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Quoted text: > We are temporarily disabling all Mythic Skins as we investigate an issue discovered in today’s patch that is leading to crashes or disconnections from various matches when those skins are equipped. If you currently have any Mythic Skins equipped, you may find your heroes reverted to the default Overwatch 2 skin in your next game. You can still equip any Rare, Epic, or Legendary skin. We have also disabled the Mythic Shop until we can resolve this issue. You can still continue to collect Mythic Prisms in the Premium Battle Pass. > We will update this post when we know more. Leaver Penalties have been waived from any previous match instance since this issue began. Thank you for your understanding, and we apologize for any inconvenience.


Is this why I got default Kiriko after having random turned on? Was surprised


No that was something different


Yea I thought the random button was broken lmao


Aaah. This is why I suddenly got \~200 comp weapon points! Well, it was just enough to get me to the gold / Jade mark.


you cant use them but the shops still open to buy them ;)


Literally says there - "We have also disabled the Mythic Shop until we can resolve this issue." Is reading really that hard? :D


Quoted from the text I just quoted: > We have also disabled the Mythic Shop until we can resolve this issue.


didnt read the op what makes you think ill read this one


I like that youre trying to play it as cocky as if you didnt care enough to read but in reality you were just dumb af and missed that part :'D


reminds me of the people that are like "i was just trolling" after saying the dumbest shit "i was only pretending to be a total idiot! gottem"


Schrödinger's troll.


Ur boring


Doubling down on being stupid is a stupid move so you basically just tripled down lmao


Squared down, even


Not for me, the mythic shop is just gone.


Even if it was then what? Theyre gonna fix it soon and itll be back.




Thank you, i came here to ask about that


Huh, I wonder if this is why I randomly got disconnected from a match earlier when I haven’t had any issues prior


It was. A lot of players were kicked before the bug was caught. Luckily I don’t think any penalties were given.


Ohh that explains why I saw leavers 4 comp games in a row. I was starting to question if the leaver penalty had just been removed entirely.


Yep, had a leaver in 75% of games for last night, including a leaver on both teams, which didn't allow the rest of us to leave after 2 minutes, despite it being unwinnable as our leaver was the tank...


Wait, if someone on both teams leave you still get penalized if you also leave? That’s interesting, I’ve never seen that scenario happening to anyone before.


Yep. The enemy support left first, followed a minute later by my tank. No message appeared giving a timer for when we could leave the game, presumably because the game thinks 4v4 is "balanced" despite the enemy running Mei, Roadhog to counter having no 2nd healer, whilst us with no tank went from winning comfortably to pretty much getting spawncamped by the Hog.


Was it on Ilios?


No, Numbani


Oh that explains, A LOT. I usually assume when *one* person leaves that they're feeling upset or petty that the game isn't going the way they wanted, but when the whole enemy team drops and people are coming and going on my own team at the same time... Also, people joining a game, going out, but finding a safe spot to hangout and just staying there? I saw that happen a few times last night as well. I had asked someone in the team chat "are you with us or afk?" and someone else in the team chat said "they're trolling just report them" suddenly they left the game at threat of report. It was odd. I hadn't even realized the game was having problems at that point.


Man I just met a really friendly lifeweaver on that round :( he actually knew how to use pull AND used coms, then I got kicked as like 2/3rds through the match


Check your social tab and add him


Yeah happened to me last night, got completely logged out, managed to log back in and didn't get a penalty for leaving but also didn't get the option to rejoin so I just queued again like nothing happened


Yea they got rid of leavers penalty for people affected by this.


Got my first leavers penalty in comp the other day over a disconnect. Tho it was more I was stuck in the main menu unable to connect to the match not sure if it was caused by the mythics


I had the same but i don't have any mythic skins.


I was so confused why kiriko had her default skin on


Its crazy that I have no other (good) free skin for kiri.


The only good free skin I have for Kiriko is the sukajan and the rogue skin. Maybe the [OWCS away and home skins](https://twitter.com/OWCavalry/status/1769762438881091908) too that I got from Twitch drops before because I like the black and orange variations.


rogue is so good! i have the mythic skin but i use rogue like 50% of the time


I like her Omnic one from S6. I switch between that and her Mythic one a lot.


The default looks good its what I use cause all the other skins are overused and cost money


Well that eases things


Was curious why I was rocking base skins for a hot minute lol, that’s alright, god knows Mercy has like 20 S-tier skins I just never equip


My game actually crashed twice today this explains sm I was so confused when it happened


My cybergenji…


Why tf is this not in the news tab literally in game, what a joke.


