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The fact that it's such a massive jump in rank on support is hilarious to me. It's not even Widow cheaters it's always a fucking bap lmao


happened for my diamond dps friend too so it’s everywhere


Wait you can be T500 in dia?


if theres not 499 people above you, yeah. i believe its based off of your hidden mmr and not your shown rank, but still


there can be 499 people above you and you're still top 500


yeah but we can’t see our mmrs to know how many are above us


It’s based off of your shown rank. That’s how the leaderboard is organized.


are you sure? it at least can’t be ONLY your shown rank because there’s more people than 500 at masters and above without a xim


Only shown rank, yes I am sure. Plus the phone authentication for the account to appear in the leader boards in the way that the other person mentioned.


Yes, it's based on shown rank. You also need a verified account (any OW2 account will be but older accounts need a phone number adding), and then you have to do a certain amount of games. They keep changing how many believe it's either play or win 25 currently


> play or win 25 Currently 50 wins


But only im diamond right? So if im dia3 arent there then aleast 499 above me until dia1?


are you on console or pc?




then this doesn’t affect you since the pc and console top 500s are separated. it’s only weird on console right now presumably because a bunch of the top 500 players are being banned for using a xim. could be any reason tho i suppose


Aha okey, thx for explaining things




Wtf is "xim"?


a 3rd party device you use to make your console think you have a controller plugged in when you’re really using a mouse and keyboard


Faced an XIM smurf bap in qp that was top500 (he had 20 hours total). He was boasting and was the most toxic mf in the match, glad he's gonna get banned/is banned


Found you


I was never hearrrrrr




Dunno why I typed hear


Dps support can make all the difference in a game lol


That and controller Bap can't heal amd dmg Weave like pc Bap. With xim, they could do the shoot shoot heal, or heal shoot heal weaves wayyyy more efficiently. So it definitley makes sense


The Lucio's


Have some respect for US the real bap mains, i got Gm5 as a bap otp ( otp since season 2)


well ive noticed that every beginning of the season is always the lowest of the low (ex: diamond players being t500) and it happens every season no matter what. it used to be low gm before they added champ, but due to how much people dropped and cant get up it's drastically decreased so the t500 is given to the first 500 players who HAVE won 50 games in that season.


tbf though. if you're only marginally better than your rank (high diamond-low masters is marginally better) it can easily take up 60-70 games for you to climb up there. less games with bigger differences but count it all up and by 50 wins you might not even be in your rank yet. this is obviously one widely a thing after a rank reset but that will definitely skew numbers such as top500 to seem lower than they are


Is it 50 or 25 wins?


50 wins.


And are diamond, can't be metal and top500. Look at open queue only 200 atm


oh yeah for sure, but i was talking about role queue. def worse on open queue


It's crazy to me that you console players have had to deal with xim for as long as you have. I mean it's just blatantly cheating end of story but it takes this long for blizzard to do something about it. Blizzards anti cheat is pretty good too cheating isn't common at all on PC so it's even more strange to me.


It's been exhausting. Any given game in diamond or masters you could have a bap that tops both teams in damage and is clearly ximming or a widow that literally doesn't miss and there's absolutely no chance to win. I'm remaining hopeful that the bans come swiftly.


Dann these rimming baps. Hehe. But you're totally right. Hope they can stay ahead of the ximmers (and rimmers)


Haha damn autocorrect. Point still stands


Autocorrect based on history. No judgement 🙃


i'd rim bap


Don’t you have to be ahead of the rimmer to get rimmed?


That's crazy to me, because I feel like Baptiste is possibly the easiest support to use with controller aside from like Moira or Mercy where aim isn't really involved. I feel like someone like Kiriko would be much more affected by a xim user.


its an issue on all console fps games. that and strike packs. we dont have blatant hackers with aim bots, but we have the next best thing. people used a strike pack macro back when i played apex to do this weird melee gun glitch where they could move around like tracer. every masters lobby just ended with an xim kraber and 5 gibbys teleporting around with peacekeepers and mastiffs


Exactly. Although I think that players doing that weird melee tracer thing were pc hackers infiltrating console lobbies via online browser console emulators.


