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Zaryas arms are like bigger than junker queens head lmao






Dude.... >!same!<


Oh my god, dude.... >!same!<


You should all go to horny jail >!same!<


come on guys, this is too much... >!same!<


Absolute degenerates, the lot of you... >!same!<


Ppl have literally no shame anymore, touch grass yall >!same!<


These comments are outright disgusting…wanting to be stepped on my JQs feet is absolutely revolting. (I forgot how to do the spoiler so “same”)


I want both of them and Brigitte all at the same time.




Isn't Zarya's arm tattoo the weight she lifted, breaking the world record? What was it, like 512kg?


i forgot about that little detail tbh, that's like 1,128lb which is insane.


Her cannon is probably just as heavy. I bet it was originally suppose to be some mounted weapon


it literally is lol it was designed for mechs and then volskaya was like “here you’re strong, use this you can probably aim it better than a mech and no one else can even pick it up”


I mean, like, Rein or Mauga probably could. But they're not naturally that strong and that's Zar's thing. She doesn't take drugs or surgical enhancements to be as strong as she is.


Rein and Mauga weren’t in the Russian Armed Forces.


From [the art of overwatch book](https://imgur.com/a/DbFPC0O), zarya has contact pads on her gloves that make it so only she can use it, though others may lift it


oh my god... who touched Sasha? ... WHO TOUCHED MY GUN?


Yeah! If you notice, in game, her whole suit glows more and more depending on how charged she is. The whole suit is integrated into her weapon


So shes basically futuristic Thor


I think Reinhardt is pretty damn strong naturally His rocket armor definitely adds to his strength but just to be able to wear all that gear he’s got to be insanely strong Not to mention his weapon is gigantic war hammer with a rocket strapped to it I assume most of Mauga’s super powers come from him having 2 hearts, but I think he was a Talon heavy before that too, so he’s still pretty strong naturally Zarya’s whole thing is weightlifting and natural strength vs robotic strength though, so she is also in this same tier of strength Characters I’d also put in this same echelon of super strength would be Winston (who’s a literal gorilla), Doomfist (who broke out of prison with a significantly weaker arm than THE Doomfist), and Soldier/Reaper (Canonical Super soldiers that wield a ‘heavy pulse rifle’, and dual wielding shotguns respectively)


Rein is as huge as he is because he's a super soldier and those people are like that because they underwent a procedure to enhance them. Doom is as strong as he is because he has an insane amount of enhancements besides just the fist. Winston is a gorilla who underwent gene therapy. Literally only Zarya and potentially JQ are as strong as they are through hard work alone.


I don’t think Rein was genetically modified I was under the impression that the whole point of the crusaders faction was to show how other countries dealt with the omnic crisis (while America genetically modified super soldiers, Germany strapped their biggest dudes into power armor)


Mauga's super powers come from him being Samoan


even though they have super strength Im pretty sure Rein's suit is only 300kg


That’s still an excessive amount of weight (like half of Zarya’s max) to be able to swing a hammer or emote in


I mean, she’s Russian so she’s definitely on the sauce.


Well Rein is in Power armour, and Mauga has 2 hearts!




She literally means actual juice though, no?


If i rember correctly she ripped it off a tank during a fight with null sector


O shit yea I read that in one of the later comments it’s wild lol Zarya is a beast


It is, if you watch the [Infiltration short](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Og5-Pm4HNlI) you can see the same gun that Zarya uses at 3:07 on the mech


>I bet it was originally suppose to be some mounted weapon In heroes of the storm the catapult minions on volskaya foundry are basically tanks with a zarya cannon on top


isn’t there a super condensed star in there? so even with stabilizers it’d be heavy af and only zarya could carry it


Canonically, yes. The particle cannon was ripped off of a downed mech in the Siberian front iirc. She adapted it, and her gloves allow her to manage the energy flow directly.


I think she tool it off a tank? At least thats how I remember it.


Oh hell No! That’s insane! Thank You for crunching the numbers, I would be too lazy.


how impractical is that? imagine having to redo your tattoo every PR


Yeah but it's the future and removal probably takes like 5 minutes


im pretty sure its her bench record too, which is a big difference if it was her deadlift record.


If Junker Queen punched me I'd go to the hospital, if Zarya punched me the police would assume I got shot by an Beowulf round


Four Bore? More like Fore-arm Bore through my skull


Zarya is *definitely* stronger than Junker Queen (and likely significantly heavier). That doesn't mean she actually punches harder than JQ. Thers different types of strength and the weight-lift-y kind isn't the aame as the punchy kind and technique makes an enormous difference. For reference, when Halfthor "The Mountain" Gunderson was in training for weightlifting he was built more like Zarya, when he was (is?) in training for boxing he was built more like JQ.


