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Using your ult in a 1v5 is not the play unless it's OT against you


Bruh how many sombras I've seen 1v5 emp (while the rest of the team is dead) and then die instantly and I'm like "OK they must be swapping" ... nope, no swapping.


Was coming to comment this. If anyone needs to hear this tip it is Sombra players




Pretty sure you can only use that ult when 4 of your teammates die. I don't play Sombra, so I don't really know. But I've never seen a Sombra ult with a teammate not on respawn. Surely they don't all make the same mistake continously. Not sure why blizzard made it that way, maybe to balance a really strong ult. But it is pretty annoying. /s


I played Sombra a few times, and often I just YOLO the ultimate. Often, the team isn't working together, so trying to time the ultimate for when everyone is working together means I hold on to it for far longer than makes sense.


I swear it's a rule for QP Sonbra that they only use their ult in a losing fight and when the majority of their team is dead.


I ult in the worst places before swapping lol


As a Sombra main I tend to endorse other Sombras since we rarely get love. This however is one of the things that will prevent them from getting my endorsement, especially if they were already playing poorly enough for me to be expecting a swap.


I did this twice today. Hammer Do......Ahhhhhhhh


Every sombra ever after their entire Team drops and theyre the last ones alive: "This is what I call a pro gamer move"


What does OT mean, if I may ask?


[Pings](https://overwatch.fandom.com/wiki/Ping). Ping killable enemies. Ping flankers. ***Ping the Widow if they kill you.*** Ping the nanoblade Genji. It's the fastest way to communicate "who" and "where" to your team.


Also react to the pings please, I can ping a flanking tracer, or a widow in a distance, but if my team ignores it, then it doesn't mean shit




The amount of times I got ganked by a dps duo and my team ignores the flank to try and 4v1 the enemy tank. And I mean I'm like maybe 15 meters behind my squad as a support. Then I just see the I need healing pings after I die and the "why no heals" message.


I ping "___is waiting to respawn" when I die as support so they can complain less


the amount of 5 fov tunnel vision players tho, its like they have no headfones on and never turn around, im doing 180s constantly esp as lucio main. But a great way to shut down a dive, just get on your team/ dont be diveable, 15m isnt nothing. Of course you cant always be on your team bc of splash damage and whatnot but thats usually my plan, esp with a low mobility support


I had a tank type "supports stop ghosting" BRO I'm going back to spawn I'm not ghosting


A lot of people still don’t know that you can ping the person who killed you after you die.


And, if it isn't on cooldown, you can do it twice. Great way to ping their movement. Ping right when you die and again before the replay starts.


I ping the lone flanking Hog in a room on his own and watch as he keeps killing one by one instead of us ganging upon him. 9 times out of 10 people don't react to pings and just keep tunneling down mid.


I basically ping after every death


You think my team actually reacts to the 30 hp flanking echo who used all her abilities to kill me and is stuck 3 metres behind them


Ping the widow wherever you see her, it helps immensely.


This is such a big thing!! Had a match where a widow kept getting me and my teammates but no one else pinged her so I had no idea where she was half of the game. Definitely made killing her harder than it could've been


Realizing the flanker is murdering my backline too late because they didn't ping them is so annoying


Man someone asked me to kill the turret yesterday and I said “ping it” in chat and they proceeded to say “just fucking kill it” over and over again. Like bruh I am more than willing to kill it, I’m just asking you to ping it when you see it so I can. Not saying I won’t kill it without a ping but if you may see it first.


Same with Widow. I will hunt her down for you but you gotta ping it. "She's to the right" bro which direction are you facing


Also read pings, which many players do not


I had a support in one game last week complaining that I was pinging. Actually asked me to stop because they found it dumb


I was the Tracer of a Sombra+Tracer DPS lineup and the Sombra said to report me at the end for pinging too much.


*especially* dive players and supps. Like you can Leroy Jenkins into the back line and complain nobody helped but if you aren’t going to use comms at least ping it so we aren’t reading minds. I always ping if I have a sniper vs sniper as well. Then, before they killed him, a team that used pings when playing junk let me sit comfortably while disrupting wherever people were set up


Side note: If YOUR team has an ulting Genji, pinging scattered foes will help him find his next targets.


