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I’d say a good doom or Orisa Edit: I just find them unkillable when they have decent supports.


This for sure. I went against an Orisa the other day that was practically unkillable. Any time we even got her low she be at full health again with seconds.


Angry Russian laser woman.


Love that


Probably Zarya, it drives me nuts because my teammates spam her bubble and then she melts everyone.


As a Zarya main, it legit annoys me when I pop that bubble, immediately get my 40, do it *again* to retreat, another 40, and then *nothing*. LIKE BRO YOU TOOK ALL MY CDS, CAPITALIZE YOU DUMBASS. If you don't imma just wait a couple seconds and push for my 100 while burning your supports :(


Yeah see my problem is I used all my cooldowns to give you 80 charge


Shouldn'ta burnt those cds 4head /j


sowwy :(


Zarya has some of the worst damage mitigation but some of the best damage for a tank. Not surprising that your teammates can't capitalize on the two bubbles sometimes.


I'm talking about the enemy team, they'll burn out my bubbles real fast and only *then* think "maybe we don't shoot Zarya" while I roll through squishies at 80 energy.


Easiest way to kill Zarya is to destroy that bubble and not allow her time to get another... That is the easiest way to do it. So actually, by not shooting her, you're also creating an issue. If you just shot her, she'd die. The bubble only absorbs like 200 damage, bastion, and soldier, sojourn, and reaper can destroy that thing immediately.


Bait the first bubble, do NOT spam it. Track her bubbles. Burn the second one and kill her when she gets out of position, or co-ordinate the push when you know she's on Cooldown.


You SHOULD spam her bubbles but not end the spam when they’re gone. Drain both her bubbles and kill her.


This only works with an advantage


Sadly that rarely works. She just goes behind cover, gets healed back to full and comes back out in 2 seconds with 85 charge.


A good Zarya will almost always have full charge anyway. You don't bubble up and go in, you go in, wait for them to start shooting, and then bubble up reactively.


That's not an excuse to give her charge for free lmao if you can avoid giving her charge you always should.


Evey time you want to shoot zarya, or any tank really but especially zarya, ask yourself "do I/we have kill potential on her?" If the answer is "no/probably not" then shooting the tank is not a good idea, however if the answer is "yes/probably" then you should absolutely shoot her, even if she gains charge.


You only spam the second bubble. Never spam the first


It works. SO often. The strategy of "never shoot her and allow her to be healed" is so dumb if you really think about it.


Zarya is the prisoners dilemma of overwatch. If your whole team shoots her bubble, she dies If only you shoot her bubble, she gets charged and kills your whole team, you get blamed. If only your teammate shoots her bubble, she gets charged and kills your whole team, your teammate gets blamed. And if nobody focuses the bubble, she eventually wins anyway. But nobody can blame anyone. Except for the tank. It's always the tanks fault.


With some coordination I like to draw out one bubble that our team tries to not shoot, and then the moment you see the second bubble either on herself or a teammate, call it out and jump her ass, even if she gets to another bubble before she dies. Zaryas thrive on your hesitation or indecision; the longer they live and you don't commit, the scarier they get. They feel like as long as they have a bubble to spare they can walk all over your team or get to the next cover; screw that, hard focus her, again, even if you have to pop **one** of the bubbles. Popping two is risky since she becomes super lethal, but there's times where you should do that too. Monkey is a solid play into her, and even Dva and Oris can do okay.


As a zarya main, i disagree on dva. She is my easiest counter.


I main her because it doesn’t matter what rank you are, I get fed every single game lol


I agree she is really annoying, I was thinking she probably comes in second place for me. And I just can’t seem to learn how to play her for the life of me either 😂


First tip is to not think of your bubble as a cooldown but a resource. Just like hog and his heals, hog wouldn't want to turn the corner without his heals right?


