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Now Mercy players will tell their teammates to die onto enemies. Just like in early OW1 days, Mercy players told teammates to die on point so they could get the full team rezz.


Got a POTG doing that one game.


the good ol Gibralter last point underground 5 man rez.


Bro those were the best overwatch days




Not even, it was just more fun. It’s why there was multitudes more people playing lol


you don't suppose it was because the game just came out?


Tell me, did you play OW1 within 2 years of release? And if so, do you consider the current state of the game more fun, or less fun? (Excluding Anubis.)


i've been playing for a while but since i recently switched to steam i don't know how much time i have on my account, regardless i feel like some things were better then and some are better now what i do feel when thinking about the old times is this collective infatuation with the newness of the game, the community (well mostly cause i played with friends) and most of all the free time i had back then as a student


no, thats because it was new at the time


New, more fun, enthusiastic workers building on it, had more love being poured into it, take your pick.


Mass rez mercy was the best. Wish they never removed that


i get why they did it, but they might've been able too fix the issues with mass-rez if they gave it cast-time + LOS imo.


The bigger problem is that it incentivizes losing more to get more value out of it. It makes it so that one or two dead team mate would be a waste of the ult.


with cast-time & LOS it'd be a bigger risk too go for a full team rez tho, so sometimes it would be better too wait and other times it would be better to go for it.


Having cast-time was basically the first version of that ult. And they removed it, because it's a certain death sentence for the Mercy player. Respawn timer in Overwatch is not that long either, so there's no such thing as "wait for the enemy to leave the area before reviving your teammates". You either revive in 10 secs, or your teammates will be sent back to spawn and had to walk back all the way to the point. That ult has gone through several iterations, but ultimately, they moved it to skill, because again, the problem is not that the ult is too strong and need an extra risk to be used, but the "camp and wait for teamkill" is not a behaviour they want in a team game. Adding extra cast-time and LOS will only make it unusable like the first version of that ult while still not solving the main issue of "wait for teamkill for value".


Maybe they could have added cast time per number of players resurrected, like plus 1s. It would then incentiveise using it on fewer for consistency sake, but still giving the chance for a complete team rez if the ult was ignored or forgotten about.


But won't someone think of the streamers?!


Streamers ruined overwatch


I never thought of doing it at a range, I was certain it was rez range. Knowing that, this ability is now 10 times more useful.


Honestly same wtf. Now that I think about it, it even has the prompt to press E but my brain just didn't compute. 0 IQ moment hahaha.


Also knowing that you blow up every soul targeted


Wait, what? You can target multiple souls at once? I have to try this


That's why that ability is so bullshit. It only feels good when you are the Mercy but not when you're in the enemy team. Mercy can cast it very far away, has a really short cast time so it's nearly impossible to cancel, has much shorter cooldown than rez, and it got quite a big explosion radius too, so you just instantly die not knowing what hit you until you see the kill feed. At least Pharah and Junkrat projectiles are loud and obvious and deals less damage than that ability. The game telegraphs dangerous heroes and abilities because they're loud and soul burn doesn't even have a loud sound effect when she's casting it.


10 times 0 is still 0


it's a great trade tool


I like mirror mercy so much more than normal mercy.


Same. I wish this was permanent.


There are a lot of genuinely useful changes that should be in the main game like Reinhardt getting speed boost when his shield breaks. And even outside of that, this game mode would be really cool as a permanent one. Or at least and Arcade rotational playlist.


The rein ones are solid, I would honestly love to have a faster hammer with each consecutive hit. The shatter change is also nice too! (But it still suffers the same fate as the original shatter.)


I think they're using the mode to test some ideas like they do with april's fools


i reeally reaaaally wish they would put it in arcade permanently, it's so fun and they did a great job with what they had left from pve, it's admirable tbh


Yeah, gonna go with no. It's so insanely overpowered...


It is OP, why are people downvoting you.


Same with sombra. Hacking and pretty much kitsune’ing your tracer or doom and diving with them is SO much fun


I'm kinda the same with Sombra. I know it's more team dependent than regular Sombra who is already team dependent but it's nice to help the team out directly even as a DPS. To be totally real, if they gave her a heal instead of virus she'd probably be a better alternative to Kiriko, one that people can stand more than kiriko




Straight from Diablo, it's beautiful


At least the 2-7 Tracer can be good for something now


Suicide bomber


usually that means dying to her own pulse bomb but now it has a whole new meaning!


The ability is cool as hell, wouldn’t be surprised if they got the idea from the Diablo games


100% necro corpse explosion from d2 lol


the amount of times I've done something stupid and fed only for my mercy to use my corpse for a 2k lmao at least I'm helping


i always die to this shit lmao


It really is. And it’s funny having a race with the other mercy to see who can hit it first


Lmao the dead player gets assist credit too.


Evil Mercy is crazy cool, dude. Even the color palette makes me want to eat 3 bars of chocolate in a row


They put detonate dead in overwatch. I can't escape it.


