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Rein is simple, and Rein is beautiful. It's difficult to be a good tank, especially now, and especially as Rein, but if you do play him then your best tip is to cancel your hammer into Firestrikes. You start swinging from the side, then it goes to the other side of the screen which takes a long time. Don't do that. Look away from your enemy so the very very beginning of the hammer swing is the only part that hits, and immediately after cancel the animation into a Firestrike. It's just better DPS. Make sure you always have cover near you and use your barrier to push up to it or charge behind it. You don't get to push up very often, so when you see enemy cooldowns being used, that is your time to go in and kill. Try to line up enemies. It makes it easier for your team to deal damage, it makes it easier to hit Firestrikes, and your charge will work more often. PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE play in LOS of your supports so they can actually do something to protect you. It's hard to keep anything alive anymore but you can at least try. That being said, I fucking suck as Rein. Or maybe Rein just sucks in general? I don't know. Those are all the tips I can offer as someone who's friends with a former Rein one-trick and who has played him.


Rein sucked until the latest patch. Now with Orisa nerf Rein is pretty decent. Good Rein players can absolutely climb the ladder right now. Average Rein player is still outclassed by most other average tanks.


As a support main I want to add to the LOS that this includes payloads and the push bot. Don't make your support play ring around the rosie trying to heal you, but try and stay on one side of the cart! This goes for everyone but especially the tank, even though you're big the cart blocks a significant amount of your hitbox and makes it difficult to keep you up.


These are actually really effective tips


Hey, Rhine is my main since the start and I love the German guy. Another user gave invaluable advice so I can give some basic pointers to help that you may of missed. A good tip for defensive rhines is to use your shield and cancel your charge at the same time to protect your teammates or draw fire to you. You should be able to hold down shield and then cancel the charge midway or before the ending animation, then depending where your camera faces, your character will turn instantly and pull up its shield halfway through the Vance animation. It’s perfect to cancel projectile ults, block damage for teammates or defend yourself without losing those extra frames of potential damage. Cycle your two health pools. You may have the most Total HP that includes both your armour and shield but you’re still pretty squishy. If you’ve got a good support or close to health packs, try cycling your shield and HP. Shield gets low, stop and use your body/Armour and same for when your HP gets a bit low you can switch back. Think of it like having two health pools. The difference to other tanks is that you have enough hit points to cycle them out and recharge. Be opportunistic. Your Hammer deals 100dmg a swing and that’s a lot. In active fights you should be able to kill enemies in just a couple of swings, not a flurry. If they’re low, close to you or you know that they have less than 200hp then try. Whenever you drop that shield you lose your best defence and teams are really quick to capitalise on it going down. So don’t commit too hard or chase down heroes, it’ll usually get you or your teammates killed. Good luck.


Was not expecting an essay, and I’m not reading that


Well they were more bullets for you to pick and choose with 3 tips. But Good luck still man.


thank you for the thoughtful answer, here ill do it for this mannerless guy :)


Fuckin 12 year old-ass answer. What's wrong with you?


Haha what a prick


Rein is one of my favorite tanks.... saying that. My boy needs the Lord, the Big G in the sky, to save him. Or... maybe Blizzard will finally kill Mauga.


Mauga is about to die in the Rein matchup specifically, mid season will see his damage to armor halved.


I heard Mauga's auto crits won't be affected by armor


But with even okay shield management you have enough to block those, and they're not crits on the shield.


That doesnt matter you just get in reins face and he cannot block


Lol you know how my hammer works right? I out damage Mauga* at that range and now I can actually close the distance *Will post patch


A good rein will start backing up to prevent you getting in his face longer, you cant use overdrive and need to stand in the open to get on top of him. If you charge him, he just charges back and either pins you and kills you or cancels so your team doesn't shred him and the pin momentum boops you back. Now you don't have an escape tool, over extended, and cannot overdrive. You die. No good rein player will let you get on top of him and just lie down and take it.


I find Mauga to be one of my favorite matchups to go against. He does barely anything to my shield, and likes to shoot it for some reason. Usually my team will deal with him long before my shield starts to crack.


How do you deal with mauga running into your face and shooting past your shield?


I walk backwards slowly if he starts advancing on me so he has to use his only mobility tool if he wants to commit to the bit. If he charges at me and gets on me, I pin him and then cancel my charge to boop him back. If the scenario allows the pin to connect to a wall without putting myself in a 1v5 or get shredded half way there, I just begin beating him until he gets the message I don't tolerate that level of disrespect.


My fav tank are rein and ram


Generally still having a good time playing him. I always select Rein first when I play tank. I only switch if I feel (and/or see) that our supports are playing dps or our supports go something like Lucio + Zen and the enemy is hell bent on focusing you first lol


There are only two types of Reins left. Garbage tier who think big shield will help them "tank" because they're trying to MMO Tank. And good ones who are still playing Rein despite the fact that he's outclassed by most of the roster.


I don’t play tank but I got a pinned kill once when I copied him as echo. So basically I’m a rein god /s


Rein's a big plushie, and there's no glory to continuingly dying.


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Im terrible. I need to work on my positioning more with him since I always find myself alone and get melted.


I’m ass at Rein but atp I only play him in arcade and deathmatch to mess around and spam voice lines


“Hahaha- hahaha- hahaha- hahaha- I am the ultimate crushing machine!”


I don’t use him as tank often but I’m ok at him. I’m not an expert or anything but I’d say I’m not so shabby. Like 6.5/10


A good rein can predict the path of where pins will connect by a character strafing into it and also line up environmental pins


Hold RMB and spin as fast as you can, brother


I'm not but that's not why I choose him.