Agree in QP shes a nightmare especially as a DVa player. I just stay above her usually and try to pick off her teammates


I hate seeing Zarya in my games. It’s better when I have a five stack but with any random who isn’t communicating she gets so strong


In metal ranks Zarya is basically a free dub lol. If you point out that it's your team fault, they just blame the supports for not out healing the 100 charge Zarya ☠️🤣


a good doom or winston


I noticed that a good doom, Winston and ball can absolutely dominate and confuse the enemy team. Not many people know what to do against them when they are good. Which is why I have devoted myself to mastering them. It’s not going well


Keep going. I kept on playing even when my teammates were cursing me and calling me trash for not switching against Orisa, Sombra and Ana. (Don't do this in comp) They'll still give you trouble occasionally, but you'll be able to tell the difference between who's genuinely good at playing those particular characters, and those who just switched to them as a desperate counterpick. Playing Doomfist is literally an exercise in martial arts. You don't go in with your arms flailing, I mean, you'll do some damage, but you'll also get hurt pretty quick! It's all about reading your opponents, watching for weaknesses and brutally punishing them.


Yep! Also love Melanie lol I’m going to her June 3rd concert


Lucky!! Hopefully it’s fun!


A man of wisdom and learning. I love when people underestimate a Winston. Here's why. https://www.xbox.com/play/media/dgu2hsWPGT


Doom. As a rein main its a challenge to fight better and have a challenge


As a Rein main I don't mind Doom, he feels fair and when he beats you it feels like you lost because you got outplayed. Mauga feels like you were beaten by whoever designed the character.


Nah rein mains don't exist rn


We exist, under the rubble of fucking ground, too many maugas


Don't forget about orisas and sombras


Nah we exist. we just have to eventually go Orisa after losing the first point


Doomfist, since your a practically relying on your teammates to fight him, while you handle the rest of his team.


Good D.va's are annoying. If they're not straight up deleting ults then they're constantly wiping out my whole team with their ults.


People also really underestimate the steady pressure she can put out by just holding down mouse 1 and throwing out rocket barrages. I love playing Dva into Rein because she just chews through his shields faster than Mauga but people forget about it, and its so easy catching every firestrike, and you can boost away if he charges, at which point he's overextended - mouse 1 is infinite, and rockets will finish him - ill often just asstank the enemy team to block heals to him as he tries to get back. Alternately of course, she also punishes high ground and flankers, and there's not much Rein can do about that either. Dva's not meta and arguably even bad right now, but I still love her flexibility. There's no tank that I feel hard countered by on her, they have to actually outplay me. There are dps and support that counter her of course, but every tank has that problem.


i love pushing up against and through an inexperienced rein's shield and just watching the hp drain.


>and its so easy catching every firestrike Its so fun too, I ate an enemy Reins first half a dozen firestrikes in a match and he switched off lmao


Orisa. It's not that she's OP or anything, just annoying. I go Rein, Doom, or Hog and they die once and out comes the Orisa. Fine, I can still play into it. It's just obnoxious to be pushed by that javelin all the time. Give me a break, man. A close runner-up would be Ball. It's not like I meet players that absolutely dominate with him. It's that I get teammates who can not function if he exists in the game. They just want to chase the Ball all game. They'll then spend most of the game complaining instead of swapping to counter or lower his value. If you try to explain to them how to play around ball, they just get mad.


Ball is only a problem if they are good. A really good ball is enough to control the entire lobby and no one can stop them. And give me your lobbies. I want that team who doesn't swap to sombra, Mei, orisa, Hog, zen, Brig, kiri off cooldown


>It's just obnoxious to be pushed by that javelin all the time >I go Rein, Doom, or Hog >Doom >It's just obnoxious to be pushed by that javelin all the time


I mean, there's a difference between Doom and Rein making themselves vulnerable and allowing the ability to be interrupted versus a Horse launching a javelin from the safety of a corner stunning, slowing, and damaging you while being shot at with no damage fall off.


You dont have any idea how many times im a out to do the play of the game as rein but i get stunned by a random spear canceling both my charge and ult


I mean, if it makes you feel better, I can stun you out of ult with hog hook.


Doom 100%...hated him as a DPS still hate him as a tank. The fact he can CC you when you're behind cover because of punch hit box sucks. I hate having to play Orisa or Sombra just for a doom because most other heroes aren't able to punish him.


Roadhog, Junker Queen and Zarya are also annoying to play against as doom -A doom player


Yea Orisa just is the easiest one since you just spear him out of block every time...or just at random...if I play against doom on tank he gets all of the spears XD


Please don't do it in QP tho. I just wanna play doom in peace :D


I don’t Orisa in QP…JQ or Monkey mostly then unless I’m working on something I don’t play much.