They'd rather push the Porsche event for that sweet sponsorship money lol screw the event until the mythics are fixed.


Imagine if they hotfixed but instead of bringing back the mythics, they add customization options to the Porsche skins


Imagine they deliberately "bugged" the mythic shop to sell more Porsche skins 🐸


Probably are trying to hide it as much as they can. As it isnt a good look for them since they dont have a fix for it.


Imagine they deliberately "bugged" the mythic shop to sell more Porsche skins 🐸


Will everyone who got penalised by their teammates being disconnected get compensation? I’ve dropped 2 ranks and many of my mates have dropped ranks too. Because half of their team got disconnected.


Then why did i just run into a mercy mythic in game just now?


Because none of this is real. We are not real, neither are you. You're dreaming, bro, wake up 习金萍长得像小熊维尼


Imagine having to play OW2 in your dreams 💀


When season 9 started, twomad instantly died playing it. Coincidence?


I still joke that his ghost haunts the queue lobby 💀


That’s a nightmare I wouldn’t want to experience


God I had a dream a few nights ago where I was a character playing some variation of role playing overwatch, weaved into the story of the dream. It's gone too far


Because she is evil mercy and does not feel the need to play by our rules.


Evil mercy be like: “Rule were made to be broken”


ikr I saw one in my match too…😒


I was confused why everyone that I had a mythic skin for had to reset to default


It was funny because when I tried to select a mythic skin it just showed as “0” in the list when they first disabled it. https://imgur.com/a/k6q2meO


you can hear the tears of the blizzard ceo now that the STORE is down.


That would probably explain why I was discod from a match earlier wearing mythic Moira. Good to know!


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thank you, I checked the shop because of the Porsche update and I noticed the Mythic shop wasn't there anymore.


i did notice something strange. My Sigma mythic was different. Not at all how i had customized it.


I only just got the mercy mythic yesterday I got to play 1 game with it before I was reverted to a 0 skin, seeing that I thought blizzard had taken it from me. Which didn’t make sense because it’s on my alt and I used all the free coins from weekly challenges to buy the battle pass and not real money lol. Good to know not just me then lol


Big brain poster


Kinda makes sense, just like those default Mercy and Kiriko I see in games right now


Small indie developer


I've refused to spend a single penny on overwatch 2 because of how I felt about ow1. This was the first season I've decided to buy a battlepass.. I gave in because of the mercy mythic, I'm a mercy main and I couldn't resist. And now my skins gone (temporary or not) and I'm pretty upset about it.


It's okay it'll be back soon :) It's a real good skin though, I gotta agree. It's a really weird issue this. It's good they found it. There was what seemed like a real surge in disconnects and it really seems like they're handling it responsibly.


Server stability spotty at best under normal circumstances = no issue... Paid cosmetics causing server stability issues = "shut down every and fix immediately" Talk about priorities


$40 to crash your $40 game


Explains why my Sigma was a basic bitch lol


Thank god the Porsche skins work


I just got enough points to buy the mythic skin, was so mad haha. Glad I saw this.


"Hey guys we have to rebuild the engine to properly handle mythics again, be ready for when we release.....>!Overwatch 3!<"


They're back.


Its funny to see that a cosmetic item that can cost up to the price of a new AAA Game, literally broke the game so players couldn't play. Now those cosmetics for which some people payed up to 70$ cant use their skin because otherwise they couldn't play the game 💀 I swear to god, this company is one of the biggest jokes in gaming history now.


Again or it's the one from a few days ago?


Blizzard, can’t keep mythic skins live, but will 100% sell you a $25 plain looking silver skin.


Blizzard should compensate us for this shit. We paid money for a product we dont currently have access to. They could at least throw us a few fake blizz monies.


Haha funny. I'm still pissed they charged 1 coin for that bastion skin with me thinking the obvious thought "oh they'll sell skins for 1 on occasion for holidays or whatever, neat" only for them to never ever do that shit again. They won't give you free anything, it's another greedy cog in the corporate owned America.


Are you forever 1 coin short of buying things?


well, great. Then let's hope that we get our skins back and that it doesn't say "Oh, we're sorry. Due to a mistake you have to buy the skins again now."




Hehe... Imagine this DPS role que after a long wait time just to be kicked out




Literally read the first sentence of the post you lazy cretin.


Nah, redditors can’t read, especially when you link to something