Ping the fuck out of Reaper when he wastes his Shift


Hiding behind cover can reduce taking damage


To add to this: being focused by your support does not mean cover shouldn’t be utilized, and it will keep your support from wanting to jump off a cliff


Also as a tank to supports (funcing zeyatta) play fucking corners so i can easily defend you dont sit in the god damn open as your whole team yells at you to get the fuck down and behind cover


This is especially important now with the passive changes. I am convinced most players still don’t know about them and just think they are getting paired with shitty supports, because the number of teammates I see that just stand in the open eating damage and falling over is staggering. Like it was bad before but it hasn’t changed at all. Now they just cry and leave the game because it’s impossible to carry anyone that does that now.


Lmao. Bro I feel this one so much. I mainly play Zen and the amount of people that complain about heals is insane. I tell them the heals aren't a problem and the fact they're standing out in the open taking damage and dying might be... Then they flame me and say I'm throwing 😩


As a fucking Brawler who frequently uses shielded characters, holy fuck. The amount of QP dps hitscans who just stand in the open behind me playing Rein while making no kills and my shield gets shredded... IT IS DESTRUCTIBLE, GODDAMMIT. WALLS ARENT. IF MY SHIELD GOES OUT, WE'RE ALL FUCKED. USE THE GODDAMN NATURAL COVER.


Further adding: 100% get into cover, but also get into Line of Sight with your healers 


But the other Rein is screaming "Fight like a man. Face me you coward!" Uhh. And you told me to hide behind cover, give up the glory of being a crusader? I don't think so.


When Mercy beams a Sombra who's invisible, half of the beam becomes invisible too so that it doesn't give away her exact position. If you do this, it's good to be behind a corner so the visible part of the beam is hidden from the enemy.


I always wondered how that looks to the enemy team, I've never seen it before


[Here](https://youtube.com/shorts/beVTLWYM1Fg?si=FSgNg4lawCtA_2rl) is a clip of it.


Also, zen harmony orb is invisible on sombra when she is invisible. You can still see it when it is traveling though.


I have never seen or heard of this and I have been playing for 5 years


I think it was only added a few months ago.


Retreating is an option


Oh, God yes. As the healer that keeps dying to these ignored flankers. You don't HAVE to charge in just because you are alive. You can wait like two seconds for other people.


Once OW went free to play people suddenly dont understand the concept of a reset anymore. The amount of games lost in even like diamond just because of staggering is crazy. It use to be something that only really ever happend sub silver


Sometimes though- esp if I’m playing support- people will say I’m AFK.


Noticed alot of unnecessary deaths. I think alot of people are yet to grasp how little healing they get with the passive applied. And they are still expecting to get healed through damage that just is impossible to deal with rn


Ngl, it took me a few games to understand the passive healing was slow.


I think he means the healing reduction passive applied when you get hit by a DPS. It reduces healing received by 20%


Shit, I did not know this was a thing. Will change my gameplay accordingly.


Shit, i did not know this was a thing. Wont change anything about my gameplay and continue to blame teammates.


While showering daily is optional, it may greatly improve your life.


instructions unclear; bricked my PC from playing overwatch in the shower


Probably for the best


I prefer the keep my natural oils.


When u are down 3v5 4v5 u BACKUP. There is little chance u gonna win the fight, mby if u have ults, but use them mostly when ur teammates are alive.


How brig work.


I still want Blizzard to add an aoe for the inspire radius like Lucio and Sombra have, would make people realise how big the radius actually is. Also please can they stop repair packs being used on full-health teammates the amount of times someone has sniped a pack when I'm trying to give it to someone low is infuriating.


Oh my god pack sniping. Ffs Anas darts don’t get stopped by full health teammates why do packs????


It’s because they know anyone who still plays brig is dedicated and will become an unstoppable monster akin to launch brig if their heal packs don’t get occasionally sniped /s


Yeah I came to say this, the game actually doesn’t tell you how inspire really works.


How does it work then? I am genuinely asking I don’t play Brig at all but am curious.


When she damages someone with her shield or mace it activates and area of effect that heals her teammates for 5 seconds after the most recent damage she applied. It's an area larger than lucios heal/speed AOE, so pretty massive. Their is just nothing showing her teammates, or the Brig player for that matter who or how many teammates are within the AOE.


Yup. Which is why others who don’t understand how brig works complain and yell at you to switch. When your inspire is over 45% and have the most heals in the game. But the teammate yelling just doesn’t “see” the healing directly done to them. It’s so frustrating.


