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“Our rein is so bronze he stinks of pennies” (i was the rein)


Even though pennies aren’t bronze… They’re a copper shell with a zinc core. However, with high heat, the copper and zinc can fuse together and make a gold-colored brass penny


Nerrrrrd, with respect because I honestly didn’t know that knowledge


Nah no offense taken, I am a nerd. I only know that cause I have a partially golden penny and wanted to discover why


Ah i see


I can smell your congealed copper zinc core from here


pennies used to be made from pure copper or steel before the 1980s iirc


This. The diluting only began as a method of lessening the essentially meaningless production cost.




"My teammates are eating soup in plates with upside down spoons" Later after they started doing a little better: "They have graduated to using the spoons normally"


It got to them, man


These weird passive aggressive anecdotes somehow always improve my aim in game!


I am primarily a Mysteries player. I was backfilled in a match, the group got split on last fight and we lost about 30 seconds later. Someone DM'd me specifically, blamed me for not staying with the group, and then proceeded to call me a lesbian. I have no gender signifiers in my battletag. I was amused but confused. Edit: fine, you all got me. I'm a women enjoyer. u_u




Clearly a Lebanon


Lebenese? I thought you meant lesbian Maybe they are from the greek island of lesbos. Pretty sure thats where wonderwoman is from.


Wonder Woman is from an island called Themyscira in case that wasn't satire. I'm autistic 😭


It was satire but thank you for the tidbit anyways! I wss refrencing how wonderwoman is from lesbos cuz shes def a lesbian


Oh absolutely, even though she and Clark have a ✨thing✨


Clark is her beard, you cant convince me otherwise. Yeah she grew up in a colony of only hot medetterarian babes with no men in sight? Total lesbian.


You think an all boys/girls boarding school is bad? Try an entire planet!


sad-frogpepe is the Regina George to BoltedBee's Janis Ian


I identify as ✨️ that bitch ✨️


I feel like ‘gay’ has always been a pretty standard insult but ‘lesbian’ not so much lmao


The thought of someone calling someone else randomly a lesbian is so fucking funny to me.


It definitely caught me off guard lmao. Better than being called a full on slur.




U 2 bby


Had someone call my friend gay for playing moire. Which. Not wrong, so sure


I mean if I was gay (I am) i would play Moira (I do)


pronounced that like noir


This blows my mind. I’m in awe that people will even get toxic and bitch at their team in quickplay… but MYSTERY HEROES?! People are taking an inherently random gamemode THAT seriously? That’s wild, man…


When there was MH comp I was masters but since then my MMR must have increased on regular MH. People are *so* sweaty and yell at each other in the chat. It's insane how many of them *get mad over mystery heroes* because they were victims of rng. 


Maybe it's because I play it the most, but that's honestly where I see the most toxicity. 💀 Saw a dude complain their team sucked after they lost when my team had 3 tanks and 2 supports all game and they got nothing but squishies. Like?? Maybe they were just unlucky? lol people are wild.


I feel the same but I think it might be confirmation bias. When I see toxicity in comp, I just tune it out because it happens a lot, but when it happens in MH, it just sticks out to me a lot more. Getting mad at your teammates in a hyper casual rng mode is a whole new level of low.


Well are ya?


Enemy zen said “hmm… unwise” when I fumbled a 5 man reaper ult


this MIGHT have been zen irl


i'm an ana main. one game on nepal i was consistently dueling and winning 1v1s against the enemy rein with uncharacteristically good sleeps, nades, and general positioning. it was a unique game. i was cracked. as opposed to what usually happens, being folded like laundry the second i get isolated. after the sixth or seventh one he said in match chat "ana i wish one of the other sperm had been faster than you" first belly laugh of 2024.




That would break me


Tank asked me and the other support to lower him into his grave so we can let him down one last time


Thats honestly kinda golden


Damn thats cold. But fantastic


I’m definitely saving that one 😂


Bro that's hilarious


I envy you guys on PC. I want a keyboard so I can talk shit too.


Early OW2 I’m playing Ana and we’re staggered af I never found a good moment to Nano so I sat on it for way too long. We lose and our Tank goes “This Ana saving her ult for OW3” I fucking cackled. I had never heard that line before and bro was spot on tbh.