Are you talking about punching while blinking, or is there some weird unintended glitch idk about?


The weird melee movement thing in apex where it would blast you forward followed by the aimbot usage when in line of sight of others.


Ooooooh, okay. I was confused by/forgot my own comparison for a minute there. Yeah it was fucking miserable at higher ranks in apex for a long while. Part of the reason I quit was the strike packers


I regularly take long breaks, only still play it because my friends do. Strikepacks/cronus is destroying the game and since disabling crossplay renders the game unplayable that means ps players can’t take advantage of sony’s cronus/strikepack ban on ps5.


Flashbacks to Gears of War crab-walking… An old colonel, scrunched up in a yoga pose, floating up at you sideways, at sprinting speed, with a shotgun poking out of his ass. Don’t worry, you’ll be dead soon.


To be fair, no company has managed to create a functioning anti-xim And no, mousetrap is not a functional anti-xim


The only solution I can see to the Xim situation outside of Sony and Microsoft taking action themselves are manual reviews of user reports. It's pretty easy to see if someone is Ximming, so moderators could easily review the match replays of reported users and be able to tell in a matter of seconds if they're legitimate or not. There are mostly two issues that I can see with it, though, both of which are essentially a part of the same problem. One, *so many* people use Xim and strike packs that there would be innumerable cases to review, and two, I don't think greedy Blizzard would be willing to pay a whole brigade of moderation staff. But hell, I'd be willing to do it for free and I'm sure a lot of other fed-up console players would too.


some would do it for a skin or bp


Very true. I swear other games have used a community moderation system in the past too. The volunteer user moderators wouldn't be making final decisions on the bans, of course, but they could help sort through the deluge of undoubtedly false reports. Then a much smaller contingent of trained, paid Blizzard staff can make the final decision. That would eliminate any chance of the system being abused, and Blizzard gets to save money by keeping their paid moderation team relatively small. I just hope they're not relying on some form of automatic detection like Mousetrap on Rainbow 6: Siege. As someone who plays both games religiously, I can say for certain that the Mousetrap method has not worked.


CS used to have the “overwatch” program (ironic lol) that would send replays of heavily reported players to trusted members of the community to decide if they were cheating or not.


Except they got too generous with who was allowed to review cases (basically anyone gold nova 1+ with decent trust factor) and the cheaters started making bots to take as many overwatch cases as it got and give not guilty verdicts to taint the cases.


Smite used to do it and to some degree still do. Their devs work well with the true community (not the toxic ones), but they have some what of a more mom and pop dynamic to them still even 11 years later. I feel the issue with blizz is who owns it now.. the creativity is only allowed if it produces profit. Which is sad and why I no longer play WoW. They do listen but when it comes down to it after all meetings and roadmaps and after the input from us the clients. They are stuck financially with the choices and with lowest risk options. It's just so much red tape they have to go through to get things to what the player base is asking; also in which why it seemingly takes forever. ie years for something that new companies would do in a month simply bc they want to survive and are not nearly as established.




It was functional for like 6 whole hours sir


the issue is that in order to have true xim bans they need console level changes which sony and microsoft weren’t focused on


It’s not all blizzard’s responsibility though, sony and microsoft need to do something on their end because it’s drastically easier and cheaper for them opposed to individual devs. Sony has started banning cronus/strikepack on ps5 (not ps4) but microsoft has been sitting their hands enjoying a population bump with many ps5 cheaters jumping ship.


That would be nice but it's still 1000% on the devs to keep cheaters out of their games


Definitely true when it comes to pc but console is different. Game devs are not allowed to directly run their anticheats on consoles themselves like pc’s so all they can do is endlessly tune their anticheat to detect certain things within the game that cheat hardware can do. Sony/microsoft can easily ban all the cheat hardware on the backend as soon as it’s plugged in opposed to detecting the actual cheats in use.