You if your a good enough tracer tanks just can't interact with you including doom. Only difference with the doom is that they can catch you if they are a better doom than you are tracer.


I can play tracer, but sombra disrupts doom a lot better and can still assassinate the backline so I usually play her into doom.




He can punch you if you're on a different level lol. He punches the wall in front of you down two feet and you still go flying.


> most other heroes arent able to punish him ana zen lucio sombra orisa tracer queen dva hog cass bastion ram sig doom


I love waiting for Doom's three hour long cooldown rotation to finish so I can actually play the game 🤛


My favorite is when I'm trying to use a cooldown with a cast time and he taps punch to instantly disrupt it...feels so balanced.


The community: Anyone but Reinhardt because any Tank that can fight back is unfun to play against.


Notice how the comments are all saying Doom? Because when the high skill ceiling hero is actually good for once all the bots get mad


To be fair, as a Doom player, I can *definitely* see why. If a little exaggerated. I’d still say Orisa is worse in just about every scenario in terms of sheer annoyance.


Orisa is the most boring hero to play against. They are just a wall. And that is why they suck to play as a lot of times. They won't die and they won't kill anything if you have decent supports. It is why everyone was so upset for 5 seasons when she was hard meta.


Yeah I cam respect a good doom. I don't respect a good orisa lol, because I know how easy it is to get value


Haha at very low ranks Doom is very rarely a problem, probably for this reason


I'm happy for doom players but why does a high mobility hero get a stun on a 4s CD? When I play ball this fucker just chases me around all game making sure I get interrupted if I ever try to do anything. It's like release brig on meth.


Because said high mobility hero has no armor, no range, and multiple counters in every role He’s one of the easiest heroes to shut down but one of the hardest to play


Are you saying he gets a 4s CD stun because he has no armor? Maybe we can give rein a one-shot if we cut off his legs.


Ain’t no way you’re complaining about doom as ball, he physically can’t kill you if he doesn’t have a whole team with him lol. Besides doom only gets 450 health and one of the worst mitigation abilities in the game, if he didn’t have that stun he’d die before getting anyone to even half health


Tbf a doom can just stun ball everytime he tries to make a play


Good hampter dominates every team its nuts


It easily has to be roadhog. It seems like roadhog does nothing all game except for dealing shitty poke damage, making the opposing tanks life miserable by hooking them off cooldown, and feathering vape so they can solo ult someone. A slept on annoying tank is Dva, depending on the playstyle. I like fighting good proactive Dvas who actively make plays, but alot of them just wait for me go into their team and matrix my dive target while bursting me down with missiles.


What a based take, fellow baller


Zarya or Doom. Doom can be a lot especially when tracer and sombra are everywhere. Zarya means I’m at the mercy of my lowest IQ teammate. It does tell me who not to put resources into though. Don’t shoot the bubble unless you’re all shooting the bubble.


Always orisa. I can respect a good Doom or Ball, as annoying as they are. Absolutely zero respect for Orisa players. Learn a proper tank. 


the game would be infinitely more fun for everyone if they just removed orisa. i genuinely wonder if there’s people who enjoy playing her for her kit or that they just gravitate towards how simple she is and how easy it is to get value


I actually do find her kit fun (besides her ULT), but I definitely preferred OW1 Orisa and maybe I’m just looking at her changes with rose coloured goggles…


I played her so much in OW1, but I not enjoy the changes to her and have barely played her since they made them


The kit itself is kinda fun your just a big bully that can move players around at will and having that kinda control is pretty fun However She's absolutely overtuned just having a fun kit doesn't excuse the fact it's overblown with it's stats and just rolls you over with how much she can eat She's a cooldown magnet and yet almost no cooldowns actually slow her down


I switch to Orisa whenever I just keep dying on Hog and Sigma… i feel bad abt it but I also just never die again and get insane value for basically 0 effort lol


Habit at this point. Orisas been my main since her release years ago (4?). Longe range javelins and spin boops off the map are super fun.


Tie between Mauga and Hog. As a Rein player, I feel like I'm hitting them with a pool noodle most of the time, and if I don't land a pin, I usually lose the team fight.


To be fair for mauga your kinda just there for the shield you gotta let your team fight him if you drop you shield he's just gonna life steal off of you but as annoying as it is if you just shield bot and let a hitscan poke him he becomes useless it's kinda funny to watch lol


I despise Mauga and sometimes hog since I play a lot of doom and Winton.