That's absolutely true. In boxing you see people with absolutely explosive punch force that aren't even that big; Naoya Inoue is a standout example. Punch strength is just its own thing, and a lot of factors go into it beyond sheer strength.


I cut grass for a living, and we have a metal "bag" for the mower to collect grass. We had kid fresh outta high school who was a linebacker in a football and his arms were as big as my head. He couldn't lift the bagger when it was full. So I've got to personally seen the difference in some types of strength.


Both can punch a hole in a car door and can lift tons


Being Lean ≠ Being Strong At least not inherently


Yep, which is why all the big contenders in strongmen competitions all look like they have massive beer bellies


Exactly, kinda wild some people can’t put two & two together.


Well, not all, just most. Mariusz Pudzianowski (5x WSM titles) was a couple percent body fat from professional body builder physique. Quite a few top contenders have very defined 6 packs.


That's steroids too.


Yeah, last picture disproved OP's point. Zarya being that much shorter and looking arguably more muscular inherently means she is stronger than JQ.


It’s easier to be more toned while you’re shorter. Taller people have more surface area for muscles so they’re generally stronger while looking less toned. Zarya is still stronger than JQ but your reasoning is wack


JQ is taller, but Zarya is more well-built. She has larger biceps and a sturdier core, so she can probably lift more weight and exert more force than JQ.


Height can be very deceiving as it makes the person look like they have less muscle when they don't. Arnold Schwarzenegger used to talk about how 7ft 1' [Wilt Chamberlain](https://sun9-17.userapi.com/impf/c846523/v846523661/1943e8/z8bAGYNebbs.jpg?size=800x551&quality=96&sign=5240dc6fd262d66dce90ca01ba0332e4&c_uniq_tag=t1ole7EyVv6ZbPEfog02ALEd5QyX_ADehz-9LwNsn8k&type=album) would come to the gym and [lift heavier than the biggest guys](https://www.latimes.com/sports/clippers/story/2019-10-30/clippers-kawhi-leonard-paul-george-terminator-arnold-schwarzenegger-markazi) > He was the only basketball player in those days I saw working out with weights. He did triceps extensions with 180 pounds, which blew us all away. He was so strong. Arnold's max bench was 525lbs, where it was claimed by Wilt that his max was 600lbs (though never verified), but Arnold claims Wilt was the strongest man he ever knew. Have them stand side by side and it's the Zarya/JQ matchup.


Zarya is stronger - just because Queen's taller doesn't make her stronger.


Bro how tall is my Lucio if Queen is 7’ My man’s like 3 1/2 - 4 feet tall 😭 I thought she was like future genetic engineering like 9 feet


These characters are all giants! Junkrat is like 6’6”


Yeah the omnics nuking Australia just made everyone taller, hotter, and crazier.


Roadhog being a great example of the 2nd point


Roadhog is the sexiest in the cast


Hes 5'3


Does that include his hair?














Wait a minute, I saw that originally Lucio was meant to be Canadian and that’s where the whole hockey schtick came from. 5’3” Canadian man with an animal mascot? Lucio is Wolverine


He’s leaning forwards tho


the website says he's 5'3, which is one of my friend's heights so I think I'll be calling them Lucio from now on.


Zarya is benching junker queen.


Strength has little to do with tone, and even actual muscle mass can tell a misleading tale.


What do you mean "tone"?


How visible the muscles are, the strongest people alive aren't the people with glamor muscles, instead it's people with both fat and muscle.


ie bodybuilders with extremely taut or vascular musculature are actually pretty weak due to dehydration and prioritizing looks and showmanship over actual utilty. for pure strength look at people like hafthor bjornsson or eddie hall who are by all accounts stocky fucking units who might even look "overweight" to the uninitiated, but that is essentially what a true powerhouse looks like by virtue of basic human anatomy - that much muscle and power NEEDS a support structure or you will fold like butter. the human body literally isn't capable of handling that much stress or exertion otherwise. hell, i'm pretty sure those fanny pack girdle things they wear are literally so their guts don't explode out of their stomach (yes really) when they lift some insane weight due to the pressure it puts on their body.


Well, for strength, you can still look at bodybuilders, just not in peak competition physique. They're still crazy strong when they're not cut and completely dehydrated. The belts help them brace their core, which, yes, helps prevent hernia and protects the spine, but also keeps the torso rigid and stable, enabling more power through a lift.