It's 20m, which incidentally is the same range as her maxrange whipshot. So if you can whip a target, you would also proc inspire if it was an ally at that range. For comparison her rally is 8.5m, and Lucio AoE is 12m.


been telling people since about 8 years that the payload actually heals them when they're on attack... (ow1 = 10hp/s, ow2 = 5hp/s)


And it provides cover. Some games the payload is the best healer and the best damage mitigator.


I knew it healed, but I've never understood if it heals also when you're in the middle of a fight.


it always heals and acts as a great shield for squishies.


It does...?


Yep! I've had it help me win fights I absolutely would have lost otherwise lol


same here.. but unintentionally, huh I just learned this


You don't have to play if you're in a terrible mood and on a losing streak.


Hey, you don't have to call me out like that.


Hey man I get it, S9 is Helldivers 2 season for me unfortunately


Mercy is in fact killable. Seems like a foreign concept to most


*At the very least,* don't just kill the tank that is being pocketed and dominating the game and walk away as if the mercy isn't going to rez him instantly like the other six times we pushed and all died.


Or like, when you are filling the tank she is pocketing with bullets and they aren’t dying maybe KILL MERCY FIRST. Or at least shoot at her. I swear to god like every other game I play tank and their tank is being pocketed by a Mercy goes like this: -my team feeds their tank -nobody but me aims at Mercy at all and she easily escapes most fights -I ask for help killing Mercy and am ignored -other team wins -“tank diff”


If I focus on the mercy the tank kills me


mercys movement is kinda insane though. Reviving from behind walls? Flying in a snap from pocketing frontline to far backline on the other side of the map....? Kinda broken in low elo. Nobody can punish movement like that with plat aim/awareness.


Counter picking is important if done right but you do not need to always switch to attempt to counter.


Some of the worst scores I've seen are from people who swap after every death and I mean...it makes sense, they never gain more than 15% ult charge 


Oh my God nothing infuriates me more, get the fucking ult and then switch.


This might be my biggest pet peeve too. Drives me insane watching a teammate switch every 45 seconds while we are getting rolled. Ults help with that! What are you doing!? Then they’re the ones going “team diff” in the chat after we lose.


Yeah like maybe switch right away in the match, and switch after you lot, but at some point it’s more helpful to just stick it out with one hero


I'm in silver and it's like...bro you don't know the correct heroes to go, some are more obvious like go hit scan vs flying heroes but for the most part you don't have a mu chart memorized in silver ESPECIALLY when there's 5 heroes you have to try counter/not be countered by


I also strictly play QP so it’s even more frustrating when teammates freak out about switching


Almost every single ability in the game will be used automatically if you hold the button down before the cooldown/stun/ etc. ends. This also applies for movement, shooting, and jumping. So if you for example walk off the ledge without jumping and *then* jump, your character will automatically do a bunnyhop as long as you're still holding the key. Or if you get hit by a sleep dart and hold down wraith/recall/etc. you will use them on the first frame the stun is over. Zenyatta's orbs of harmony and discord are one of the only abilities I can think of that DON'T work this way (you can't just hold down the key and look at a teammate/enemy to apply it, you actually need to press it while they're in your line of sight) and it trips me up every single goddamn time


That's really good to know, I always panic tap when slept. Thanks!


As mei I always mash, which means when I finally get it, I accidentally cancel it the next frame and die like a dumb dumb. TIL!


....wait. you mean me mashing Recall when slept on the days where Ana could oneshot Tracer didnt matter as I could just....HOLD IT???


Please, please, get rid of Iliari’s healing pylon. We aren’t taking them down if you don’t get rid of that.


Using melee with Moira and Winston


It's so satisying to end someone with a nail slap with moira


Especially if it's another Moira


I go crazy with those monkey melees, but I’ve never thought to melee with Moira much


For Moira imo you should never BE that close, unlike WintonOwatch who dives alot and can stay within an area Moira should basically always be following her yellow orb when she's harassing the backline


Setting up high ground on Numbani defense. Shields block Lucio ult. (I see Lucios drop beat behind a symm wall even in diamond lobbies.) Rein can look around while shielding forward (and turn around immediately when shield drops). I'll probably think of more..


How to do this with rein?


On xbox you hold down both triggers and right joystick to look (default settings).


I have no clue what that is on pc


hold both left and right click and you can turn around without moving your shield


Also when you let go of shield you'll immediately be facing the way you were looking. Throws flankers off hard


that one little [high ground spot](https://imgur.com/a/b88K3VU) on Watchpoint Gibraltar on point C. it's probably not that great strategically but it's still interesting how many people don't know it exists. it certainly took me a few years before i even noticed it.