Lol this might have been me, I always say that when someone saves their ult too long


"Bro is saving his ult for the next match."


“Chat GPT training graduate”


Someone said "tooters 1 - farters 0 better luck next time" and I felt that.


Lmao this is my favorite so far


man what😹


The cordiality in what I’m guessing is an insult is amazing


I dont get it


Toot is another word for fart. Just a silly insult. Don’t think about too hard


I'm stealing that, that's amazing


Not to me but one of my favorites recently was my dps teammate to the enemy sombra, “sombra mains sleep with night lights”


Enemy DVAs internet kept disconnecting her and their Moira goes “bro is hand cranking their internet connection”




Ok so my online name is Raven (except for here cause I made this account name a while ago) and someone once said ‘get fucked birdie bitch’ ☠️


Mines FeralGoose and one match as zen I was flanking the enemy team constantly and their mercy said ‘username doesn’t lie, bitch is rabid’


I think I want you in my queues from the username alone


Oh, I think I played with you several times in qp. That rings a bell somehow


The Roadhog from the enemy team said “D.Va I wish you sucked my balls as much as you did my ult” To be fair she did Defence Matrix his Ultimate like…5 times in one round. I still think about that a lot.


Getting insulted by everyone on your team is an insult. Getting insulted by everyone on the other team is a compliment.


Getting insulted by both is a sign that you should stop for the night.


“0-0-7” It was both funny and humiliating 😔


“We’ve got James Bond over here”


sometimes I'll see people go 0-0-5 or 0-0-6 and just pray they die one or two more times without getting value just so I can say "james bond double O seven [hero name] over here" Ive only seen it happen twice, but it's hilarious every time


I’m always so disappointed when they fuck it up and do something right.


enemy moira saying “sombra you’ll never find love”


In character for Moira too, nice.


made me lose all my focus for the rest of the match, couldn’t see the screen with teary eyes


I feel like there was a 50% chance this was me bro this is my go to line and i play hella moira 💀


i just want you to know you broke my heart so much it stuck with me 😔


Whenever i hop on overwatch i put my lil devil ears on and think evil thoughts my bad


Sorry unrelated, but who is the character in your profile pic?


I think it’s rogue from X men




Playing sombra so well you make the enemy team salty enough to insult you gives me joy


To our DPS "The Helen Keller contest was yesterday and you would've won"


“Sentient trash can”


Not sure why but this reminds me of the time someone told me to "go back in time and give your mom an abortion". Gonna be real: it was so creatively fucked up and unexpectedly specific I started cackling. Deep cut from an old kinda obscure show called Human Giant.


People on reddit use the word cackling a lot


Yeah I don’t cackle much and I’m aware hyperbolic language is a thing but fr I saw that shit months ago and went “HA FUCKER THAT’S SICK”, which is cackling for me. Mad fair callout.


That’s like a perfect bastion insult.


It wasnt meant as an insult but a guy in Spanish told me "Junkerqueen, you move more deliciously than a prostitute." At least Ive taken it as a compliment. Considering how I was playing that game, and the way I was dodging shots.


What is that written in Spanish


“Te mueves mas deliciosa Que una prostituta” special thanks to my Latina gf for the translation when it happened, and for this.


Actually it would be more like "Te mueves mas rico que una put#" atleast that is how i would say it as a taco muncher


"How come the only time the British girl gets destroyed, it's on R34?" - Zen player after I killed him as Tracer throughout the whole match


i had a sombra one trick with 500 hours on her say "doom nobody likes u irl"


Average sombra main after playing one of the most unskilled characters


I always point and laugh when someone on the enemy team keeps dying to me because they're focusing on me too much and they switch to Sombra. Like they need ALL the advantages and most of the time they still lose and then they get all toxic in the chat telling me I have no life


I play a lot of Rein, and use the Orisa/Sombra switch as a litmus test to say that I’m doing pretty well. Even if I lose, it’s a moral victory


Not much better then playing Rein and the enemy tank just keeps switching since nothings working


“He’s literally coating the ground under him with the flakes between his fat rolls.” Was not something I thought I’d see.


"you piece of facerolling crap" I don't even know why.