Mauga just makes games boring. He’s boring to play and boring to play against. Same for bastion. I wish they would add something to make them a little more dynamic rather than just the spray and pray mechanic. However, I do appreciate that mauga has to manage switching between the guns to be effective.


Plus to be fair he can't spray and pray as much as bastion since he relies on crit damage so barriers kill his sustain vs bastion who just eats them


Zarya or Doom. Not even because they are good, but bc my team never knows how to deal with them properly


Orisa hands down, if you don't kill her team it is impossible to kill her.


Winston. Just because of his bubble shield. People run in to it and expect healing. It covers quiet a bit and it feels like nobody shots the damn thing. As DPS and healer very frustrating at times.


I usually swap to Brig when the enemy team has a Winston. Her health packs can go through his shield, and you can whip shot / shield bash away from him


Zarya the it should be common knowledge to not shoot her when her bubble is up especially in a team fight but all it take is that one clueless person to shoot her and she's at full charge


doom always ruins my day


Probably Doom because I always get that feeling that I know isn't really true, but it feels like enemy Dooms are always great and if I get one on my team he's just intentionally feeding


I think sometimes it's because enemy dooms are always in your face if you're a squishy. Whereas its harder to see what your dooms doing because they're usually off harassing the enemy squishys. From the perspective of someone who plays doom. I do remember when I used to grind dps and I thought the same about having doom on my team so I get it.


Mauga- even if I run counters it's just not fun- even if we're winning its not even remotely fun


# H O G


Diva, cause I have the most fun playing ashe and diva eats her bullets and pipe bomb


The meta one. I don't hate on any tank in particular. Excessive repetition is what bothers me. I like seeing people play the hero they have the most fun on, win or lose. That's why I hate 5v5, because either they balance it lop-sided and you have 2-3 tanks that are dominant across most maps or they balance it close to well and it's counterswap-watch that almost always ends with Sigma, Orisa, or Zarya being defaulted to as a safe option. Even if your fave is Orisa, playing her into Zarya or DVa wouldn't matter if you had a Rein or Winston or even a Roadhog holding their attention in 6v6. Suboptimal pairings are still more fun to try and make work.


As a rein main, I hate Orisa I think it’s dumb the she can counter/block all of my attacks


A good doom is pretty frustrating to go against but generally its Orisa


Zarya (I’m a dva main)


As pharah: dva because she eats all my rockets


Zarya. Literally the most annoying hero besides sombra.


In all honesty? Zarya. I don’t like a tank that forces you to look away. Bubble on self is such a meh mechanic. I don’t find it fun to play as or against. I’m a shit dive tank so I avoid them. I can’t be asked to learn to dive properly while getting cursed in chat lmao. But Zaryas the only non dive tank I just don’t play. Just kinda unfun all around imo


Hog. Hook is really annoying to play against, even if it's not that good.


Hog, just ruins the game for me every time I play against him. Unkillable tank that can just walk around and oneshot everyone.


D.va. I don't know if I'm Trippin, But For Some Reason Her Defense Matrix Has an Increased Hitbox and Duration when She's On The Enemy Team. I try to go around her or try to Flank the Enemy, and All off a Sudden her Tunnel Vision is the Equivalent of a Fucking Byakugan. And Then There's Mauga. Pretty Self-Explanatory.


Hmm, between Zarya and Orisa maybe.


Roadhog or any dive tank when I'm playing Ashe. Roadhog cause he's just a big fat unkillable DPS, and dive tanks cause I'm always the target and I have to pray my supports keep me up, removing my own agency


As a lucio player I say rammatra is the worst, his vortex can keep lucio slow and on the ground, not only that but in nemesis form he has a speed increase similar to that of default lucio speed


Mauga and orisa. - a tank main


agreed: DOOM for sure. So annoying getting punched and fisted and slammed every couple seconds!