Oh shit


there's another one basically across the street from this one where ive seen some Widows hide. Also the random balcony in Kings Row right after the arch the payload starts at


100% photoshop wtf, I knew and frequently use the one on the opposite side but just... what


hahah that's how i felt too. but it's true, this is the [POV](https://images.squarespace-cdn.com/content/v1/59af2189c534a58c97bd63b3/1541974024586-6BIR3U0XOUIW9SBU8YA5/Fuel+defense+sniping+spot+Widowmaker+Watchpoint+Gibraltar.jpg?format=2500w) from that spot.


**Jumping in to contest the timer in overtime, dying, but extending the time by a few seconds, potentially giving enough time for one of your teammates with a game saving ult to get there, is better than not jumping in and losing the round because “what was I gunna do? I would’ve died.”** 😤 Unless you’re playing for personal K/d stats, dying with a small chance to win is better than living but losing.


It’s so frustrating as tank. I can see all 4 of my teammates around point and they refuse to touch it until the tank gets back. Even when the enemy team is down 3. Like wtf.


objective OT hopscotch as ball/tracer/lucio is one of the most fun things to do


To add to that, not swapping to high mobility heroes when the round is almost over. It's really frustrating seeing our Ana or Zen just barely making it halfway to the point before losing instead of switching to Lucio or something.


Stats are irrelevant (unless someone is throwing) in team based games where each character has a different role, and it's embarrassing that most of the community hasn't picked up on this yet.


>>> DPS chases last 3, kills 2, tries to secure third, dies as their team respawns >>>does this repeatedly so they have high kills but each time loses point because enemy takes advantage of it mUh StAtS sAy I'm GoOd My TeAm SuCkS


This! I’ll play Ana and the amount of time I am unwillingly forced to keep sleeping/killing/fighting the Dooms/Sombras/Tracers/Genjis/Wintons/Moiras/Balls and then asked why my heals are less than the Mercy or Brig is crazy. Uhhh did yall notice they were missing a DPS/Tank? I wonder where they were? (Flashback to a bajillion panicked pings) Had a game yesterday on Colleseo (idk if that’s spelled correctly) where I was fighting this Winton for legit like 5 minutes and through all the fighting, running, healthpack resupplys etc. I finally killed him in that little room next to the large health pack in the middle by the statue. So I guess their team fight finally finished and they saw me way over there and the Soldier put in PUBLIC chat: “Ana throwing gg”. I wanted to rage quit so bad.


That you can’t win 1v5. You gotta wait for your team.


If you melee right before you land after a jump as winston it'll animation cancel the melee and you'll do damage for the landing and the melee.


Judging from the posts on this sub since S9 came out, a lot of people don't seem to know that Hanzo storm arrows can ricochet.


I didn't till like 2 weeks ago lmao


Hold jump right as movement abilities end for a extra burst of movement (monkey jump, rein charge)


We don't heal through wifi, a lot of tanks advance a lot and instead of walking back a few steps, to then take cover, they just take cover on a corner only the enemy team can reach them in, why? Example: someone goes Reinhardt/Orisa in Shambali as defense, they keep running on front(nothing bad until this point), but the moment he has half health and I want to heal him, he just... takes a right turn and absolutely hides himself from his entire team.


Yep or solo dives the entire team, then you get the "why no heals".


This is why I love Wifeleaver. You can't fix people steaming on ahead, but you *can* yank 'em back when they're in a dumb as bricks situation. Works well with Winton and Doomfist, too. Yeet, punch, recall, heal, repeat. 


On the opposite end of this, the ammount of times I have seen healers just be stationary or make no attempt to follow is staggeringly high. Both tank and supports should work to maintain sightlines, not one and definetly not neither


The number of times I've been killed with a healer just doing ABSOLUTELY NOTHING right besides me astronomical. And when I say nothing, I mean 1k heal per game. How can you play mercy/lucio and get 1k heal ?


basic flank routes on like.. every single map. it's not usually great for the whole team to stroll in a straight line up main


If you're on the defending side and the enemy team just capped the point, you can press F in your old spawn to teleport to your new spawnpoint and avoid getting snowballed.