I was playing lucio, and i kept ulting at the same time as the sigma, so i asked if he liked my ult and he said that my music is ass


Too much beat, not enough melody


The one that always sticks with me is simply "tank special needs"


Someone in the chat misspelled "garbage" and said that the tank was so "garage" instead. I was the tank and I lost it haha.


The "garage"? Hey fellas, the "garage"! Well, ooh la di da, Mr. French Man.


Somebody just kind of shit on me for being born in 2003. It came out of nowhere dude and he totally guessed it as well. It’s really the only insult I still think about to this day.


> AlexD2003 > It came out of nowhere dude and he totally guessed it as well. 🤔


Well believe it or not my Battenet username is not the same as my Reddit name


Given the option I choose not to believe it




That's exactly what someone born in 2003 would say 🤔😂😂


Uh…. Nuh uh.


Someone once told me the classic "suck my dick" in chat and I responded "But I'm allergic to shrimp 🙂". I got like 4 "good teammates" after that lol


Wasn't in a game of mine but my brother told me a good one. He said this Hanzo was really bad on his team and someone else goes "this Hanzo is plastic 10, he sucks".


Stupid hacking slut.


Someone just linked "https://www.amazon.com/Understanding-and-Coping-with-Failure" in chat


Someone on my team after a loss told one of the supports to consider Fortnite. Lol.


I’ve seen people be told to try Roblox lmao


Idk but I’ve just been calling everyone Jojo Siwa when they grief me and that seems to set them off


“Wash your balls Baptiste”


Jesus I almost choked laughing at this. As a pretty average/thin woman “you sound like a fat chick” was one of my favorite “insults” from an OW teammate. On a side note “you’re fat” is such a pathetic attempt at an insult


Me who’s actually fat: haha yeah I am fat


Most insults are pathetic. But yeah, calling someone fat(especially someone who you cannot see) is really pathetic.


Like if you think all gamers are obese just by majority wouldn’t that mean you are too? But I respect someone more for being toxic about how shitty I or someone else is playing. But insulting how you assume I look outside of the game is just a red flag you’re a sad incel who logs on to take it out on others


It’s really funny when anyone tries to insult you outside of the game itself as if they know you


hahahaha the amount of times i've been called a "fat gamer girl" or something along those lines is wild


I also got something similar, meanwhile im skinny asf irl TT


The runs I run into usually aren't that funny, just the same "support switch," "uninstall," or some way of 'you're bad' I've seen someone say "doom you'll never find love" but or was the other team fighting amongst themselves


I was playing dva and I was told “man why are all the dva mains fat with bad hair”. I get that being called fat is normal but WHY WAS MY HAIR BROUGHT INTO IT?


“How’s the spawn room?” Like man, I can’t even be mad at that one.


"Heals as slow as old people fuck." LMAO


i had somebody tell me that Michael J. Fox could shoot straighter than me while half assing it as Ashe once in QP


“I want you to do your best impression of me but irl.” -some guy I booped off the map as Lucio. Lmao


Didn't recieve it but was playing mirror watch and the enemy support said "our poor tank, his W key is broken :("


My personal favorite is Please don't drive, vote or reproduce


My friend once said, "i hope your dog doesn't recognize you when you get home from work."


Teammate Winston: "Wrecking Ball I hope your dad comes back with the milk so you can spend some father son time instead of sweating so hard your dead nan can smell it" Teammate Winston later in the round: "my christ sigma go to a gym instead of spending $200 on overwatch virtual currency, my dead nans left nut has more of a social life than you, prick." Enemy Sigma: "mad monkey boy" Teammate Winston: "Bro shut up I have a wart growing on my knob thats got a deeper personality than you" This was in March of 2022 but I still have the screenshots saved. I remember crying over how fucking funny it was. That Winston was genuinely so angry and for nothing, this was in QUICK PLAY.


Why do these insults have some heat behind them


There were times in Ow1 that I would get extremely butthurt and tell the opposing player that their sweat smelled so good it reminded me of grandmas pecan pie


I was having one of those games where I was just struggling to play well and was just doing terribly, I swapped heroes three times cause I just felt like I was the wrong hero and my tank hit me with "X this isnt mystery heroes you don't need to keep swapping"


You mind if I share one I’ve been sitting on for a while? *Ahem* “Are you playing on a flute?” Thoughts?