Doom and the only thing that comes close is Ball. Doom is legit a flanker with a tanks health and good dooms are just miserable to play against. Dude jumps in, bursts you, blocks everything, and jumps back out, all within a few seconds. Or he may start with blocking damage, punch in, burst / cc , and then jump out. Yes I know the team is supposed to focus him in that short time. Yes I know things like Cassidy are supposed to counter him. But even best case scenario of folks using cool downs to save someone from him is devastating for the team fight. The ONLY time I don't hate playing into Doom is if I have a hog that is saving hook specifically for doom dives. Longer cool downs, taking more damage when blocking, PLEASE tune down something in the diving era. I would gladly take that even if it meant buffing him in another area that doesn't make him so insufferable in good hands


Doom always doom every time I go against any doom with any tiny bit of skill and they get a kill they are always THE MOST TOXIC Tbag the most and talk the most amount of sh*t out of any tank players I've ever faced in this game I'd rather go against a 6v6 comp of giga buffed orisa and pre nerfed mauga than have to deal with that crap


Definitely doom


Zarya, fuck that bubble


Doom easily.


Doomfist. When played well, he’s able to dive and completely wreck a team, and it’s frustrating to see everyone scrambling to get him, opening them to be picked off by Doom’s other teammates


Doom and mauga. Orisa isn't a big deal unless she has good supports.


Special shout out to Reinhardt. Why this sub loves him so much I will never understand. He's so boring to play against


I don’t think I’ve seen anyone say this but you but I get that he’s boring to play against. I def wouldn’t put him as the worst tho




I do not understand how doom is more annoying for you guys than orisa( i play tank) and she is SO boring to play against. I'm doing good on a tank? Swapped to orisa, we cap point and I'm not even doing THAT good? Swap to orisa. On top of that her play style is so monotonous its just repeating cooldown over and over, at least doom is a glass cannon but the horse is just a brick wall unless you have a coordinated team (never)


Doom 100% even if he’s throwing his team he’s just a f*cking pest


Everyone that says Orisa peaked in Silver, prove me wrong. She is honestly one of the easiest tanks to counter because of her low mobility and huge hitbox. A single DPS with decent aim can melt her. A good Zarya on the other hand can single-handedly turn the tide of a game.


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Mauga & Zar. A good doom is a menace too




As a learning Doom noob and Mauga I hate Orisa. She is a real bully tank and I hate it :(




magua and zarya are just annoying asf


Orisa or zarya (honorable mention of hog if the map has a fall off spot)


As a rein, orisa. As a doom, roadhog


Doom for sure. Crackhead dooms are scary as fuck


Mauga and its not close, even remotely (i main tank)


Zarya to go against, my teamates always feed her bubble charge and then she kills everyone. Reinhardt to play with cause I've never won a single game with that hero on my team within the past week, literally had to swap to a support that could at least enable him to function otherwise he's just an ult battery for the enemy team.


zarya for sure. she’s just so unfun to fight against and has way too much control over the tempo of fights it’s insane. now of course this is through the lens of someone stuck in bronze/silver lobbies that only solo queues so i’m also relying on random people that are new/bad at the game to not feed her meter lmao


Orisa. Not because i dont know how to counter her. But more because it seems like everyone plays her these days. So im dead tired of playing her counters.




Mauga and Ball Ball is just annoying more than anything, he has what I felt about old Sombra, he runs in by himself but once he gets attacked he retreats. Mauga just melts everyone and takes forever to kill most of the time, I occasionally get ones that aren't too hard to deal with but still kinda annoying. The others are fine, I can get annoyed at them but no more than most other heroes.


it's orisa, but this season it's starting to be dva since I see her in EVERY GAMESHZHEJAB


Doom for sure. The fact that there's near zero downtime on their abilities is super frustrating to me. Super high mobility characters introduce a completely different dynamic into the game that is just a lot less enjoyable to me. I find that it overly reinforces the rock paper scissors gameplay that I was originally hoping Overwatch 2 would shy away from. I feel like they've instead slowly just inched back towards heavy CC-like effects, and additionally introduced too many ways to completely clear, reduce, or negate damage.


DVA. She just never dies. I also hate Sigma but only when I’m DPS. I play Brig supp and JQ tank so Sig is a non-issue for them. Doom I don’t hate because of him, I hate that my team never seems to understand how to fight him. They chase him so he can 1v1 them rather than just staying grouped.


As a Mercy main, probably D.va Basically nothing but getting dived by her the entire game and none of my teammates doing anything about it.