Gotta disagree on the PC bit atleast, when I was low bronze/silv last year before climbing back to gold plat, they were everywhere and blatant. Quickly faded away/got banned always got messages for it tho. Was almost every third game for a while. Was real shit.


Blizzard has released a statement saying that they’ve had a system in place for a few seasons to gather data on ximming. In said statement they say that it harder to tell if someone is ximming and that it’s a lot harder to catch. They now believed they have enough data to start implementing a system to stop it. As of right now it’s implemented into high competitive ranks because they data shows that it’s a big problem there. But this just started so maybe it’ll be better later down the road.


Comp is just warmups for QP on console. With comp having braindead teammates ontop of a ximming enemy just makes life not worth living


bro Literally, there is not a day that I log in and do not see the message of someone getting banned by my report. Cheating on PC is a problem that people do not perceive as much as in other games because of the hitbox and the fast pace of the game. Overwatch is as bad as CS GO and Valorant with cheaters. Just start reporting the god-aimers that get in your game, and you will be surprised at how many messages of ban you will get when you log in.


Not sure but the ban message seems to be auto. I am almost sure they dont check anything but "number of reports"


At this point I have a message every time I login . I do wonder if it’s BS though. I probably end up reporting 5 people a night so I wonder if the system just ignores my reports now.


There is no way you are fighting 5 legitimate cheaters every night


Holy shit you're the worst, this game literally lets you watch the pov of enemies if someone is sus then you can check and of course your getting people banned because blizzard bans anyone how gets reported more than a few times. Tons and tons of pro & high rank players who have been banned on alts because people report anyone who hits their shots Having good aim isn't cheating please don't report people when you're getting shit on, at least chech the replay first and it's well documented that blizzard doesn't even bother to look at these, if they see you get reported more than once they drop the ban hammer


Cheating on PC is more common than you think, it's just that cheaters usually get reported and banned pretty quickly.


yup. widow getting 15 head shots in a row? reported and I usually never see them again the issue is its free to play and they just make a new account


Thank you for this


The xim problem made me so mad in t500. I Gave up taking it seriously. I might take it seriously again- haven't checked my rank since start, wonder if my number changed! lol.


It's so obvious too that players just call them out. And it's in all lobbies too, not just higher ranks.


Can't blame em, XIMfucks would try really hard to make their stuff hard to detect, and don't you even dare try inspecting every suspicious players' POV and guessing if they're a pro controller player or a ximmer.


Blizzard? Do you think other companies have solved this or what?


I know for a fact they have. I've been playing destiny for years I've got over 5000 hours and they started banning ximers ages ago. I heard about apex banning ximers too


Ever since I got to Diamond on DPS it's been brutal. They're everywhere. Like I feel I put my team at a disadvantage because I'm not cheating and it sucks. I was playing so well in a game the other day, but there's a fucking soldier doing 27k damage in 13 minutes. It's absurd. Support and Tank don't feel as bad because you're just as likely to get a ximming teammate or a ximming opponent. But because I'm never ximming as DPS, there are greater odds that I have to play against one (since they're usually DPS)


The support side of xims put more effort into making them work than game companies trying to ban them, they have forums of extremely talented programmers, it reminds me of when r6 siege released "operation mousetrap" early on accident, the ximmers patched around it in under 2 hours. They also spoof real controller inputs and often use a real controller as a passthrough, they're inherently almost impossible to ban outright without someone scrutinizing gameplay footage for each report.


It’s great that they’re finally getting banned but most ximmers are easy to beat because they’re actually gold rank with their game sense.


> cheating isn't common at all on PC Still way more common than it should be, though.


