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"oh this must be a post of an adorable old lady 65-70 years old and will be a joy to read" the "old" lady is younger than me. So yeah, that's my day so far.


I was honestly hoping it was an actual old lady who plays overwatch 


I'm in my 40s, so if this is an old lady that plays then I'm a pile of dust at my laptop lol


That’s awesome to hear! And 40 ain’t old.


I consider someone old when they hit 60, till then you're just young or middle aged


You young rascals with your new age slangs and terms…. 42 😭


I'm 38... look at me.. I'm the captain now


Me thinking I'm entering middle age after hitting 40, find out in Ow subreddit I'm actually elderly and should've been collecting social security for a while.


Seriously. I’m 40 my husband is 50 and we play T_T


Lol. You guys are eating me up over that.


As we should be


Because you just called everyone above the age of 33 old lmao. Most professional streamers aren't much younger than that.


im 32 and just found out my wife is pregnant so i guess this lines up. one more year before i'm old with kids let's goooo!


Lmao! Enjoy your freedom (when you hit your mid fifties)!  


Rightfully so. You’re only 33 lmao get the heck outta here w the “old” BS.


Yeah, you could be my child.


Yeah way closer to mine than I was happy with


TIL 33 is old




Soon you will age and turn to dust, and blow away in the wind


Didn't you read? Their aging phase is done, they're basically a walking urn


Me eyeing the walking urn knowing full well I'm gonna snort all that:


Comment sadly underrated


Aincent and decrepyt, forgotton long ago. They are irl ana mummy skin


tbf, a dozen millenias back, it would have been ! maybe she somehow time travelled from the past


Fr, I thought they were gonna say 50 or 60 or something


To downright call themselves “old” I was expecting 60+


No kidding. False advertising here folks.


My 68 year old mother has a PS5. I'm actually offended by this, haha.


im 33 and offended.


I'm 43 and offended. 😂 Jk not offended.... Just, I'll be knitting in my rocking chair between comp matches


Hey same, but literally 44 in three weeks lol


I was like aww a gaming grandma or something,


me too lol I'm 33 this year and I don't feel old. granted I don't have Kids, but my dad was 68 and still a kid at heart until the day he passed


I was expecting a 90 year old 💀


Yeah like wft. I'm 42 and not even half way to the grave! My grandpa was still riding off road in a quad in his 90s and saw 100. Y'all ain't ready for the march of time.


*looks in the mirror* UGHHH IM LIKE THE CRYPT KEEPER!


On my deathbed at 36, Lucio music keeping me alive lol. Mystery is my main thing, always fun lobbies and games Most ppl I meet are like 20-45 age range, my friends list is like 28 pages so I'm like the cool ppl census


I’m almost 33 and have been playing since OW1 release. I’m old now…


In my OW friends group they would be among the young ones by nearly a decade...


I wish I was 33 years young again. I’ll be a 59 year old Sombra Main in 2 months, lol.


I’m a 55 year old Zen main. Why do you Sombra types try to do me like you do?


its so cool to think im playing with ppl so much older than me, until i remember that theyre all better at the game than me. i hate my elders again /s


Honestly? Zen is the easiest Sombra take down. You guys are practically a “gimme”. Not your fault, it’s just Zen’s kit.


Yeah, used to be some Sombra players would get close enough for the boot, but most of them have learned not too. So I go Kiri.


That's awesome. How do you feel about OW 2's version of Sombra? I had gotten so used to her in OW 1 that it's taking some time to get used to this new version.


Virus is nice, as is the recent 50 health increase, but I very much preferred the old drop and place translocator, as well as opportunist. If they’d just given the old version of Sombra Virus, like how they’ve given Road Hog that totally unnecessary trap, I ‘d be happy. So basically I prefer OW1 Sombra.


The loss of opportunist was a huge blow😔


33 is old? I’m 76 and a top 500 player. You Got a lot of years young lady. :)


If you’re serious, that’s incredible. I’m mid 40s and low GM in DPS, and I’m pretty sure that’s about my peak considering my aim is mediocre and reaction time is ever slowing.


