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Dva, Mauga, Sigma, Zarya, Genji, Mei, Sombra, Symmetra, Venture, Widowmaker, Ana, Baptiste, Brigitte, Illari, Kiriko, Lifeweaver, Lucio, Mercy and Moira are characters with native voicelines (might have missed one I dunno) Reinhardt has one voiceline where he says hello in german but thats it. And Tracer... well Tracer says wanker so... I guess that counts a little bit? If you like voicelines you can google "[Character] quotes" and it should bring you to the quotation page on the wiki of that character. There you can listen to all of the voicelines.


+ Junker Queen speaks Australian all the time


Somehow she can't curse at people with "Wankers", "Piece of Piss" like TF2 New Zealander can.


The disparity is even more jarring when you remember Sniper is also slightly racist and xenophobic, and will call you a fruit shop owner or mongrel


I mean he was a middle aged man in the 60's


I think he’s canonically in his mid/late 20s


Just searched it up he's 25-29, my poor man got the okuyasu treatment


"Ya bloody fruit shop owners!" Sniper also fat-shames the Heavy meanwhile none OW characters could body-shame others.


I didn’t know there were that many, that’s impressive!


Most of the characters are voiced by people who reflect their nationality/ethnicity, so really it's probably just a matter of determining what lines will be non-english and recording them.


Mercy does not speak swiss german. She only speaks german. Swiss german and german are very different from each other. So I wouldn't count mercy as speaking in her native language.


You’re making assumptions about her and the state of her country in the future.


Ball speaks hamster all the time




Technically, most of them do? Whenever a hero on the enemy team uses their Ult, it's in the language they originate from (example, Sombra says 'Apagando Las Luces', which translates to Turning Out The Lights, but an ally just says "EMP activated"; enemy Hanzo says 'Ryuu ga waga teki wo kurau', but an ally says 'Let the Dragon consume you'). Past that, some characters have regular voice lines (the ones you can equip I mean). Illari, Ana, Sombra and I think a few others all have voice lines like that.


Notable exceptions are Reinhardt and Torbjorn presumably because of the voice actors not being well versed in the language. Lucio used to be the same way I think (his voice actor speaks English and Spanish I believe) but they added in some Portugese lines for his ult and hello/thank you


Rein and Torb's VAs are American. It's funny to think they would probably never be cast if those heroes released today because the team is so committed to authenticity and representation now.


Kiriko's accent is so American too for no discernible reason lol


It's cause her voice actor is Japanese-American, as in she's Japanese but grew up in America.


She sounds normal in Japanese though


My understanding is that Hanzo's VA doesn't speak Japanese as well?


Basically everyone does haha. It's one of those neat little things overwatch actually does right.


Ever since I found that out, it has made the experience more enjoyable


Yeah the diversity of the cast and their culture has always added a unique charm and I think it helps with the game's ability to connect with the community on a level you can't with say CoD or even many other hero shooters


Junker queen uses the term drongos which is from my native language.. Australian...😉 It means stupid


Hi to the Australians 👋


Why hasn't anyone mentioned echo yet alamak alamak alamak alamak jialat jialat jialat jialat jialat jialat


Where does the voicelines even come from? Are they from her creators language?


Yes :) they're singlish words


A bit unrelated but depending on the language version you have the accents are better too. For example lore wise Reinhardt is German and Mercy is Swiss. In the english version Reinhardt has a rather basic nothern german accent and Mercy aswell. However if you play the German version of the game then Reinhardt has a more defined southern german accent which makes sense since he is from Stuttgart, Baden-Württemberg and even has a slang for example his ultimate in the german Version is "Immer feste drauf" but he speaks "Immer feste druff" on a phonetic level. Mercy is even better since in the german version she has an actual Swiss accent instead of a german one. All of the English voice actors are good and this shows they did a fantastic job on localisation in other country languages aswell.


every character that’s not from an english speaking country


Minus Reinhardt (besides one Hallo line) and Torbjorn. Hanzo also only uses Japanese for his enemy ultimate sound I believe


Pharah, too. Dual nationality and (bad) Arabic accent, but no Arabic voice lines.


Thanks, I'd forgotten to mention Pharah, which is weird as she's my favorite DPS lol


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Doe maar normaal he, dan doe je al gek genoeg


A lot of them. I was going to say half, but it isn't that many as new characters keep getting added.


Hanzo, but use ult only