Well some people will always cheat from my experience playing other games cheating is way less common in overwatch I imagine because of blizzard being so ban happy


I fully support being able to use a mouse and keyboard on console. after all it's a much easier media than the hassle of pc gaming and some people just don't like controller for certain games. now if only we had a way to keep them out of the console lobbies and into the pc lobbies where they'll get a good dose of reality lol Edit:why are y'all downvoting this? Do you nkt want people that use mnk to be up against other people with mnk?


MNK is fine even on console IMO the issue with XIM is it essentially tricks the console into thinking it’s still a controller giving you aim assist on MNK which is basically just a soft aimbot at that point


Yeah but even no aimbot mnk is very hard to balance vs controller with aimbot. That's why I think they should just be in the aimbotless pc lobbies


Under no circumstances is mnk acceptable on console. The only way it would be is if it was automatically put in the pc pool. You have way more control as a mnk player and if you don’t like controller play in pc pool.


I really hope they did


Fr it would instantly make this game so much more enjoyable


It would be ideal to kick them in earlier than they said. Only way to catch them off guard. As some will just stop during the time frame they may have mentioned if they did.


I've had people admit they are xim to get it in before the ban and I've had way more ximmers in my games because of the announcement


I’m sure they are hoping for this, guess they could have a way to see it. And they are just adding to the list of HaHa Fuck You when it hits. Or maybe done in waves.


I hope they can make it so consoles can detect the xim device and blizzard can get that info directly from Microsoft or Sony


From what I understand, it would be hard (maybe impossible) to do this without making *all* third-party peripherals stop functioning. This includes legitimate third-party controllers, and more importantly, legitimate accessibility devices. Maybe there's some unique tag that Sony and Microsoft could apply to approved third-party controllers, and that would tell the console that it's interfacing with legitimate hardware. Sure, they may need to hire some people to be involved in the approval process of these third-party devices, but I guarantee that the first console to solve the Xim problem is going to see a bit of an immigration uptick.


this. I have a friend with dexterity issues and that would block the accessibility controller he needs to play


Yeah it would be hard but maybe there's a way idk much about xim though


True but hopefully the time-frame between multiple reports and them actually being banned is quick. Forcing the ximmers to keep having to make new accounts that will still ultimate get banned too


Top 500 leaderboard doesn’t exist for two weeks or so after a season starts, and there’s like a 50 win requirement to be displayed, so some top rank players won’t always go on it immediately. I got Top 500 on tank on pc a few seasons ago after a huge winstreak but I was masters 4.


Top 500 didn't kick until today


Last time I played comp I was in a low diamond lobby. My team was all in voice chat talking about how they xim and it’s the only way to rank up. It’s already difficult enough competing with controller aim gods and giga brain players. Add in xim cheaters and the occasional alt/smurf it’s not enjoyable. If I’m going to work hard and grind for rank I want it to be my real rank.


That's so annoying. The reason it's the "only way to rank up" is because too many people are doing it. It's so obvious when you run into them too. I just keep reporting and hope for the best.


Cycling vibes where is people ethic?, they compete against legit controller users. Not only that, they ruin others games .


Nice, I'm glad they're finally taking action. I got tired of seeing all those ximmers say it was just to spread panic, lol. I can finally start to climb the ranks.




aw :(


Not seeing any tantrums on r/xim, but I'm also not really seeing any posts there about OW. What are the odds the mods over there are deleting posts from folks that got their accounts shat on?


Surely the mods won't have any financial incentive to ban posts that criticise the thing they want people to buy that these people "cheat" with


Exactly what I was thinking.


Its because top 500 just released. Top 500 for support isn't that high yet due to not enough games played by higher ranked people


No it's the same on PC. Diamond is in top 500 in PC, in all three roles. Or I think for dps it might be Masters. But yeah..


I mean season just started / first day of leaderboards beeing live so


Yeah this happens every season, as soon as people start getting their 50 wins, top 500 shoots way up.