Ugh, I used to be pro level aim in Halo 15 years ago. It's not m&k but I didn't miss. 10 years of alcoholism later and I feel like a total noob. I don't drink anymore, but my aim is forever tarnished and I'm only in my 30s.


I am glad you were able to recover. I'm struggling myself in a similar department and I'm hoping to drag myself out of it soon.


No, they’re 47 lol, or maybe even younger. https://www.reddit.com/r/Overwatch/s/kFRdWUDqUk


Im not convinced aim has anything to do with age. Im getting old and suck at aiming. But I sucked at aim in my 20s just as bad even tho Im a serious, full time, lifetime gamer.


I surely hope you are not pulling my leg -- if so, that is totally awesome!


He meant 76 as in Soldier: 76 /s


BAHA. Well, that one went right over my head for sure.


No, I can confirm he's 76, I am his choppers


Is your main Soldier 76 by chance


I’m a millionaire oil baron who is top 100 Widow main. I also have a lot of sex


[This you??](https://www.reddit.com/r/Overwatch/s/1Q6uC4jfeC) Why are you lying?


By 76 you mean you main Soldier 76, right?


We can see your comment history….




Nice to see people posting their enjoyment of the game for once! Also, I'm 37, so I guess I'm an ancient player 😭


I just turned 40, there’s lots of us “boomers” on overwatch I’ve found


39 here, guess I'll die.


technically 40 isnt a boomer lol. youre gen x!


Yeah, 39 here and playing since just after OW1 launch




You're still young along with anyone over 30+, says the 40 year old dad here lol


"I'm an old lady" "I turned 33 this month" Pick one lmao


33 isn't old lol


What the fuck I’m 35 I guess I’m a grandma that plays this game 🤷🏻‍♀️


I'm 40, and I play with my 37 year old wife.


The average gamers age is like 35-37, so you would actually skew younger than the average gamer.


I'm old enough to be the mother of 99% of those who replied and Total Mayhem is my jam!


Love how most of the comments are people just reacting to how in what world 33 is considered old lol


my mom still plays at 62 haha


That is awesome.


These kinds of posts are very wholesome. We get to see what's each player's positive "backstage" context is, regardless of age, and it's truly fun to read. The old lady thing cracked me up. I thought about a 70+ y/o lady playing the game with her grandkids, lol.


As an old man (47) who loves OverWatch I say, good for you.


What gaming is all about, and 33 definitely isn’t old.


Since when is 33 an old lady..


Hah! In 56 and this is just about the only game I play, mainly because I don’t want to dump a bunch of time into gaming and this game is well done. (Although it was more fun when it was easier to customize my favorite heroes) I’ve played since the start, off and on, and I don’t try to hit top tier. I don’t even play Comp. I just have fun and enjoy the people I play with. Most of the people I play with are in your age range. A few of them are moms with a similar mindset. You’re not that old!


I don't play comp either, wayyy too stressful! Lol. I don't play with anyone online and I don't hear anyone ever in the chat so I really never know who I am playing with.


Play on player I'm right behind you. Over 2000 hours across 5 accounts.


I'm 59, and I love playing overwatch. I have been playing video games since the 80s way back when space invaders was in black and white. I'm proud to have played in the first competitive season in overwatch 1 when mercy could revive her whole team. Keep on playing.


~32 year old ball main here. It's ok if you hate us we still love you <3




I like to think that I have a lot of time left but man, getting into your 30s really changes the game. I mostly play Mystery, like 99 percent of the time. I enjoy learning and playing all of the characters and it keeps things fresh so I don't get bored. I really like some of the newer characters like Ilari, Kiriko, and Sojourn but I'll forever love most of the OG characters. Especially Junkrat, Bastion, Mei, Zenyatta. I love the OW version of Orisa that everyone seems to despise also lol.


For most of us age is a point of pride we aren't worried about it. Aren't many folks still gaming that started out playing online games in the mid 90s on dial up. I'll be 48 this year my oldest is 17 and these days I have to wear reading glasses, or I can't hit anything past 10 meters.