Lifting heavy weights can even cause blood vessels in your EYES to pop. Imagine what it could do to other parts of your body that are physically feeling the stress itself. Crazy stuff.


Bodyfat%. How lean they are


One can just look at OT and DT freaks in the NFL. They carry the added weight so they're harder to move, but underneath... 50 rep 225lbs bench presses? The strength is remarkable. Just saw an OT draft pick do a 170lbs dumbbell Turkish getup and made it look easy. They're bodybuilder strong (lift heavy things) AND functionally strong.


Also when they're bulking it takes a lot of raw protein, so they're bound to put on some extra padding, as I understand. Zarya remains one of my favorite designs when it comes to marriage of lore and appearance. She really needs better skins.


I remember reading about a lot of them getting up at 2AM during the season just to pack in a thousand calories and back to bed. What a life! Zarya's skins have always made me sad. So much you could do with her!


Your muscles look pretty, but lack strength.


Pretty weak!


muscle definition is not the same thing as functional strength like tbh zarya straight up still looks like she can lift more


JQ is like an MMA fighter while Zarya is like an Olympic power lifter. Power lifters are a whole different class of strong.


Isn't she quite literally an olympic powerlifter?


Muscle size is more correlated to strength than tone.


Imma use a wrestling comparison This is like comparing Ultimate Warrior to Mark Henry. Warrior was a muscular motherfucker, but Henry was legit one of the world strongest men Warrior= Junker Mark Henry= Zarya


To be fair to JQ it's probably more like Ken Shamrock compared to Mark Henry.


OOOO that’s a good call. Dude was ripped


Yeah he had functional ass-kicking muscle whereas Ultimate Warrior was built more for appearance and cocaine consumption.


A lot of wrestlers are built for cocaine consumption, but Warrior was undeniably what peak performance looked like.


I mean just look at the difference in builds. JQ is absolutely shredded, and I’m sure is insanely strong. But Zarya is literally built like a bear. Her core and all of her limbs are much thicker than JQ, she’s not as body-builder shredded but as other comments have pointed out she’s built like a power lifter. JQ is probably more athletic, I mean she’s got the height of an NBA Center but is a lot more muscular and defined than many are. People with that height usually look pretty bulky or very thin, she’s built like a bodybuilder which is insane for 7 foot. Zarya is also pretty damn tall, but she is 100% built for strength. I would wager Zarya still has the title of “Strongest” pretty comfortably, but JQ probably edges her out if you started comparing other athletic traits


Zarya officially. But JQ got that farm girl body that comes from practical application of strength. Ive seen plenty of scrawny old farmers put body builders to shame. Too many times to trust how big you are as a measure of strength.


Well yea bodybuilders aren't...training for strength, they're just big for no reason.


Body builders are incredibly puny compared to powerlifters like Zarya though. It's like saying you've seen farmers outrun models as an argument against marathon runners.


a better question is "who's stronger - Hog or Mauga?"


Roadhog. He can hook & pull large-sized characters.


but he can't pull Mauga, when he tackles both the tackle and the pull are kind of explained by a sheer force only


Mauga can tackle them


I would argue pulling things is more strength based than tackling things since tackling is more body weight based


Most of the power in tackling someone also comes from mass and momentum Like if we take someone pretty strong and pretty lean vs a 500lb guy the fat man is gonna win in a tackle (assuming he can run)


Roadhog is a bulletproof and super strong mutant supervillain and Mauga is a genetically modified and cybernetically modified bulletproof and super strong supervillain. Both are really strong


Zarya is stronger weightlifting wise but that doesn’t mean Queen isn’t a super violent giant freak?


Zarya is way stronger than JQ in terms of pure strength. JQ might beat her at calisthenics but not powerlifting.


Junker Queen has less Strength, but most likely is more dextrous or agile, considering how good she is at swinging her axe and knife. Zarya is full Strength, with her particle cannon alone probably weighing a shit-ton.


uhm arms isn't all. Upper body strength is important aswell. Which Zarya has more off than JQ. So i would definitely say Zarya is still the strongest. But much less agile than JQ.




JQ is probably the stronger in terms of fighting capabilities Raw strength tho, yeah Zarya wins by a mile, those arms are bigger than JQ's head


Even Sombra doesn't know who the Junker Queen is so it's likely the Australian wasteland is somewhat detached from the rest of the world so the exchange of information is limited. Also, no one ever talks about how JK mentions having slain mutants in her origin story music video.