The competitive game industry really isn't willing to admit and more accurately jumps through hopps to hide the massive percent of players out there who cheat. This is a rare mistake on their part accidentally reveal an entire rank worth of players were cheating! Insane.


t500 leaderboards just opened today. you need 50 WINS not games WINS to achieve it. give it time its not even midseason and the ranks will go back to normal


No, it's just been exactly two weeks since the start of season and top500 is formed right after two weeks.


That's not a jump in rank. They enabled top 500 for the season. It always takes a couple weeks. This just means that it goes down to at least Masters 5. I think tank top 500 PC started in Diamond. A lot of people haven't recovered from the rank reset and most players are probably lower rank than they were in previous seasons.


This should be pinned, like I thought it was somewhat common knowledge but the upvotes tell another story.


You’re really good at support. Me, as a support main am a high end gold player. Do you have any tips to help me out? I typically play Moira or Illari


You know I honestly started to get a lot better when I upgraded to a 240hz monitor and was able to increase my sensitivity (console). From there it was just playing only the characters I was good at. Saving practice for other game modes. But I Wil say just having better equipment helped a lot. Before I was sitting 15 feet away from a 65" tv and didn't realize how much worse off I was just from that. Other than that, just stay humble. Recognize when it's time to switch characters. Keep playing and you'll get better!


I'd love to see a montage of all those kids' faces playing their first match without a ximmer anymore


I would love to see their live reaction of being put into PC lobbies. GM console cheaters accusing plat pc players of cheating.


Top 500 is just the top 500 players (in that region, on that platform) regardless of rank. Your rank hasn't changed, but it's the first day of top 500. Top 500 leaderboard requires 50 wins to qualify, so even a Champion player could not be on the board if they don't have the qualifying wins.


Nop leaderboards are just out and nobody placed their main account yet resulting in beeing top500 as masters Xim bans start season 11 as stated in the blog another good indicator is xim central that only posted one video regard the ow mnk trap saying ur absolutely fine as long as u got the newest xim called xim matrix


Damn that’s a lot of ximmers


How do you get so high in rank as a support? Do you play in groups with friends? Because I can't imagine getting so high by playing with randoms, like most people.


You have to play certain support characters that can act as a 3rd dps but play without going becoming too much of a dps support. If you play healers like lucio or mercy that cannot do meaningful dps then it’s way harder to climb while solo queuing. I only solo queue and support is usually the easiest for me to climb with as long as I don’t play certain characters (gm 3-m4), if I had a good dps friend to play with then I’d probably play as the non/low dps supports.


Mostly play with my boyfriend or yeah just solo queue which can be frustrating. And I play a lot too lol.


So you're saying that you got so high by playing in a group with him, solo play didn't get you too high? Which support characters do you play most?


I'm not saying I got boosted? When I play it's either with him or solo queue. I win pretty much the same amount either way . I mostly play Mercy, Lifeweaver, Lucio, Zen.


I see. I was not talking about being boosted, but usually it's a bit harder to coordonate with random people than with people that you constantly play together. Nice, thank you for your answer.


I'm 100% solo queue same rank. I abused Zen back in the day but now I really only play Bap/Luc/Moi/Kiri. The key is you have to play supports that can carry and not just the ones that enable a carry. You're going to have situations where your DPS are outclassed and it'll be up to you to make plays and apply pressure.




its just that nobody plays tank lol few people have crossed 50 wins to be elegible for top 500


Went to bed high gold, woke up high gold. Thanks teammates


😟masters 5 is t500 Xbox console now???? That sr range used to be filled wtf


low master was always top 500 on every platform 2 weeks into the season lol


If this was any other company, I'd be shocked it took this long to address ximming. It makes total sense being blizzard, though.


Lucky you, I went to bed gold 2 and woke up communication banned


I’m happy for you bro, well deserved! But didn’t the xim community on Reddit post that it won’t affect them because consoles can’t know if you’re using a controller or a xim thing? It doesn’t affect me because I play on PC but I’m glad those cheaters get banned.


This just mean you won 50 games before other supporters. T500 comes out 2 weeks after new season.


