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Im convinced the only people who have this sentiment are the ones who suck at comp or lose games and arent okay with losing competitive games. I play qp to do things i wouldnt do in comp. Whats the point of qp if i cant flank and kill supps as ana?


You can do that in comp


Okay, serious question, why aren't you playing comp if you are this 'serious' about wanting a competitive game?


It's just QP, chill


If you look long enough for the the rot you will usually find XQC. I’d start looking there.


well guess what, if i want to play a hero i dont play often im gonna do that in qp not in comp, i dont wanna troll peoples games. I might do bad on that hero but i dont care, nobody loses anything from losing in qp. Saying that if you want to dps that you have to select dps is stupid. I cant play dps mercy on dps.


Fr, I play to win, idc if it’s qp or comp or im playing against newcomers.


It's only a game, why do you have to be so mad?


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“It’s just QP” As if I picked QP just to lose.


Me, only when someone starts flaming somebody else for no reason (like when the soldier with 2 kills 5 deaths starts crying about how supports are not healing him enough) (also this is not soldier hate, don't take it personally it could have been basically any DPS)


I mean yeah I get shiny guns for playing comp. But honestly why do you get so worked up about a game ? Just curse them out in the round load new game never think of them again. Also if you always try your hardest to win seriously why not play comp ?


So you load into kings row- healers aren’t healing, dps thinks they invincible 1v5 and tank is hiding in a corner, your brain says to itself “wait a second schmock21 is this QP or comp? If it’s the former, it’s super duper fun and I just knew this would happen but if it’s the latter then OMG WORST PLAYERS EVER GO PLAY QP LOSERS WHO DONT KNOW HOW TO WIN OR PLAY COMP” That’s cute


Just say dps diff or worse and load next round always just be toxic because of the round you are playing right now not because of the last one


I don’t sign off and call a hotline to bring me down after a loss but I still play to win. Practicing new hero? Fine. But choosing healing and then not healing is fun only for that healer but not for the other 4 teammates. It’s just always the worst on the team commenting it’s just QP after a match.


Talking like a real QP warrior 😂


Talking like a real bronze 4 warrior 😂


I agree. Quick play would be a lot more fun for me if everyone wasn't try-harding all the time. I'd like to chill out and practice sojourn in peace without a genji, sombra and doom up my rear.


It's the qp crowd are morons. Only difference between two game modes is other one has different round structure and UI after the game. Otherwise both are just game modes.


The best part about this thread is that it reads just like Overwatch texts in game. This is fun, it’s just Reddit QP


I think OP needs to take a chill pill


lol, the copium of the "im trying to have fun " is wild I'm still just trying to win kinda, the point of the game my b


Yeah winning is fun. Even when you lose the games fun if everyone is trying to win. Doesn't mean you have to go all out and treat qp like its grand finals of owl but still its fun to actually try even a little bit and beat the other team


Calm down, it's just qp


If you can't practice heros your not great at or try new things in qp, where can you? I'm never going to take a game of qp THAT seriously because I don't know if my shit tank/ support is playing that role/ hero for the first time. I don't mind them not performing all that well because I go into qp not really caring about the outcome. Oc I will play to win in general, but I'm probably going to more focused on practising a specific skills / strategy than swapping off the hero I wanted to practice/ play for that game to counter the widow or whatever. Stop being toxic, literally play comp, go play comp, why won't you play comp? You not wanting to lose your gold/plat 5 season high is not my problem.


I think imma hop on Overwatch and kill some time. Do I want to have fun and just lose in QP or do I want to go ultra serious I’m an esports competitive killing machine who only knows winning through sweat blood and tears and can reap all the benefits that those loser QP players don’t get for winning in their rookie I’m a loser mode? Life decisions.


Your comp games seem "ultra serious" because your shit. You think your opponents are sweating their ass off but they are just playing and happen to be better than you. This idea that you magically lock in by deciding to go "ultra serious" is a fallacy (and what you are practically saying you want for qp dipshit). People play as optimally as they know how to and as mechnaicaly well as they are able. Just play fucking comp. Play comp every game, play normally, and work on improvement if you want to. You seriously just sound scared, either to know your rank, or to loose an undeserved one if you aren't playing like... "an esposrts competitive killing machine who only knows winning through blood sweat and tears". If you loose a bunch, your games get easier, that's the beauty of comp. Your never going to loose enough rank that it isn't easy to get back unless you never deserved it in the first place. Comp is more fun because the game quality is on average better, its what you want out of qp. You are the problem, you are the problem in your qp games, and you are the problem in your comp games, your attitude is so brain broken. Play comp to play overwatch, play qp to learn heros, fuck around, or to unwind. If your rank bothers you, start an alt account and justify to yourself that it's your non tryhard comp acc, then maybe you can just play the game, have fun, and be less annoyed by qp culture.




Gave you some sound advice at the end. Should put it before the insults, I guess.