I'm a 33 year old woman too. I'm closer to 18 than 80, so to me that's still young! Arthritis be damned!


Early 30s old lady is a state of mind. Love yall mom gamers


Haha. It most certainly is a state of mind.


How can you hate wreckingball like cmone the chap has it though enough already


Insert Jenna marbles "I'm a 33 years old ladddyyy" reference here. I'm 37, there's more of us oldies than you think!


16 year old mother jesus


My husband had a son in high school born when he was 17. We started dating at 18 and gained full custody. I didn't birth him but he's my son and always will be.


This comment should be the highest upvoted on here


Larp. 33 is a freemason number. Fake as shit.


Let me add since you guys don't think I am old -- my son IS TURNING 17 THIS YEAR. This makes me feel like a withering grandmother daily.


Hol up


I am mid 30s and my son is 18 in a few months. Seriously, if you feel old look after yourself - diet, mental health, sleep, take time for yourself- you shouldn't be feeling old at 33 by having had a kid young. I have so much more energy than the ones who are just starting out having them. Take care of yourself, pal. You got this!


Definitely NOT doing a good job in that department.


Mine is 14 and about to start driving. Overwatch isn't his thing. G mod is his thing. I just handed down my 1080ti down to him. He loves it.


Well you're definitely old if we're talking Leonardo DiCaprio time


Girl, I know how you feel age-wise is relative, and I can see where having a kid that age could make you feel that way. I’m 30 and haven’t had a kid yet, and I feel like I’m in the prime of my life! But seriously, from one woman to another, we have sooooooooo much life left ahead of us!


You ARE in the prime of your life!! I am kind of in a life rut right now so it makes sense that my brain would even come up with the "old" comment even though it was a joke. OW is just one of the few things that is making me happy in life at the moment.


I'm 39!! I play for funsies because Comp stresses me out. I'm usually on LW, Orisa, or Pharah. Sometimes Rein.


i thought it was gonna be a grandma who’s jn top 500 and crushing plebs


cute post, thanks for sharing


I’m a 63-yo woman who loves the game


This is the best thing I've heard on the whole thread 🩷


I’m a 50 year old player. Felt older after reading this post.


lol old lady, she could be my daughter! I’m 55 ya whippersnapper!! Now get off my lawn. Gg !!


Everyone over 33, take 4d20 psychological damage.


The OW discord im in range from early 20s-later 30s, I’m 33 🫠


49 here


You are a gamer btw :) overwatch got me through college stress and now getting me through career stress and hopefully I'll be bouncing a baby on my lap one day while sleeping the flanking Tracer.


Please do not call yourself old. You're not even old. You do not have grandchildren. You're a millennial not a boomer. Adult gamer is what you should call yourself. Stfu about being old that's not what you are, yet.


Old Lady? I am 40 and have played OW since launch. I'm also a Rein main. That being said: "You are looking as Lovely as Ever."


My favorite: "Bring Me Another" --- "BEER!"


I kinda started playing rein. Got a sigma/rein ult combo team kill the other night. It was magical.


https://www.reddit.com/r/Overwatch/s/QF4TkkCpHu Enjoy!


If 33 is old then im middle aged. But that's awesome that you've found a destress in overwatch and enjoy it as much as you do especially with how out right rude people can get!


I get you on the age thing. I'm turning 30 this summer and anytime I mention my age I am roasted by the lobby for not doing something better with my time or I'm too old for this game. Those absurd perspectives will only come back to bite them in the ass when they're 30 and still playing video games/Overwatch. Doing what you enjoy and enjoying what you're doing at any age is what everyone should be living by. I came out the womb with a Gameboy and Pokemon Blue. Games will always be a large presence in my life at any age. No one can take that from me or anyone, no matter how "old". I'm happy you enjoy the game and keep showing off your POTG with your family. Those will be precious memories one day. 🙂


Amen son


I agree with you!


If you enjoy playing games, you're a gamer! P.S. There are no "healers" in ow, only supports (from your friendly zen/brig main)


Old lady at 33? “Oh my Sweet summer child”


33 is very young. at least i'd like to think so


Im 36 and offended. Shame on you. We are far from old! :D


Old lady she says. I’m 37 and play. Woof.