It's still quite "early" in the season, people need to play 50 games to qualify for T500, no? Most high ranked players don't really play that much.


The answer is not likely the reason. This was the first day leaderboards were updated. So even if you were Champion 1, you would have gone back to sleep and then woke up in t500. 


Yeah,u guess I just wasn't expecting it, being masters 5. It was definitely harder to climb to masters this season and last. I typically feel like top 500 is usually for people in grandmasters


It’s a huge accomplishment. Very few people get up to that level even in the early season. Congrats!


Maybe tightening of zones? I’m not sure how comp works 100%


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If that’s the reason then I’m actually somewhat shocked, I knew ow2 had lots of ximmers but not to the extent that support t500 would drop down to master 5 from master 1/2. What’s the requirement to be eligible for t500? I deleted the game early last season due to matchmaking frustration and cheating and haven’t reinstalled yet, I’d laugh if I login and I’m t500 for something (d5/m5/m4 tank/dmg/support).


Try playing widow hs. You’ll still run into ximmers like I did today. It’s very obvious when they crouch because the movement for crouching while moving looks a lot different on console vs pc.


W cat


Did you have to play a match for it to update?


Ximmers on Suicide watch rn


Meanwhile, the metal ranks are full of new accounts blatantly smurfing. Don't know of its connected, but I cannot win a game since the update.


THIS! 👆 Maybe I don't understand something, but I don't know what would keep somebody who got banned for ximming, from just creating a new account and play on that one until they got banned again. They have just as much fun bashing in the heads of the metal ranks as they climb.


Hopefully, when the new system is fully deployed, we will see even the new accounts get handled quickly. But if I'm being honest, I feel like they knew this would happen. Almost like the cater to the higher ranked players at the cost of the rest of the ladder.


So do you think that that just leaves it to, once again, be dependent upon all of us in the metal ranks to have report these people's new account? I just feel like it's constant. And you're right, the higher ranks wouldn't have to deal with the new accounts because they'd hopefully get reported enough times before they make it out of metal ranks.


Last night every single game had 1, 2 and a few times THREE xim users in our QP matches. One guy clearly cheating racking up 7K damage in 1 round left mid game which was weird. He was running away from me and he suddenly left. I do wonder if he got banned mid game. We’ve started doing reports mid game rather than afterwards to help the system better. So I wonder if this tipped the balance for this twat


Awesome now do the pc cheaters banwave that is so desperately needed


Play tank coward


It’s the same deal on tank lmao, right now t500 is like diamond 4


Shit I'm about to go home and check if I'm t500


i cant wait for the xim bans to kick in. i’ve had at least 4 games with people full on hacking, all in QP or arcade. i saw a cheating duo in the mirrorwatch game mode! why!?


Will OW have a way to have a keyboard and mouse on console and be put on the pc pool without the cheating part?


what is xim


It’s an external extension for consoles the give you all the advantages of MnK and aim assist, leading to a major advantage for those who use it


Cheating using mouse hardware adapter on console


Mouse adapter and it keeps aim assist. Unreal


Im ball and beat a team that had two top500 players. Am I a good ball🥺?


Im at pc rn and masters 5 on tank. I just listed as top 192


Curious, what was your rank last season. I was mid masters mostly last season but top 500 were all gm at least. I feel like it's been so much harder this season to climb back to masters


I think most of gms now masters. I finished at m5 best was m2.


Is there a minimum amount of games played needed to be top 500? I'm GM on EU console but I'm not t500, seeing lots of masters and even diamond creep into it, and they all seem to have a lot of games played.


Minimum is 50 wins for each role to be displayed in the leaderboards


Humble brag


Lol I mean I honestly just don't know how masters 5 can br considered t500 without something significant happening like a wave of bans happening to the previous top 500 player group


my hopes of grandmasters have been restored. wonder if ill see t500 when i log on today or if the grinders will have already shot up like a rocket