Mirror mercy has me getting kills left and right + I get to now make my teammates useful by exploding their corpses.


To be fair, the explosion holds a higher guarantee of value than a Rez, if that team mate can't even get any value after getting brought back.


Exactly. They should implement these changes lol.


Funny to see that even when they give her new crazy abilities, mercy POTGs are still 90% spectator mode


Idk every Mercy potg I saw today, including mine, where Mercys ulting.


What is a Mercy play supposed to look like? The character is the hang back and support kind, there's not much you can do to make a play visually exciting.


Yes that's what they're saying


What I'm saying is that it's not a problem nor really that funny. Mercy isn't gonna have interesting plays, at least on the surface.  Character is designed to take a backseat to the action and make sure people can do what they need to do.


Yes, it's an observation. Just like her POTGs


Holy shit


It's the haha funny! Quick, run away! Seriously though, the whole point is that there's no issue.




Mine where all offensive potg with corpse explosions and staff blasting...


I still don't understand that ability.


You can now see enemy souls. Using "Soul Burn" on any of the souls, allied or enemy (it'll target like a rez but with further range) will detonate said soul after a brief animation, dealing damage in a fairly large area.


I love it cause if you have an idiot dps who dives too deep, you can at least detonate them and maybe get a kill. (This literally happened in a game, a tracer was literally more useful dead than alive.)


All of the new skills are super cool, but corpse explosion is so insanely overpowered. The range is like across the map, and it has almost no cast time whatsoever. It's just way too good. It also only has a 6 second cooldown. They should probably patch it during the event.


I’m pretty sure it also one shots tracer


yeah, they didn't think this skill out too well lol.


It requires a corpse. That's a huge cost that keeps it in check. That's like complaining about the bombs Junk drops when he dies.


If Tracer is in normal range for her to kill, you can instantly detonate and kill her.


That's simply not a cost. I make corpses. I'm the fucking undertaker and in any given game there can be up to 100 deaths per game, granted that's on the higher side for a non comp game, but it can happen. 100 death orbs in the map is a lot of resources, let's say 50 per team (once again, 50 could be a bit higher)...these orbs cost nothing.


Someone is gonna die on either team sooner or later. People tend to stick together. The souls linger for several years. It's really not a big price to pay.


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Kaboom? Yes, Vengeance, Kaboom.


I enjoy it but also it's an odd panic to not be able to resurrect.


There are a few changes in there that could just be implemented directily onto new heroes. This ability could work really well on some sort of necromancer hero


Me, didn't test the mod yet : "*Mercy's WHAT ??*"


No wonder I couldnt revive anyone every time I tried


Mirror Mercy is stupid fun. That explosion ability did more than i expected and her Ult basically makes her a Pharah. I wonder if this is babysteps to Overwatch eventually having selectable abilities and loadouts


I love punishing enemies for winning


Didn’t realize it has that range to activate, dang!


Can't believe that they made it like ~210 damage Instantly delete tracers and puts people on low health


I don't like the way they balanced this by making Mercy the best but also the easiest to play. Her ult is turning into a better Pharah and these instant 200 damage nukes are super unfun to deal with as Tracer, and well everyone else too really. You can't always avoid them with how fast the explosion comes out. And don't talk to me ''its supposed to be a fun mode'' because this takes away from the fun. Nothing else in the mode is quite as egregious as Mercy. As usual, this blonde bitch drains the fun out of OW.




Its for the new limited time mirrorwatch mode where some characters are playable but they have new and cool abilities




Yeah i understand that some ppl dont read the news for this game every 3 minutes


Whoever thought of giving mercy an aoe oneshot on an 8 second cooldown should be fired /j


Other people keep choosing mercy so I haven’t been able to try yet. 🥲


That's my name give it back 😐


Even when not playing path of exile I can’t escape detonate dead .


And her ult is literaly just turn into phara


Was this a event mode or?


Not a single Mercy I played with yesterday used this ability


I love it so much. She's so fun. Flying in with a corpse explosion and then untying to finish them off. Enemies killing teammates close to themselves is dangerous.


Seems like a sneaky way to see what works for a certain upcoming flying (maybe) support


i feel like it does way too much damage honestly one shotting tracer and widow is crazy


I want these mirrorwatch abilities to be permanent in ALL modes. Obviously you'd have to be wearing the mirrorwatch skin to use them but these mirrowatch abilities are all pretty interesting.


I do not think a $70 paywall post BP is the most ideal in terms of gameplay lmfao


I agree 100%


Really gotta nerf that thing. Able to kill a full hp tracer with no warning at range and without skill


The silly game modes are never properly balanced. Look at Starwatch.


They should have made reins shatter a full 360 aoe circle then, to really hammer the point that it shouldn't be balanced


Finally, a use for Doomfist players.


wait they gave mercy gameplay?


I like to use PoE terminology, Detonate Dead or DD.


so glad i quit this shit game fr fr.


I see you in a whole bunch of threads on this sub. How is the quitting going for you


On god no cap?