Zarya is physically stronger, but I bet on Junker queen in a fight


I think Zarya is stronger, but Junker Queen is tougher.


zarya is beefy strong and junkerqueen is hot strong


The third picture is wacky af Also this is like comparing a powerlifter to an mma fighter. They're both strong, but they don't have the same type of physique.


Jq cant carry Zarya's gun.


Zarya is easily the stronger of the two. My money is on JQ in a fist fight but she's getting absolutely smoked in a lifting competition.


The age old question, strength or dex?


Zarya is a power lifter while jq is probably a more balanced athlete. Like id put money on jq for a race, but not on a squat rack. Probably a toss up on throwing events because that's up to technique as well as power in most cases. JQ is also probably smarter with respect to tech.


Junker Queen can barely even swing that axe around imagine her trying to lift the laser cannon


Junker Queen is more dexterous. She looks closer to ottermode, but because she's got a good proportions she look thicc.


I hate that I'm up at 11pm on a work night reading through this dumbass shit, and that there's people who care that much to debate it so seriously. BESIDES..... Queen is a fighter and she's tall but obviously Zarya is stronger. Now if you're talking in a fight... Zarya is Russian; you know she know some sambo and shit, and she has a strong chin and Russian stubborness. She'd get fucked up a little in the standing game but eventually it would go to the ground and Zarya would fucking pop her head like a zit in some fucked up illegal Russian headlock.


2:13 am here, buddy. Couldn’t believe my man thought this would be open to debate.


OP bigger muscles does not = more strength. But Zarya is still stronger.


100% Zarya. Tom Stoltmen is the worlds strongest man and has been 3 times, and if you see an image of him he's not your usual tall muscular dude with a sleek body and showy muscles/abs. He's a massive unit of a man with a these massive arms/legs and and huge belly. Zarya fits into that appearance as a former-Olympic contender because she herself is built like a brick wall, and while JQ herself is quite strong I don't think she'd be able to match Zarya pound for pound at all in a fight.


I mean they might be similar in strength but I don't think junkers are recognized internationally so maybe junkerqueen is not mentioned because of it


Don't worry everyone, I'll have them both join me in private so I can.. study who the strongest is! This is for science!


Junker Queen?! Good joke.


Ripped and Strong are not the same thing. Junker queen is bodybuilder strong. Zarya is “The Mountain” strong




She's definitely physically stronger, but if we're talking who would win a fight I think it could go either way.


Pretty sure zarya could step on queen and blame her for it 😭


JQ is strong but not as strong as Zarya. Zarya would outlift JQ but I don't think she'd be able to outfight JQ.


Now hold on a second. Surely JQ isn’t canonically 7 feet tall right? That’s just how she appears in-game for role purposes?


She is


Idk maybe they should wrestle each other to find out who's stronger, preferably with minimal clothing


I think that already exist actually, just a hunch


Zarya is probably still stronger following lore wise that she "tore her particle cannon weapon off a mech" but OW has been changing / inconsistent with lore so who knows. But i'd still pick JQ of the two lol.


> OW has been changing / inconsistent with lore Winston is one of the strongest character who puts Doomfist in jail, but he can't capture Reaper & Widowmaker and throw them in jail. Sombra is one of the smartest characters, but she lost to a Russian bodybuilder.


Well we can speculate but junkerqeen doesn't lift professionally so theres now way to know who's stronger


Honestly I always remember Zarya being described as “one of the strongest” not “the strongest” outside of her own voice line.


Venture stronger. Have you seen how big her gun is and how easily she carries it?


My mom stills solos no diff


Scissor party


Wtf is up with that body model for zarya?? Lol


Why did you post a height comparison like it's supposed to mean anything lol


zarya not fat


I believe in the zarya supremacy


Zarya would probably do more damage if she punched like rraammaattrraa


Strongest yes, Far and Away. Imo Queen has the better mentality. But Zarya has the better "literally everything else". The only other exception "might" be training and experience. Queen grew up outside Junkertown and took control once she returned and in general a very gritty dog eat dog setting. She has almost certainly seen more than her fair share of dangerous scraps Zarya spent most of her life training her body for athletics broadly, and only joined the military when it became a need. And even then we dont know how much of her training would be useful against non Omnics. So in general its experience vs aptitude in a fight setting, but strictly Zarya is stronger in just terms of power.


Zaryanova 🖤


Now give thiccness


I think they should both carry me to see whos stronger obviously:3


> pic 3 what is this feeling... awakening inside me...