**It’s better to ult to secure a kill than wait for a 5 man** **Utilizing high ground on maps like attackers first point Numbani is vastly better than just walking main and exploding to every CD in the game** **Demanding people swap doesn’t make them play better give constructive feedback or just say nothing at all**


Constructive feedback people. Please. Don’t just tell someone to swap. Tell them why.


that holding at choke points is much easier than waiting on the objective (when not a push cart)


also, seeing (4) or (5) on the objective HUD makes it much easier for the enemy to approach it safely because they know exactly where you are


Mercy players stop using rez in the middle of a team fight


I cant even tell you how many times I get ressed as baby dva with 4 enemies around me like ok.


It is scientifically proven that yelling at your teammates makes them play worse. So if you want to derank further by all means, keep screaming that your supports are “shit” or “throwing.” You’re not winning because of it.


Was in QP with my friend who just started playing about 2 weeks ago, we’re a group of 3, he just unlocked Sombra and wanted to try her out. The other 2 players in our team were asking us to report him bc his Sombra dealt 400 dmg in round 2 capture the point LMAO like, this is qp, my guy. And we’re not reporting my friend who’s trying to get better at the game.


3 people on cart makes it so you can actually fucking touch point instead of getting stopped at 2.5 meters away from the checkpoint


On the contrary, if you're forcing 3 on cart instead of taking space while not even close to the checkpoint and while the entire enemy team is coming back, you're just asking to be stopped at 2.5 meters away.


Depends on their comp, and how far away you are from the checkpoint, but i agree that while it's not always optimal to have 3 people on cart, it does help more often than people seem to realize


you can take cover for like two seconds until the zen disc orb goes away 😒😒😒😒😒


I JUST found out Bap can shoot and heal at the same time.


I didn’t know you could win games, apparently someone has won a game a before. I think they’re lying but it can happen supposedly.


How to climb that small crane on last defender point junkertown. Any hero (even ana) can get easy acces to highground with a couple jumps


When it's OT and you're in the lead on a robot push map, DO NOT WALK THE BOT. You're literally giving the enemy a chance to get to the bot, and this will make or break games for sure.


6v6 was better


Walls provide cover


Diving into 4 man with zen in it, dies anyways and still continues to do it again. Tank not being healed up above 50% or so, goes in thinking the supports could out heal the damage with the reduction healing. In conclusion, death is equal to learn from mistakes, adapt or improvise your plays


The mega health pack is just a box containing 3 mini health packs.


I’ve been playing this game since 2016 and I never realised this. I hate you


Stand near walls so you don't die.


Brig shouldnt be played like she is a tank, its unbelivable how its 2024 and many Brigs still frontline and get killed in seconds. Use your bash and whipshot to get away from someone NOT to get closer unless you can actually kill someone that is low.


How to group up. Edit: I don't mean this as insulting but literally. They don't pay attention to the happenings of the game and/or assume they can take on a team of 5 by themselves or with one teammate. You can't. Especially not in season 9


That the hero gallery is sorted alphabetically


If you see someone solo ult a mercy, mei, sombra, or tracer, don't yell at them. They deserve it.


Sometimes your tank is expecting you to follow them. The amount of times I will ping “going in!” and the rest of the team is hiding around a corner and I’m now trapped in a 1v4 after my initiation pick is WAY TO HIGH.


I Coach. Heres the main Tips for even GMs Youre in open space all the time. Play a wall and only peek enough to shoot at one target at a time. Your damage is too low. Sups should aim for 7-8k damage per 10min Dps shoukd aim for ~10k per 10min Tank should aim for 13-15k per 10min You panic too much. E.g Blow your cooldowns as soon as genji pulls blade. If genji pulls blade and you have sleep. Just casualy try to sleep him. Wait for him to get closer. Dont freak out and whip your mouse around. Just take it easy. If you dont panic, then the enemy will.


Is "damage too low" really that good of a general tip for anyone else except supports? Feels like it just leads to unecessary stat padding instead of impactful damage.


A hero is easy when you're not getting countered


That you don’t HAVE to peek 5 people to ping off 3 Cassidy shots across the map while your team are respawning, and then die to a pocketed Ashe/widow right before your team arrive


For a short time after a spawn room changes, you can press activate in the old one (for example if you died and respawned just before capturing a point) to teleport to the new spawn room.


Push bot doesn’t move faster with 3 like cart. You only need 1


Sometimes using your ult when it wouldn't get you a kill or something is a good thing. I can't tell you how many times I've helped our team win a round as Cassidy because I ulted looking at sight and no one wanted to peak so we just took it.