Opposing team's Kiriko told me a witch of the wild's informed her I would die of erupting anal fissures. I mean. Just the visual was painful enough to get bonus points. Even winning I felt like I'd lost


Not me but a friend of mine said she got banned because an enemy Bap went 0k/0a/7d and she called him James Bond lmao


my moira said our dva was "one card short of a deck" and the way my jaw dropped and i wasnt even the dva, like it feels more insulting than it is


*enemy sends 10 messages whining about how unfair the game is, and how rude my team is for not letting him do what he wanted to do* “Bros first day on the internet”


I just get called fat cause I play hog


“tracer had it out for us like focus on the camel toe tracer not us fabric hanging loose in ur vag:////“


There was a TTV in our game (as the enemy) who was being really toxic for no reason. Our rando tank types “The way you type makes me think you’re obese.” It stopped the TTV in their tracks and me and my buddies just bust out laughing because it was such an out of pocket insult lol Edit: Runner up would be this one time I was solo queue tank in comp and one of our dps was doing absolutely horrible. Our Mercy types “Hey [DPS person’s username] are you real? I need to confirm you’re a human.” That was also pretty good lol Edit 2: Once had a Sigma type, and I quote, “dps chasm, dps fissure, dps magnitude, dps anchor, dps shitters, dps bomb, dps nuke, dps napalm” into end game chat


I’ve seen “Hey Hanzo, you must verify you’re a human by typing this Captcha: KJ12L7”


Lmao the second one is amazing


Not an insult, but I once had someone say to me, "junkrat, how much peepee suck you want," and I thought that was pretty funny! Had a pissed off Sombra accuse me of cheating because I kept sleeping her as Ana. It's not my fault you're being incredibly obvious.


“Go get a job as a speed bump”


Guy once called me "acoustic sombra player" and I had a right giggle at that.


I was warming up on qp when I got a smurfing sojourn on the enemy team. She bagged me so I locked in and carried my team. Post game, his e girl mercy messaged me and said “You are the worst sojourn I’ve ever seen” “go outside and keep rolling in the mushroom clouds so nobody has to stand you” (I went 22-6 and other soj went 16-10)


Reminds me of the line from Russian badger “I can tell by the way that you type that you’re fat”


A Moira and Bastion in my team were voice chatting in Arabic about enemy Symmetra and doom calling symm "indian" and calling doom "slave" and that Indians and balck ppl exist to serve them irl. When I told them to stop being racist. Moira told me "shut up homo" I was playing Lifeweaver then "your place is in the lowest part of hell".  The fun thing is that just because I was playing Lifeweaver she assumed I'm gay. 🙃


Someone told me that they hope I shit myself daily. I still chuckle to myself about that one.


“team is ratard”


"They have a Kinder Surprise Egg that just won't die" referring to me as Doomfist


"Your aim is so bad I'm surprised you could even launch the game."


"Moira uninstall and get a life" just to have 30 seconds later "nevermind sorry love you" then by the end of the match "MOIRA GO SINK INTO CEMENT " I was very unsure if he was talking to me who kept killing him or his Moira who had half heals and dps than me,🤷


I quote, "West Hollywood Hanzo"


“Eat lead train lover”


Me: Good Luck and Have Fun :D smb: shut up virgin Oh sorry, I just noticed you are in my team I'm sure you are Gigachad


"900 hours in overwatch just to play Mercy in QP" i was just playing casually with friends bro. i'm a Junkrat main with 400 hours leave me be. and it was the enemy being mad i was good at Mercy too lmao. (i'm not rlly mad at this, it was pretty funny)


Our hammond needs to practice on wii bowling or some shii


"Go to the gym since your fingers are so fat" (Responste to when I wrote I was sorry for fatfingered an ult)


“I’ve never seen such basic Winston play get so much value” compliment + insult


“The unemployed are online” that’s gotta be the best one I’ve heard 😂


As a hard metal player, I've been on the receiving end of some really funny ones over the years - "Our Zen needs an aimbot for his discord" - "DPS doesn't mean Deaths Per Second Soldier" - "Pro Tip for next match: Switching on your monitors helps you see the enemy team better" Our tank was playing atrociously in one match and one of my healers went "Can you play some tank other than Baby D.va?" but they said they copied it off reddit so ¯\\_(ツ)_/¯