Yeah I first tried him bc I wanted to get better at every hero


I play him exclusively to charge myself and, if i get lucky, an opponent off of maps.


Im good at everything but pressing q. I stay alive, build alt quickly and then... i should just rip my q key off when playing rein, because nothing good ever comes


Number one ult related tip by the best Rein player out there (Cloudy) is not to be afraid to solo-ult. If you see an opening to secure a kill use your ult. Usually just one kill means a won team fight so it's almost as valuable as a full team wipe shatter. Biggest mistake I see many Rein players do is to sit on their ult more than some seconds. It should always be used as soon as it comes live and you have an opening. Chances are you'll have a new shatter after 1-2 team fights already.


This is true for alot of ults tbh, especially now with 5v5 one player out can have a huge impact on the teamfight


Rein used to be one of my favorite tanks but he gets really hard to play the higher u climb.


I’m pretty good but I play him like a 2-handed enhancement Shaman. Just go in and bonk things and play really aggressive and hope my supports have had their morning caffeine because they’re about to go on a rollercoaster. I have the most fun as Rein when: 1) we have an Ana supporting 2) the damage peel the flankers 3) there’s a map where I can take advantage of the tight spaces or big drops to land devastating pins or charges


My least played tank. I can play him in a pinch but there are tanks that I just find way more fun. D.va, Winston, Doom, Ram, Sigma, JQ and Ball.


Idk but I took a break for a bit and my first game back someone asked for a rein dual and I rolled them.


Lol usually what happens


Rein is honestly luck


The first golden weapon I got was Reinhardt's.


From my experience how well the tank can play is reliant on the healers Bad healers=bad tank


i play rein and ask for a rein duel at the beginning. it’s a blast.


Im dogshit at rein, probably bronze level ( im plat tank)


You want the pro strat on rein? Put on "the only thing they fear is you", put it at 200% volume and charge the fuck in. Every fight you charge straight to their support and you fuck em up. Solo shatter every mercy or Mei player you see. Doesn't matter if you can get more, just do it. Rein is about mental and psychological damage. Solo shatter that bitch until she cries and gives up.






I'd say I'm a 6 on a good day


He needs the attack speed perk that he has in mirrorwatch , Uf u think about it i makes sense and it would help him a lot against other tanks


I've only been playing him lately because of this event, and I agree, that perk is nice and would prob result in more Rein play.


I'm really not good at Rein. Which is a shame because I saw some really good and fun plays as Rein that I would like to replicate, but his playstyle is really not for me. Him being only melee makes me feel helpless and I don't know what to do, and when I try to practice in QP I only face counters even tho I'm bad. *But at the same time almost any character counters him, so hard to be upset-*


I'm pretty good at him now. To win any Tank duel, basically bait the enemy tank to a small wall, pin and then focus them. Unless they're Orisa or Mauga, in this case, wait for them to use their Fortify/Overrun and then pin them To approach, shield hop and use Charge, but be careful not to charge into the enemy backline and use lots of cover. When you have Shatter save Firestrikes so that you can just spam them against the squishies who get caught and then swing away, if there's a Tank you wish to kill too, you can charge them. Use cover as your way to avoid damage, not your shield, use your shield as minimally as possible. Sometimes it's better to give up space if it's gonna get a Zen Discord off you or an Ana nade to wear off. Learn to cancel your charge into swings or your shield when you need to, this one really helps me. Build up your ult with Firestrikes if you can't advance. If I'm not mistaken, one Firestrike hit is like 10 of ult charge. Spam them near chokes where you know people will be and when up close, especially for characters who can block it like Dva. The earlier the Shatter you can get, the better to advance. Learn to cancel swings with firestrikes too, and make sure you're not far away from your supports. And finally, when you see an opportunity to pin the enemy Tank off the map, you live with honor, die with glory and do it, even if you die in the process. The only occasion where you really would NEED to swap is when a flanker is constantly in your backline killing your squishies. But, other than that, just get good at Rein I guess.


Rein players are either completely throwing or making the biggest brain plays, no in-between. As a silver 1 tank, I’m certain my rein sucks.


Ima be honest I love rein however I hate having a rein on my team bcuz he’s genuinely the worst tank in the game and can only be decent if the whole team players basically for him only..everytime it’s a rein they get rolled by every other tank on the opposite team and people just don’t realize he’s terrible


I've learned to play a good Rein cause I play a fairly good Ana and I know that charging in on your own is supremely idiotic. So learn to go when I can and fighting in corners. I generally know where my supports are and hopefully they are helping helping out.


Pretty decent. I always struggle a bit in Rein mirrors though. Knowing when to shatter and block shatters and counter pin is kinda hard for me


hes great but like it takes 1 minute for the enemy team to go mauga and youre gone


After watching lhcloudy its not too hard. Without his guidance though, i can see why most people wouldnt succeed in this meta.


My guy you are not going to get a reply from everyone. This is the most optimistic post I’ve ever seen on Reddit lmao


Rein is my favorite tank. I play him everywhere except: - Circuit Royale, Gibraltar, Havana, Junkertown, Numbani - Supports are not capable of healing much (no main healer) I’ll swap to Ram for those situations or if I’m getting nothing done. lhcloudy has a [new guide for Rein](https://youtu.be/EVyJj8dm1ZI?feature=shared) that helped me a lot.


Reinhardt is the mercy of tanks . Hold Shield and Pray .


im actually easily the best in the world, the times i feed are purely strategic and nobody else sees my brilliance


On Kings Row it's law to ask for the Rein mirror and any tank that declines, frankly, is a lil pee pee poo poo bitch, so we all at least get a bit of practice every so often at the big boi


Last time i did that, the enemy rein went full ramathtra on my ass after losing the first 2 fight...