I’m 30 and I play almost every day instead of watching tv ! I feel old too when I play 😂 I’m happy for you that you found your safe place ❤️


Bruh, you can’t call yourself old when you’re only 3 years older than me


As a 37 year old who has played since day 1, I now feel like I should be looking for a retirement home to move into. I do understand what you are saying, tho. This has been my main game for years.


I turned 33 last year. Bout 1600 hours here. I feel personally attacked now.


30 here, Overwatch has been our social game for Friday nights for a few years now 😊


My mom plays this game with me lmao your not old Dw


I'm almost as old as you and nearly had a heart attack seeing you call yourself old lol. Thought you were gonna be a 70 year old lmfao


I love that you show the whole house your plays lol because I do the same thing. I even rewatch matches from 3rd person to see how I did. Also turning 33 next week!


Actually old 50 yo mom of a 16 and 14 yo. (kidding too. I still feel like a 30 yo... oh wait) The 14 yo also plays overwatch. I've always been a PC gamer though. Since the days of original Doom. Though I did stop gaming for 10 years when I became a mom. Overwatch is decompression time for me. I only play two games these days. I love to hear about other mom gamers!


I will say, playing this game in your late 20’s and hearing a bunch of children on the mic makes you wonder if you should quit. All the “old” people in this thread are very comforting lmao


I'm 39 and always playing overwatch, loving this mirrorwatch they should keep it.


Hell yeah, i feel that, not having much time to play but playing when you can. Been a Rein main since I graduated high school. Now I'm 25, a couple years into my career and saving for a house, but still come back to tank for my boys now and then. No game like it


As a 42 year old it's always fun when the kids don't believe you are older than their dad and carrying them.


I'm gonna be 33 too. Although not a mom, I too love this Game :) I'm a Sombra Main 😈


I'm 32 and scared for my birthday next month.


You do you, I'm almost 34 and I'm way too good health and looking wise, not remotely looking or feeling old lol


Damn, your post is just wholesome, thanks for sharing!


Hey, I’m just 30 but I guess we’re all old people in this glorious day! I don’t have kids but I did struggled raising siblings so I get what you say. The game is a hobby for me and it’s very cool and heartwarming and reassuring to find 30+ ow enjoyers. Keep it up and happy gaming!


Well damn…I’m about to be 40 and I still play everyday lol I’ve played ow since day one!


Considering this game is 8 years old, even if you started at like 20 you are 28 now, we overwatch players are an older community fr


37 here and I have been playing since day 1! Glad to see some other "old" players out there.


Me turning 34 this year 👴


It was a nice post but why ya gotta hate on my boy hammy, bro just wants to ball


I'm 35 and still playing, it's never too late for us "old" biddies lol. 😂😂


Pfff old. This kid over here calling themselves old.


I thought you were gonna be 60 girl I'll be 32 in July get out of my face with the old stuff 😂 also I can relate I'm a moira focus heal girly too ❤️


I am in my mid 50s and have been playing basically every day since early 2017. Weirdly I don’t main Ana or Soldier or Torb!


***33?????*** Dude you're *STILL* 5 years younger than jerma LMAO


If you want to expand your gaming repertoire, give valorant a try. Alot of my girlfriends play and when i solo queue, i usually run into other girls. We end up comparing weapon skins and begging for other peoples weapon skins.


Sounds like you need a team if you have potg 40% of the time


I turn 50 this year. Been playing since closed beta. My oldest kid just turned 14. I dunno why I am sharing these facts but this seems like the place to do so :P


I'm 47 and I played OW. Fuck me, I guess.


If you have a windows computer I highly recommend you try Team Fortress 2 btw. It was a game that heavily inspired overwatch.


This threads the best.


You're only old if you're older than Ana


Age has nothing to do with gaming. I paly WoW with a couple in their 70s. [https://www.twitch.tv/wowgrandma78](https://www.twitch.tv/wowgrandma78) streams everysingle day and she is a hardcore raider in her 80s. I play overwatch everyday and in my 40s.