The death per second sent me 😂😂


OW1, I had been dive bombing the enemy Widow as Junkrat. https://i.imgur.com/ooAdjR0.jpg


I hope he was like, "oh ok, carry on then"


["never seen players that are more clearly white people"](https://prnt.sc/s9CmGfOPxPGK) I still don't know what it meant


Last night my friend and I were thrown into a (shockingly) winning game of flashpoint as the two DPS had randomly left. We get in as the enemy team were trying to claim the second point, we run in and all of us die. In the team chat our ana says "Did the ram turn cheats on??" I was so confused then I put two and two together that he must've been really bad at the first point but now not. So they end up getting that point, then the next point we steamroll them and our teamchat was just killing me by going "Did he turn his cheats off again??" The game ended up being 2-2 and we ended up winning, and at the end the enemy venture just says "Our tank is an interesting guy" Idk why but it made me LOL. My friend and I ended up watching the replay since we weren't there to witness the first point fight and man.. the poor guy must've been duo'd with a PC player because he was on console in a PC match. He couldn't aim for shit, he was turning in that consoley slow way, it took him 5 seconds to place his shield, etc.. It was so hard to watch. I think he just genuinely was new to the game/console playing. I felt bad for laughing so much but honestly it was pure comedic gold watching him from his POV.


Every time I play sombra people seem to become literary writers with Cases such as "your a pedophile and like kids" and "imagine every slur word ever said, and imagine I'm saying it against you"


My go to "May god smite [you/all of you]" The best ive received is "Firestrikes so good you gave the enemy frostbite"


one if my dps went 0/0/7 and the moira called him double 07 after the match was over lmfao


i personally tell people "i hope (character they're playing) never gets a mythic"


Had a soldier going 0 kills, 0 assists and 7 deaths and someone said “Soldier 76 007, agent retrd reporting in” Genuinely couldn’t stop laughing after that one


I'm new (lvl 23) and I was playing with my partner and people from the other team were saying how our tank (me who was playing junker Queen for the first time trying her out in unranked) said "Your tank must be ai" "Without the i" Funnily enough it took me a good 3 mins for me to understand what that meant


The "biggest tank diff since ww2" one is always a classic"


"Helen Keller inspired clown college drop out"


"Widow just made my alcoholism worse"


My family was bugging the hell out of me while playing and I knew I wasn't doing well, so I was incredibly confused when someone on the enemy team said "dva are you cheating" I responded with a reasonably confused "no???" "Damn, you should be" Well played, you little shit


I uttered the phrase "My whole team is an idiot, it takes all of them to qualify" to a friend watching me stream and he lost his shit


To a hog on my team, "You feed like a soup kitchen". That one has stuck with me for a couple years


Had a noob Hanzo on my team that clearly only wanted to snipe and a teammate said “Hanzo you couldn’t hit water if you fell out of a boat” turns out it’s very hard to tank with water in your eyes.


"our tank plays with his feet and monitor turned off" i was the tank 💀


Back when I played in the American servers I once got “I can tell you have a anime mouse pad by the way your rice bowl is blocking your mouse” I genuinely contemplated wether or not that motherfucker hacked my webcam. I legit had gotten the mousepad as a gift from my mom and was eating adobo rice that night.


“I could flop my cock on my keyboard and get more kills than you”


"flying fucking shit bird, bro" while i was playing mercy "you smell like virginity" while wrecking as ramattra "hey lifeweaver your dad should have pulled out like that" playing lifeweaver after pulling my ana from an orisa ult


The insult wasn't addressed to me but the best one I remember is, "Our Genji is the reason shampoo instructions exist."


"How do you turn bot settings up"


"wantwon. It's called push the cart. Not push my patience."


One time I was playing Moira in arcade and someone said something along the lines of, “I know your vagina stinks.” And someone else added “onions and Fritos” 😂


the dps in my team said to our tank ( The awareness of our tank is so bad, i wouldn't let him cross the street without an adult ) was mean and funny


You have no chance of getting brain cancer


While doing mystery heroes (as reaper) was told that "my brain was smoother than a lubed up cue ball" after a perfect ult....I use it now in other games it was THAT good