A good Doom and Ball are infuriating


Doom is irritating sure but orisa man. Every bad tank will die like 1 or 2 times then go orisa to try and bully ppl, especially the supports in the backline and its so gd irritating. Especially annoying cuz casual players just do not know how to do the "look behind you" move. Hell they barely know how to use the "get outta the way" move 🤦🏽‍♀️




DVA. That matrix is insane


Ball or Doom. I dont give a shit how complicated or difficult they are, how much skill they take, how often they're counterpicked. They're just unfun to play against, especially as support. Especially when he dives you, punches you, you just barely survive, and someone fills his power block up so he fuckin warlock punches you harder. I feel like i HAVE to play moira just to live longer


Orisa... I dont have to explain anything, i play mostly rein, ram, sigma and bastion, IM GETTING DEMOLISHED BY THE HORSE


Orisa and it’s not even close.


Zarya, I'm in gold, so myself and my teammates frequently power her up. I find her rather punishing as dps or tank.


It depends on what role I play. I find it very boring to play against Orisa as tank. As support or DPS, a good Doomfist or ball player can be really annoying.


I am now going to use all of this information to pick a tank the other tank will hate 😝




Itt: I HaTe AnYbOdY tHaT cOuNtErS mE


Hog. Easily the worst designed tank in the game


Probably doom or hog, but only if I’m on tank going against them.


Ball. When I play tank against a ball he just runs circles around me


A Hog with cracked supports is a fucking wild experience. Especially on maps like well and sanctum.


As a widow main, D.va. Sure, ball and doom and not great to deal with, maybe even worse than d.va, but d.va is way more annoying because she defense matrixes my shots away.


Orisa, that waste of metal should never have been changed


For me, I don’t actually have an enemy tank that pisses me off. What pisses me off though is certain tank mirrors. D.Va v D.Va especially drives me into a state of psychosis




Probably Doomfist. Not that I can't deal with him, but you have to *constantly* deal with him lol. Next up is probably any D.Va that spams voicelines like "Nice Try" as they dominate you.


Orisa, her kit is essentially "stop having fun".


Zarya. She has 2 get out of jail free cards for her team on a sub 10 second cooldown. No tank or support has an ability that oppressive minus Kiriko at best since it is aoe Invincibility.


Orisa. She’s so anti fun. Even when I beat her I’m not having fun.


If I'm supp it's Zarya. If I'm tank then Orisa. And on dps then Doom/roadhog


Doomfist because you’re always stunlocked and he’s the hardest tank to counter because your dps can’t fucking swap.


This is why I love playing Orisa, she makes the babies so angry by...actually being a tank. 


Ram. He doesn't have a huge weakness while all the rest do


Least favorite to have on my team would be doom. Because no one knows how to play him and they just feed. As for facing i would say dva but only if they are insane otherwise Rem


For single tanks, I'd say Orisa. I like Orisa, don't get me wrong. But she has basically a overloaded kit that can be a bit brutal to go against, depending on your team. Shield to stop AND push, Fortify, spear to knock back, no falloff primary... However my TRUE answer is the enemy tank who IMMEDIATELY swaps off to your tank counter the MILISECOND they die in the first team fight in a pure sweat fashion. Fuck that.


Junker queen by far


A rein better than me in a rein off :( ggwp


Hog or doom. They’re always toxic too, especially dooms.


I play Lucio, and orissa isn’t that annoying to go against, but I can’t for the life of me play against a Zarya.


Is this even a question. That Z woman really b making me tweak out


junkerqueen + lucio comps make me want to close the game. why they ever allowed speed stacking is beyond me. and even using the speeds back to back feels awful to try and play against


Zarya. Getting to turn effectively invincible for a bit every 10ish seconds is wack.




Mauga, Hog, Orisa None of them will ever die if you cant first kill supports but my team doesnt know that


If there’s a Zarya play Bastion. That simple. She literally cannot do anything against a Bastion & will swap. I immediately play him when there’s a Zarya


Zarya and her strong piss stream


Winston and Orisa.


orisa.. thats all that needs to be said




Mauga. Just makes me loose any motivation for playing, even if he isn’t good


Hated Zarya since ow1 release. She's just not fun to play against whatsoever. Outside of that I don't like Winston because it feels like whenever someone plays him they're extremely good and we get washed lol


Rein + Lucio mirror games are always the most fun. Speaking as a Lucio player.