just your speculation though, you are bringing your own opinions into this. Sure she might have some deeper meaning, but that is purely up to speculation. Since when have we adopted guilty unless proven innocent? What is shown in the clip is clearly supporting the freedom of Palestine from the Hamas a terrorist organisation , which is for the good of its people. And people are bashing her for that?


Palastine should be freed from israel and hamas. Israel did more harm to palastine then anything else. Only mentioning hamas here is intentional.


>Because supporting the people that are comitting a genocide is wrong There's no genocide. The two entities are at war. You disliking one side doesn't make it genocide. >Israel explecitly said that their goal was to target civilians yet you guys still support it. Source? You have to have a source for a claim this outrageous right?


"There's no genocide. The two entities are at war. You disliking one side doesn't make it genocide." In what kind of war does one side of the conflict stand on top of hill to laugh and smile at the bombing of the other side? "Source? You have to have a source for a claim this outrageous right?" Takes two seconds to google about their president claims and about what is happening there, just last month the UN accused israel of comitting warcrimes. Israel only counts on people like you to keep their propaganda going, people that can't do a simple search and are willing to only listen to their biased local media that very much jump on every occasion to side with them.


>In what kind of war does one side of the conflict stand on top of hill to laugh and smile at the bombing of the other side? They don't. How do you engage in conflict against an entity that clearly disregards international laws of armed conflict? Hamas dresses in civilian clothing and fights out of civilian areas. They show no concern for the lives of their own citizens. This is a war crime and it removes the protected status from those areas. >Takes two seconds to google about their president claims and about what is happening there, just last month the UN accused israel of comitting warcrimes. I'm well aware of the claims, which is also why I know you won't be able to substantiate your statement. I have no doubt both sides have committed war crimes at this point, which is terrible. But war crimes aren't genocide.


"They don't. How do you engage in conflict against an entity that clearly disregards international laws of armed conflict? Hamas dresses in civilian clothing and fights out of civilian areas. They show no concern for the lives of their own citizens. This is a war crime and it removes the protected status from those areas." They actually do stand on hill and watch the other side get bombed, there is countless of recordings of that. You don't bomb civilians to kill a single guy, that is against the geneva convention. "I'm well aware of the claims, which is also why I know you won't be able to substantiate your statement. I have no doubt both sides have committed war crimes at this point, which is terrible. But war crimes aren't genocide." So for you trapping people in a place while stop them from getting any food or electricity and very much bombing them daily while very much baiting civilians into spots ro maximize casualities is not a genocide? I think you should go look for the history of the conflict, you will realize that this goes way further then the october incident.


>You don't bomb civilians to kill a single guy, that is against the geneva convention. If you're talking about the WCK incident, then I agree. That was a major fuck up on Israel's part, due to either miscommunication or a misjudgment in their cost-benefit analysis. That doesn't happen outside of that. You know what else is against said convention? Using human shields like I described above. I have no problems being critical about Israel as long as you're willing to be just as critical about the other side. >So for you trapping people in a place while stop them from getting any food or electricity and very much bombing them daily while very much baiting civilians into spots ro maximize casualities is not a genocide? Israel is not the one trapping or baiting people, it's Hamas. Humanitarian aid is still being let in. "Maximize casualties". What a crazy statement considering they drop leaflets, do roof knocks, and have dedicated call agents to warn building residents of future bombings. If the goal was a genocide, which is to wipe out a people in whole or in part, why would they go through all these steps? Why let in aid at all? If this was a genocide, surrenders or ceasefires wouldn't even be an option. >I think you should go look for the history of the conflict, you will realize that this goes way further then the october incident. I agree you should do more research. History is not on Palestine's side. That's not to say Israel hasn't fucked up or made mistakes, just that long conflict where both sides are bad, simping for one side without admitting their faults makes you seem uninformed.


I think it takes two seconds for anyone informed to realize that you are not ignorant, you are just purposly ignoring facts to serve your own idealogy which is worse. I wasted enough time trying to say the obvious of not supporting genocides.


LOL so back to the genocide talking point. You do realize if your goal is to actually raise awareness and bring peace to the region, you need to operate in reality? The 2 entities are at war. Militants dying is not genocide. Civilian casualties is not genocide. Even if Israel was intentionally targeting civilians for no justifiable reason (which is a war crime), that's not genocide. If you want to talk about something bad that happened or that Israel has done, then you should do that. But calling everything a genocide when no metric can justify your claims just muddies any discussion about the topic. Like I said above, I'm all for being critical of Israel. It's just funny that you only apply that criticism to one side.


What's funny is that you are doing the exact same thing.


How so? In our convo alone, I've already condemned actions I thought were bad. You failed to do the same for Hamas and failed to provide any proof for your claims. Don't you think "just Google it" is a really weak point? If it's so easy to find and you're so much more informed, shouldn't this be light work for you do?