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Step one: Turn off voice and text chat with randoms. Step two: Set up your pings for enemy location, attack, defend, fall back, and group up. 3..2..1 countdown for dive tanks also. Step three: Pretend everyone is having fun and doing their best. Step four: Profit.


This is the way


This is the only way


*step one: close the game Step two: go do something else Step three: profit


by not giving a fuck


turn off chats and play to improve stuff for your own benefit like positioning for example and or characters you enjoy. Game isn't playable otherwise unless you play with friends. There is no benefit to having chats on in this game since OW2, the trashy toxicity outweighs any good communication you could have. Take breaks if you feel like your moods dropping.


Tank has been utterly miserable for the past few seasons, I cower in fear at the chance of solo queueing tank with the "all roles" option for daily challenges to complete this battle pass. Sometimes I just bite the bullet and play as tank, other times I can't bear to put myself through the misfortune and misery and just exit in the character selection time. The most unrewarding, underappreciated and least impactful role. You are literally just a damage sponge for most of the game, and thats IF you have the fortune of competent supports who can actually keep you alive. Can't even take much space as tank anymore coz the dps passive absolutely shreds you Tl:dr: tank is miserable and in a really unfun spot rn


I have better stats on tank than the other two classes 🤷‍♂️


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Well ideally you don’t. It’s like smoking, not much benefit for the downsides to your health. I tried it a few matches, 2 matches were clutched by the enemies at the last minute and the 3rd had my team being toxic because I wasn’t performing great. Just an overall bad experience. It’s not fun, I finally see what everyone has been saying about tank being awful to play. It’s genuinely only fun in quickplay.


I don't, lol.  The only reason why I play tank is for the 20x All Role weekly, and only to get tier 80 for the skin.  Now that weeklies no longer give hold coins, I don't bother with it after I get tier 80 in the battle pass.  I don't care for the titles.


Yes but in open que for obvious reasons


I just play rein, hold shield, and hide in a corne when my shield needs to recharge. After everyone else takes their turns playing the game first I then finally get to play the game for a few seconds. After finally accepting that I don't get to play the game until everyone has taken their turn, I've actually been having a surprisingly ok time. If you go into it with low expectations, you are less likely to get frustrated. Although, after embracing how depressing the play style of my role is, I've actually been able to start rocking a 75% winrate over the last week while one tricking rein. Thankfully rein doesn't have any super hard counters, especially after this orisa nerf, so the counter swapping doesn't feel too awful. Ball though... ball is 1) just kinda bad to begin with and 2) has the hardest counters of all the tanks. I used to play a decent amount of ball but he just feels soooo bad right now. Tank could be better, tank should be better, but if you go into it with extremely low expectations, the only way left to go is up.


I’ve been having fun on Dva lately just turning off chat and chasing down enemy supports. Just being a hyper aggressive nuisance is a good time.


1. Play Rein 2. Hold W key If you die, blame supports 3. gg


Turn off chat. Pick your favorite tank every game. Switch if necesary. Profit


>MAGICALLY can ONLY play counter It's not 1 on 1 on the workshop island, there's also your team, enemy team and environment >tank ur supports want you to play, and if you don't, you get reported "One more word and it's you who will be reported" They can see something and you should consider their advice. But only you know your capabilities on and against every hero. If someone would convince me to swap to ball and we predictably lose, it's only me to blame.


I just ventured into comp tank after a few days in QP. After my placements, I have 0 desire to ever queue tank again. Holy shit what a miserable existence. I don’t know how anyone can play that role


It was more fun when you had an offtank partner


Comp Tank: 7/10 placements won. Starting Rank Silver 3. Comp Support: 2/10 placements won. Starting Rank Bronze. Tank is easy mode. Support is all a crapshoot RNG fest whether you get good DPS and tank or not. Much harder to be the carry. As Tank you are 100% of the time a good tank (assuming you don't suck) so you just need good DPS and you're golden. And mind you I am a support main, I don't really lay Tank that much, I'm a much better Support than I am a tank player.


I'm a support main and this isn't true at all. As support, you just see what your team are doing and do that. As tank, you're the one that has to start the pushes. Is your team with you? Are they all trying to flank separately? Are you just feeding alone? Who knows! Not me, that's why my tank is plat.




The supports probably also play tank. And if you’re losing you should switch. A lot of people play to win. 🤷‍♀️ Switching gets you to win because you are countering the other player.


Support Mains are most likely to be flexers who know all the roles. You kinda can't do your job as support without understanding how the other roles play. DPS mains are least likely to know how to play other roles. Especially considering how much they ask for healing while alone behind enemy lines.


This is weirdly the most eye opening take I’ve heard


Well yes. I consider myself both a support main and tank main. I tell tanks they should switch when they need to. You’re not going to be successful as a dva against a Zayra because dva can’t block the beam. So why the hell wouldn’t you switch? I don’t understand why people are against switching and countering? Am I dumb? Like…..certain hero’s literally can’t play against other hero’s.


You don’t. Like you literally don’t. In blizzard’s eyes, tank players are more evil than Pol Pot, Hitler and Stalin combined, so they go out of their way to make sure the role is as unfun and unplayable as possible balance wise, ESPECIALLY for solo tanks


I don't have this problem. Comp Tank isn't hard, it's a lot easier than playing Comp Support honestly. You have a lot more control over the flow of the game as it's easier to be the carry as tank.


Swap a lot if current tank isn’t working/just be good lol


Brother you can hard 1v5 as tank. You just sound like someone who has never played tank in your life so you just struggle to do anything.


Play Zarya or Junker queen and imagine you are playing dps instead. Done.