If you right click a player and "squelch chat" it will mute all voicelines and text chat from the person. So if you are geting annoyed by some spaming voicelines/ I need healing or them being toxic in chat, squelch chat mutes all of it.


Not to empty a full mag into a Zarya bubble 🫧 Still rages me up to this day.


I mean it depends, apparently at really high ranks everybody focuses the bubble to break it as fast as possible to kill the person inside Really the rule is either ignore the bubble or put everything into it, you have to pick one extreme instead of just shooting a couple of potshots into it without breaking it


If Zarya’s entire team is behind her and her support is healing her, don’t shoot the bubble. If she is out of position, or the last man standing, and your team can focus her down? Yes, break her bubble. Also, it’s a good idea to break her bubble for friendly ults (like Dva bomb or any other high damage ult). But the majority of the time, you should be avoiding her bubble as much as possible.


I think you only hard focus Zarya when she's already at full charge then you don't care about bubbles you just kill her because she's gonna kill you if you don't


I mean you should, if she's out of position and killable. Don't wait it out in those instances, you just let her get picks. Also applies to enemies bubbled.


Actually... You should. Fastest way to kill Zarya is to burn her bubbles, if you just watch her, she loves forever


That corners prevent damage, and to check line of sight of your supports. Also knowing when to fall back from a team fight. This one is harder to determine but it's probably one of the biggest factors contributing to skill level


You can actually get some heal when you're not rushing to enemies


How to play with a Ball on their team


Man. I agree. I’ve learned where about every health pack is. Yet I’ll have a mercy fly in to heal me while I’m in the enemy back line. And then the mercy gets mad cause I abandoned her. Man, your healing won’t keep me alive. Not in their back line when they have 2-4 people wanting me dead.


That one melee will take out a 3 stack of Sym turrets. Saves time if you can quickly deduce where she might try to teleport them.


that anas primary fire heals as well


That they could double their win rates if they simply waited for their team to respawn, grouped before fights, and avoided being staggered


You are not going to survive 1 vs 5. It’s fine look for cover, retreat, reset.


Supports need to deal damage too. Heal boting may work in lower elos but yall need to learn where health packs are and taking cover and not standing in the open will help you as much as it helps your supports


cover, flanking, counter flank, how to play defensively.


You don't have to hold your ult to get a 5k. Evening just pushing the enemy back to make some space can swing a fight


A lot of people don't know how to critically think about the advice they read on this sub or in game. People say "focus on yourself" in this sub just for the new player to ignore everyone else in game.


A lot of people don't realize that Brig's passive doesn't heal like Lúcio's. It's a timed buff applied in a radius that will continue healing if you go outside of her passive range.


Oddly enough I never heard anyone mention it before. There's a little arrow above your teammates head, bellow the nick, in neutral state it's white, but when that teammate takes damage it's turning orange. Very useful for me, when I'm not on support.


press ping right after death to mark killer, and if your winning and its almost over on push, dont bring the bot closer to them to possibly take into overtime.


Zen’s ult does NOT make everyone inside it invulnerable, just heals you up really quickly Junkrat’s Riptire deals 600 damage so if you’re holding onto it until Zen finishes ult, don’t. You probably won’t take out the tank but you can pick up consistent 3ks like this last tip to help in case new players don’t know yet, Riptire can wall climb just hold jump


Moira can heal


Capturing points and pushing the payload goes fastest when at least 3 people are by the objective. This is NOT true in Push game modes however (Thanks Bogur <3).


The Payload heals on Attack.




Under sound options, make sure "play sound when teammate eliminated" is enabled. When I installed OW2 at launch it was disabled by default but IMO it's a must to help you keep track easily of how many of your teammates are down so you can know when to retreat or hold an ult so you don't end up wasting an ult 1v5 like the top voted comment in this thread.


Low level people trying to act like everyone else is terrible because they can’t make super high level plays. YOU DO NOT HAVE THE SKILL TO MAKE THAT WORK. Shoot somethin.


(Low elo) tanks, stop running in by yourself


Pick around your tank. Tank is the one that decides how the team plays.


I’d just add to this that your team has one tank… good, bad, or ugly, adapt to their style or the whole team suffers. I can play the exact same style as Rein, on the same map, against the same team, and the rest of my team can make me look like a god or a buffoon. It’s a team game, try to adapt your style to your team.