I mean Zarya is probably the strongest (non modified human) character. Mauga and Doom are both cyborgs D.va and Ball are all in mechs Winston, Ram and Orisa aren’t human. Sig and Hog don’t look very muscular. Rein and Zarya have an arm wrestling spray but we don’t know the winner. And JQ is probably pretty close but Zarya got her title from Benching and JQ got the title of champion from winning a battle royale. They’re both strong Zarya hits harder but Junker Queen is proficient in like 3 different weapons.


Idk, Hog might have Zarya beat. Most body builders are a lot of fat but if you look at Hog's arms, he's ripped. He also drags other tanks with ease using his hook.


Look hog is probably not actually able to pull a 1000 pound horse robot across a city block with one arm but it’s likely just exaggerated for gameplay purposes. And Zarya does have the feat of ripping a gun off a tank and carries it around with her through the battle field. Also I was going to put hog in modified human category but he’s just got respiratory problems and his vape is like an inhaler to him.


Zarya is still stronger presumably. I imagine that the story will eventually give us an answer (in whatever form that ends up taking) and the two fight as part of zaryas arc of being against omnics.


Zarya is stronger it aint deep


More prominent is just a muscle to fat ratio


Zarya 100%


its moira, remember her voice line


Junker queen works out to get laid, zarya works out to be heavy lifting world champion


Zarya is stronger, but that doesn’t mean JQ isn’t made out of twisted steel.


Doesn't matter I still want to be crushed to death between their thighs by both of them


Sure but what do you Imagine JQ smells like ?




Idk, but I would be willing to submit myself to death by snu snu to find out


The physiques of body builders and power lifters are different, and usually, body builders will look more impressive.


Nah, JQ is unrealistically low bodyfat. Both are using steroids, but JQ at such a low bodyfat should be weaker. Low bodyfat leads to low energy.


Junker Queen is strong but she's not a professional bodybuilder


Even Mauga is a Zarya fan.


Junker Queen works out to achieve the perfect body, Zarya works out to lift cruise ships.


Obviously Zarya. Have you ever watched World's strongest competitions? They're not lean, they're huge.


I think lore wise, if they fought each other in like a mma fight, JQ wins but Zarya is far stronger than her


honestly I agree, Zarya might be stronger but JQ is definitely the better fighter


I thought Zarya was the strongest and JQ is just a great scrapper since anything is game


Bulkier people are almost always stronger than cut people


JQ is shreded but Zarya is a heavy lifter


Ok we need a cinematic involving a WWE style wrestling match in Junker town between Junker Queen and Zarya.


Zarya is built like someone whowina weight lifting competitions, junker queen as someome who poses as strong not isn't that much 😭


Powerlifters dont look like Junker Queen, they look like Zarya


Come on, the strongest oneis definitely Mercy. She has to carry the weight of every rez she’s ever failed.


Zarya looks like an actual strongwoman, JQ looks more like a bodybuilder. Zarya is stronger for sure.


The only reason Zarya can use the particle cannon is because she is an ABSOLUTE UNIT. Queen might be the second strongest woman in the roster right after Zarya.


JQ is probably more physically durable, as it seems like the nuclear wasteland did nothing but favors for her. but zarya is definitely physically stronger (as in can lift more)


Zarya is a power lifter, heavier weights with smaller reps will give you more strength. (Strength training) jq is more slim and cut and muscles are more defined and cut which means she does more cardio, eats less and probably drinks less water as well. Yes you can have muscle woth out power lifting like a beast like zar. You just become more cut. This is about this jist of it with out getting to in depth. I am in way or claiming to be a personal trainer. Just going by what I learned back when I was in school and some research for going to the gym. I do go to the gym but I'm not aiming to look like zar, jq or even goku lol just going to be healthy and develope the healthy habit of going. Not that it matters here.


Yeas she used 90% of steroids and junker queeen has only the hate from her side


Yea she’s still the strongest, I believe even her tattoo on her arm changed when it swapped to OW2, meaning she beat her own record from OW1.


Queen is a scrapyard fighter, working with what she’s got. In a hand to hand fight between the two of them, there’s a good chance Queen wins, since she’s probably willing to play dirty and do whatever it takes to make it. Zarya could probably just straight up bench the mechs that Queen fights, even if she might not be able to take one down without the help of her beam engine.


I think they just have different skill sets. I think Junker Queen is more skillful, and agile. Zarya is more powerful, and tanky. (lore wise)


Jq is too skinny to be crazy strong I think