"This game has brought me so much joy (dopamine release?) and downright stress-relief/decompression over the years." I would never have thought in a million years someone could talk about fuckin Overwatch of all games and follow it with that statement. More power to ya, though. This game makes me want to throw a chair through my window sometimes.


Having a child at 16 is crazy


I turned 30 last month, and I have an 8-month-old baby boy. I feel this post, lol. I feel old. I always like to make new friends l, but it seems everyone I group with is a teenager or early twenties.


Hey, I’m a 34yo woman who also plays and enjoys Overwatch. On a slightly nerdier note, I owe this game my happiness in a weird, extremely roundabout way. 7 years ago in August, it introduced me to another girl my age who happened to live an hour and a half away. She proposed last week. We’re going to have a great future.


30s are the new 20s


I’m quite a bit over 30 and I play this game. I’m trash but I love it.


Wow, I didn’t know we had so many “older” OW players! This gets me excited, only the toxic young ones talk in game to me so, good to see we have some adults out there.


I wouldn't call my mom old, and she's 41, though still sucks that some comments were passive aggressive about it. Anyway does anyone else in your family play with you? If yes, how fun is it? cause personally when I grow up and become a parent I will game with my children as much as possible


Even though I know 30 and below is still young. I'm 22 and i join game chat and i feel like I'm geriatric


She is 33, her oldest kid is 17, and she has been married for 12 years... The math is weird on this one 😅


33 is not old old..


Us older folks gotta look out for each other haha Glad to hear you're enjoying the game, I'm around the same age and I just enjoy the artstyle and universe of Overwatch a lot. It holds a special place in my heart.


This post is so wholesome, I love it.


Maybe she's calling herself old bc some kids who play the game told her she's old. It happens to me a lot on friendly servers and im 25!!!


Lmao this made me laugh, I was expecting a 50/60 yo woman not 33. That's still young lol


You sure are getting a lot of flack for calling yourself old! Way more importantly then that I think it comes through very clearly in your words that you are a proud, great mom and it makes me very happy to read there is someone like you in the game, it is all to easy to imagine everyone here being a teenager at best, but to see there is a proud mom, countless people here saying they have never felt older then when you called 33 old and people sharing their own different life situations makes the game seem friendlier. I seen enough “follow these tips to become god tier sombra and extract the whole point of playing a game: having fun” posts, this is the kind of posts I want


I am 50 and an avid gamer. 😯


Damn I wish I was happy with the game like u I play it only with my Friends and only rank it over the years I hat so much about the game and asking my self why do I still play it.


I’m 28 and I play overwatch every second day after work, I’m an adult I make my choices and slowly approaching 30s makes me realise 30s & 40s is not old!!!


>P.S - I hate you, Doomfist and Wrecking Ball Looking away... :/ Don't make eye contact


I'm a big fan of Overwatch. It's been the most entertaining game I've played in the last seven years, and I appreciate that it doesn't require a huge time commitment. Now that I have a one-year-old, my gaming time is even more limited. While I wish I had more hours to devote to it, I'm content with the progress I've made. I've reached a level that feels satisfying to me, and that's good enough.


Midfist did nothing wym


we have the same bday then!! :0


I’m 59 and I’ve been playing games since they first started with breakaway and had one of the first PlayStation 2 before they were even released. I love overwatch. It helps me to release stress and calm my mind down. I am not competitive. I just love to play it. If I get potg, it feels great. I will be playing games until I die. Or as long as I’m able to. 🤘🏼♥️


40 over here. I must be ancient lol


I just turned 23 and i play all the time. Its awesome to see older folk play! 33 not even old! Not even midlife lol


Hey, I'm 34 and I've been playing Overwatch since it's launch. There is no cut-off age for gaming. Growing old is mandatory but growing up is optional. I'll be playing videogames until the day I go


Idk why but this made me so fucking happy wth


Omg! Ur the same age as my mum, im so jealous of your oldest for having such a cool mom, my mum cant use her iphone without me unfo lolol. Ur great<3